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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. I love Tamisha. I don’t think she and RuPaul are the same age, but have they talked about whether or not they overlapped any while in Atlanta?

    my best girlfriend was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer at age 39 and her surgery was so extensive she ended up with a permanent ostomy, and they suck.

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  2. I started watching this today & I’m obsessed! I love anything glass: art, jewelry, mosaics, etc. i love this!

    this episode: I particularly liked the dive helmet. Clever. I’m sad about Edgar, but I saw it coming...



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  3. On 12/9/2020 at 2:07 AM, biakbiak said:

    Yeah I mean the elephant in the room is that show was supposed to revolve around waitstaff at restaurants and bars and there is legit no way of knowing when any of these establishments are going to reopen enough to allow filming given current restrictions in LA County.

    Well, the Real Hos were supposed to be housewives in cities, & many ended up: not being wives, not owning a home, and especially the case of Atlanta, not living in the city!

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  4. 5 minutes ago, christmaslights said:

    when half the cast left, I think they (bravo) just had to latch onto something... what is more timely than the underlying generational racism in Charleston.  prior to this, I think the only person beyond beige coloring was the Gwynns lady....and I really have no idea of her ethnicity and really never gave it a second thought.

    so they brought in Leva, the new girl (don't know her name), and seem to have bumped up the owner of Gwynns to a minor castmember. her fiancé even got to show up at the party. I assume they made Kathryn say something untrue about Cam's marriage to dovetail the introduction of Leva to the story.  If K wanted to keep her paycheck, I'm sure that was part of the deal. 

    prior to this there was no color.  Kathryn's and Thomas' confederate ancestry was praised by Patricia Thomas, and Whitney. Thomas bragged about his father not using $5 bills because of Lincoln.  NOBODY SAID A WORD. As long as the polo matches kept playing, everyone was happy. 

    the show should have reflected the true colors of Charleston long ago.  Kathryn is being used by everyone (Bravo) and the new castmembers keep this show relevant. K should she repent for what she did, absolutely... but it is not for angry Leva to tell her (and everyone associated) when and where.  just 100 miles south young Ahmaud Abery was killed for no reason,  now that is something to get very angry about Leva.

    wouldn't it be great if Kathryn got pregnant and had a couple children with the latest Ravanell? oh the gossip.



    IMO, the examples in your third paragraph lead directly to Ahmaud Arbery (& the other horrific murders).

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  5. 2 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

    Yup. If you’ve grown up in a society as deeply racist as our society (specifically referring to Americans), then you’ve got a lot of unpacking to do. We all hold racist thoughts and unconscious biases to varying degrees and it’s our obligation to unlearn. That’s why so many activists and scholars have noted that it’s not enough for us to just not be racist, we must also be actively anti-racist. To be anti-racist, you have to start by acknowledging your own privileges and biases. Maybe she’s done some work since the show aired, but it doesn’t seem Kathryn has even begun to unpack her thoughts and behaviors because she’s too busy being defensive. It’s not Leva’s job, but since she tried to take a stab at it, I wish she had communicated the message a bit differently. But I also recognize I’m watching a reality show on Bravo, which isn’t where I’m going to see the most nuanced discussions of complex issues like racism. On that note, here’s a short article and/or podcast (you choose!) from NPR’s TV critic that talks about anti-racism for anyone who is interested:



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  6. 8 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Can we please never see Austen getting dressed again?  We saw his saggy boxer briefs and doughy body enough in the threesome video.  

    I must disagree. I thought his body was smoking in this episode. And he has a nice face. But his personality and his soul ruin the entire package, so to speak. That blue dress was amazing as was the green dress Dani had on at that weird store. I might have to find that dress. Craig is a bitch ass bitch. Kathryn’s lips look ridiculous.

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  7. On 12/4/2020 at 7:54 AM, DrSparkles said:

    Um, they need to add the women at Neva’s lunch to the show stat!


    1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    Oh the reason he knew to write down the lines is because someone told him. He wasn’t looking at anything when he was doing it, just because we didn’t see it doesn’t mean it happen. We did see him being told to close the door before he went to bed and than he didn’t do it, we did see him being told that what end of the line you threw to the dock mattered and he didn’t do it, we did see him being yelled at to drop his other fender and he didn’t do it, he was told about about his sleeping habits and he was still late etc. 

    I can’t get over that he gave his performance a B!!! He was also an arrogant, entitled asshat on WWHL who has learned nothing.

    Shane did not givea fuck about asshole Andy & I was THERE FOR IT! Who the fuck does Andy think he is?

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  8. On 11/16/2020 at 10:34 PM, Arynm said:

    I have to say, as a parent to 2 children one of each, that I have my favorites. One is my favorite based on brains and sheer will and the other is my favorite based on likability and common sense. They each have their good and bad points and my favorite changes all the time. Always I love them, but sometimes they make me crazy and I think "the other would handle this better."


    • LOL 21
  9. On 11/13/2020 at 3:21 PM, DrSparkles said:

    I live in Miami beach’s art deco district for a while, in the 90s. At the time, they had to conform to some pretty strict rules about the outside of the houses and apartments, including color schemes. I would bet the same is true here, they can do whatever they want inside, but outside has to stay a certain look.


    On 11/13/2020 at 9:56 AM, Silver Bells said:

    I stopped watching Shahs of Sunset as they only bothered with each other, not many outsiders.  We’ll see how this plays out.  leva was a good friend of Cameron’s?  How come we never saw her before?  leva also married outside her religion .. like MJ.  Does anyone know what’s with Cameron?  She just disappeared without explanation, unless I missed something.  Maybe her husband did have an affair.  Where there’s smoke, there’s fire., so they say.








    I still watch Shahs... for the food 🤤 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Marley said:

    I agree about the houses. It’s weird some of their houses look so shitty on the outside. Then pretty nice on the inside. Austen’s house looks like a dump on the outside. It’s weird.

    Pringle is annoying me already.

    I lived in Miami beach’s art deco district for a while, in the 90s. At the time, they had to conform to some pretty strict rules about the outside of the houses and apartments, including color schemes. I would bet the same is true here, they can do whatever they want inside, but outside has to stay a certain look.

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  11. 22 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Kathryn really looked like a clown at that Dumb & Dumber party, between the clownish makeup, sequined topcoat, orange hair and clashing orange bow tie.  This is actually an offense to clowns.

    I don’t think Kathryn should have even agreed to film a scene with thirsty Leva, though.  Are we using the word “dead” as a verb now?  I’m not sure I’m going to take it as gospel if it comes from the woman who said she was “literally” going to eviscerate Kathryn.  How would one even go about that, with some C4?

    I do agree that it’s pretty evident that Madison fucked everyone.  So has Kathryn.  At least they own it.  Kathryn was right when she said that if anyone was talking about her or Madison the way that Kathryn was talking about Cameran, they wouldn’t be so fazed as to send soldiers in to fight their battles. 

    The montage of Cameran being dismissive toward Kathryn reminded me exactly why I can’t stand the bitch Cameran, never could.  Cam’s MO from day one was to decide who was worthy of her attention and her affection, and who was not.  Guys got a pass over girls.  It was only at the reunion of season five (?) that Cameran got off her high horse and realized that Kathryn was “a child” (not quite, but whatever) when she got knocked up by Thomas for the first time and then Cameran was crying about how horrible she was to Kathryn for a zillion years.  It was only then that Cameran decided to descend from her throne to deign to treat Kathryn as someone other than a leper.  I guess Patricia gave Cameran the nod of approval or something.  Miss me.  

    Wasn’t Kathryn renting a really expensive townhouse and driving a Phantom last season or something?  What happened to all of that?  Is she living there now with Thomas, or are they living somewhere else?  Some of the architecture looks similar to me on this show.  

    If Austen is going to be in a relationship with Madison, he has to accept that she has a past.  I mean, her kid didn’t come from the stork.  And if Austen can’t handle it, that’s ok, he should head for greener pastures.  But if he wants to be with her, he has to be ok that the odds are that someone banged his girlfriend when he walks into any given room.  I don’t know why, but I feel like Craig would be ok with this.  Maybe I am shipping Madison and Craig a little?  Craig is awesome.  

    Kathryn...that baby pink onesie is not your friend.  It’s your worst enemy.  Leva, take note WRT really tight pink clothes.  At least the females of this season are not whittling down to nothing.  Something strange was going on with Naomie and Chelsea’s weights these past few years.  

    Whitney is a vegan, except when he’s ordering a barbecue sandwich...or eating a steak last season?  My kind of vegan, I guess.

    I’m kind of over Shep throwing rocks and then hiding his hands.  I’m overall sick of Shep.  I’m sick of his southern-gentleman-cum-Valley-Girl accent, I’m sick of his mailbox money, I’m sick of his perpetually messy hair and his big gopher teeth.  The only thing I could stand about him was that he was ok with being single (Thomas, are you listening?) and that is the only thing he has changed about himself. 

    Austen, good luck with trying to get Shep to act like an adult.  Shep doesn’t have the first clue how to act like an adult.  He only knows how to be a man-child and talk behind people’s backs like a little bitch, whether it’s Craig, Madison or Austen.  You can be his buddy, but don’t trust him.  If Austen chooses to trust him, that’s on Austen.  Don’t expect a scorpion to change its stinger.  Same goes for Madison.  Instead of constantly trying to extract an apology from Shep, why doesn’t Madison just write him off?  That would kill him the worst.  

    The amount of enthusiasm I have for John Pringle’s past as “an energy derivatives clerk” and where he lived in Charleston is at exactly zero.  Why are his eyes so far apart?  Does the Pringle family tree split? 

    Patricia is, what, in her seventies, and she’s meddling in the relationships of people young enough to be her grandchildren?  Shame on her and her totally ugly, gigantic, gold chain-link necklace.  I’m not a big Austen fan—I think he is more than a bit of a muppet—but who is this haughty snob to put Austen down for “only” being in three stores?  How many stores is Patricia Altschul in?  At least Austen’s not earning his money on his back.  

    Michael can also miss me with his feigned aversion to vodka, as it comes from potatoes, which are from—gasp—the ground!  Isn’t everything originally from the ground?  Can Michael personally account that the juniper berries that go into Patricia’s gin never touched dirt?  The hell?  Regardless, I have a BA in History, and one of my Western Civ professors drummed it into our heads (and it was on the final) that back in the Middle Ages, people were afraid to eat potatoes, and they were starving to death, so the king of someplace in Europe famously ate a potato so that everyone would know it was ok.  So, the potato—good enough for royalty, but beneath Patricia and her butler.  Lol.  What did Michael and Patricia think those French fries they got from McDonald’s last season were made of?

    I think a little snobbery on a show like this is ok; it’s veering into ugly territory when people make shit up just to sound better than others.

    I am strangely enough enjoying this new season.  Unlike the Housewife shows, I don’t find myself constantly checking the clock to see when it’s going to be over.  Who knows how much that’ll change if this Pringle guy takes center stage.  I’d rather watch season one’s Jenna over him and his beard.  

    This post is everything.

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