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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 9/12/2022 at 9:23 AM, Affogato said:

    You know, there is nothing inherently (ah...) wrong with inbreeding. We get big breasts in chickens, disease resistance in wheat, mobile eyebrows to make dogs more relatable, and probably a lot of characteristics in humans as well.  It is generally positive until it isn't, and then you stop and breed out for a few generations.

    In my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with the act of incest. What makes it awful--and it usually is--is that it happens in families behind closed doors, is usually abusive, and when someone objects to it they lose their primary support system, since the rest of their family pushes them away.  If you are adopted and find out your are married to your half brother, also adopted, who was raised by different parents on the other side of the country--should be okay, really.

    As I see it the Targaryens interbred to reinforce the genes that allowed them to bond with the dragons. Dragons are useful creatures, kingmakers.

    That bonding with dragons, who are wild, impulsive and cruel animals by nature, doesn't do you any favors in human society. People bonded with dragons often go crazy. Lord, is that common with the Targs. It may be that the ability to be open to dragons predisposes you to it, too.

    Guessing this is what is supposed to happen with a certain dragon queen in the future, and what is happening now. Rhae and Daemon are both a lot alike in the way they approach problems. They are attracted to each other. They both want to be on top, and Daemon's impotence happened when Rhaenerys took control.  Both of them are users and use power to get what they want.

    This Viserys had an advantage, bonding with an old dragon. When he died, Viserys saw what the bonding did to him and decided not to bond with another dragon. So Viserys is actually sane and even goes out of his way to avoid the dragon characteristics, and tries not to abuse his power, but he still understands the pressures his family is under.

    “Dr” Oz, dat you?

    • LOL 8
  2. On 8/26/2022 at 9:41 AM, tranquilidade said:

    What Shep said to Taylor when trying to apologize revealed a self centered and egocentric mind.  First he wants to keep Taylor in his life because she makes HIM a better person.  It’s all about what HE gets —-no mention of giving.  He wants to keep the relationship because he knows how hard it is to find someone.  He is not on the hunt at the moment and doesn’t want to make the effort.  He reduced her to a friend with benefits and is trying to appeal to her ego that she has some powerful presence in his life but she seems smart enough to know that’s not a relationship. If she stayed he would eventually cheat on her and lose interest and seems to know this.  He will always have the power in the relationship with money and connections. 

    The fact that Shep made an egg toss game, which is supposed to be based on trust, so overly competitive  shows he has is at the emotional level of a child.  He became enraged because he could not win and there was still a chance.  A normal, better adjusted person, would have laughed it off and said hey why did you do that we could have still won?  His rage over a small friendly game and his other displays of competitive behavior reveal a man baby.  Taylor wants a real baby not this.  Run Taylor, run.  No matter what he says, he just not that into you and never will be.

    The fact that he actually says: find an accountant that worships the ground you walk on reveals he will never love her the way a normal person will love her and this is the best advice Shep ever gave anyone.  He really doesn’t care if she leaves he will find someone else in a jiffy and he is not about to put any more effort into loving her just like he won’t put any effort into anything else in his life.  He is happy just the way it is. 

    Shep is always rude with food.  Toddlers do this and it’s ok for them, they are learning about gravity.  He tossed oyster shells at the clambake and dives into food like a hungry dog.  He also stood in the pool at the clambake and seasons back dived into Patricia’s pool in a skimpy suit at her elegant party.  He is a clown.

    He’s white trash.

    • Love 3
  3. 3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

    Of course people's tastes vary, but can you be more specific?

    Living in the south, people rave about it like it is something special. So I bought it and tried it in a couple of different things, potato salad, sandwiches, etc. I do not like it. I prefer Hellmann’s

    • Love 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Adiba said:

    Great episode. It was worth the previous two episodes’ tediousness, ymmv.

    When Kim broke down on the shuttle bus in spurts at first and then let the floodgates open— perfect, imo. Does anyone else think this was her “Jesse” ending, or will we see Kim again?

    Love Carol Burnett and that her talents weren’t wasted in the show. Also love that her character is the one that exposes Gene. Serves the douche right.

    I thought this was the end of Kim’s story (until I read about the previews here).

    Duke’s is nasty.

    • Mind Blown 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I have to admit, after the 1st episode I really didn't like Ayan, but she makes this show. I think she is funny and her "I am so gorgeous" are her just being silly and sarcastic. Her outfits are over the top, which I am sure her designer friend lends her. Her son is adorable, although I wish he would get rid of all that hair that blocks his handsome face. Never liked Standbury, and the others are just boring in my opinion. 

    Model’s gonna model! If I had her looks  & couture connections, I’d be swanning around like that too!!!

    • Love 6
  6. On 6/4/2022 at 1:43 AM, TheCouchPotato said:

    I’ve watched a lot of housewives and seen a lot of waste but spending $1200 on ice to throw in the pool takes the cake. 

    Money GIF

    You’re not wrong, but I live in Florida and have a pool and it only rained here three times in June, and my pool was just as warm as soup, and when I saw that episode I’m not gonna lie when I tell you I did that “woman thinking GIF” 🤔

    • Wink 1
    • LOL 3
  7. On 7/21/2022 at 4:44 PM, ZettaK said:

    This was promoted relentlessly, and it's a letdown. 

    Celia Kritharioti (the designer of Caroline Stanbury's dress) has a couture house unlike what Ayan claimed.

    Caroline's parents were rude.

    Caroline too because she managed to say again that she grew up in a mansion, and Sergio grew up in a working class environment.

    It's still obvious she doesn't want to associate with the other HWs.

    More manufactured drama. And another storyline about a HW being fake. And possibly racist.

    So rude!!! Nut: tree. Dreadful.

    That party seemed like a lot of effort & money just to have a photo shoot & selfies 🤷‍♀️ 

    • Love 8
  8. On 7/15/2022 at 4:11 PM, queta said:

    I thought it was hilarious when Sarah was going on and on to Ayan about her positive energy, etc. Finally Ayan said something like, "Oh, I think you're like Jesus." She said it with a straight face, and Sarah is too full of herself to even notice that she was being mocked. Well done, Ayan.

    I hollered!! The Jesus comment came after Sara said ‘then you can be more like me’ (paraphrased)! Ayan’s reaction was much more subdued than mines 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • LOL 9
  9. 4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    Quad losing her brother/her nephew losing his dad is really, really sad. I do wonder why Mason isn’t with his mom, but it does seem like Quad is a good “mauntie” and Lord knows she has plenty of space. 14000 square feet for one person is insane to me, but it’s not my house.

    Toya and Eugene bought more land and are building a new house like a year after finishing their old one because… their pool was too small? What?

    That is a big ole 6 yo!! Good on you Mauntie Quad!!!!!!!!!

    ETA: that Diwali Party was EVERYTHING!!!!!!

    • Like 2
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  10. $30 million on a license plate? 
    I’m interested in these relationships with younger men!

    I’d also like to see them moving around Dubai, not in their little bubble, seeing the cultural interactions.

    Lesa is giving me Kenya/ATL vibes & I think Stansbury thinks she’s the star of the show…

    • Love 5
  11. 12 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    It truly was.... 💔💔💔

    Her sister's been incarcerated all this time behind a minor traffic infraction!? But, when she appears in court, her mental health issues overshadow everything & she gets thrown back in the clink!!? It sounds like her sister is being punished for being mentally ill--- which is NOT a crime!!!! Just a disgrace!!! Can the court system not release her into Marlo's custody? Marlo's got money; she would make sure her sister had the best of care. To me, this is as important as Porsha with the Black Lives Matter movement... A time when this silly show became more important. Justice for Marlo's sister! 


    The issue is complicated. Marlo's sister may refuse the help being offered... but, she does not belong in jail...

    The justice system is not just. It makes me sick, the more I learn about it.

    • Love 3
  12. 11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    So, I don't know about you all, but in my view, if someone's in jail in relation to a murder case involving a young child, and has a long history of committing other various crimes (including having already committed a murder years prior, no less!), and, when they're about to be let out on bond, has a list of conditions and restrictions regarding their release about where they can and can't go and what groups of people they're supposed to avoid (like, say, children), because of the threat they might pose to them/you're afraid they might try to flee...

    ...call me crazy, but maaaaaaaaybe all of that should indicate that they shouldn't be getting released on bond in the first place, and should remain in jail instead?

    I'm just saying. Thank goodness that detective happened to be at the mall the same day David and Laura decided to go there, and they were eagle-eyed enough to spot Laura even with her wig. Lord knows what she might've done had she not been caught. 

    Truly, truly disturbing story, this. Laura was a real piece of work in her interviews - she acted like she was so appalled and offended by all the things people were saying and accusing her of and all that, but it all just felt so very showy. Panicking and blanking on exactly how to deal with a life-threatening situation when a child is in danger is one thing, I can see that happening,  but yeah, she had so many options and avenues to take to try and help save Taylor's life and she chose absolutely NONE of them. 

    I was also side-eyeing David pretty heavily throughout the episode, too. I'm glad he finally came around on realizing Laura wasn't worth defending, but my god, the dude had SERIOUS blinders on for way too long. His reasoning for looking her up online shortly before Taylor's death had me going, 'Hm...". He'd been in a contentious back and forth with Kelly for some time, and he's just deciding to research Laura, supposedly in relation to the custody battle, now? And he doesn't immediately distance himself and his young son after finding out about her prior murder charge involving a man she'd been in a relationship with? He sees nothing suspicious about the fact that two people she was alone with ultimately wound up dead - first her boyfriend, then Taylor? Okay, dude. I was kind of rolling my eyes at the "morality clause" thing early on in the episode - I agree that anyone who's got a child needs to be wise about who they bring around them when they start dating again, but calling it a "morality clause" rubbed me the wrong way.

    But after all of this, honestly, maybe that was the right term to use, 'cause David was being way too lax on the "morality" aspect of his relationship with Laura. I feel so bad for Kelly. And I think it's pretty easy to see now why Laura and her own son grew so distant. I would imagine he and his father are breathing a huge sigh of relief that she's out of their lives. 

    Or maybe they're not - apparently Laura seems to have some weird power over men, to where she can wrap them around her little finger and get them to do her bidding and support her no matter what, so...who knows.. 

    Yeah. Just a horrible, tragic story all the way around. Thank goodness Laura's finally where she belongs, at least. 

    Thank you for writing all of this bc I am still at 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

    • Love 6
  13. 20 hours ago, APK said:

    I would not advise Danielle and Robert to move to Charleston, S.C. I have seen the cast of Southern Charm treat strangers and newcomers rudely. Thomas Ravenel’s ex- girlfriend(Ashley) was brutalized on several episodes of Southern Charm(2013) Ashley is from LA and that was a major issue from the cast of Southern Charm.

    Trust & believe, southerners are rude. They like to talk about how polite they are, but they will stab you in the back. And brag about it.

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