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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 1 hour ago, meep.meep said:

    Or salt, or baking soda, or rice.

    On WWHL explained that there were no lids or salt at hand.  But water is the worst with a grease fire.

    So the rest of the charter guests must be friends of RO2's wife.  They all seemed delightful and the kids were well behaved toddlers.

    I was wondering who was who. They all ate like neanderthals. Was the other blonde ROII’s wife’s sister maybe? & then her husband?

    The crew were pretty drunk by 11pm!

    • Love 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

    I believe Scott when he say he lied about the life coach. 100%! You know why? Cause I could tell the minute he said it. Once he went into that I was like oh no dude why are you even lying and the fact that Tessa accepted it even though it was written all over her face that she didn't believe him confused the crap outta me. THEY BOTH have some really bad issues with playing games with each other when they argue. Scott walked in on her talking to her life coach and offered to come back into the room when she was done which was the appropriate thing to do. Tessa roped him in and told him to stay then ambushed him with a heavy conversation that he wasn't ready for. Not to mention she was already in an emotional state and the man just walked through the door. 

    Scott felt cornered and instead of just saying he still doesn't want a life coach he made one up thinking it was going to shut her up. Actually I think he did it cause the cameras were there. It seems like Scott is VERY uncomfortable sharing this side of the marriage with the cast and cameras which makes it very uncomfortable to watch cause I think a lot of the times he steps in it is cause he's trying to throw the viewers off. He doesn't want to come off as the bad guy and to be honest Tessa tends to throw him under the bus ALOT. It completely went left when he said he doesn't pay them and said it was a woman. He was just being a ridiculous mess instead of just holding his ground about not wanting to see a life coach. I felt like that whole exchange was him trying to patronize her and had nothing at all to do with him actually talking to any woman. 

    It's obvious that Scott always feels like he's under attack and Tessa clearly approaches each conversation like a wounded victim. I think Scott is tired of the guilt tripping which is why he's always on the defense and dismissive cause in his mind he's thinking "uggghhh here we go again when it's poor beat up Tessa crying about how much of a monster I am" He's so stuck in that resentment that he's not letting him see that their is true pain there and not just theatrics. I think Scott does love her and Tessa loves him but I don't think they are there anymore. I also think that they have love for their family unit and don't fault them for thinking long and hard on how to keep the family together. 

    This may be an unpopular opinion but I do believe in staying together for the kids as long as there isn't domestic violence and abuse. I don't see what's so hard about putting your own needs on hold while raising your children and providing them a stable home. I don't get this logic that two intelligent, grown adults can't function together in a home and find a way to enjoy one another enough so that the arrangement works. People act like its the worse sacrifice to consider but have no qualms about single mothers breaking their backs, barely seeing their kids to provide for them but sticking with a marriage where the marital aspect of it has disapated in order to be a loving family unit for the children is such an intolerable act of suffering. You mean to tell me that if two people aren't in the same kind of love they were in that they are absolutely incapable of providing a loving environment for their children if they put in the effort? All that needs to happen is that the growns ups come to an arrangement that they both agree to respect and keep it moving. Just because two people fall out of love doesn't mean that it means that environment is automatically going to be a living hell. 

    It looks to me that it is VERY important to Scott and Tessa to be able to raise their children a one unit. Good for them. Nwo all they have to do is be honest with each other about what they are willing to do, to fix, to accept or to allow in order to pull that off and stop the voilatile environment they are creating around their children. That's the part they need to figure out cause it seems to me that they both have sort of decided to stick it out for the kids so then they better swallow their prides and call a truce and stop coming for each other all the time. Lay out the parameters and get on with it already cause they both know the other is committed to at least sticking it out for the childrens sake so damn, spell out the conditions already and see where that new approach takes you. 

    It’s NOT a stable home though. And it sets a BAD example for the kids. Been there (as a kid/teen).

    • Love 5
  3. 11 hours ago, dosodog said:

    Anisha's grandfather. 

    I need to see more of the man who sends his daughter a message about bringing vodka and a Wendy's Spicy Chicken.  With an attachment of a picture of the chicken sandwich.


    That was EVERYTHING. I love these people, and especially Amrit’s parents. I was sobbing for him. Thank you bravo for not stretching this out the whole season and also not jumping back-and-forth between other people and his conversation with his grandmother.

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  4. 3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    Right, we don't know.  Only Vishal can say that, and so far he's not even coming close to saying that.  Effeminateness is on the spectrums for both gay men and straight men.  There are plenty of straight men who are gentle, kind and soft.  And sometimes the phrase "I have excellent gaydar" translates to "I ascribe to pernicious gay stereotypes".

    Agree, I don’t even think he’s effiminate, but… well, no need to further speculate!

    • Love 6
  5. 1 hour ago, TheCouchPotato said:

    Vishal needs to run away from this relationship. Being Indian American myself, I do get the vibes that Vishal is a closeted gay man that is too scared to come out to his family (he also lacks the confidence). I think Lopa knows this and, understandably, does not want her daughter involved. I’ve had family friends arrange their gay children to straight women in the hopes of “curing” them and they end up ruining both peoples’ lives. So sad. 

    I am enjoying the Auntie drama. Indian aunties are so damn gossipy and have no boundaries. 

    I agree & think that’s one reason Amrit is so protective of him.

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  6. 5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I think no one would clock these women if we were looking at headshots. But Elektra is very tall, even if she were a man, she’d tower over everyone. Blanca and Elektra also have very broad shoulders.

    Elektra also has very big hands (as do I, 🤷‍♀️). Ryan Murphy is the king of running out of steam in series IMO. Starts with a bang, goes out with a whimper.

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  7. 6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    And bless Dr. Fauci. My first memories of him are from the AIDS epidemic. That man is a true public servant.

    Yes. My friends dying are what got me into HIV research & I’ve known of him since ~1994. A real Public Health hero.

    • Love 12
  8. Having lived through this era: F AIDS, F Reagan!!, F kaposi’s sarcoma, F all theOIs, and fuck Reagan again.

    I started crying when he said “I’m dying” and I may never stop.

    • Love 12
  9. I’m sure Covid helps the Simone-Jackie rift stay a rift because we’re not seeing people as much as we usually do and it’s easier to just ignore a problem.

    regarding sports and colleges, I have a nephew in Ohio that played high school football at a private Catholic school, wasn’t that great, wasn’t that big, got a scholarship to Marist in upstate New York. they maybe won a game a season. He got the most amazing education, met the greatest girl that he ended up marrying, and now has a little baby, and has an incredible career, as a result of that education he got playing division whatever football.

    • LOL 1
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  10. Those faceshields have to be a Bravo CYA thing. Because these doctors, and all of us, know they don’t do shit. They had the Atlanta housewives wearing them as well and I just rolled my eyes. At least I feel like these ladies, in their day-to-day lives, and at work, are masked up.

    Damn, heavenly’s pool area was fabulous, especially that fire pit thing lining it. #jealous

    and yes, the BLM discussion was necessary. I love almost all the guys on the show.

    • Love 7
  11. God damn. Let Lindsey have her bday & everyone else have a nice quiet evening consoling Karl. It’s MONDAY!!

    Ciara shutting hipster doofus down... thankujesus.

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  12. On 2/1/2021 at 8:12 AM, Cocosmama said:

    What a privilege it is to ignore a crisis others are dying from. How anyone can watch this show, see the pain the ladies go through while explaining their experiences with racial inequality and say I dOn'T wAnT tO wAtCh PoLiTiCs is truly disturbing. Black women are supposed to entertain you but not have real conversations about racism that make white people uncomfortable. Got it.

    I know I’m tardy to the party (just started watching when I saw twitter going nuts, ha!, over last week’s epi) but goddamn WORD to your last two posts. 
    I haven’t seen this epi yet, but based on this thread, I’m gonna look for it on demand!

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  13. On 2/7/2021 at 10:27 PM, chenoa333 said:

    So Madison stands up, walks over to Andy within 2 feet of him wearing no mask, hands him her germ infested cell phone and nobody stops her? 

    And Madison's dress was hideous. It looked like a plastic Big Top tent from Ringling Bros. Circus. I was waiting for a clown car to drive out from underneath.

    They’re inside together, maskless, for hours; they’ve got bigger concerns than touching each other’s phones.

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