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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 2 hours ago, kokapetl said:

    Two coked out bowl cutted nerds, who sold their souls to satan, and who couldn’t iron out the kinks in a handjob robot hand, built a flawless android in what seemed like a few days. 

    Bwah! Thanks! Oh Ryan...

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  2. 13 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Yes, she's bat shit crazy fun! She is someone I would love to party with for a night. But ONLY for a night. Because the next day she is still batshit crazy. I go back to my zen-like state....where I love to be most of the time. Got to commend her on being who she is. Crazy but likeable. 

    It didn't seem to me that she was actually JUDGING Ricki. I thought she (like I) was amazed at how much crazy stuff Ricki's done/been thru in the past 10 years.

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  3. On 9/27/2017 at 3:59 PM, LegalParrot81 said:

    I'm listening to Going Clear at the moment, and besides the guy who's reading it having zero vocal inflection, it's damn interesting.  LRH was crazy and Miss Cabbage is carrying on the abusive traditions.  I do think Miss Cabbage enjoys assaulting people, LRH was more into various forms of torture.  With the hole, Miss Cabbage is carrying on LRH's tradition of basically imprisoning people who don't agree with him and refuse to follow without question.  They are both narcissistic, paranoid brutal dictators.

    STOP! I'm sitting here, out of the lingo for a while now :(, & thinking 'who the hell is Miss Cabbage???' Then I said it out loud!!!! 

    Made my Monday!!!

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  4. On 10/15/2018 at 9:52 AM, dosodog said:

    For the record, we didn't seek out a wolfdog.  Before Doso, there was Oso.  We thought Oso was Malamute and Husky.  The vet clued us in when we took him in for his puppy shots that he was also wolf. 

    Jim had a natural way with animals, but I went into research mode and had to change some of my ways.

    When Oso died we wanted to stay with the Northern breeds, but could not find any rescue groups that were willing to adopt out an older dog mal or husky to a home with a cat and they rarely get puppies. 

    A customer introduced me to the girl we got Doso from.  We had to have vet references, a meet and greet, pictures if our home and yard and sign contracts releasing him back to her if we didn't treat him right.  We decided that since we raised Oso successfully, we could be a good forever home for a wolfdog and lower his chances of being sent to a sanctuary. 

    She keeps track of us on Facebook.

    This info is all so interesting & I had not one clue. Good on you! xo

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  5. 8 hours ago, Mommaj said:

    I'm Rebecca's age, and there's no way a girl would have been allowed in shop class in those days--not even in the room, much less wielding a saw. (My cooking class was in 7th grade and we had to wear aprons we had hand sewn the prior year, with our first names embroidered on them. I wasn't real thrilled to have those memories dredged up.)

    Maybe in Pittsburgh  ;)

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  6. 9 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Everyone.  Though near 30 year age differences could technically be "lurve", no.  With this guy, just no.  I keep wondering when someone is going to tell him that he's a homosexual.

    I think the ‘fiancé ‘ is/sounds Eastern Euro? So she’s getting paid to be his beard? It’s 2018, come on out!

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  7. On 9/26/2018 at 5:02 AM, mojoween said:

    The inclusion of The Immaculate Reception amuses me because it was only going to mean something to half the people watching, and I like that the writers were ok with that.

    I’m too young to have been a live viewer of it, and at first I was like “is this a new character...?” but then when he put the Harris jersey on I knew where they were going.  A lot of fans of the NFL know that play regardless of age, Steelers fan or not (not, here, but that play is brought up all the time.)

    I mean, hasn’t it been established that they’re YUGE steeler fans?!

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  8. On 9/27/2018 at 6:16 AM, 1TrackMind said:

    Anyone else think Fern could easily play the vampire Lestat? Just me? I'll go home.



    On 9/27/2018 at 9:47 AM, KatsaKriid said:


    Same! Someone call Anne Rice and Hulu and get Cody Fern on the job. They are already working on The Vampire Chronicles TV show, starting with The Vampire Lestat book. ?

    As long as it’s not that wretched Tom Cruise.

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  9. On 9/27/2018 at 9:14 AM, SuburbanHangSuite said:

    NAOMI!  This woman must be a vampire.  She looks just as good now as her runway stomping heydey.  LOVE her shade thrown at Cardi and Nicki.   How you gonna have an "Icon Party" when, "There were no icons there."

    And the fact that she couldn't even be bothered to summon a reply about that fraud Kendall Jenner?  Yaaassssssss, Naomi.  That would've been a perfect time for her to use the Mariah, "I don't know her."

    Dolph Lundgren.  Heh.

    Ditto for how Elle McPherson looks. Supermodels indeed!

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  10. 11 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

    NAOMI!  This woman must be a vampire.  She looks just as good now as her runway stomping heydey.  LOVE her shade thrown at Cardi and Nicki.   How you gonna have an "Icon Party" when, "There were no icons there."

    And the fact that she couldn't even be bothered to summon a reply about that fraud Kendall Jenner?  Yaaassssssss, Naomi.  That would've been a perfect time for her to use the Mariah, "I don't know her."

    Dolph Lundgren.  Heh.

    Yesssss, I lover her, bad behavior & all. God DAMN she’s gorgeous. And Cuba’s comment about flying her assistants coach?! I howled!!

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