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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 21 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I like Rosanna Arquette.  In fact, I like the Arquette family. I actually like Patricia, her sister even more.  Most of them were or are in the entertainment field.  I'd like to know more about their family, upbringing, etc.  Entertainment and the arts, seem to run in her family, even with her parents and grandparents, from what I have read.  She was born in NY, but, seems to have strong CA connections. 


    KISSED  DAVID  BOWIE!?!?!!  

  2. On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:53 PM, Superpole2000 said:

    1-260-33QUEST. If you'd like to be smart as a baby dolphin, call now.

    This episode came out of nowhere. It was weird, but good. I think there are many serious undertones to this comedy, so I'm a little uncomfortable laughing through all of it. Nevertheless, often the best humour is really pushing that boundary between funny and distasteful.

    I am praying to work this into conversation ASAP (I'm tardy to the party tho): you're as smart as a baby dolphin!

  3. 3 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    He said Thomas said something to Patricia about her basically being from New York but acting like she was Southern aristocracy. Not the exact words but essentially saying her Southern identity and gentility are phony.

    Welp. I see no lies here.

    • Love 5
  4. 10 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

    This was a lot

    Ashley vs Kathryn: The crux of the issue is not Ashley's crazy attitude (though that's a big ole chunk), but the fact that Thomas lives for this shit. Loves it. If he was a mature person, then there would be no Ashley because 1., why would you ever date someone like that,  2. You don't bring someone like that around your children, and 3. You don't allow your partner to antagonize the mother of your children. But, Thomas ain't shit and Ashley's ride or die dramatics are perfect for someone with an ego like his, so here we are. There's still together, so that's the first and last about this from me.


    Kathryn & Patricia: Okay, this was gross. I will never be okay with any sort of Kiss the Ring antics, especially from someone as judgmental as Patricia.




    Thank you! This woman works my last nerve. Elegant, gracious, and special she is NOT. Proud of Kathryn though.

    • Love 13
  5. 16 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Just FYI- no states that I know of test regularly/randomly for drugs. They might test you as a condition of hiring but there is no random drug testing unless you work for the federal government or in corrections. They might test you as a condition of probation if you are suspected.

    Fed govt doesn’t drug test.

  6. 11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    As a former travel writer, I have traveled to countries that weren't open for the general public to just go into and walk around on their own. We either had personal guides or had to book a tour package (like in Bhutan in the 1990s). They could do either one of these with Gilead and it would control the flow. 

    You went to Bhutan??

    • Love 1
  7. On 5/3/2018 at 9:17 AM, Catfi9ht said:

    Thanks for the explanation. With all the beautiful world building this show does, I wonder why they didn't bother explaining that in the show yet or did they and I forgot or missed it?


    My main issue with the show is the fact that part of the United States is essentially a nuclear wasteland. I have a hard time believing the US would let that occur outside of nuclear detonation. Without getting too political here, even those people and politicians who don't believe in protecting the environment seem to be capitalists at heart. Losing the ability to farm parts of the US would be a loss of revenue and export income since we supply a huge part of the world's food supply. I know we've heard Patty's explanation a bunch of times about how people ruined the planet, but has the show actually explained how and when it happened? I don't remember it being talked shown or discussed in the flashbacks. What makes the most sense, in my mind, is the Gileadians used nuclear weapons to cement their power and deter future uprisings and of course, are spinning the story however they want. My apologies if this has been covered in a previous thread.


    One thing I do love about the show is it makes me think "Where would that line be for me?" with regards to nut jobs taking over the government and slowly changing the laws to take away rights. Would I choose to fight? What would be that line in the sand where I would begin to fight or want to flee? 

    It’s pretty much NOW for me.

    • Love 5
  8. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 2:02 PM, yourmomiseasy said:

    It's been said that Thomas was actually sleeping in the guest house with them and just used the main house for filming.  He then sold that amazing house to buy something more kid friendly.  If he was happily going about his business with the kids exiled to the guest house, why bother selling and moving?

    Appearances? (not paid-type appearances, but re: how it LOOKS to people, which is all-important to these people)

  9. What to say that hasn't been said? Lord! Ashley was out of her mind at that dinner. No way was she acting in any way, shape or form.

    She definitely has an over-abundance of self-confidence & I think it was chemically enabled on that island.

    • Love 18
  10. I was watching a new (to me) beauty blogger this weekend & she mentioned Makeup Forever's Shine On (loose) Powder, so I decided I MUST get it.

    After many hours of searching, I realize it's not available in the US & now I am beyond sad.

  11. On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 5:58 AM, AllyB said:

    Anyone with the funds to get out would have. Obviously very early on all women were forbidden to work and had their bank accounts frozen. But mega-wealthy people tend to diversify and have money and assets all over the world. So if you were Angelina Jolie and suddenly forbidden from working and had your access to your American money handed over to your brother/ex-husband. It would be an easy decision to arrange for a private jet to fly you and your family to your mansion in Italy, where you could live as normal while waiting to see what happens at home. You know if things go back to normal you can just slip back into your American life but if they don't, you can still live life as pretty close to normal except that you'll probably campaign against what's happening back home. It just wouldn't make any sense to stay and wait in the US when you have so many options that make it really easy to go live a better life abroad. I can just see Jolie financing and starring in a British movie about life as a Handmaid, based on the testimony of escaped Aunts, Handmaids and Jezebels. And it would probably be as silly-sexy as the 90s version.

    I guess you haven't seen "First They Killed My Father"?

  12. On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 8:13 PM, albarino said:

    This.  I guess Ashley has galvanized me which must be the reason she is on Southern Charm.....I was thinking I might be done with SC but we have a new villain.

    Having said that, who goes into a delicate situation (new, baby mama, etc.) with an attitude?  Has she never been the new kid?  First, compliment Kathryn's kids to Katherine.  How hard is this?  Katherine, your children are lovely and are so great to be around; they must have taken after you.  Ladies, it sounds like you are great equestriennes, do you mind if I do a stroll with the horse and then dismount and watch you in all of your glory?  I would love that.  Katherine, Saint's second birthday is coming up...Such a special time for you and Thomas.  Is there anything I can do to help you prepare for your party?  I would love to help in any way I can but I have plans that day so anything I can do in advance, I'm happy to do.  Please just let me know.  

    You were raised right.

    • Love 17
  13. $10k for those clothes?!? That Chanel bag is $5,000 USED! So...

    I might have to zip up there & steal it from desperate Ashley!

     I’m still team Kathryn. It my all be an act but at least she’s making an effort. 

    • Love 10
  14. On 5/3/2018 at 4:33 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

    I take your point, I was recently reading that Iowa had introduced some of the most restrictive abortion laws ever. But again even if something happens to Donald and you have President Pence it seems exaggerated, Roseanne has a gay grandson, Will and Grace is back on TV, the liberal ethos of the US is incredibly powerful and overwhelming to an almost absurd degree, emotional support animals on planes, safe spaces at universities and people wanting to rip down statues and rewrite the past. In many ways US society at the moment is less of a rise of the right than a backlash against the ascendant left.  

    I couldn’t disagree more.

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