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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. On 3/8/2018 at 2:13 PM, teddysmom said:

    Yes!! OMG.  

    I don't know if he's afraid to offend because he may have a broader audience than at TDS, but anyone who knows Colbert isn't expecting Fox & Friends or The 700 Club. 

    Isn’t everything from Colbert Report ‘owned’ by CC?

  2. On 3/2/2018 at 5:34 PM, bilgistic said:

    She's appalling and a raging narcissist. Her saying that her being in the position she was in at the White House got her on LSSC made me so angry. She talked out of both sides of her mouth. "Trump has been my friend for 15 years," but "We should be worried about what he tweets, and "Leaving the White House was like leaving a plantation." She's a disgrace.

    Omarosa: thinks she’s clever, charming, smart & relevant. Is not.

    Colbert: is all of these things.

    omarosa & Mango Mussolini just live for the fact they can now say ‘when I was in the White House...’. Damn it all.

    • Love 5
  3. I've said it before, Cynthia is GORGEOUS. Always. Nene is ridiculous. Kim is pathetic trash. I think Cynthia & Porsha need to grow backbones & stop being followers. It might be too late for Cynthia (still love her tho!!!).

    I'm sad these ladies don't seem to appreciate Barcelona, one of my 2 favorite Euro cities (also: Florence!).

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  4. 6 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    Her appearance on WWHL is the first time I've seen her outside of her role on Top Chef. I've always thought she was physically beautiful but now she is a thousand times sexier because she's very witty, open and honest. She is one awesome person and although I know she's straight, I could start "pitching for the other team" if there were more Padma's available! Lol

    She is soooooooo sexy. It used to crack me up how tongue-twisted she made almost all of the TC contestants!

  5. 18 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    how I laughed at this.    Wheezing and all.




    Disappointing right?  I didn't think Cyn was this girl either.  I'm not even at the part where:  believe him, don't believe him (I don't) but I didn't think she was the kill the messenger type.   That having been said, I kind of hate that thing girl squads do when they all sort of swoop down and start pecking at the new dude's whole life.  Shit, if he's a raggedy ass liar whose time line doesn't match up to anything else, that'll come out on its own.    What the hell was she crying for is what I wanna know.   My only other question is how she got those box braids under that unit AND baseball cap the next day at lunch with nene.  




      Now as far as Janet goes, sure, let's call this one her first baby.


    Back it up, beep beep. What now?!

    • Love 6
  6. I’ve had botox. I’ve got the worst ‘11’ you could imagine. My derm gives me two extra pricks to prevent the arched eyebrow effect. You get what you pay for Sherrie. She does look better IMO. Lighter makeup, cuter hair.

    at the diner at the end, she looked great! Her grammar is not good.

    • Love 6
  7. 19 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    They don't pay them to BE on the show, but they certainly pay for their transportation.  Montel is nationally syndicated, it's not Your Day with Suzy from Omaha.

    I don't know if this is a real show or not, but damn I laughed!

    • Love 3
  8. On 1/19/2018 at 5:21 PM, meowmommy said:

    Never in a thousand years would I have pegged Rob Riggle as a Marine veteran.  Color me impressed.

    Yeah, on TDS w JS, it was brought up frequently & I’m pretty sure he went to Afghanistan at some point as a reporter!

    i apprentice Gwennie being able to laugh at herself. She should do that short bob she had during Brad P days.

    • Love 2
  9. On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:00 PM, Liamsmom617 said:

    Best line of the first episode: 

     Frankie (high on mushrooms) to Grace: “Your anger is frightening the sand!”

    I just binge watched season 1 yesterday (thanks govt shutdown) & I keep yelling this line to everyone!!!

    • LOL 1
  10. On 1/19/2018 at 1:38 PM, RedHawk said:

    I thought that Peyton was trying too hard and didn't seem like she was truly into him, likely more into the money and lifestyle he could provide, just as his mother said. When Shep told her it was over she seemed unhappy but more in the "oh shit, I lost the game" way. Priscila was attractive, pleasant, and seemed grounded -- and thus too mature for Shep. If she was "acting" that she was disappointed and hurt she did a great job of it. I think was beginning to have true feelings for Shep and having him dump her immediately after saying "I told Peyton there was someone else" was a kick in the gut. 

    So I laughed that poor vulnerable Shep then "put himself out there" with all the dumb romantic stuff like flowers and a surprise "I've come for YOU" visit to Bella because it so backfired on him. I think he did surprise Bella because she had on no makeup and they weren't filming with a lighting rig and all the setups they would need if Shep's visit had been pre-planned and blocked out. I think she was already back in her NYC life feeling somewhat relieved that nothing she had done on camera would embarrass her (much). Then Shep shows up and she is asked to film a scene when she clearly just wasn't that into him. So ha-ha to Shep. 

    Yep, Peyton just wanted to win, & is also the kind of girl he usually ‘dates’. Priscilla would have been a good fit, but probably more of a mother. He just wanted the one who got away. So transparent.

    ETA: that was super shitty to build up that he told Peyton no, and then was like ‘but not you either, hug!’. Chump.

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