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Posts posted by DrSparkles

  1. 17 hours ago, aradia22 said:

    Oh my God, the Sephora Sun Safety Kit bag is SO CUTE this year. I'm going to do my best to actually use all the products this time besides the tanner. 

    It's sold out :(

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  2. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 5:03 PM, SCS said:

    But if that's how she remembers it and how she views her role from that era, why shouldn't she? I figure if -- 

    ~Ramona can call herself hot and

    ~Luann can call herself refined and

    ~Tamra can call herself a victim and

    ~Nene can call herself rich and

    ~Porsha can call herself a worthy legacy and

    ~Kim R can call herself sober, then 

     -- Erika can call herself a single mother. I don't especially care what these kooks call themselves as long as I am entertained. MMV and all that, eh wot?

    ~ if Kenya can call herself beautiful

    • LOL 1
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  3. On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 9:22 PM, BlackMamba said:

    Lisa's daughters are hell of boring models.  I'm sorry these girls are only getting off because of Lisa R's connections.  No shade just facts. 

    Not arguing, but the Hadid girls are not that hot either (as models, they ARE pretty girls).

  4. On 4/2/2018 at 10:12 PM, Duke2801 said:

    I totally believe Kristen and James hooked up. Don’t know if they had sex, but made out... maybe first or second base? Absolutely. 

    Too drunk to fuck comes to mind.

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  5. 3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I was transfixed by Penn's smoke, wondering:

    • Was it legal in that venue?
    • Was it tobacco or...?
    • Was it home rolled or tailor made?
    • Was it planned?
    • How was there an ash tray (I missed its arrival)?

    And then when SC finally asked him to stop because--even though it made SC fondly recall the smell of his parents' smoking--SC wanted Penn to be around for awhile, to which Penn replied that he was keeping the oncologists employed, I was consumed with:

    • Did SC's parents die of lung cancer? (Wikipedia says him mom lived to 92 after having 11 kids, so...)
    • Does Penn have cancer?
    • Does Penn not realize how offensive that remark might be to those with cancer and/or raised insurance rates?
    • ...?

    Yeah. I don't recall anything else from the show except a vague sense that Penn's remarks were intriguing.

    I’ve always loved Sean Penn. it was amazing to see him smoking, bc in my life no one does any more! SC did say that he had seen SP a few nights earlier somewhere & thought he might want to smoke. I think Mrs Colbert died from old age, I will NEVER forget his tribute to her the night he came back from bereavement leave. I appreciate the hard work SP has done in Haiti, good on him!

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  6. 1 hour ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:


    I just watched this one.  You guys think he looks bad?  I didn't think so...especially for 82.

    But I am now intrigued as to what went down between him and Kathleen Turner.  Off to do my Google research...

    Right? Not one, but two disses! He’s always seemed... sleezy to me.

    • Love 3
  7. On 3/13/2018 at 8:01 PM, luckyroll3 said:

    Oh Lord, Kim took Kandi to her shaky-voice place.  That's when you know Kandi's about to pop off.

    Yes! I could see the . & ?? Between. Each. Word! Kandi’s eyeroll gave me an extra year of life! I wait 5 minutes for a meeting to start, 15 for drs, and varying amounts of time for friends. Kim is not Kandi’s friend. And Ace looks just like big head Todd.

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  8. 23 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    Stephen lost his chance for sympathy when he rolled his eyes as his family was saying a prayer. I'm an atheist, but I don't mock people for their beliefs and I try to see them on their terms. That's Stephen's problem, IMO. He wants everyone to accept him for who he is, yet he's the most judgmental and condescending person on this show. I understand it must be difficult dealing with your parents growing up, but he's an adult now. He needs to start treating his relationship with his parents as a group of adults. It can't just be about what he wants, he has to start taking their feelings into consideration. Maybe instead of focusing so much on what he doesn't have he should consider himself lucky for all he does have. His parents love him and support him, even if they can't understand/support fully his lifestyle. 

    Yes, Stephen can be quite the asshole. HOWEVER. It's not a lifestyle, a. And b, what they're saying is "due to your choices [it's NOT A CHOICE] you're going to hell". That is hurtful.

    • Love 8
  9. 17 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

    Is Cynthia going to be celebrating her 50 th birthday all year? Good lord, I'm tired of hearing about it.  That said, I wish all these 50year old women would keep their breasts in their dresses. Honestly, I feel like I'm at a strip club watching their TH's.


    Well, I celebrated mines for 8 days & talked about it FOREVER. And, these women are eligible to dance at The Clermont Lounge now...

    5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    Everyone's travelling attire has been pretty atrocious.

    I do LOVE the robe thing Nene wears at the hotel as well as the sparkley one that Cynthia is sporting. AND Nene's black sparkly jewelry she had one in the last ~20 minutes of the epi.

    IIRC, Eva was a horrible bitch her season of ANTM. However, she is pretty AND I believe people can change over time so maybe she has! If so, good on her!!

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