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Everything posted by DrSparkles

  1. I knewI knew her!! Kendra from BUFFY!
  2. Blancas talk w her children brought the tears! wintour is coming?! I snorted, I did.
  3. This REALLY pissed me off. Send. The. Workers. HOME!!!
  4. Oh that's right! I remember now 😉 I wasn't butt hurt tho 😉 In fact, I can be a snob when I need/want to.
  5. Heh, well I don't mean that! 🙂 I just feel like cook me something I can't cook myself.
  6. It took me a minute, but I noticed Maxine Shaw, Esq., too! Weeeeee! I love her. I agree that the woman is his mistress (of course, I’m a few years behind on this show! 🤣). Mother Jones has done some incredible reporting recently about the shitty for-profit prison industry & some of it focused on LA. ETA: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/06/cca-private-prisons-corrections-corporation-inmates-investigation-bauer/?sfns=mo
  7. I’m thinking repo men have guns pointed at them >1 time. Don't worry about big sugar, between the lobbyists & subsidies, they are ok...
  8. THANK YOU!! I don’t get it?! Also, can someone remind me what happened to Serena’s finger(s)?
  9. I’m pretty easy-going when it comes to being on vacation & being served, but if I was on some super swanky yacht & was eating a grilled cheese sammy... I would NOT be happy!!!
  10. PREACH!!! I also agree w another poster, I do NOT tolerate this bullshit at all. ETA: “crab salad, no claws!” {dead}
  11. Shut up! I am agnostic but my fam is southern baptist. I think I have several aunties rolling in their graves right now at the thought of a BILL FOR CHURCH FOOD!
  12. All of the people that died from AIDS in the late 80s were probably infected ~10 years earlier. At the time, the progression from dx to death was/seemed fast bc people were diagnosed late. In South FL, the same thing happened re: collecting meds from the recently deceased. Damn, I wish I still had my ACT UP tee shirt! I love Sandra B, I think she’s perfect for this role. Hart Island gutted me, god damn. What I also talk about is, think about how different this country might be if we hadn’t lost so many artists & other creative people. Tragedy. what building was the model casting call supposed to be? Library? Also, Kaposi’s sarcoma, you bitch. That protest is what we need to be doing NOW. That photographer was a cunt & they had way too much makeup on Angel. Her session was FIERCE! Billy Porter w Colbert was EVERYTHING!
  13. I'm guessing one of the GOBs is her husb & the other GOB is???
  14. I have believed since the movie came out, thar Reese is 💯 her character in Election. How is Celeste splitting up Perry’s money without the mama or anyone else knowing?
  15. AIDS in the 80s & early 90s was hell. Damn Reagan to hell.
  16. AZT has been around since the late 80s, but it was used in much higher doses then, with awful side-effects.
  17. I finally found this on netflix!! The 80s... such great music (alternative, not pop, imo). Such greedy assholes tho. Fuck Reagan. I have so many friends that got the dx & died during this time 😓
  18. So, after reading earlier posts, I thought it looked like she kissed it, which could be some weird chef thing... No. LICKED?!?!? Sweet satan.
  19. Not for me & Im a huge animal lover/rescuer. I’m rewatching epi 1 after listening to the 4 podcasts (so far) & IMO head of the plant guy KNEW what had happened as soon as he walked down that hallway w the broken windows & saw the GRAPHITE. Podcasts are incredible!!!
  20. The FUCK!! That scene on the roof.
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