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Everything posted by anonymiss

  1. I agree with that idea. I read her book, #Girlboss, but never saw her in action till now. She definitely should be offered the position over cheerleader Zanna.
  2. I've always liked Mark too (he might be my overall favorite) and enjoyed when he was openly disgusted with the Tycoon crook. I didn't so much care for his mocking of the young couple in an exaggerated French accent, though. I think I would have appreciated it if they did something to irk me but they were just really hoping for a deal.
  3. I'm vegan, gf, and stuck in Canada, so this episode made me one delighted but envious viewer. I always saw something I liked in Joe and this takes it over the top. I hope they realize their dreams and I'm so glad they were able to showcase vegan/gf fare so well on such a large platform.
  4. Kenya brings the LOLs! First, her spoken-word anthemic "song" and then her shameless ass-kissing: "I truly believe that you are the First Family of America." I loved the contrast between Eric cracking up with the rest of us and Trump looking all: "Hmm...I think you're right, Kenya." I like that Eric so easily called Trump "Dad." Ivanka, at least in the boardroom, always says the formal "my father" so it stood out for me. But I do understand why she does that: as a man in the Trump organization, he doesn't have to try as hard as Ivanka to be taken seriously. I like the Brandi from this show, at least. I don't watch Housewives anything. It sucks that Geraldo is exempt from any wrongdoing the way Joan was for her season. He has a comfort around the Trumps that the others don't. He clearly has a relationship with them outside of the show, just like Joan did. I don't miss Carolyn because she became so smug and nasty, but I do miss her expressions when she disagreed with Trump instead of his kids who are just parrots. He used to ask George & Carolyn: Who do you think I should fire? There's no need to bother with that now.
  5. That was a great episode. I liked his food (and I'm a vegan). It looked and sounded great. The decor and signage was definitely the best they've had on the show, like Joe said. Watching him expedite was cool for me to see since I never really see that other than Gordon Ramsay's style.... Nice of Antonia to be able to cross-promote her restaurants while also offering her actual restaurateur assets in her staff. The best friend came up with the name and is lifelong moral support, so I understood why he wasn't able to dismiss him.
  6. Me too. I liked that they surprised me when I thought I was going to get the same ol' infidelity storyline.
  7. Not necessarily because there's a different standard for women. Anika could, out of stupidity, be brainwashed into the misogynist view that women over 40 don't exist and men just age like fine wine, etc.
  8. I loved that they added depth to the characters with Hakeem's mommy issues via Naomi Campbell and Andre & his wife's cuckolding sex games. Nice to see the Cuba Gooding Jr. Good reveal.
  9. Kenya's insult to Brandy hits too close to home for Donald because it shames him for what he and men like him are wont to do. Vivica amuses me with her over-the-top acting and transparent strategizing. When she was afraid she'd get fired she started tongue-bathing Ivanka and putting on a pageant performance in congeniality to congratulate the winning team. Very good idea by Leeza, Kenya, and Ian for the "viral" video. Too bad it brought out Ian's pompousness.
  10. I had to laugh at the "brilliant white wife" putting a baby's bib on to give her man a bj. Amusing detail to add to how much a control freak she is.
  11. Thank you--that really annoyed me. This asshat has no place calling anything he makes Vietnamese other than -inspired or fusion, but they didn't do that on any of their signage. All he had was the wolf which he insisted look dark and brooding to make up for dreams of being in a band or something. I would have preferred seeing Rock, Paper, Scissors, too because everything about them was fresher. It's too bad they didn't have their numbers together.
  12. A lot of these "celebs" are desperate to be booked so they say yes to whatever their agents can still get them. They haven't much seen the show or any of it so they don'thave anything more than fillers or botox injections lined up.
  13. I love Piers. WTF Ivanka? I usually love her but she really is her father's daughter with the "You speak so well" bullshit after Keshia and Vivica spoke in plain English.
  14. Ian Ziering suddenly got so hot. I never liked him as Steve on 90210 but I have to rethink that. He showed integrity and backbone by speaking the truth and never wavering to take Trump's bait like Kevin Jonas did. His strength of character shamed Kevin into admitting that Ian should stay over him after all. I don't fault Kevin for faltering though; Trump is an unscrupulous bully. I really hope Geraldo isn't this season's Joan Rivers, but the blind favoritism from Trump is already happening. And I agree about Shawn being a loafing liar who's setting a bad example for women at work. Pop a pill (ibuprofen/Midol) and get back to work!
  15. I think Zendaya wouldn't do it again not because her fame level is too great, but because it's almost the same as it was before, and that's embarrassing. She was lauded as the next big thing on the show but post-show all she's done is release music no one wants and get cast in a movie no one wanted her in.
  16. All of these insultingly lazy new shows cropping up that are all the same with a slight variation. (I'm looking at you, Late Nite Chef Fight.) I'm still waiting for the Spike and Marcel show. Dale et al. can make guest appearances. I love watching Blais cook. He was great on Tasted's Burger Lab show because it was just him doing what he does best: cooking with passion and creativity. I wish he could get his own show doing something like that rather than narrating or judging.
  17. Tamar had me cackling and delighted during her A Day in The Life of Tamar first scene. She became on for the camera and I gained respect for her. She really is a natural comedienne. Then Vince ruined the mood which reminded me of how abusive men in my past have created that same sudden and threatening tension.
  18. After all that wait, and with all that chemistry, that kissing scene was not hot. It was painfully corny and contrived. I'm sure they can improve on it though and I'm counting on it.
  19. Yay Antonia! I already liked the show and didn't like or dislike Waylynn, but now they have an actual asset in Antonia.
  20. YES, that is how all JT songs should be sung: not by JT. Chris gave that song depth with his range. I've been giving no shits about this season but he's good.
  21. I liked her and remember her, I think, winning on Chopped. She was amusing and cute in that blueberry costume. She lucked out that she wasn't anyone's target and for the umpteenth time it was a pissing match between the guys.
  22. This awful show. I couldn't even get through the episode and barely stomached the last.
  23. Mark did a charming impression of Sadie on GMA. I was also impressed with that rhyming song technique to get her to remember her steps and timing.
  24. Tyra was so insecure about making Keith's win look legit she had them splice in a random shot of the audience cheering and played it back twice after Keith walked to look like they were going wild over him. The actual shot of him walking showed the audience next to him barely interested, as they looked most of the show. Nice seeing Alison again who has a better career than all the nobodys Tyra has crowned ANTM.
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