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Everything posted by Jobiska

  1. Now now, don't you remember Analyse spelling Julie Chen's name "Juilyie" or something like that? ;-) I'm with you on the Kaycee "ugh." I think I'm going to like Tommy a lot better on here. I think that Nam's partner is an Emi/Emmy/Emma/something like that? When I first heard the name I thought he was going to be partnered with Emi the Blue-Haired Alien, whom I don't find quite as insufferable as most of you but I don't really like either. Michele and...Jay? He's a lot different from Survivor Wendell (whom she was with post their seasons but was split up from by the all-winners season they were both on), Emmanuel, and I think she liked someone else on her recent Challenge season too? I guess she does not have a "type." But her emoting with tears streaming down her face in the previews about if you can't trust your ride or die...is Jay going to screw her over? Finally, the plural "ride or dies" really irks me, but I can't find a better one. It also irks me that they have obviously been coached to discourse at length on the meaning of "ride or die" in their talking heads. Yes, yes, we get it. Don't need the concept explained by every single one of the apparently unending stream of you coming into this season.
  2. If one twin could take the "man's" part, I don't see why Glenda and Lumbumba couldn't switch parts! But they made it work. Yeah, the Boom-Boom is the only strike against them. Mer-fairy, huh? And your hair is your fish tail? I am very confused. Mainly because I don't want to think about it any more. When Phil was introducing the pit stop and the camera swooped in on him standing facing away from the mat and then panned around him until it was facing him with the mat in front of him, and he must have turned at the exact same tempo--that was pretty cool. Sure were a lot of accordions. Maybe the trainers/clue-givers fell victim to the old joke, "I left my car parked with my accordion in the back seat, and when I got back, someone had broken in--and left another accordion!" and so they had to have them at both challenges. I did like how the bells accordiompanist seemed to quietly revel in playing the accordiquivalent of a sad trombone when the ringers messed up. The married couple dubs themselves "Team Croqueta" which is the only thing I really remember about them. I also enjoyed the shot of young Linton, but when he was getting all teary about being a dad, and them realizing they've had the longest relationship, I have to admit I was touched. He seems so sweet. I guess that means Sharik is older than the younger military brother. Speaking of, it was funny when he learned his bro had played the clarinet! Rather the motivationals had gone than T-Rex, but I suspect that they were not long for the race anyway due to stamina etc.
  3. I would have loved it if the episode title had been "your pee is like bouillon cubes." (how did he know???) Is that an un-removed (or blacked out) tattoo on Jesse's scalp, a few inches back from the hairline? There was one scene where the footage was reversed and it was on (his) left side instead of right! and it wasn't like that scene had to be that way! It was him reacting to something (Dwight?) said. "I made eye contact with a spider." It's when you don't make eye contact that it is more worrisome! (I like spiders but not spider bites!)
  4. Not since The Good Place has there been a show we have to pause...often multiple times...so we can laugh our heads off without missing something. I had paused it right there, and not only did we catch that guy thinking "Let me at 'em!"--his expression was so great--but at the same time, Ava is in the background having just turned around to hightail it out of there! So then we had to laugh some more! I live near "Philly Flavors" in Fairmount which does a great wooder ice...I've branched out from lemon this summer, and the black raspberry is amazing too!
  5. Philadelphia City Council's resolution welcoming Gritty to Philadelphia "Gritty may be a hideous monster, but he is our hideous monster." As a Philly resident--my sentiments exactly. I'm glad Gregory "got" him at the end.
  6. Indeed, but I didn't say it was riveting, I said it was joyful. and I'd rather see boring joy than drunken meanness. Mileage varies!
  7. Craig told Naomie last ep to turn her frown upside down and then went ballistic when she told him what would help her do that; and this time he said she didn't get to tell him what to do and then spent several minutes telling her what to do. Only unalloyed joy in the episode was Leva and "Little" making cookies and then her talking head about how being a parent means you're always just hanging on and she can't be a control freak. Relatable in that moment. Laughed at the boaters saying "you're eating our shrimp!" to the seagulls. Seagulls have been eating shrimp since long before humans existed, most likely! You're eating their shrimp! Austen holding Craig like on Titanic....okay.
  8. I certainly am not trying to shoehorn or drag. I think my problem is when someone asks a question, I answer the question they ask, which may not have been what they intended to evoke. As I said upthread, you can like or dislike Taylor or any other HG!
  9. And that's fine, but that wasn't the question you asked; you asked why US politics has to enter into the game. You can hate her or like her as you please! Please, also, note I was using "we" about how our entire society has biases, often unconscious ones, not saying X or Y viewer or poster "is biased." Also, not so much on BB but I have liked a lot of show-villains in my time, including the Guidos on the first TAR, so we don't "all" like or hate the same people!
  10. Oh, I forgot that I also laughed when Angela, having sent Alyssa home, said TJ was going to make her cry again and he said "That's what I'm trying to do!" And Tyler's birthday facetime was sweet. I mean, good for him and Angela that they found each other. Now they can go back to making and selling jewelry and have a happy life.
  11. 1) First black woman is just a value add to a winner being someone who seems genuinely nice even to people that hurt her, and who survived being bullied and being on the block numerous times. 2) It's not based on US political history, it's based on human nature. Some people follow their better instincts and values; some people either are miseducated or ignorant (Kyle, in part) or let greed or fear foment hatred and baseless feelings of superiority. This has not just happened in the US; it's happened throughout history all over the world. Human nature also structures the game, and while I don't think the game was ever structured to be intentionally -ist in any way, the selection of players (composition of the whole, attitudes and personalities of the individuals) has tended to fall along the lines of societal structure with implicit biases built in. It does take rethinking on a very basic level to figure out how to counteract these biases. And when changes are made people are going to react constructively (Cookout members noticing that for the first time there are enough black people to be able to join together) or destructively. All of this was always there; we (especially white people) just didn't see it because the structure of the game fell along the lines of our own unconscious biases. And that's human nature too. But when we start figuring it out and doing better...that is also part of human nature, the best part.
  12. Agree that Angela should have been DQed, but her having 2/3 the dirt instead of 1/2 the dirt probably did a number on her mentally. So that factor and the "this puzzle times out, this puzzle doesn't" arbitrariness are annoying. Pleased that Danny won; Zoe is adorable (Kiki is the drinking challenge, Zoe is the chaser?); Sarah deserved the win and she looks lovely when she smiles broadly like when she won, as opposed to making faces behind Alyssa's back or looking so sour as she snots about A and A in talking heads. So very tired of barfing scenes. At least they didn't have the somewhat condescending "the native cultures here consider this worm a delicacy" angle. Though speaking of quitting and Argentina, this reminds me of Boston Rob on Amazing Race convincing all the other people to not eat the large amount of beef so he wouldn't be the only one penalized...at least on TAR the rules are clear! So basically all I have to hold on to other than the nice win for Danny is the image of TJ reeling after he peeked into the onion fart tent.
  13. Aw, I'm sure feminist Monte would be fine with Taylor keeping her maiden name! (if he took hers, as some people I know have as he sure wouldn't, he's be Monte Hale, which sounds like Monty Hall! Let's Make a Deal! ;-) )
  14. I'm just speculating why Taylor might have taken him as such given her personality etc.; not saying I necessarily think he is!
  15. I suspect, but can't say for sure--only Taylor and Monte can--that Kyle's conversations afterward went a long way. Taylor's big-heartedness for sure is open to helping Kyle learn and grow, even though it's not her job. If her sense is that he is sincere and remorseful, then I think she would be more forgiving (and yes, I don't think Michael necessarily picked up on the microagressions). That seems to be how Taylor rolls. Not being on the spot, I can't gauge how sincere Kyle is, but I think Taylor would have a sense, or at least high hopes.
  16. the only thing I noticed was in the telephone explanation to Brittany, the voice said something about "at HorrorFest." Kind of flimsy but hey.
  17. Even if Kyle is sincere about wanting to learn and grow, he has so far to go. I can't believe he said it would make him feel better if Monte punched him in the face. Monte of course rejected that but there sure is a lot of potential race-relations stuff in that sentence alone. Monte and Terrence and especially Taylor are super generous to try to help him understand things, but I hope someone out there tells him it's not the job of POC to educate him or do the emotional labor of working with his emotions. If they want to, great, but he needs to know what a generous and absolutely not required gift it is. I kept being distracted by the giant boots with laces in different colors, and the prominently displayed PopTarts, in any scene with Turner in the HOH room. Good thing my husband had stopped by the little local supermarket before and not after the show, or we'd have PopTarts in addition to English muffins and OJ and stuff in our kitchen now.
  18. I sort of did too. I was much struck by the fact that her high strappy yellow(!) heels mirrored the strappy top of her shirt. And as someone who sews, I was super-intrigued by how well the cutout part fit. No gapping (well, other than the intentional gaps, heh), no too-tight-cutting in, etc.
  19. Entitled is the word. Not only did she think she could order everyone around as to placing black dots, but then she pontificated about how she should get the chance to decide who to go against in the arena. No, that's not how the game works. Sometimes (more on the regular Challenge, where they see each other every half year or so, which makes a difference) the deciders offer that courtesy, but they don't have to. Good for Danny for not caving. Also, snotting about (to? I forget) A&A going with the blocking strategy rather than winning "honestly" (I forget the term she used but she was implying they were less moral than if they had just played straight out) while she herself was trying to direct the others to block? That's rich. This is all capped off by the extremely attractive face she pulled behind Alyssa's back after they talked in the club. How dare Alyssa approach her? and yet how dare Alyssa not approach her previously to "talk game?" Meanwhile, if Angela's bread and butter is jewelry design and sales, it's no huge deal if her diamonds are real, I mean, not as much as if she had other luxurious items around...they're an investment in advertising her brand, in a way (if they are her design).
  20. No, that's the one thing he can do for longer than 10 seconds.
  21. When I go to ignore someone, it offers boxes to tick for posts, messages, and mentions, and I assume mentions means quotes that have the person's name still showing?
  22. I saw the movie on initial release and got the LP; "Let's Go Fly a Kite" still is one of the happiest songs ever IMHO. However, from that time till now I read the original Mary Poppins books over and over and when I learned what the characters of the Banks parents became in the movie (which I don't think I've seen from that day to this, other than clips), I was shocked. That all went over my head in the initial viewing, of course. Didn't have a color TV till I was an adult, so as a kid I never realized the WoO changed color at all (also someone mocked me for not knowing Lucille Ball was a redhead--I didn't watch enough to hear her referred to as such on the show, and she looked blonde on a B&W TV!) So disappointed in Turner. I appreciate you all keeping us abreast of the latest.
  23. Two genuine laughs: When Austin was trying to wink at Whitney and Whitney mocked his facial contortions with one of his own, and a few minutes later when Craig asked Whitney if he was going for the Russian Mafia look. Mild chuckle at all the serious morning-after convos between people with egg all over their shirts. Aside from the obvious (how he treated Taylor), I was disgusted at Shep throwing cucumbers out of his salad behind his back onto the lawn. Other people are walking there, and not just your mostly deserve-to-slip-on-cukes messed up frenemies, but the staff! What I wouldn't give to stay at a place like Auldbrass, and here's Craig mauling the decor (sword).
  24. An influencer who pole vaulted on an elite level. Which maybe Sarah doesn't know, but still, shut up Sarah. Poor Leo. At least he got the "previously on the Challenge" with Enzo holding up a cute cat. LOL that his next cat is going to be named Alyssa, but I think after she sent him in he is no longer naming his one after that Angela.
  25. And this is not to be a Michael/Brittany apologist, because I think they should have been more aware from the start, but I agree that not having the greater context of Kyle's mindset might have them being "Ugh, this doesn't sound good, but I guess it's just because he's so sheltered? Hopefully this will wake him up a little, especially if we talk to him about how it comes across?" I'm still not happy with them, but we do have a lot more context to know that this is an ingrained outlook.
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