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Everything posted by Jobiska

  1. Or even if she's been told "dyscalculia," she's run into enough people that have no idea what it is that she just takes this route instead. Or maybe she can't pronounce dyscalculia (no shade, it is kind of a tongue twister!).
  2. Yeah, the holding on long enough would be my issue too, not the drop or the cold. I once had to climb up a ladder to a platform on a tree and jump off, and my arms were just not strong enough to get me up and around the lip of the platform, small though it was. I ended up jumping from the tree instead. I can't even do a pushup (well, I can do the ones with knees on the floor). And with cold hands on cold metal? I'd fall onto that muddy promontory instead for sure. It reminds me of the guest on BDSY a season or two ago who could just not let go when he swung out on the rope and was supposed to fall off into the ocean but he just slammed back into the mast or some such structure instead. I'm not a huge Faye fan, but Lewis' passive aggressive snarking behind her back and just not listening to her and so forth is way more irritating even than her nagging (at least to me). Seth, heh. I am not sure this career step is going to get you captaining a spacecraft to Mars. But if you do go, can you take most of your shipmates with you, and leave them there?
  3. Well, it depends how he measures Challenge worthiness. He beats Chauncey in misogyny, braggadocio, egotism.... which seem to be endemic on the Challenge sometimes!
  4. It's not like Tori's vote would have made a difference in whether Nurys went in--it was obvious that most of the team agreed she was going--so Jordan and Nurys can stop it with the "uh huh, not personal, suuuure" interviews. I mean, whether it was personal or not, whether Tori voted that way or not, Nurys was going in. So shut it! (I'm not a huge Tori fan, and as JilliBean says above she has a lot of faults, but this demonizing of her is just not cool. And at least she seems like someone who tries to work on her faults, which I do respect). I wonder what would happen if there were a tie between two out of several--would TJ tell them to work it out between the top two, or have a revote for just those two, or what? Whatever is messiest is whatever MTV would pick, of course.
  5. And Gary has a good helping of self-deprecation in a good and amusing way--he acknowledges his jerkish times and that they get him into trouble--in addition to no personality, Ross doesn't have this either. I hate posting without watching the whole thing, but as soon as I saw Sandy, to echo our first poster RoseAllDay, I'm out. I'll have to fall back on the questionably entertaining BDAdventure for now. At least I like that Captain.
  6. Here are some of the things i made in Home Ec c. 1974 (we swapped out with the boys, trading Home Ec for shop, for one month and I made a huge cutting board, LOL): Baked Alaska Green Goddess dressing Home-made mayonnaise The only one I have made since was Baked Alaska...right after we did it in Home Ec so I could show my fam I knew how. I had to wait and wait for the chyron to see that it was Seth and not Zeth. I'd take the hot tub on my own with a glass of a preferred beverage, as did Kelly, rather than the night out with the crew--though that food looked extra good.
  7. Agreed. Always hard to tell for sure, but he had really caught up and closed in on Horacio by the end, and I didn't think it was fair of TJ to imply Horacio blew him out of the water. They were both on the last door and well into the wrenching by the end. I'll say one thing about the twist, it is at least a more interesting and dramatic twist than "I'm feeling friendly, so here are some vets." (eyeroll).
  8. Uh....cute cat (if a little beat up looking, but all cats are cute) near the restaurant on the night out? That's all I got. Well, the guests were nice enough though I didn't get the "slowly lowering their rear ends down in front of the sunset" photo shoot. Just don't have it in me to talk about the crew. Too much of the same ol' same ol'.
  9. Blah blah blah relationships. Sure, Tori did go from 0 to 100 in her argument with Jordan, but if he was really coming into her bed and cuddling while she was naked, I don't really think he was quite fair in calling it "The Tori Show." Especially since she was trying to distance herself and then he comes to her saying they needed to clear the air. I'm not a (heh) ride-or-die fan of Tori, but I sure like her better than Jordan, and she's more self-aware than Jordan and working on herself and her faults. When Moriah was wiping Fessy's tears away with her shirt, then he picked up the end of her shirt and wiped them himself, I got a kick out of imagining him then blowing his nose with a big honking sound into her shirttail. His "I'm going to screw you over" face while they were (pointlessly) deliberating was, well, not really chilling, but was very essence-of-Fessy. Fessence? Ha, Kaycee doesn't even remember that her brother is on the Challenge! Wonder why Kenny's knees hurt--did he get injured earlier and we didn't hear about it, or just carrying those heavy loads in the daily? (If he played sports like Kaycee does, maybe he's rucked them up in the past). Chauncey, though boring, seems really sweet. I hope he and Amber have a lovely life together.
  10. Being an "emotional player" is not the same thing as being a messy player. You can be one, or the other, or both, but I feel like Michele especially excuses away her messiness based on emotion (I think Amber is one who plays emotionally but not messily, as she gets more laser focused when it comes to actually competing). Car thing: boring to watch (to me). The multicolored cars were pretty. Also, no way to make the challenge totally equal because the drivers can't replicate their exact pattern each time (amazingly skilled drivers, but still). I thought the twist on the Tower of Hanoi (had to look up the name of that puzzle) was innovative, but hard to follow what the players were doing besides screaming. I was just glad it wasn't Fessy v Jay in a Hall Brawl or variation (unlike many, I hate Hall Brawl). I don't really care that much about Jay as a player, and his messiness was getting quite annoying to watch, but I don't want to see him snapped like a twig (or like Kyle's finger, heh). In the interviews, Michele had on a fuzzy sparkly pink sweater top that had side cutouts, and then later one of the other women, I forget who, was wearing the same top. Either they packed the same item or she left it (kind of like people leave their clothes for other players sometimes on Survivor). I am sure they are instructed or are self-aware enough to select tops that give visual interest (read into that or don't) for the interview portions, as they are generally seen from waist up, but I actually find a lot of the tops distracting, like, how can that thing with all those cutouts and two straps going diagonally across the front and no strap on the other side be supportive? Or on the flip side, boy, is that tightly laced bodice ever supportive! (This is purely from an observational point of view, as I am old enough to be the mother of all of them--Hell, I'm old enough to be Bananas' mother even, had I started earlier than I actually did!). Now that he's a quadragenarian, can he go away? (Is there some website that shows all their ages, if known? and who is the oldest currently active player?) In addition to top-watching I love hair-watching. I can't believe how Amber's hair can go from giant cloud to little ball shaped ponytails (I have no idea what that hairstyle is called). And to me Nelson's current 'do and especially the one he likes to keep down over his forehead is an extra player! It looks so funny when he's wearing a warm hat and all the little beads peek out the front. I can't help it, I like watching Nelson. Oh, did he say it was getting down to the needy-greedy (or rather just pronounce nitty-gritty that way?) Actually, that is kind of...spot on for a lot of challengers. Some are greedy, and a lot are needy! OTOH I would rather not see Jordan's creepy mullhawk. It needs to commit one way or another. I know I've whined about it before.
  11. Ha! Taylor did look lovely in the clothes, but the shiny makeup on her forehead looked like slug trails!
  12. I am not a Laurel fan but I sure did not enjoy seeing her cry in the interview bits either. That was just depressing. I think Jakk hoped to be famous for his lines about garbage like Sue whatsit was for her rats and snakes speech in the first Survivor. Ain't going to happen, Jakk. Also, what does "as free as my hair?" mean? You don't have hair where that tattoo is! Do you mean you've been swept up from the floor of the barber shop and thrown away? But I'd rather see that 'do than Jordan's don't. It frankly creeps me out a bit. Also sick of entitled Nany. Strange challenge in that I assume the longer you took to find the second bag, the more time your partner would have to reel the "stop" along, so you didn't necessarily benefit from digging it up faster (although if you were waaaay behind, that didn't help either, because the reeling had a finite end).
  13. Oriana: who cares if Kasie's faking an accent or not? (I think if she were faking it altogether, she'd be more consistent, even if it was a bad fake). My dad has picked up pronunciations, etc., in different places he's worked in all over the world, and then goes back to his original. I mean, I know Kasie likes it and isn't trying to stop having it, and maybe is putting it on a little bit, but...who cares? Glad that Kyle's gone. I think it's funny that Kelly's GF didn't like working for him!
  14. I think you're right. I mostly like Devin, but at this point I like Colleen more even though I just "met" her (on TV obv). He can be pretty cruel.
  15. Oh yeah, this observation was in no way a dis on Jordan's abilities, just a suspicion that someone with visual issues might have had to find a workaround.
  16. Seeing as Jordan didn't get a specially equipped oar handle...probably not.
  17. Since I'm currently also watching the Challenge with survivor winner Michele, I will note that that's who Elie reminds me most of. Their facial structure is the same and something about their expressions while they talk and stuff. And the tendency to open their eyes wide. Hair and eye coloration are different, but to me those are secondary to face shape etc. I'm always fascinated by how different observers think two individuals look alike, or not. I've discovered that if I try to describe someone to my son by saying they "look like" another person, he almost never agrees. I too was surprised they didn't call in medical after the challenge for Karla. Which guy hung upside down by his feet to help Karla up? I was impressed. Has James' voice always been that hoarse? or what was up with that?
  18. When Nurys had her hair back in a simple ponytail (in the deliberation room or whatever they are calling it) she looked like a cross between Nany and Kaycee. Toward the end there was a talking head of a woman with blue eyes and long dark hair. I couldn't tell who it was! Maybe Olivia with dark hair, filmed later?
  19. No, it was my error actually, as I meant to type bother her! LOL! Like I said, sympathetic cringing while watching...but it gets old...she's better off going home and hopefully having time apart! Meant to say, darn it that they used one of my favorite songs (Let Her Go by Passenger) over Tori and Jordan's conversation! Also, why does she have to apologize all over the place...if it was a couple of months before she hooked up with Faysal, and Jordan broke up with her? I mean maybe once if she did it, like she said, out of spite, but that was a lot of apologizing. Yeah, as long as it covers that weird hairdo. I'm old enough to remember King Faizal from the 1970s (we even had a novelty 45 RPM called "The Energy Crisis" which used clips from popular songs, and in it they said "King Faizal, is that you?" and then used the clip "Hello, it's me,") and the record, and I, pronounced it "Fye-Zull." So I would probably have done the same for Faysal. And ditto on the Johnnys.
  20. Bother him? What about her unrequited love bothering me? I just turned 62 but she's bringing all my high school days back...thinking my crushes were invisible but I'm sure everyone noticed...ugh, suffering 2ndhand embarrassment just watching her! Ravyn, you can do better. You're pretty and strong and more interesting than Johnny. Come back alone sometime. With different shoes. Did something go wrong with the release of Olivia's door for a second there? It looked like it didn't open properly or something else happened. Anyway, didn't matter in the long run, or should I say short run right through poor ol' Ravyn. Tommy! You really did not think that one through, did you? Yes, Nany's teeth were always like that. Maybe she's just post a whitening session and they are more visible?
  21. I should have been specific--that made me positive on her! I'll edit so as not to imply otherwise! She cracked me up!
  22. I was relatively neutral on Karla until this episode when she TH'd re Cody, "Dude, you're from Idaho. Chill out." [Edited to specify: this made me swing to the "like this player" column!] I also thought the episode title should have been "why is there a palm frond on me?!" From the relatively forgettable short-lived reality show "I Survived a Japanese Game Show," my son and I still say "Why? am I? a Bug?!" which was a clip used frequently in commercials. (Often paired with quoting "Evidently a bug. How strange" from Calvin and Hobbes).
  23. Despite his trouble communicating (in English which gets worse when he's riled up) it's apparent to me as a viewer that what Turbo means when he says he wants to go into elimination is that he wants to prove himself against people like Bananas or Jordan, not be thrown in with a pack of mostly newbies in a very early round. I feel like Nany probably knows that. I do dislike when people talk over others and don't let them finish, but Nany pointing a finger during the second half of their "conversation" was also quite annoying, but not as much so as the former. I have levels of annoyances, LOL! I've realized that the only vets I like are Nelson (for comedy reasons) (and his hairdo is fascinating), Devin, Tori to an extent, Amber, mostly, and Jay to an extent. And poor ol' Nam before he left. Of the vets still rumored to come in, I'd be somewhat neutral re Nany if not for her loathsome partner (I can't find him entertaining even a little bit ever since he basically called someone's--maybe Aneesa's--bloodline partner a whale in the water. That type of misogyny and sizeism I can't deal with. Yeah, I know misogyny is built into the show. Oh well!) But I'm glad others still enjoy watching him! Other than telling you how I really feel about Bananas, heh, I also really don't like Laurel, Fessy, Kaycee. Mixed on Aneesa and Jordan (more negative on Jordan). So I'm all about the rookies this time around for the most part...Horacio and Olivia impress. I wish Ravyn wasn't so cringily into Johnny because otherwise I really like her so far.
  24. I couldn't watch too much because of my loathing of Bananas, but: Jordan's hair? I finally right before writing this figured out what it reminded me of--the messed up hair of my "Tearie Dearie" doll which I had in the early 1960s, which was passed down to my sister in the early 1970s (she rechristened her "Ratchuk" which...matched her matted hair by then). It's like if a mohawk and a mullet had a baby and it was the type of baby that a doctor friend of my parents', when asked to admire someone's not-cute offspring, would say, "Wow, that IS a baby!" These six: "We are so amazing! We are part of TJ's big twist!" TJ's twist: "I'm feeling friendly!" Yeah. Big.
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