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Everything posted by Hpmec

  1. His older kids will be told daddy's doing the Lord's work at a prison, helping the prisoners know Jesus. That's what the family expects him to be doing for the duration of his involuntary stay there. The reality is he'll be laying in his bunk, doing whatever work detail he's assigned if he's not in solitary, trying to avoid getting his ass kicked or becoming someone's shower buddy, and counting the days until he can get out. I think he gave lip service to religion, but it never had much of an impact.
  2. Oh, I get the reasoning behind the will they or won't they drama, but it makes the contestants look stupid for getting involved in the first place. Anyone know if they collect a paycheck for showing up at all and a bonus if they get engaged and are followed to the conclusion? I woukd think some sort of decent financial incentive might be behind it. The only people I've ever known who were on a "reality" show was House Hunters. They had already bought the place they ultimately chose prior to filming and were given a paycheck for appearing.
  3. And what's with those gold glasses popping up everywhere? They became a distraction. As for Nick's orientation, I'm wondering if he is gay did Danielle ever pick up on it? I have a cousin who married a closeted gay guy. She had no clue until someone she knew spotted him getting cozy at a club with another guy. A nasty divorce followed. I'm wondering if some of the tension with the mother and sisters is because they know or suspect. Having seen them interacting with him for just a few minutes, I wouldn't want to be Nick.
  4. The most uncomfortable part of this show is the weddings. Making the couple get all dressed up and having guests there like a real wedding and then asking them whether or not they want to go through with it is just cruel. Would be so much better if the couple came to a joint decision in advance and only then proceeded with the event if they were both on the same page. Or, if not, simply shook hands and walked away or decided to keep seeing each other to see where it led. That scenario would be much more realistic and less cringe inducing. I can understand people signing up for the experiment, but the rush rush wedding and potential humilation at the altar is just too much. Witness Nick's sweat. He looked like he was about to pass out.
  5. I think the participants are encouraged to make it all the way to the altar before they announce their intentions. Creates drama and there is always the possibility one or both parties will walk away. That was sheer flopsweat on Nick. He had no noticable reaction to Danielle being all dolled up for the big event. Usually the groom manages a grin, if not a big smile seeing his bride as she comes down the aisle. Nick looked like he was going to puke. My prediction is that he says thanks but no thanks, and I think she'll be secretly relieved.
  6. Shayne apparently has no clue how to dress when meeting a significant other's parents for the first time. I'm surprised Natalie didn't say something. I would have. Nick wasn't kidding when he said his mother wasn't the warm and welcoming type. Huge red flag. When someone isn't willing to put on a smile and at least try to be friendly when cameras are rolling, imagine the frostbite in real life. Run Danielle! Hope Shaina is gone for good. She seems like the type who'd give Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction a run for the money. Watch the stove for a boiling bunny, Natalie. Shake, if you're not into a beautiful, smart woman like Deeps, many others would gladly take your place. Let her know before it's too late. She's way too good for you. You're not the shit you think you are. Looking forward to seeing where this massive shitshow is headed.
  7. Nick sets off my gaydar in a big way. Maybe he's in denial because of his Catholic upbringing. I don't know. He and Danielle are not compatible at all. Shaina used religion as an excuse to dump Kyle. She doesn't seem to give a fuck what Shayne's religious views are, though. She just wants him or thinks she wants him. She's a shit stirrer in the first degree. The preview looked like Shake and Deepti may just go through with it. Hard to say. At this point, I'm still betting on no I Do's.
  8. Memo to Kyle: She doesn't want you. She never wanted you. She feels no attraction at all for you. Please don't embarrass yourself any more. I literally had to fast forward through their reveal because I knew she was going to be so disappointed. I know she thinks she likes Shayne, but she hasn't seen him or interacted with him in person. I think she should scoop up whatever social media followers she's acquired because of this and go back to the local watering holes where she'll have more luck. Prediction: None of these couples go through with it. I can't imagine any of them even still being together at this point. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. Guilty pleasure trash tv of the lowest caliber.
  9. There was a debate on the Jeopardy forum awhile back when Vivian Leigh was the final Jeopardy answer and I pointed out that only the older contestant got it because she was old enough to remember the actress. Some who responded felt that there was no excuse for younger contestants not knowing Hollywood history. I think what we have here with college students is much the same. I'm 69 and have no clue who these DJ's and social media personalities are...nor should I be expected to know. Not my wheelhouse. But definitely part of the popular culture for college age kids. Likewise, during regular games, there are sometimes categories that favor a particular age group. I've seen younger contestants stumped by 1950's and 60's tv shows and bands who fly through a video game category. No one knows everything, and the best the producers and clue writers can do is try to keep a balance.
  10. Could not believe no one got the Hawaii Punchbowl Cemetery FJ. Extinct volcano. National Cemetery. Obvious. Amy has a huge knowledge base but it's what she doesn't know that's sometimes surprising. The Springsteen Born to Run lyric was at the top of the board. Easy. Missed an Elton John reference to Tiny Dancer, too. The church fair where Lennon and McCartney first met. Didn't know. Seems her knowledge of history going back centuries is way sharper than more recent pop culture. Have a feeling if anything is going to eventually do her in, it's that.
  11. Yes, totally agree that the tasks weren't up to TAR standards. Like this was a budget version of the game. The mail task should have had the clue hidden in an envelope with a specific postal code on it that they had to decipher from seeing the numbers randomly arranged on the walls of the tunnel. And that envelope hidden among hundreds in the bin, each with a different code. That would have been a challenge. A clue dumped in the bottom of a bin? Not worthy of TAR. And Boris with the queen? In previous seasons, there would have been a ballroom full of Queen impersonators and the next clue would have been given to contestants who could find the one wearing a particular tiara. Again, they took the bargain basement approach.
  12. That is if they even knew who Boris Johnson is, which apparently they didn't. And I think they'd have no problem admitting they thought those two were the real thing. The producers seemingly get a perverse pleasure out of casting gullible people who don't follow the news (didn't the flight attendant proudly state the same) and lack critical thinking skills.
  13. Who came up with the find the clue in the bottom of the bin task? Way too easy. Even two contestants thought so, which was ridiculously dumb of them. The TAR I know and love would have put the clue inside an envelope in one of the envelopes inside one of the large packages stuffed with envelopes. Come on, TAR. Make it a challenge! Is cluelessness a requirement for coming on this show these days? Few knew what a Bobby is or who Boris Johnson is. Teams seemingly had an easier time identifying DigiBen than Big Ben. The husband and wife who earn a living making and posting stupid videos of themselves are a perfect example of what's wrong with this country. Too much idiocy. Not enough brainpower. And what's with the start from all the different cities? Planes could not possibly have all landed at the same time, giving some teams a time advantage at the beginning. Have to assume teams all met up at the airport and we're given the go signal from there. All in all...meh . Hoping the show will eventually be able to film new seasons and producers will go back to casting ordinary people.
  14. Easiest FJ in a long time. I was surprised no one knew it. The first meeting of Lennon and McCartney is something I just assumed was common knowledge. Guess not. Simon and Garfunkel met in elementary school in 1953.
  15. Well, it's lasted just over two years which I guess is a lot by Hollywood standards. But then, how many of these marriages survive in the long run? Tarek and Christina built a successful career together but it wasn't enough to keep them together even as their fortune rose. She rebounded with Ant, and that certainly bombed out quickly. Now she's engaged to a guy who is also recently divorced. She seems to be on a marriage go round. Not saying Tarek and Heather won't make it work, but given the nature of their celebrity and love of the spotlight, who knows what will happen as they age and the shows are cancelled. Will be interesting to revisit them 10 years down the road.
  16. They were married at the Rosewood Miramar Resort in Montecito. The rooms there start at 2K a night. My husband was appalled when I told him breakfast isn't included and we both had a good eyeroll when I read a room description that touted that sheets are included on the bed. Apparently, you get so little for your 2K that sheets on the bed are listed as an amenity. But, I digress. The couple cut a deal with Discovery + to create a tv special about the wedding to air in December. So, I would bet big that they did not have to pick up the considerable tab which, no doubt, ran well into the six figures. Tarek is nothing if not a guy out to make a buck. Profit off a wedding? Where do I sign up? Those two deserve each other. Will be curious to see how long it lasts.
  17. And Matt knows the Danube doesn't flow through Poland and there are no Alps there either. His answer made zero sense, especially for a guy who aced just about every geography question that came up.
  18. There's no way Matt didn't know the correct FJ answer. Geography and history are two of his strengths. The clue mentioned Danube and Alps. I suspect he was tired, had been beaten at the buzzer numerous times, and was generally off his game throughout. He was simply throwing in the towel and calling it a streak.
  19. One thing we know for certain about Josh. He's sneaky. There's no way he's been living the life of a choirboy since 2019. He got his fix somehow, even if it's just watching more conventional porn on his phone. When Anna's not around, he has a lot of time on his hands, and, no doubt, has found a way to satisfy the itch.
  20. She's way too invested in the cult to even consider public school. Would not want her children associating with non believers/outsiders. Boob and Meech are,no doubt, giving her plenty to do -- housekeeping, laundry, cooking, "teaching" the lost kids and her own at the kitchen table academy. She has a roof over her head and her kids are being fed. In her world women don't work outside the home. For a woman with 7 kids whose husband is in serious legal trouble, she actually has it better than most. She's not going anywhere.
  21. No more babies. She barely has time to take care of the ones she has. Between filming two shows, selling a house, buying two more houses, hanging out with friends, and becoming involved in yet another relationship, her plate has been pretty full the past year. Another kid is more than likely not part of the equation.
  22. Yes, true. She's a reality tv person, too. It will be interesting to see if those two have any staying power over the long run after the shows are cancelled and the cameras go away. That remains to be seen.
  23. Christina's priority seems to be Christina. Her new kid unfriendly house is a good reflection of that. Hudson would appear to be mostly with Ant, so he's well taken care of. The older kids are like a couple of ping pong balls bouncing between parents and parents' ever changing partners and houses. The last thing they need is to now have to adjust to living with another man so soon after Ant became history. Christina is doing them no favors. Kids need stability, not an ever changing cast of characters married to mom.
  24. I would gladly contribute to a divorce date pool. I predict a quickie wedding followed by a separation within a year. She should have worked things out with Tarek. This engagement feels like she's trying to one up his pending wedding. These two are on an endless marriage go round and it's no good for the kids.
  25. Boob is not at all interested in seeing a tabloid story about Anna and her children struggling. He will support them. Hell, Anna is an extra set of hands around TTH. Let her cook the meals for the remaining Duggars living at home and put her to work as "teacher" in the Duggar kitchen table academy. What's 8 more mouths to feed anyway? They are used to having a shit ton of people around and a big tater tot caserole goes a long way.
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