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Everything posted by Hpmec

  1. I hope they take a honeymoon to a beachy destination. Perfect time of year for it. I would so like to see him open her eyes to the world of people -good Christians among them - who wear shorts and swimsuits without guilt or feeling like they are being defrauded or are defrauding anybody. She's lived in the Duggar bubble far too long. Time to see the world the rest of us live in.
  2. Michelle's display of her (and her mother-in-law's) wedding dress at her daughter's wedding. The last place I would think to display my 1973 yellowing wedding dress would be at my daughter's wedding reception. Unbelievable. If they wanted to display something in addition to Derick's dad's uniform shirt (lovely and meaningful tribute) it should have been photos of the bride and groom through the years. It's their day, not Mullet's.
  3. New photo up at Radar Online. Derick dipping Jill. He has his arms fully around her leaning in for a smooch. Her arms are awkwardly at her side. She seems to be enjoying the moment but doesn't look 100% comfortable with his playful display of affection.
  4. Displaying Derick's father's uniform was a beautiful gesture and a meaningful way to honor him and include him in the wedding. Displaying Mullet's wedding dress served no purpose and, if anything, was a distraction. I hope at least one of her brood echoed her famous words to Josie, "The world doesn't revolve around Michelle" as a reminder that she had her big day 30 years ago and a vow renewal since. What a self-absorbed moron.
  5. I have a difficult time believing anyone would give a gun as a wedding gift. What the hell ever happened to dishes and cookware or just giving cash and letting the couple decide how to spend it? As far as all the sex advice goes, it would not surprise me in the least if JB and Mullet followed the newlyweds tonight to their motel and camped out in the room next door with their ears to the wall - just to be sure Jill was properly performing her wifely duty and in case either she or Derick needed any instructions. The Duggars' approach to physical contact is like allowing a teenager to get a learner's permit to drive a car, never letting him practice, and then setting him lose on the freeway the first day he is eligible for a license.
  6. A gun has no business on a wedding registry. Neither does food and fast food gift cards. Seriously, they come across as a couple of clueless rubes. I can almost forgive Jill. As the spawn of JimBoob and J'Chelle, she can't be expected to have any sense of wedding etiquette. But Derick, the university grad who came across in Nepal as self-sufficient and reasonably intelligent, should know better.
  7. In his Pistol Pete interview, Derick talked about appearing in character at weddings and even one funeral. He said that at weddings he would sometimes dance with the bride (no mean feat considering he was wearing a giant head). No mention that dancing conflicted with his values. He comes across as a normal guy, religious yes, but a guy who went to public schools and who interacted with a variety of people. I hope he doesn't lose sight of his own upbringing and that he and Jill raise their family the way he was raised. One can hope anyway.
  8. I can't stand Mullet's voiceover on the intro when she smugly proclaims that she "delivered every one" of her kids. I have one child I not only gave birth too but actually raised. Mullet is only interested in being pregnant and giving birth, not at all in being a parent. I'm just hoping that at some point one of the kids will break free and write a tell all. Best seller material for sure.
  9. I can't stand their aversion to showing affection. Side hugging among family members is ridiculous. And not allowing a dating couple to hold hands or kiss -- even a peck on the cheek -- is stupid. A dating couple, and especially an engaged couple, should have the freedom to set their own boundaries without the morals police passing judgment (I'm looking at you J'Chelle.)
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