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Everything posted by Hpmec

  1. She would need an agent to make a book deal and the agent would take a big cut plus a percentage of any profits. Boob would never sanction it, anyway, and she needs Boob to keep a roof over her head and her children fed.
  2. This. Anyone in her situation with a husband in a shitload of trouble, 7 kids to worry about and few resources, may well think advice to just leave him, get out, file for divorce isn't very realistic. Anna was brought up in a culture that frowns on divorce and that teaches that women must be subservient to their husbands. She buys into that. She's not going anywhere.
  3. I think we have to look realistically at Anna's situation. She has 6 or 7 kids if the latest M has arrived. She has no education and her job prospects are super limited. There's no way she could ever earn enough to support her children, and in her world no one would expect her to. Her own parents are piss poor. No one in her family seems prepared to take in her brood. That leaves the in-laws. They will continue to put a roof over her head and feed her kids no matter what happens to her disgusting vile husband. What other option does she have? Sure, she's a doormat, but she was raised to be a doormat. She doesn't know anything else. She'll stay in the family because it's all she's got.
  4. Her new place is about a half hour south of her old place. Less than 20 miles but heavy traffic on Pacific Coast Highway slows things down. If her kids are in private school, they may not have to switch, but I have a strong suspicion their needs and interests take a back seat to hers. I found photos of the new place just by Googling "Christina Haack new Dana Point home." A NY Post story popped right up. And yes, Tarek definitely has a type. The one who seems to be thriving, though, is Ant. His instagram pictures and videos of Hudson are adorable.
  5. If Anna did show up in the courtroom with any of the children, the judge would, no doubt, order them out as a potential disruption. Besides, given the nature of the charges, I wouldn't think she'd want her children, especially the older ones, to get wind of what was going on. She will be there, though, as will Boob and Meech. I don't think Boob will be able to resist telling reporters his good Christian golden boy is innocent. This assumes, of course, that Pest goes to trial. I think he'll take a plea deal, maybe plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a light sentence. A trial is simply too risky.
  6. You have her number. I'd pitch that plot to Hallmark. It would get a quick greenlight. The hunky farmhand was already introduced last night. Josh better watch out. Goat guy could get interested (in her bank account) real quick.
  7. She is incredibly impulsive. Changes houses and men with as much thought as most people give to changing their underwear. How much time will she spend in Tennessee before she gets bored with "country" life? What's the point of getting chickens and goats for a "vacation" home she'll probably sell within a year? As for tonight's kitchen reno couple, they were pickier than most and she was glad to be done with them. It's becoming increasingly obvious that she's mostly just putting in her appearances on camera and leaving the bulk of the work to her "team." Thus, the problems with cabinet and backsplash colors. She could not have cared less. Besides, she's too busy thinking up new ways to spend down her considerable bank account. Doesn't surprise me that she bought a non child friendly house. Her kids are props who spend a lot of time with their fathers. Case in point, photos today of Ant taking Hudson to preschool. Christina MIA.
  8. Chris is now sort of a minor celebrity and it no doubt helps his real estate business in addition to being a nice paycheck. Notice how he moved into the house Amy bought and was willing to have the ceremony on the farm owned by Matt. He's definitely a hanger on as opposed to a take charge guy. I just don't see this lasting. Amy's going to see to it that he has a lot less freedom now that he's signed on the dotted line and I predict he'll rebel. The lure of the strip clubs he frequented is going to be hard to resist, especially once she starts harping on him constantly. This has the makings of a potential trainwreck.
  9. Now that's an interesting thought. The proof is in the county clerk's office. TLC is paying for this "wedding" at the Roloff farm. They've squeezed as much drama out of it as they possibly can to this point. All that remains to be seen is whether the other kids' faces are on camera. Jacob hates this shitshow, so maybe he'll be a no show. So, after this union, then what? Oh, I forgot, Pumpkin Season. Will Amy wear her butterfly outfit? Will Matt and Caryn get engaged in a corn maze? Will Jackson tumble off a piece of farm machinery? The saga, such as it is, continues.
  10. I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope to see many members of Chris's family. He seems like very much a lone wolf. Considering how long he's been on the show, we don't know much about him. My theory is LPBW was in serious danger of being cancelled when the kids started to bail. We're down to Zach, Tori, and their offspring. How could they keep it going after the divorce except to focus on the adult's new relationships. Matt was already taken. Enter Chris. Mild mannered guy who took an interest in Amy. Cue the paychecks. Easy money. I think he just got comfortable with the arrangement and decided to go with the flow.
  11. First thought that crossed Chris's mind this morning...." I just had the most horrible nightmare....no, wait.." Good luck, buddy. You're going to need it.
  12. People who buy mid century modern homes often want to retore them to their original glory. Christina doesn't "get" this at all. The homes were designed with specific floorplans and materials unique to the era. In this case the homeowners were ok with walls coming down and the kitchen expanded and rearranged. Their home. Their choice. But, before making the changes, they would have been wise to consult with a designer who specializes in mid century modern and who might have suggested preserving more of what made the home special to begin with.
  13. My opinion counts for nothing, but at this point they can only redeem themselves by giving Mayim the job, or, Buzzy or Ken. Those guys live Jeopardy and Mayim brought warmth and enthusiasm to her hosting stint. Maybe hire the three of them as rotating hosts. As much as I like LaVar as a person, I didn't think he was right for the job.
  14. It would appear that they are going to turn the tournaments into prime time events on ABC hosted by Mayim. Seem like trying to appease the many who think allowing Richards to choose himself sucks.
  15. So it's Mike Richards for the everyday stuff and Mayim Bialik for "specials." I think they are planning to go prime time on ABC with tournaments and she can host those. Not happy about this. I still think he picked himself, and the nod to Mayim is nice but feels a little like grudgingly tossing a bone to appear fair minded.
  16. There's a doctor near me whose wife works in his office. She's had so much plastic surgery she looks like a duck. Scary shit. Kaitlyn reminds me of her. Completely unnecessary "work" that, IMO, has destroyed her pretty face.
  17. The emphasis on the women in that family being "strong" and "independent" actually translated to rude and obnoxious. Yes, Aunt Lindsey clearly didn't give two shits about the whole thing and mom didn't even bother washing her hair. You've traveled pretty far to be on tv and meet a guy your daughter/niece is supposedly interested in, the least you can do is pretend to be polite and civil. First impressions cut both ways. If those two were introduced to me as potential future in-laws, I'd say thanks but no thanks.
  18. Her dress was horrible. The setting was ugly and dirty. That was the best they could come up with? How far this franchise has fallen.
  19. Kaitlyn is looking a little drag queenish, and neither she nor anyone else knows what she was hired to do. Replacing CH with "girlfriends" was a stupid idea. He managed to rise above the ridiculous premise and guide things along with a straight face. The women just act like a couple of giddy highschoolers eager to dish on their friends' dates. As for Katie, she was so desperate to reel in a fiance, that she settled for the Canadian pest control guy when she really wanted the wanna be actor Jersey guy. And she's working really hard to convince herself that Blake's the one, when you just know if Greg came knocking, she'd open the door. I give it 6 months. And, someone should have told Mom and Aunt Lindsay they were going to be on tv. They were dressed for an outing to Walmart.
  20. Not surprising at all that many who aren't religious have integrity and morals. They are living by the Golden Rule and not basing their actions on fear of God's wrath. I was raised Catholic and taught all about punishment for sin. As a little kid, I was ushered into the confessional to tell the priest all the bad things I had done. Frankly, I couldn't think of anything worthy of confessing, so I had to resort to making some up. I was given a few "Hail Mary's"as a penance and told not to sin again. My non religious friends were and are good and kind people who never had to spill their misdeeds to a priest, and it dawned on me at an early age that some of the most Christian people I know aren't Christian at all.
  21. It boggles my mind that in this day and age with multiple sources of easily available information, people fall in line like a bunch of sheep and follow charlatan snake oil salesmen. On one end of the spectrum you have the Duggars and like cults with their Father Knows Best bullshit and on the other you have guys like Joel Osteen who fleece people at every opportunity to fund their lavish lifestyle. People who get taken in must be extremely gullible and, dare I say it, stupid.
  22. I certainly don't know what goes on behind closed doors and wouldn't try to guess. But I would assume that a woman who bailed out of a reasonably lengthy marriage during which she and her husband brought two children into the world and created a successful business together and then went on to meet and soon marry and quickly divorce another man with whom she has a child, has difficulty sustaining relationships for whatever reason. I wish her luck with #3 but there seems to be a pattern here. For the sake of her kids, who seem to be like ping pong balls back and forth between households, I hope she thinks this through and proceeds cautiously.
  23. TMZ article this morning claims that Tarek blew up at her on the Flip or Flop set. Called her a washed up loser and the suspicion was that he was pissed about the toad venom smoking. Have no idea how accurate this is. However, TMZ sources are usually pretty good. I have no doubt he is pissed at her. He loves his kids and is probably not happy that she was admitting to having a messed up head that was supposedly cleared with the hallucinogen.
  24. I doubt Anna has any clue about what specifically Josh was looking at and I don't think she wants to know. She's floating along in the state of Denial, just figuring it ish't that bad or it's all a mistake and he'll be home as soon as he's found not guilty. I'm wondering if his attorneys will talk him into taking a plea deal rather than have all of the horrific details of his child porn viewing come out in court. He's screwed either way.
  25. Yep. Stupid AF to sing the praises of an illegal hallucinogin prominently on social media when you are the divorced mother of three young children whose fathers love them and are very much a part of their lives. I'm sure Tarek and Ant have both taken note. Wouldn't be surprised if at some point she receives a visit from Child Protective Services inquiring about her admitted drug use.
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