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Everything posted by jennblevins

  1. I agree that sometimes it’s used for quirkiness purposes. But I also think there’s a tendency to think of celebrities by their full name, at least for me. Dennis-from-accounting or Dennis-my-sister’s-ex, in my head, is just “Dennis”, but Dennis Quaid is “DennisQuaid,” almost one word. So I fear if I ever met a celebrity, I would call him or her by their full name, just because I’m used to thinking of them that way. Fortunately, I’ve never met anyone who was the least bit famous.
  2. I always feel like I’m cheating becaus my taxes take about fifteen minutes, tops. Even the year that I had income from four jobs in two states and a foreign county, my taxes were a heck of lot simpler than on TV and the returns they made us fill out in high school math class. I assume that on TV, the boxes of receipts are either for humor or dramatic purposes.
  3. I had a dream last night that I ran into Michelle at a fancy tea held at an indoor waterpark. 1) I wouldn’t go to a fancy tea. 2) Michelle probably wouldn’t go to a waterpark, Indoor or otherwise. 3) A waterpark would be a terrible place to hold a fancy tea. That makes this the fourth Duggar dream I’ve had, and that’s four too many, as far as I’m concerned.
  4. I don’t understand why “Because I Can” is considered a good reason to do something, or even worth mentioning.
  5. I’ve been pondering this myself but I assumed it was covered in one of the movies that I haven’t seen. I was imagining airlines loading their planes down with as many of their employees as they could, and flying somewhere just on the other side of either border, turning purge night into a quick holiday. Picturing an uptick in the sales of really nice RVs to live in, as people could drive their entire lives to Vancouver or Tijuana for the night and come back without so much as a window busted. My husband says I’m over-thinking this.
  6. My favorite silly disclaimer comes from a Starbucks Frappuccino ad, which showed a picture of a frosty-cold, whipped-cream-topped blended drink, and then reminded you to always wear a helmet Yes, there was a Vespa scooter parked somewhere off in the background, but plenty of ads for things show cars without reminding viewers to wear seatbelts, so in my head the helmet was meant to prevent brain freeze, somehow.
  7. I like all the ingredients for s’mores. Separately. I don’t care for them together. Fortunately, I’ve never run into the s’mores police — nobody really cares if you eat the components separately.
  8. CRAIG AND SHEILA BROKE UP?!?! I love that commercial, too. I just changed offices and the new one is by far the most meerkat-y office I’ve worked in. When I first saw the commercial, I thought “Well, they’re exaggerating for humor purposes,” but now I’m thinking it’s not exaggerated at all (other than the literal rather than metaphorical meerkats).
  9. Don’t give them any ideas, or we’ll be subjected to ads suggesting we all need to have Botox injected where the sun don’t shine, let we be considered horrible old hags.
  10. Maybe I’m just weird, but while I think the picture doesn’t look terribly appetizing, I think the idea sounds fine. Kind of like cabbage rolls, but with more cheese. But then, I love cabbage as long as it’s cooked or pickled.
  11. I don’t remember the name of the drug, but yesterday I saw a commercial for a drug marketed for blind people having issues with circadian rhythms. Which is fine, but the guy claimed his issues were causing him to show up early or arrive late for events. Wouldn’t it just be a lot simpler to buy a clock? Even people with perfect sight would arrive early or late if they didn’t occasionally consult some method of determining what time it is.
  12. I had some old X-Files episodes playing while I was making dinner last night, and after watching Mulder chase Eddie Van BlundHt around numerous times in his suit and (plot-relevant) tie, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Colby’s mini-rant about suspects running off. You’d think more people on TV would complain about that. David: Why do they always run? Colby: ‘Cause we wear suits, man. You always figure you can outrun a guy in a suit.
  13. I literally laughed out loud when I read this, because there was both a Goodwill store and a Salvation Army store near my old office — and when I started working in that office, the Goodwill was arranged this way, while the Salvation Army was pretty much arranged how you’d expect (other than the formal dresses, which had no organization at all, that I could tell). No points for guessing which one I went to more often. Eventually the Goodwill woke up and started arranging things by size, although I would occasionally find a category of clothing that had lapsed back into color order (usually skirts). The normally-arranged Salvation Army is the only one I’ve ever been to, so sample size of one here, but I’d say no, that’s not the Salvation Army way.
  14. I’m surprised that there isn’t a Rocket Mortgage commercial featuring an abbreviation-happy doctor as one of the incomprehensible people. It seems like such an obvious thing to make fun of.
  15. I get the Salmon Sisters ad a lot on phone-based games, which I’m inevitably playing with the sound off. It’s surprisingly tolerable when muted. (Of course, an ad for anything other than other phone-based games is usually a delightful change, which probably helps.)
  16. I’m glad to hear that things are going well, @Yeah No ! It’s good that you got to pick your own hospital and there was an excellent one around — always nice to have fewer things to worry about!
  17. My husband had his gallbladder removed in a non-emergency but certainly unplanned surgery. I swear he looked better immediately after surgery, even all groggy and not quite recovered. The day after he was released from the hospital, he went to a big business convention. No issues at all.
  18. I feel sorry for the kid already; someone will call him Jaxon the Klaxon at some point.
  19. I have wondered if the move was temporary and just for the time Lauren’s courtship (and engagement and wedding) was being filmed for the show. It would explain the rented house and going back to Georgia for the baby’s birth.
  20. The only subscription box I’ve ever been tempted to order is one that sends you junk food from other countries — at least we haven’t seen Janelle trying to sell that one!
  21. I was surprised to find that I got a little teary-eyed myself when Josh gave Mr. Shaw the news, since I’m not a huge fan of the movie and I found the original episode to be one of the less-interesting EU episodes. But the slippers were clearly meaningful to him, and I can understand that, at least. I feel like we might get a more detailed follow-up episode once the FBI finishes up their work — the story is only halfway over, really.
  22. This one makes me want to throw my knitting at the TV. I remember my dad being in college when I was a kid, and why was it any easier for him than it would have been for my mom? How about they just say, “... if you’re a parent?”
  23. Please tell me I’m not the only one who spends too much time in the “Across the Pond” thread and wondered how in the world Meghan Markle* was going to manage running for Congress on top of everything else she already has to do ... (*Yes, I know that’s not the proper way to refer to her.)
  24. I wouldn’t presume to say that someone who’s been married for a short period of time doesn’t have anything useful to say, but it’s not like this is even advice they came up with ... they’re just parroting someone else’s advice. Kind of like their recipes.
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