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Everything posted by msblossom

  1. Ugh. How many times have we got to see these couples kissing? We get it -- you can kiss now, you can have sex multiple times and have litters of BABIES. Nice and subtle there, kids. It's so surreal, and special, and neat, and like, such a blessing. Poor Izzy has to be up close and personal.
  2. When I lived there short term, breakfast was simple. Either a bowl of homemade granola with milk or a slice of toast with fresh fruit along with a couple cups of Kona coffee. I pretty much existed on eating an entire avocado for lunch everyday, either in a salad, on a sandwich, or by itself along with fresh fruit. Needless to say, my digestive system ran perfectly. So healthy. Good times!
  3. Hey J&T, Did you ever get popcorn at the movie theater in Hawaii? The ones I went to asked if I wanted my popcorn with or without yeast. Apparently yeast is a thing on popcorn in the Islands. Who knew?? Without yeast, thanks! The food is amazing. One of my favorite and inexpensive dishes to order at food trucks is teriyaki chicken and sticky rice, yum! Lots of papaya ice cream and shave ice. Lots of delicious fruit right off the tree sold on the side of the road: papayas, persimmons, bananas, avocados, star fruit, mangos, pineapple, coconut -- oh my!! Take a pocket knife with you and eat on the go. The fruit stands will cut them for you if you want. They make the best smoothie and fruit crepes for you roadside.
  4. I'm happy for you, Spaghetti! :). I love Hawaii, I spent 4 1/2 months in Kona and Oahu before heading to college and then later honeymooned on Maui. Ten days is the pefect amount of time to unwind and vacation there. Anything less is too short, imo, our honeymoon was amazing but we stayed only a week and it goes by too fast! You're going to love it!!
  5. I don't follow them either, I usually see what they're posting due to this forum unless I see it in the media. I assume they keep up with social media to keep their fans interested in the hopes that their show gets renewed, they get a spin-off, to generate financial support for missions, sell books, and attend their speaking engagements. In other words, it's all about $$$.
  6. I agree with this and was just about to post myself that she is likely supplementing healthy lite meals to balance out her penchant for fast food and deep fried fare that she's consuming earlier in the day or week. Eating disorder? Pish-posh. No one here can say that. That's pure speculation.
  7. Eh, that photo doesn't bother me. Jessa hasn't been Duggar Modest for quite some time now. I don't see her all of the sudden deciding to try it now. That ship has sailed.
  8. Thank you for updating us with Maisie and how you're doing. I know it sounds lame, but do whatever you're comfortable with around here and know that everyone here supports that! I'm hopeful that you are getting good treatment and a full recovery is ahead for you, and that Maisie continues to grow strong, make good progress, and for a successful upcoming implant surgery.
  9. ^^^Long term missions is anything more than 3 years, anything less than that is technically still short term, but I get what you're saying.
  10. ^^^Will she, though? Regardless of Josh's crimes and the media attention, and now the lawsuit from the 5th victim, it seems that Anna is devoted to Josh and to adding to their quiverful as much as ever. I think it's more likely that Josh puts the kibosh on adding to the family more so than Anna.
  11. I believe you are right about this, GEML! I knew those interviews were going to do more harm than good. It didn't matter that Megan Kelly skewed the interviews in their favor or came across sympathetic and made the the police department out to be the villain instead of Josh, bc that actually worked against the Duggars. They were made to feel more comfortable, and they essentially hung themselves when they defended Josh and minimized the molestatations and lumped the 5th victim in with the Duggar girls.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think at least one church elder was/is a local politician. Should be interesting to hear the facts come out on this. The cover up by the adults is just as bad, if not worse, than the molestation itself. You have a 14/15 year old kid that knew better, but didn't have a healthy outlet for his biological curiosities. And who subsequently, imo, never received proper counseling and behavioral rehabilitation. The biggest crime is that the adults didn't go far enough to protect or seek proper help for the innocent. I'm glad this grown victim is seeking justice and compensation for this. I don't care what her motive is -- she was victimized by many in this terrible crime and deserves anything she can get from it.
  13. Yes, Paul & Jan Crouch. Lol, they were in their 50's & 60's during their TBN heyday back in the 90's and early 00's. I remember watching almost 20 years ago and her son was joking around and tried to pull Jan's wig off. That was hysterical! And she had the most annoying baby voice -- way worse than Michelle's. Paul died a few years back, I think, and Jan isn't even 80 yet, probably more like 75. Here's a photo from probably 10/15 years ago. http://i.imgur.com/XOoXKGx.jpg
  14. Eight HWs are too many, I wish they'd have dropped Kristen, Carole, and probably Sonja. Five is perfect, and bring Sonja or Carole back as a friend -- one, not both. The T&C episodes are fun, and they've finally found their groove. No more Bethenny crying/whining -- I'm good with her remaining as long as she's not the main course.
  15. Yes, a shame and stupid. What a dumb thing to fight about, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. For whatever reason, Dorinda feels insecure/rejected by Heather, whom, up to this point, she considered a friend. The whole thing gets way more mileage than it deserves because LuAnn probably fans the flame with her own beef with Heather. The lines are being drawn that last throughout the season and beyond apparently.
  16. Those names are foreign to me, but Oral Roberts comes to mind. I think it was the late 80's/early 90's that he threatened the viewers that he wouldn't come out the prayer tower (a Space Needle looking type thing on the Campus of ORU) & that the Lord would take him home if he didn't raise a million or more dollars. Lol, I don't think he met his goal, yet the Lord let him live. ETA: My memory's foggy. It was 8 million dollars, and Oral raised 9 million. It was 1987, the same year that the sexploits of Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker came out. http://content.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1677098,00.html
  17. Lol, that's funny! Their restaurant has the best food too, and freakin' good buttermilk pie.
  18. OT, is anyone else seeing the ads of bikini'd brides in white wearing wedding veils at the bottom of the page? LMBO
  19. We don't really know that they're headed to Nepal, although I wouldn't rule it out. A lot of people make commitments to serve others based on the felt needs of a people group that encounter natural disaster. The term "opportunity" isn't meant as anything more than a way to serve or be of some use to others.
  20. Ha! You'd get along good with my husband , GEML. He's fascinated by cults & charismania too. He'll flip on the boob tube and stop on a religious channel and listen to Duplantis, Dollar, Hinn, etc., and I'll be rolling my eyes and pleading with him to change it bc it just makes my skin crawl. He's equally turned off but strangely interested. I've only been to one Shaker village, and they were an interesting cult. Have you ever been to the one in Pleasant Hill? It's lovely and really peaceful. We've stayed overnight and also brought out of town guests to visit bc it's within a few hours of us. http://shakervillageky.org
  21. Waist training/corset training? Joking. If you look at the next set of photos here on that same day in the big group shot, you'll see it's just the angle Michelle was standing because in the group photo below she's her normal size. No tummy tuck, folks. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=676093012524351&id=510067475793573&set=pcb.676093229190996
  22. Your guess is as good as mine. It sounds like JB bought the house initially as an investment to fix up, but in the process allowed Keller to remain living there -- for how long, who knows? If he bought the house for $10, he had to know it wasn't paid for -- bc the seller couldn't afford to make payments and maintain the upkeep to boot. JB must've thought by taking over the payments that it was still going to be a lucrative investment, unless the seller mortgaged it to death and owed more than it was worth. The $10 sale on the home is intriguing, you don't take possession of a home and not know the financial details that you're responsible for.
  23. Anyone know what foreclosed property this is? John David's? http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1088038/jim-bob-michelle-duggar-foreclosure-lawsuit
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