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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Damn, Brooke smells more desperate than LePew’s perfume. Telling Ridge “you can’t have us both” when that’s exactly what he’s done for 4 decades is like me telling peanut butter to stop being perfect so my jeans fit better. But, unlike Ridge, I’m loyal to peanut butter, & I’ve legit chosen a life with peanut butter over jeans. Just sit still, Kitten, Ridge will waffle back to you within months. It’s a merry-go-round. Also, don’t underestimate that lowlife, he hates your daughter farrrrrr more than he’s ever loved you. She betraaaaayed him, don’t ya know? Hope has been perusing our board in the unemployment line, because she dropped some one-liners to Carter about how she wouldn’t have even known about the LLC papers if he hadn’t told her, which most of us have said multiple times. I like this fiery Hope with a backbone, wish she’d have used it years ago on Liam. I do think if Carter loved Hope he would’ve put up a stink, Eric & Ridge agreed to keep HFTF, & Steffy doesn’t like her so she doesn’t allow the deal. Carter had every right to keep the company, she wasn’t involved in the agreement, who’s she to renegotiate? I hope Finn comes home with Sheila & Luna & let’s then have a slumber party upstairs, because he changed his mind after agreeing with Steffy not to see them. A deal isn’t a deal, Steffy. Oh, Taylor, the world-renowned mental health professional. If your partner’s ex is cozying up to him in front of you, & tells him that he has a choice to make, & he doesn’t immediately remind her that he’s made his choice, run, he’s already chosen. And, fyi, he’s chosen himself & a life of waffling over both of you. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Yesterday’s show was so revolting I’m not even going to comment on that hateful power-hungry witch Steffy. But, when they showed Zende’s shirt, I thought my tv was pixelated. What was that? Absolutely hideous, even if it’s couture. Sounds like he might be on the unemployment line soon with HFTF shut down, so he’ll have time to go shopping for better clothes. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Everyone on this show is so dumb it hurts my head. 1. Taylor insinuating that she’s repulsed at the Poppy/Finn hookup, when she’s banged both of her husband’s brothers & his dad. She’s currently banging her ex-husband in said-father-in-law’s house. 2. Poppy knows that Finn knows about Luna & has already told Steffy. She gets a text from Li & gets so excited that big sister wants to hang out! How could it not occur to her that Li texting outta the blue might not be to braid each other’s hair??? 3. Steffy, the obvious winner in the dumb sweepstakes this week. Luna kidnapped her & left her for dead, & it started in the same house they’re currently standing in, but she heads over there, both barrels loaded, no backup, & calls out Lunatic. So dumb. But, then, she threatens to call the police to let them know that Luna is under house-arrest at the Spencer estate. Does she think that $Bill just walked into prison with muffins & coffee & asked to take Luna home? Obviously it was approved, how does she think Luna in trouble? I love $Bill, but he’s so weird here, like trapping Sheila weird. BotBill is back.. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Oh my GAWWWWWD is Steffy dumb. Finn is crying, telling you something that he’s struggling to get out. He’s confirmed how old he was when he slept with Poppy, he's confirmed that she got pregnant, & he’s confirmed that she kept the baby. Considering that Poppy has a known daughter, how does that not cross your mind?? It takes an entire other segment for Finn to explain to you that Poppy’s child, Luna, is his daughter. Sometimes math just maths & you don’t have to have a diagram. How can she run a company without basic math skills?? LePew, if someone eating in a restaurant can smell your perfume when you hit the door, over the other customers & the food, it’s too much, tone it down. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Oh, Steffy. I understand what she’s saying that Finn was barely an adult, & Poppy was older (I would only guess her to maybe be within a decade older than Finn, I think she’s quite a but younger than Li), but as ick as all of it is, that is a legal adult, she didn’t do anything illegal there. Gross, questionable & weird? Yes, but not technically a crime. Also, maybe check yourself before you start judging, Missy. You’ve dated your adopted cousin, your step-uncle, married & had a child with your stepsister’s ex, nearly had a child with your father-in-law, your mom dated both your uncle & grandpa then married your step-uncle who was also with both you & your sister, your brother has a kid with your dad’s ex-wife (who divorced your dad for your brother, her rapist), & I’m sure more that are too numerous to mention. Have a seat, there. Lunatic & crazy DaRemi…I’m completely down for this. Granny Sheila didn’t even know how well she set that all up, in any regard. This is the team to watch. Finally, can no one on this show do math? As soon as Finn confirmed he was 18 when he slept with Poppy, she should’ve immediately started adding, especially when Finn said there was more. Maybe I’m just too cynical, but when a man tells his partner about sleeping with another person prior to his current relationship, logic dictates he’s either got an STD or a kid. Herpes would’ve been easier than Lunatic, though. 😏 , -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I’ve never been a huge Hope fan, she’s fine & I don’t despise her, but she’s not my favorite. Today, though, she was my favoritest favorite. She got some zingers in for us, I think she’s reading our board while she’s not busy manipulating Carter to do her bidding. 1. She got a dig about Steffy’s colorful past, when she mentioned Steffy judging the Logans for past sins, while being less-than-perfect herself. 2. Reminding Ridge about all of Brooke’s contributions & how she’s more than deserving of the title she’s ready to hand over to him. Bonus: she drug him for filth about running to Taylor the second Brooke didn’t choose Ridge over her daughter. 3. Finally, someone got to remind Ridge that he used to be a father figure to the woman he called a bitch & a slut. Seeing Brooke grovel to him makes me sick, let him stay with Taylor, Brooke can do better. Heck, Charlie would be better for her than Ridge. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Tons to unpack today. The biggest takeaway: Ridge & Carter have far more chemistry, & far more love for each other than I’ve ever seen either of them show with any romantic pairing (except maaaaaybeeee Ridge & Caroline II). So, Hope has always wanted what Steffy has? Didn’t Steffy put on Hope’s still-warm engagement seconds after Liam got it back from Hope? Didn’t Steffy trap Hope in a gondola so she could marry Liam? The examples are countless, but that’s a 2-way street, & Steffy started all of it. -
I’m totally the opposite…in another life, Charlie turned a robot into a real girl, maybe in this life he can turn a real girl into a robot so Steffy’s job will be easier! 🤣🤣 For real, I’d love for LePew to fall for Charlie & totally thwart Steffy’s idiotic plan, which will undoubtedly come to an end anyway as soon as she finds out that Sheila, Jr. is her stepdaughter.
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I’m honestly bored with the show (until Finn being Lunatic’s father comes out & we get to see the fallout, including Sheila swooping in to bond with her brand new granddaughter). However, my biggest takeaway from yesterday: why are Taylor & Brooke going at each other, while Ridge basically stands around watching? I’ve said this millions of times in my life, & never has it been more applicable than in this never ending TOD: any person that’s actually worth fighting over is never going to let themselves be fought over. If Ridge was worth the gum on the bottom of my running shoes, he’d never, ever let 2 women fight over him, he’d choose one (or better yet, never get his trifling self in that situation) & that’d be the end of it. Why these 2 educated women are purposely fighting over this doofus is just incomprehensible. I second the above suggestion, put Brooke & Jack in scenes together, I’d like to test that chemistry. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Nope, but he did just find out he’s a father! 🤣 I thought for sure they’d show Finn reacting to the test without showing the results, I am shocked that they told us that Finn is the father today. Can’t wait for Steffy to find out that Hayes shares DNA with both Sheila & Lunatic! -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
This show is so frustrating, starting with the pacing. Steffy begs to come back to Forrester, & apparently later that day (she’s wearing the same outfit ~ green pants & print shirt she begged in) she’s working in the office she caught Hope “seducing” Finn in. That’s dang good HR, they work fast. This $Bill plan is so stupid. 1) How does he think no one is ever going to just drop in? Has he met Katie? 2) They started it Friday, but what’s the plan if anyone visits Luna in prison? Tell them she always has diarrhea & is unavailable? Just so dumb. 3) When are we going to find out how $Bill, who got Sheila to confess to murder, on-camera, but couldn’t get that to stick, snapped his fingers & got Luna released? Ridiculous. I don’t know how to say this in a way that’s not insulting to the actress, but this “Daphne is the most seductive seductress to ever seduce” is just falling way flat. Perhaps it’s the lack of charm, or the constant smell-her-before-they-see-her, or maybe it’s my least favorite quality in any human: inexplicable arrogance. Whatever, she’s just not being well-received. Honestly, they could’ve gone a different route, & brought RB in as a tweaked version of this character, (& left Taylor off-screen as they should’ve) & let RB’s natural charisma take center stage the way DD’s natural charisma & charm has made $Bill such a great character. It would’ve gone way better than it currently is going, Or, they could’ve gone for brass & tried to get Vanessa Marcil, who has charisma jumping off the screen. Huge missed opportunity. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Riddle me this…how is Finn, who’s a doctor, unable to count backwards from 40 weeks, to get a clue that he might’ve gotten his aunt pregnant?? All of a sudden, 20 years later, his math is mathing? I’m guessing he gave her a neck massage in her office, & she instantly fell in love with him. The Poppy actress has the best skin on the show. Holy cow do I covet her perfect skin. Also, Ted King’s eyes are still the best actors on this show. I may post this every day until it isn’t true, which means it’ll be posted every day. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
Ted King’s eyes are the best actors on this entire show. -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
I can’t even believe I’m going to say this, but I have to issue a compliment: I think JMW looks so much better with the shorter, softer brownish hair, & the toned-down makeup. It’s so much more flattering on her. I can’t believe any adult would fall for Steffy’s nonsense, let alone someone who attended law school, passed the bar, & snaked the family company from those greedy bastards right under their noses. Please tell me Carter sees through this. Steffy: “This is my family’s company, & I want to work here, in any managerial capacity that yields power that you see fit. Oh, not beside Brooke. And eyeroll that Hope for the Future is back. I’m also watching you, Carter, but I’m a total team player, so who’s getting my coffee Monday morning?” -
B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat
nkotb replied to Aquarius's topic in The Bold And The Beautiful
There was a lot to unpack today, considering it was a pretty boring episode. • Ridge’s “we’ve got the house to ourselves…” damn, guy, you’ve chaired a fashion corporation for decades, you come from millions, & your 2nd choice / current love interest is a “world-renowned psychologist” TM, how can you neither one afford a place of your own?? • I despise Ridge, but that dress was gorgeous, & it looked stunning on RB. • Speaking of RB, I genuinely love her. She’s adorable & charming, & so very wasted as Taylor, & even boring, drippy Taylor is wasted on Ridge. Criminal on both parts. • Steffy seducing Finn, but stopping to call Mommy to see if she’s joining them for dinner, then when finding out her parents are playing kissy-face, she goes immediately back to humping Finn. I should’ve counted the number of words he said, no kidding, he couldn’t have possibly spit out 20 words the entire episode. Having said all of that, I’d donate $1 to Anti-Hope for the Future if Ridge would stop mid-make-out & complain that his face is still too sore from the Brooke slap to continue kissing.