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Everything posted by strikera0

  1. Because of one episode? Felicity will be prominently featured in eps 7-9 and probably after the break as well.
  2. According to this chart, TVD was still pulling 0,5's and 0,6's in A18-49 before the CW moved the show to Fridays. After that, ratings dropped all the way down to 0,3's.
  3. I have to give it up to Supergirl. It's ratings may be underwhelming for a show that is only in it's third season, but it's definitely the most consistent of the DC CW-shows this year. Every episode falls in the range of 1.75 - 1.87 million viewers.
  4. Oh, oh: This is Willa's mother. Willa played James Woods daughter in Straw Dogs.
  5. The working relationship between Guggenheim, Berlanti and Kreisberg goes all the way back to their time on Eli Stone. That's almost 10 years ago. There's no way Marc and Greg didn't know what their colleague was up to. They just didn't care as long as the money kept rolling in.
  6. A Reddit user going by the name of RogueArrowverse just leaked the following set pictures: And here is the source link to his original Arrow thread.
  7. Thanks. I think I know which picture you were referring to. She reminds me of Eva Longoria in that particular shot, lol.
  8. I'm having a total blank moment right now. Who's SM? Me either. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually hear something about the producers/showrunners of Lost. They always talked so much crap about women in interviews and loved fridging them on their show.
  9. Half hours for Arrow always seem to drop. 6x01: 0.617 ... (0.652 ... 0.583) 6x02: 0.551 ... (0.574 ... 0.528) 6x03: 0.485 ... (0.503 ... 0.468) 6x04: 0.478 ... (0.517 ... 0.438)
  10. Add Louis CK to the list as well: Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say The sad thing is, none of this is surprising. It was an open secret in the industry, but everyone looked the other way as long as they were profiting of these perverts. Right now, I'm just wondering when the likes of Alec Baldwin, Bryan Singer, Jared Leto, John Travolta and Dan Schneider finally get theirs.
  11. Arrow's Live +7 numbers throughout the first 3 weeks of the season: 6x01: 1.1 in A18-49 and 2.698 million viewers 6x02: 1.0 in A18-49 and 2.588 million viewers 6x03: 0.9 in A18-49 and 2.384 million viewers Source
  12. Damn, I knew of Allison Mack's involvement with NXIVM but I had no idea things have gotten this far out of control: Former Smallville actress Allison Mack is 'second in command of sex cult under investigation for extorting, beating and branding its members - including Catherine Oxenberg's daughter
  13. Damn, Justin Hartley is like a fine wine. He gets better and better with age.
  14. Vigilante isn't a villain. People just think of him as such because he was also fighting Team Arrow, but he's actually more of an antihero in the vein of the Punisher. Also, if I remember correctly, his mask was part of the Legion of Doom's trophy case in the Doomworld episode - right next to Arrow's, Spartan's, Black Canary's and the The Flash's.
  15. The most ridiculous thing is, the EPs are going to pretend that they had it all thought out and always intended for Vigilante to be Dinah's "dead" boyfriend when we all know that's total hogwash. If they had always intended to do that "twist", they wouldn't have let that character be portrayed by a bit player actor when he originally appeared in Dinah's flashback. The original casting gives it away that Vinnie wasn't meant to be more than a minor throwaway character and the EPs made it all up as they went along, which I wouldn't even mind that much if they were at least honest about it.
  16. I just looked through his Instagram and found the following postings that hint at his role: This dude is totally Vigilante.
  17. Ken revealed the name of the actor Juliana filmed with last night: I just looked him up on IMDB. He has a lot of acting credits and is very attractive. Definitely qualifies as a potential Vincent Sobel substitute.
  18. Casting process could mean recasting to account for an expanded role - kind of similar to what happened with Sara Lance. Clayton Chitty's biggest acting credit to date was as Kevin Federline in the widely-panned Britney Spears Lifetime biopic. He is not a good actor, unfortunately.
  19. I figured her love interest would probably be a side character, which makes a Vincent = Vigilante reveal all the more likely. It's too bad that the pics are so blurry. I would love to know who the actor is.
  20. We are only 4 episodes into the new season and Arrow's 0,5's have been extremely weak the last 2 weeks. It's only a matter of time until it hits 0,4 and I really don't want to know what the ratings are going to look like in spring.
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