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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. BGDC moved this season to the Daliana Dance studio. I think they may have mentioned in passing once that they did and some vague reason but at least in the first episode it appeared there although they blurred the name out.
  2. I mean not to belabor the point but Big Girl Dance Class DOES NOT EXIST. It's not real, it has never existed outside of the TV show. http://www.dalianadance.com/ Here is the studio that it was filmed at, there is no Big Girl Dance Class, they have their entire schedule going back a year, BGDC was never on it, the only thing on it that lines up is July when it was closed for almost a month http://www.dalianadance.com/calendar with "Private Lessons Only" and something about Ellen Show Rehearsal but I can't find anything matching up with Ellen and Greensboro, dance or Whit around that time frame so maybe it is just a name coincidence.
  3. Yes, see when Whit left to fake go on tour with the TFM she put Todd, who lives in NYC, in charge of her dance class in Greensboro N.C., a class which is not a thing that exists. Todd made too many changes in the fake dance class like dancing without shoes that betrayed Whit who is too fat do dance without shoes because that is a thing that exists for some reason allegedly. Also Todd didn't include her on group texts for the class that again does not exist after she had allegedly put him in charge of while she fake went on tour with TFM in a state which is not one of the two either lives in. It's amazing how tedious Whit's life appears even when they make everything about it up.
  4. It may have been the only place they could get permission to film. Even a low rent reality show like MBFL will often have a shockingly large crew. A while back one of my neighbors asked permission from my condo board to film a scene for a movie she was helping finance in her unit, said they would just need to move the camera and a couple of pieces of equipment in, it ended up being a crew of like 20, two trucks of equipment, just for one scene for a low budget direct to DVD film that you will never hear about.
  5. What TFM is all about is making money from his tour and YouTube views and as much fun as being a bitchy queen and spilling tea and throwing shade might be fat girls can buy tour tickets and click YouTube links so best not piss them off.
  6. What she was trying to say is she didn't want a fat fetishist, she wants a guy into her ~curves~ and personality. The problem is that she doesn't have curves, she is a shapeless blob that has eaten herself into disability and chronic health problems that no longer fits in pants, furniture or most vehicles, that is not something that you overlook in a relationship, it takes a very specific type of person to sign up for that and that person is almost certainly a fat fetishist.
  7. Well of course we have a new major plot point this year, Whitney falls madly in love with a guy she barely knows who was cheating once again making her look like a sad desperate loser. Last Season: "I don't want a guy that is just into fat women" This Season: "This guy is into fat women, I love it!" "I thought you didn't want a guy into fat women" "Well this one is different!"
  8. Real in what sense? She signed a contract to appear on her television show during the same time period that the Fitness Marshall was on tour so she never was going on tour. Also as much as Whitney is a nobody she is way more famous than the Fitness Marshall so he was probably very happy for the exposure.
  9. There was not going to be a season of MBFFL of Whit flopping around on stage with the Fitness Marshall and traveling from city to city in a van she could barely fit in between shitty motels, filming had already started, crew had been hired, filming locations scouted and secured, the cast (Whitney's friends and family) had committed to filming and signed contracts, it was never, ever going to happen. But the thing I don't understand is why the narrative of the show that I assume Whitney agreed to is she just quit, at a minimum she couldn't do it because of her MBFFL commitment and the Fitness Marshall didn't want her there in the first place besides the free advertising. It's just such a weird obviously fake storyline that makes her look worse, just say she had the offer but she decided that BGDC was more important or she didn't feel like leaving her mom, anything that isn't I just quit.
  10. Can we just stop it with the "on tour" bullshit, she couldn't do the dance moves and she quit before the tour started. Also she wasn't ever going on tour in the first place because MBFFL was already filming, they weren't going to do an entire season of MBFFL traveling in a van between dance classes that she couldn't do, they had already scheduled all the hijinks, the production crew, etc. I get that all reality shows are kind of fake but can they please at least have plot lines make some goddamn sense on even a basic level?
  11. Can we just talk about the title for a second, Rescue Me, first of all you did not bring your new car up on a 4 week dance rehearsal program? Then you expected your friends to drive , what did they say, 10 hours each way to pick you up? Fly, rent a car, bring your own car, have the producers drive you. I get that this was done for effect, she was never going on that dance your because she wasn't physically able to and they had already scheduled filming MBFFL but do you realize the optics of a grown ass woman with money needing to be "rescued" like that? You do need to be rescued, your weight is out of control and physically disabling you but this childish behavior is rediculous, you acted like you were 12 and coming home from summer camp.
  12. Can someone tell me where I can find this episode, I completely missed it somehow after the finale. I'll buy it, I have Spectrum and the TLC Go app, I can't find it anywhere.
  13. Yeah, Shipt is one of the "gig economy" things like UberEats, Amazon Prime Now, Favor, etc. I know a few people that do Uber for a little extra cash/something to do, etc. In fact a friend of mine does Uber on occasion in his new Infiniti, he has a senior position in family office of a family with a billion dollar plus fortune, he is easily pulling in close to mid six figures in salary and bonus. He is an, um, interesting, guy in general though. That said there is something seriously wrong with Buddy, they have to subtitle him for godsake and he sounds at a minimum borderline abusive so homegirl needs to seriously think about why she is so invested in.
  14. Going to Hawaii is such a central plot point to this season that it warrants two mentions? Honey you went to Hawaii, I just checked, 4 days at the Ritz-Carlton including airfare is $1,700, if you can do a 4 star it's less than $1,100. And that is just a quick Expedia search, you can probably do it for a lot cheaper than that. Settle down, Hawaii is a place normal middle class people go on summer vacation, it's not like a once in a lifetime African safari or something.
  15. Of course Whit wasn't doing the dancing but she quits and blames everyone else instead of her just being too fat. You don't want your best friend to meet your boyfriend? This seems normal to you and not fucking crazy? I didn't want to ruin things by him meeting you? Why didn't you bring your car with you? They have to subtitle Buddy? What is wrong with him? No one cares about big girl dance class, it's not a thing that exists! You did not go on tour, you tried and failed before the tour started. Buddy sounds like a real piece of shit, they are better off broken up.
  16. Nicole is a moron but she knows single attractive hard bodied men are not interested in obese coffee baristas with children, she knows what she is doing waving a green card at him.
  17. I think the ultimate goal is to have US citizenship which conveys tremendous benefits, regardless of our current political climate we are still the most powerful country on earth and much more stable than Morocco or North Africa in general, it would absolutely be a nice escape hatch to have, it's the same reason a lot of wealthy Chinese citizens are trying to get US green cards/citizenship even though they live fabulously privileged lives in China, it's always nice to have an escape hatch. But unless he was LGBT or something like that Azan probably has a pretty nice life in Morocco with upward mobility. I have no desire to live in the EU but if I married someone from a EU member country hell yeah I would jump through whatever hoops I needed to get citizenship even if it involved living there for a few years, I imagine there is even more powerful motivations for Azan but I don't feel sorry for his situation in Morocco unless he was LGBT, it's a relatively stable country with a functional economy and upward mobility even if it does have issues with poverty.
  18. People keep mentioning this, Morocco is not some third-world hellhole, I mean it's not the US but Azan is bi-lingual and seems somewhat educated, unless he is LGBT (He might be) he probably could build a decent life in the country, it's not Sudan.
  19. Gay bars are for gay people, it is literally our safe space, it's the center of queer culture and politics, we go there to be around other queer people and it is tremendously insensitive to say well I don't want to be around straight dudes so I am taking this space from you, oppressed minority who just wants to have a drink with friends and peer group without fear of being gay bashed. No one is trying to ban straight people from gay bars but please be sensitive that as much as the no straight guys thing might be appealing to you the bar wasn't designed for you, it is the refuge of an oppressed minority group. It's one thing if you are going with queer people but for a group of straight girls to just show up at a gay bar and claim the space as their own? Do you really not see why that is insensitive? Now as far as the bachelorette parties, that was just disgustingly inappropriate when we were not legally allowed to get married, it's a giant fuck you to have a party to celebrate getting married in a space for people that don't have that right.
  20. She wore a sports bra to a cocktail party? Does she have any understanding on how to dress appropriately for anything?
  21. Is it possible that May is just, well not very smart? I mean not like a specific learning disability but just low IQ? I mean her mother is dumb as a box of hair and I doubt her father is an intellectual giant either. How much of that is genetic? I really get the impression that Nicole is on the higher functioning end of mentally disabled.
  22. I wonder how much if at all Molly or Luis misrepresented how much of a father figure he was going to or expected to be? Like I'm completely missing the father gene, I have no desire to be around children, raise a child, take care of a child, in general just being around children stresses me out, it makes me wonder if this is just all too much for him. Really? To each their own but Luis is pretty repulsive to me and the fact that he wanted to shack up with Molly suggests to me he didn't exactly have the pick of the litter. Plus he is a selfish immature child in every other part of his life so I can't imagine him being very attentive to a women's sexual needs, I'm betting he is more stick it in, get off, we're done.
  23. Did she? A lot of people, both men and women, gay and straight get off on being controlled in their relationship, getting controlled under the mutual understanding that being controlled is what they want and when they don't want it any longer like down to the second that they get exactly what they want. The optics are confusing but I really get the impression that they have a bit of a dom/sub relationship and that absolutely does not mean she is being abused or taken advantage of, it might be exactly what she wants and demands.
  24. Yes they very much are, those love hanging out at gay bars like we are some sort of side show. I'm better now but before marriage equality I lost my shit at some obnoxious wooo hoo bachelorette parties harassing us at a gay bar with their penis themed shit and bachelorette bar games.
  25. Someone earlier mentioned David knowing where the bodies are buried and I basically believe that is true. I mean not literal bodies and I don't particularly suspect that Chris is cheating but I think David is Chris's outlet for a lot of stuff that would not fly as well to do upstanding family man in LA.
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