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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. OK, did Jazz even have major complications? There was a lot of TV drama but it's not like she became septic, she popped some sutures, it's a common surgery complication with any surgical procedure that was repaired quickly and apparently without any ongoing issues. It's certainly less then ideal but it can happen with pretty much any surgery, it's not like her vagina exploded.
  2. I know someone who works professionally in trans advocacy and it's really hard to see Jazz doing it, I mean sure there are the big conferences that Jazz has been involved in but most of it is tedious corporate sensitivity training, political lobbying, etc. And while I am sure Jazz has had more than her fair share of hate directed towards her, her life does not resemble the lived experience of almost all trans people which does not involve supportive, affluent parents and blocking puberty.
  3. Maybe some of it is an act of the TV show but can you imagine Whit in like an actual white collar full-time job? Lazy, entitled, hygiene deficient, always has to be the center of attention, completely incapable of setting or meeting deadlines or setting reasonable expectations of her capabilities, I don't know what she is qualified for even with a college degree. She would be bounced out of my organization in a heartbeat and we have an incredibly lax corporate culture.
  4. You have been very lucky to not have experienced having to deal with someone whose only qualification of their position at some point had to have been their college degree, that is dumb as a box of hammers, and you are honestly surprised that they graduated from high school.
  5. I'm still amazed that Whit seems to genuinely think highly of her ability to dance despite her lived experience.
  6. The idea that two affluent, socially active seniors would not be incredibly familiar with how routine cataract surgery is literally unbelievable.
  7. Having a bunch of straight women lusting after the body of a fit gay dude, like I don't even know where to start with this show.
  8. Buddy needs "stability" now? Christ, he isn't a 15 year old from a broken home, he is a loser in his 30s who is damn lucky at his age to have parents that will put a roof over his head when he has done absolutely nothing meaningful with his adult life. And secondly how is Whit going to provide this alleged stability, she is as big of a loser as he is if not more that has managed to parlay her shamelessness into some sort of steady income without out any job or accomplishments to speak of despite every opportunity handed to her to make something of her life.
  9. So now Whit thinks she gets to decide if Heather and Buddy have sex? Sexual and senshus Whit is now the fuck police?
  10. I legit want to see a reality TV show where a bunch of famewhores try to win the love of a fat addict with anger management issues, a criminal record and a minimum wage job in the style of The Bachelor. Don't tell me they couldn't totally cast that show.
  11. "If I can do this, I can do anything!" Really? They just showed your friends breeze up that like it was no big deal because it wasn't and you are struggling up it with at least two assistants so I don't know what that anything is if you can't even do this unaided.
  12. The blur was white and you could often see the blue waistband of his underwear. I'm guessing it was blurred because the underwear was too formfitting to his anatomy for TV. But I am surprised to hear that about strippers, as often as men want to show their privates to random strangers I figured fully nude was easily on the table with a stripper at a home. I do know with at least a lot of strippers at gay bars that fully nude is absolutely on the table if arrangements can be made.
  13. I mean, I don't know any facts about what Ryan believes or lives but I do know that a hardbodied homosexual selling fitness classes to sad fat single women is an uphill climb. Remember when there were years of ambiguity about the sexuality of Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser? Gurl. GURL.
  14. Is working out even worth it for her? At her weight it seems like going on an hour long walk every day listening to a podcast would be just as useful and way cheaper and less stressful.
  15. Ryan pings my gaydar something fierce for some reason.
  16. Ignoring for a moment that BGDC does not exist, I don't get what it is supposed to be on this show anymore. Like there are 6 people in it, Whit is physically unable to do her own bad "choreography", what is she bringing to the table? Like can't these girls take turns making up dance moves and do it in a park or something and accomplish more than acting like Whit is some sort of dance professional?
  17. I would be curious is Buddy has ever actually lived with a romantic partner before? Because it can be challenging at first even in a strong, healthy, long term relationship without the hardships of a child and living with your parents too. Oh and one of those major things is money, which Buddy doesn't have, so...
  18. My favorite part was of all the ridiculous things her camera crew have contrived for her, when she thinks she is really in need of their help they just sit back and film it like nature taking it's course like a wildlife documentary.
  19. I mean it kind of goes without saying at this point but I'm amazed at how, mundane, Whit's life appears to be. Like even on Instagram and I know people with shitty lives that at least try on Instagram. Which is fine, most of us have mundane lives, but most of us don't have TV shows proclaiming us to be fabulous.
  20. This also points to some fundamental problems in their relationship that Buddy hadn't accurately described his ability to start a household with her or that she had not understood if he did. These details are important, for example, if one party in a relationship has bad credit it's going to put up throughout their relationship from everything to renting an apartment or buying a car.
  21. I feel like his biggest problem is not so much the seriousness of the crime but the nature of the crime, assault on a police officer shows a staggering lapse of judgement and issues with anger that make him a big liability in a lot of jobs that he is qualified for. A company may be willing to overlook an arrest for marijuana possession or DUI in your past but not something like assaulting a police officer.
  22. Isn’t their son an unemployed addict living at home?
  23. And the amazing precision with a can of spray paint to perfectly wrap Bitch around that air vent without a misplaced drop.
  24. What considerate vandals making sure that all the paint stayed on the sticker that was about to be removed anyways. They even made sure Bitch was perfectly wrapped around the air vent that was not completely in a disposable wrap.
  25. This is not your "situation", this is a fuckup of a decision you are making for not goddamn good reason besides being 30-something old children.
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