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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Not only Stannis but I am convinced that Jon was crowned KITN even though he was a bastard just because he was a male, by any of the rules of inheritance it should have been Sansa, the true born daughter but she is a female so I bet it didn't even cross their minds. Also this kind on rules are different everywhere, the Dotraki only accept the strongest, no blood line whatsoever. Different rules apply, Daenerys wants to rule Westeros and so there are certain rules of inheritance that she needs to accept.
  2. Can I just mention here that I am getting all hot and bothered by your use of literary lingo? Not creepy like Tormund, maybe just subtle like Jaime. I admire a person who can write like you do, it wouldn't matter if your opinion was completely opposite of mine. You have a gift!
  3. She would have to kill Bran and Howland Reed as well. Add Gendry to that mix. I don't see it happening. I think she would find a way to compromise either by marriage or by co-ruling. This can go in two different ways, she either became suspicious and paranoid thinking that these people have known all along and have deceived her purposely to take the throne away from her in which case she probably would want to get rid of them. The other possibility is that she realizes that she doesn't have to have the burden of the Iron Throne by herself and that Jon being a Targaryen means that she is not alone in this world. She would still want to rule. I have little doubt of that, but luckily for her Jon doesn't want to rule so it seems like the perfect solution for both of them.
  4. LOL, I am not sure that is how it works either. Your point about Bronn makes sense, he would be selling knighthoods. The point was that even if it wasn't real, the ceremony and the feelings were real. Brienne leaves in a male dominated world and to have the validation of her peers means the world to her. I am a total sucker for female empowerment, it is my weakness I guess. Arya and Sansa coming together as a team, Daenerys and Missandei, Brienne and Sansa, Brienne and Arya, it lifts my spirits. They live in such a patriarchal society that they do need to stick together.
  5. Dany's claim to the throne has always been that it was her "birth right" , she has called Robert Baratheon a usurper because he revolted against the Mad King and took the throne. What she fails to mention is that Westeros had lived as 7 independent kingdoms for thousand of years, it was her ancestor Aegon The Conqueror who came to Dragonstone (after they blew up Valyria) and with dragons imposed his rule over each of these kingdoms. The Targaryens were in power only 300 years. If now she claims the throne by right of conquest like Robert did, then she will have to admit that Robert was not a usurper, he was a rightful king. This present a problem if she learns that Gendry is the last Baratheon. She better not try something against him or Arya will take care of her for real.
  6. I loved that scene as well. Sansa's concerns are completely valid and I am glad she voiced them, she has the welfare of her people at the front and center as it should be. I thought for a moment when Daenerys admitted that she had followed Jon only out of love, WOW, really? you didn't do it because of the real threat that the WW present to the kingdom that you want to rule but basically you dragged your troops and endangered your dragons because you felt in love? Maybe it is a Targaryen trait to make this kind of decisions. Oh well, it works to protect the North and Winterfell so more power to her. Also agree with you about Theon and Sansa, Theon has become part of the pack by redemption, he helped Sansa run away from Ramsey, but let's not forget that Sansa also helped Theon by encouraging to regain his identity, they saved each other. That scene was so gut wrenching. Honestly I this point if I had to chose I wouldn't choose either Daenerys or Jon, they both need a lot of help because they do not have the right education to rule Westeros. Daenerys has what it needs to rule some cities of Essos because they value raw power above anything but Westeros is different. My hope is that after the battle against the AOTD and Cersei, they both decide that no throne is worth that many lives, that neither of them is ready for the demands that being a ruler requires, they break up Westeros in 7 different kingdoms. form a council , Daenerys can be the Queen of Mereen and take Jon with her.
  7. I would still support her, matter of fact I like Sansa book much better than Sansa show and in the books she was nor raped or beaten. I like her for the simple fact that she is one of the few realistic characters that I can relate too. I know I could never have dragons like Daenerys, I could never be a faceless man killer like Arya, I could never be brought back from the dead like Jon, I could never be the 3 eye raven like Bran, I could not be a fighter like Brienne, Ygritte, Yara or Val, I could not be an evil monster like Cersei, I could never be a sour drunk like Tyrion or have as many spies as Varys has. Sansa is just a regular person who was naive and romantic when she was young (like I was) and who through trials and tribulations has learned her lessons and has steeled her hearth but has also learned lessons that would carry her through. I can relate to that. I like Sansa because in this world of magic, fantasy and NKs and WWs she is the regular, average person with no extra powers who views her position (LOW) as a huge responsibility and she has raised to the challenge. She will not go to battle with a sword but she will be there to organize the aftermath of it, places for the injured, food and places to sleep for the survivors, etc. The world needs Daenerys, Jon, Aryas, Briennes, but it also needs people like Sansa.
  8. Also add to the fact that is very well known that Arthur Dayne (from the kings guard) was there at the TOJ when he should have been with Rhaegal, why? he most definitely should have been in battle with Rhaegal but he was guarding a tower. This gives credence to the story that he was guarding the child of the future king. Howland Reed is still alive but all the need is to request to the Citadel a copy of the annulment and subsequent marriage of Rhaegal. That would be if Danny cares to verify any of it. IMO she either will accept it with the facts at hand or she will go in rage and try to throw birth right out the window and claim the throne by right of conquest. One way or another Daenerys wants the throne to herself, she will take Jon and her consort but never as her equal. That is why Sam's question is so relevant, you gave up your throne for your people, would she do the same for you? The answer to me is a resound , Oh hell no, she won't.
  9. Thanks for the link, great read, my favorite part: “Sam is now very, very aware that Dany is very imbalanced and very volatile and in quite a dangerous state with people,” Bradley told TheWrap in an interview Monday. “He sees with his own eyes, and is kind of connecting this to his own set of emotions, just how cold she is and how sacrificial she is in other people’s lives. And he learns the lengths that she’ll go to if somebody decides to disobey her and how her quest for power seems to know no moral code when it comes to that.” When I saw the executions I was OMFG, this is going to be big, but everybody else (mostly here) seemed to think that it would be of not big consequence because Sam wouldn't care at all, but to me it was big because it showed that Daenerys and her dragons were a huge danger to anybody who dare oppose her. Honestly Daenerys for as arrogant as she can be has tried to reign herself a little bit in the North, she is on her good girl behavior , but at this point I am not sure she wouldn't have already dracarys some Northern lords and Sansa right along with them at this point, then her explanation would be that she gave them the option to "bend the knee/respect her or die" and then Jon would have been "That is okay my love, at least you gave them an option so they chose to die, Sansa who?, let's go for a joyride"
  10. 1000 kudos. All of it is Jon's fault. I love Jon and I think that in this multitude of failed candidates, he probably will be the most decent ruler, but he does need advisors and he needs to listen to them because all this mess is mainly his fault. We are here trying to dissect Sansa and Daenerys behaviors and pin them against each other when in reality all this mess could have been avoided by Jon in many, many ways. 1) Instead of one raven sent to Sansa letting her know that he bent the knee and nothing else, he could have kept her informed on a weekly/ or even monthly basis so she had news to share with the Northern lords. His lack of communication left them to speculate a lot of things, none of them good. Jon knows how distrustful and prickly his people are. 2) He could have formed a small retinue (with all the survivors from his WW chase) as soon as they landed in White Harbor and take off to WF. Arrived there a couple of weeks before the army and have enough time to discuss with his siblings and lords everything that happened and why he had to bend the knee in order to defeat the NK. 3) How about bring the upper body of the WW that they showed Cersei. Dany didn't believe in them because she hasn't seen them, neither did Cersei but here Jon has not shown the North the true nature of this deadly threat, they have to go by his word but sometimes you need more than just words. All the survivors could have talked about it, how it went and how many they saw. 4) Warned Daenerys about the food situation way ahead of time so as they were riding to WF they could have brought supplies with them. Also let her know not to take it as an offense if they are cold to her because that is who they are with everyone who is an outsider. Maybe then Daenerys would not feel offended or disrespected off the bat and defensive about it. So far Jon as bended the knee and rode into WF with a Targaryen conqueror who is known for killing her enemies with dragon fire and they are all wondering "OMG, why are these people so rude?" , really? Since Ned left for KL nothing good has happened in the North coming from the South and Jon could have help the situation so much, instead he decided to hold Daenerys hand and ride together when his time could have been used to prepare his people to accept the idea of her coming to help. Daenerys doesn't know the intricacies of the North but Jon does and he should have seen this coming miles away and be ready for it.
  11. It might be a little different though. Theon lived with the Starks for 10 years, Jon has just heard the news of his father. I would say at this point Jon probably is leaning towards his Stark heritage, which is not to tell that he won't embrace his Targaryen roots later on, right now it does seem too rushed.
  12. 100% That was the stupidest decision ever. Jon felt guilty because instead of jumping on the dragon ASAP he stood there to kill more WW and gave the NK the opportunity to aim for Viserion so to compensate for his guiltiness he bent the knee when he didn't have to. How different would it had been if he was still KITN and Daenerys was there not as queen but as an allied, bringing tons of food with her and her armies. It would surely have made a difference IMO He at least should be honest about it and let the Northerners know this, he should let them know that Daenerys offered to help before he bent the knee but also should let them know that their little ill advised adventure has given the NK an ice dragon. I am sure that would go really well with the Northerners. For as much as I like Jon, he has made his share of screen ups
  13. I think that based on all what the North has heard about Dany, they have no reason to trust her, they heard how she uses dragons to burn people, that she gives no option but bend the knee of die. Add to that the fact that Dany's father burned Sansa's grandfather and uncle to the crisp and that she is coming with her entitled attitude and I can totally understand why Sansa is giving her the side eye. Funny thing is that next episode it would be about Dany talking about how her bed time stories were about how the evil kingslayer was the evil incarnated (Jaime) , I just wish someone (Lady Mormont) would tell Dany that for the northern children the scary tales were about how the mad King burned their lord liege and how Raegar kidnapped and raped Lyana and started a war that killed thousands. Of course it was not truth but they do not know that. I guess each story has two sides, not just Dany side.
  14. It is only a problem when it is Sansa. Lady Mormont was more nasty than Sansa ever was and nobody blinked an eye. Lady Mormont had a point though, now that Jon is not KITN, what is he? Warden, back to bastard? what is his status? Arya basically told Jon that he needed to remember that they were also his family, again no big deal. Sansa mentioned realistic and practical things like how to feed the armies and the dragons and suddenly she is an ungrateful and hateful bitch. If Daenerys was any kind of queen she would realize how important food is during winter and would not have burned loads of food at the reach. That food could have made it to WF and ease up the food supply situation. Instead she remarks "my dragons eat whatever they want" , I just wish the producers would have showed the scene of the 3 y/o toddler than was burned to crisp by Drogon. Yes, Dany we know, they eat whatever they want.
  15. I am too, also disappointed in Jon. I know Jon is the hero and the one who will probably sacrifice his life for others but in this specific instance he was dead wrong. Even if he doesn't like Sansa or if they can't sort of their differences, she is still his family. I wish Daenerys would have made her threat against Sansa to Arya's face. I would love to see Arya's reaction.
  16. I wouldn't either. I wonder what the Northerners reaction is going to be when/if they find out that Jon really didn't need to bend the knee. She had pledge to help him already. That was a really stupid move. IMO just shows how Jon is not fit to rule anything (yet, he probably will learn or listen to advisors) but if he was actually going to bend the knee he could have negotiated some conditions that would make the losing of their independence more palatable. Some things like economic support to rebuilt the northern keeps, some kind of independence like the one Dorne has, food and crops to feed the armies during battle time, a similar deal that she gave Yara, anything would be better than a pledge with no conditions. Add to that the fact that they are now lovers and the news of his real origins and it is a recipe for disaster. Hopefully none of that will be revealed until after the war against the WW.
  17. Absolutely not. She will not give up that throne at all, she will not co rule , she will not share , if she can't claim birthright she will claim right of conquest, which actually would be pretty funny and will show her as the big hypocrite she is. Luckily for her Jon doesn't want the iron throne, so IMO he will probably won't even tell her at all, what for? He would take the chance of enraging her and then she will pick up and leave leaving them all to die. I think deep inside Jon can see Daenerys "for who she really is" and I don't think he is willing to take the change of her rage, she knows how volatile she is and how quick she turns to her dragon as a quick fix to everything. Jon will be better off by not telling her a thing, let the battle against the AOTD be over and he will either die and the point will be mute or he will marry her and will be king consort. Either way he doesn't want to rule so at this point I don't think it matters much.
  18. She can take ESL classes online, many sites have free lessons. Volunteer work is needed everywhere. Her English has not improved one bit since the beginning of the show so I doubt that she is taking ESL classes or if she is doing consistently. My best friend came with a K-1 visa. She took a lot of time to improve her English online. She volunteered at the Elementary School that was 10 blocks away from her house. She didn't have a driving license so she walked back and forth every day. She put the time and effort and when she finally got all her papers together, she bid her time and once and opening position came at that school for a TA position, she got the job because they already knew her and how dedicated she was. Where there is a will there is a way. She has plenty of time to parade her private life on social media, she for sure has time to do something positive.
  19. This so much!! I am sure by this point Larissa realizes that with a pending divorce, her status is precarious at best. She most likely will try to file for a U visa for victims of domestic violence, she most likely will get it as well. IMO that has probably been her plan all along. I don't begrudge the fact that she is willing to do anything to stay in the US, the problem is that she is going the route of social media and gofundme accounts instead of thinking long term about how to earn her money with a regular job. She should be working extra hard to improve her English and do some volunteering work in hospital/schools/nursing homes in that way when her work visa comes she would already have a foot in the door and can get a job immediately. Instead of doing that she spends all her time on this social media telenovela. Total waste of time.
  20. https://thedigitalcitadel.wordpress.com/why-the-red-wedding-was-so-bad-guest-rights-and-game-of-thrones/ "The reactions to the Red Wedding throughout the various kingdoms make it clear that it was an act worse than murder. Martin has stated “No matter how much I make up, there’s stuff in history that’s just as bad, or worse.” Many readers and viewers think Martin is just creating situations just for the novelty and impact but such things have happened in history." - George RR Martin Robb, Catelyn, and their retinue were slaughtered at the Red Wedding, they were guest of the Freys and were ambushed and killed. Guest rights were very important in Westeros, especially in the North. They Freys violated those rights.
  21. I would love that, but just because of that it won't happen. I do not see Sansa and Dany as rivals for Jon's affections. I see them seizing each other and when they get to know each other better all will be better. It would be so sad that such an amazing story gets overshadowed but two women fighting over a man. Such a sad cliche. Jon warned Dany but also told her that when they get to know her better they will love her. This is not going to happen when they just meet. There will be doubt, fear, resentment but I hope it won't be for long
  22. Sansa, or any of the northerners for that matter, do not know Dany, they just know what she has done. They do know that Dany burned the Tarlys to a crisp, this goes for all Westeros as low as the Red Wedding and violating guest rights. It simply was not done in Westeros and the fact that Dany did it against Tyrion advice tells them more about Dany than anything she might say. Burning their food supplies when winter is coming was probably another of her major offenses. Having heard these basically makes them fear that she will be just like her father, As far as what the Starks might be resentful IMO neither Sansa nor Aria know about Jon's parentage yet and the only stories they have heard are about how Rhaegal kidnapped and raped Lyanna, how the Mad King burned Brandon and his father. Dany is a Targaryen, she has said that she will conquer the seven kingdoms with blood and fire. Jon knows the North will not be kind to Daenerys, he warned her about this. IMO Dany would be more offended if Sansa will be all sweet and smiley when it is obvious that the North wants to be independent and Jon bending the knee goes against their wishes. The North knows and understands that they need her armies and her dragons desperately and they are willing to sacrifice their independence and bend the knee, but they don't have to like it. I wouldn't like it if I was in their place. Eventually, they will all have to come together and when they all witness the real treat that the WW represent, all these angry feelings will go away but this is just the beginning, they are meeting for the first time and I fully understand the mistrust on both sides. Sweet reactions and kisses on the cheeks would be fake, unrealistic, and offensive to my intelligence.
  23. She has confirmed that she has two kids, even though her friends say she has three. She doesn't live with none of them https://starcasm.net/90-day-fiance-larissa-children/
  24. Right? The police thought so too, twice. In the beginning, I thought that Coltee was an SOB for calling the police on her but after tonight I am not sure anymore. She definitely is something.
  25. YMMV If other people were contacting Fernanda with authentic concerns and then Larissa posts a picture of her making a mockery of her arrest I would have thought also that she didn't get arrested and was just doing it for attention. Fernanda's mistake was that she shouldn't have gotten involved at all but I didn't think it warranted the Defcon level that Larissa has made out of it. Larissa is great entertainment but IMO she is a drama queen which works great for the show but not for her real personal life as she has two arrests and neither of her children is living with her. In real life, Larissa is a piece of work.
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