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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. This is why this franchise is the best IMO These women have true chemistry (whether good or bad) and can enjoy themselves and have fun regardless of their conflicts and drama. They leave the drama for another time and just have authentic fun and it translates on screen
  2. "I took a tumble on the garden" LMAO Nobody embellishes like Luann
  3. After this year it doesn't matter anymore, her commitment to BEAM is almost done and she already made her money hands full.
  4. Is he the one who filed for divorce? No f^%$& way! WOW, I thought all along that she did, I almost believed that despite everything she has had enough of his sleazy behavior and the humiliations that she has to endure by being married to a known cheater, and she had slapped him with divorce papers, yet she is not the one who filed? The SOB is the one who filed? This is unbelievable
  5. There is absolutely no way, I mean no way that a woman who is confident in herself, has pride and with high self-esteem would ever allow a guy (no matter how much in love you pretend to be) to humiliate you like that in public and try to find justification for his actions. Luann tries to sell the story of a fantastic marriage, her true love, blissful days with him in one segment and then in the next segment, she is letting us know that they had a fight the night before and one of them had to sleep at a hotel, which one is the truth? Luann would know what the truth is even if it hit her in the behind.
  6. IMO she deserves to be hammered, especially by Bethenny. I thought she was honestly regretful but with Ramona you never know. Few hours of good talk do not make up for a whole season of shitty behavior
  7. I don't have that impression, it seems to me like the others are aware of many things going on in Luann's marriage but are not willing to put it out there. It seems to me like they all have heard the rumors around them but I don't think any of them thought that they would be divorcing a week later after the reunion. Just my impression.
  8. Luann, "Married life is fantastic, I love being Mrs. D'Agostino forever" I feel second-hand embarrassment for her and then I remember that by the time the reunion filmed Luann and Tom probably have decided to divorce and then I am amazed as to all the lies that are coming from Luann's mouth with such an ease.
  9. It is amazing to me that someone else has to point to Sonja that using somebody's else lingerie is completely out of the question. Why do these women wait to get called to the carpet before owning their behavior? Bethenny's segment with Ramona might have seemed heavy but at least I could understand them better, nobody interrupted, Andy is a terrible host, everybody talks over the other and it is very hard to understand what is going on and who is talking to who.
  10. Dorinda's makeup, WTF! She should never use that person again, she has looked good all season and this is how is it going to end?
  11. Curious minds want to know what was Luann's update before this week, my guess: "Luann continues living the dream, she is no longer The Countess but she is ecstatic being Mrs. DeLesseps" OUCH I wonder if we would ever know.
  12. I completely agree On the other hand Tinsley did say that it was a Thank you - F^& you party, She didn't seem to b joking at the moment , even Carole warned Sonja about it and Carole seems to be Tinsley's friend. I know Sonja is not being gracious but if I heard that coming from Carole who is close to Tinsley then I would had been guarded too.
  13. Is it just me or does Tinsley gave her that picture as s passive aggressive F%^& you dig? LMAO, bless her little heart.
  14. Now this party is way too much. Thanks you shirts? WTF NOW WTH is Carole's wearing?
  15. I like Dorinda. I don't like John and think he is gross. I know Dorinda can do much better, happy that she is in no kind of hurry to get married.
  16. Season finale already. This season has been the best since Season 3 Scary Island I hate to see it end, it was too short.
  17. "I was on a mission to make this work" Too sad that Tom didn't share that mission with you Luann :(
  18. Terrible conditions in the eyes of Chantal's family. Grandma Pedro seems perfectly fine, happy and content. She lives in a rural area and 5 hours away from the city. The way family Chantel spoke about her home was truly despicable Maybe she was offered to move to the new apartment that they have and refused. Older people get set in their ways and are used to live a much simpler life that most of us. Not all of them are dying to change their lifestyles. By Chantel's family standards this woman lives in subpar conditions but I reckon to bet that grandma Pedro is happier that family Chantel and family Pedro (mother and sister) Both families are awful in their own ways but grandma Pedro preparing a typical dish that seemed like a "cazuela - casserole" to welcome her grandson's wife family and they insulting her by not even coming out of the van and make up an excuse as to why they couldn't stay broke my heart. If anybody would do that to my beloved grandma, there would be hell to pay for that.
  19. I agree here, in Latin American culture, if you disrespect the granny, then you are dead. Another awful decision from Chatel, if her family wanted to leave then that is on them but at least Chatel should have stayed with her husband. Grandma lives in terrible conditions but the way she was treated by Chantel and her family was deplorable. She did nothing to deserve this. Should have done your homework Chantel, maybe visit his family in one of the many times you visited him in DR so you could have had an idea of what to expect and prepare your family ahead of time.
  20. Pedro's sister is a horrible, entitled and disrespectful brat, But I do have to point that she never called her a bi%$3, she said, "Si eso es lo que piensas de el, entonces divorciate y punto" meaning "if that is what you really think about him then divorce him, period" Notice how Chantal asked production to stop and then proceeds to make a statement first "she called me a bitch, did she just called me a bitch?" then she asks directly to Pedro's sister if she had called her that, Pedro's sister says "yes" but as hateful and disrespectful she is I honestly think that between Chantal talking to the camera and then asking her a question, it took her by surprise and she said yes not understanding what was being said. Chantal is playing this completely wrong. First, she is the one who lied to her family, she hid their relationship and fessed up days before the wedding and then let Pedro carry the burden of the disrespect from her family. Pedro IMO is not a bad person, neither is Chantal, they both have made the same mistake, they have bent to their family's wishes and have put them first instead of their spouse. Pedro has to make clear to his family that his wife comes first but Chantel has to do the same. She also needs to stop insisting that he visits her family and tries to bond with her brother, it is not going to happen. Pedro's situation is easier because his family is not close and when he visits then Chantal can stay at a resort. Of course if they want to make it work, otherwise divorce would be the easiest solution.
  21. Not sure about those statements. If you don't want to be in an open marriage, you just don't. Luann wanted the social status of being the Countess' wife but I am not sure about Lu and monogamy. She proclaimed her love for Jacques loud and clear but she still cheated on him without a blink of an eye. She is no stranger to one-night hook ups as we have seen on that trip where she didn't even care that she just hooked up with a married guy whom she had barely met that night. Luann seems to be happier when she is free to have as many escapades she wants, I am still baffled about just taking a guy to the bathroom of Beautique. It didn't faze her and she seemed pretty comfortable at doing that. Luann is not dummy, she knew that Tom would cheat and she might too, the problem was that Tom became too careless and Luann was publicly embarrased.
  22. Did Luann and Tom have a prenup? I dislike Luann for her snobbery but I sure hope she does have a prenup. I wouldn't put it past Tom to try to take advantage if the situation and try to get Luann's half earnings from RHNY.
  23. YMMV I didn't think Bethenny was being aggressive, she was pointing out that everybody was late, it was a fact. Bethenny having worked in the food business probably knows how it works. In a normal vacation, you eat whatever you want, you eat or not eat because you own your time. In a vacation like this, they have people cooking for you, the chef and the help work really hard to provide a decent meal and they need a time frame especially if they are working with proteins. I did learn this from Below Deck when the chef threw a fit due to a 45 delay because he had to refrigerate everything. These ladies know the proper etiquette for dinner, they should know better.
  24. Okay, I am going to reveal my cover here, but as a secret viewer of Below Deck, I was thinking and thinking about how much and who would give the tip to the captain of this yacht Maybe not as a huge tip as in a cruise but would there still be some kind of tip?
  25. Being drunk is never an excuse for being nasty and Dorinda accepted herself that she can be really nasty. Bethenny is not the only person who has said this to her obviously, the people close to her have let her know before. The difference between Dorinda and Ramona is that Dorinda is mature enough to recognize she was nasty and said awful things and apologized for it and didn't let it fester with fake passive aggressive apologies like Ramona does.
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