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Everything posted by AuntieDiane6

  1. Joe Gorga's busines is highly suspect … first of all, there's no way he got the contract to "smoosh" government documents. Most of those contracts go to government agencies that work with the disadvantaged -- say, veterans or the developmentally disabled. Second, why was his truck "unmarked"? Third, that work is usually done on-site. He wouldn't be going around town with a truck full of paper "dust." Fourth, no company or agency would trust sensitive documents to a company started an episode ago. Most likely, his "garbage" truck got the contract to pick up road kill.
  2. Not only was the ultrasound creepy but they've known for some time they were having a boy. It was reported in PEOPLE on April 14th.
  3. I'm sorry … you heard incorrectly. The college she got accepted to was SALVE REGINA … a Catholic school in Newport, R.I. (Remember how she said, It was on the water?" It's a small school located on a former OCEAN ESTATE of one of the founders of some big company who willed the estate to the nuns. It's small, but wow, it's GORGEOUS. It looks like a European finishing school where Princess Diana would have gone.
  4. Or maybe Richie said he doesn't get turned on by fat women.
  5. I believe it is a rent (lease) - to - own situation with the Gorgas failing to make promised repairs to complete the sale.
  6. But the successful, "well-known" black women who DO get married at late 30s-40ish don't seem to be having much luck post-altar. See: Shepherd, Sherri; Jones, Star; Parks, Phaedra; McMillan, Terri …. Maybe they're better off just having permanent "fiancés" like Jennifer Hudson, Oprah and Jennifer Aniston.
  7. I thought that Teresa said last season that she worked to pay off their creditors? I think they probably justified their properties because they are used for the show...
  8. No… the point is that people GAVE THE WALL STREET BANKERS A PASS and maybe if taxpayers were as outraged over THEM as they are over the Giudices, justice would have been better served. It's like when people get outraged over alleged "welfare mothers" buying $20 steak but seemingly have NO outrage over bankers stealing $20 billion.
  9. To my surprise, I found the editing of this episode to be memorizing … it almost felt like a MOVIE. I did feel very sorry for Gia … but some of the tears could be hormonal … When did Amber have cancer? If she had it years ago, I call her out on the Facebook claim … A lot of Milania's behavior is coached for the show … I think she loves being on TV. Teresa's denial is not that unusual … everyone from Elizabeth Edwards to Hillary Clinton to Bernie Madoff's wife were in denial … When Amber was planning her party and was wearing her pink top with her hair pulled back, she looked exactly like Maya Rudolph.
  10. Here's what gets me: why didn't they take him into custody IMMEDIATELY?? Why do crooks get to enjoy themselves (and find more opportunities to bury their money) once they've been found guilty?? Same for Joe Giudice. His father dies and he gets THREE MONTHS to mourn? Families can't get three DAYS off from work when a loved one dies and this a-hole gets THREE MONTHS??
  11. If your parents raise you right, you don't NEED to inherit everything. You've been given a free college education and maybe a lovely wedding and a down payment for your home and 529 plans for your kids. And you go out and make your own fortune. If it's good enough for Bill Gates' kids and Warren Buffett's kids, it should be good enough for Kandi's daughter. Money sure hasn't helped Bobbi Kristine or Paris Jackson.
  12. Eddie should remind her that in a couple of years she'll be raising Ryan's baby like Lauri almost ended up doing with Josh's drug-addicted baby. Clearly any desire of his to have children has been snuffed out by the presence of Tamra's other spawn. Besides, if he wants kids he and his next spouse can adopt them. I hear that's legal now. Call me cynical, but I think she saw how the public has treated Bethenny since her divorce and doesn't want to end up being hated while the ex gets the public love.
  13. They always comp the plastic surgery. The fertility doctor was stiffed.
  14. Also, Paul Nassif was married to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Adrienne Maloof. And Terry was on Bridalplasty… Too bad there's no medical cure for famewhore disease.
  15. I heard the same story from a contestant on Project Runway in the first season. She said they always pick out good-looking guys or girls to pair you up with and encourage them to develop a personal relationship with you. The more you can get the person to say, the better your career will go and you'll get the more plush assignments.
  16. And she had her tubes tied. That was part of her angst over marrying Eddie in the FIRST PLACE. She worried that HE wanted kids.
  17. I know! It's a sad day when I think Kim and her Kroy-magnon will last longer.
  18. He wouldn't have signed the pre-nup if he wanted all that money. New York is filled with rich -- VERY rich -- single women. Being tall, good-looking and pleasant, he could have married ANYONE. I think he wanted to rescue and save her. In her early shows, you can see how grateful she was to have a "normal" family. She was sweet and vulnerable. Once she had her baby … she was done. She got what she wanted.
  19. She slandered her parents by presenting a picture of Fantine being raised by wolves, when the evidence showed that she attended a posh boarding school. She claimed she never had birthday parties until her mother showed photos disproving that … I think she DID have a difficult childhood but she herself told stories so often that SHE ended up believing them.
  20. IIRC, it was on ELLEN. She came on after her divorce announcement, said some crack about Jason and the audience responded. It sounded like it was cut off. Then she looked at Ellen and said, "Didn't I came over last night and tell you and Porsha what really went on?" And Ellen verified that she did. But I'm thinking, well just because you TOLD her doesn't mean it's the truth!
  21. Well, no one WANTS to play the game more than Bethenny Frankel! The only reason her engagement and birth weren't filmed were because of JASON. She peed on camera, showed her EPT test … there's nothing she WOULDN'T do. And the media loved it! But once the public decided that this woman was as fake as her bolt-ons, she comes out and blames the media. I mean, she was a professional chef yet couldn't figure out the stove was off on Thanksgiving. She locks herself in the bathroom on her birthday yet had a BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR HERSELF on her talk show. And with the cameras running every day on her, the world finally saw her true personality: self-centered, self-absorbed and so full of herself there was barely any room for guests. She never shut up!! It wasn't until she was booed talking about Jason, that she kept quiet about that.
  22. She must be priming herself for her Bethenny Redemption reality show! I mean, seriously. EVERY article in EVERY media outlet is followed by the most negative comments I've ever seen towards a woman who hasn't been arrested for murdering a child or accused of stealing a husband from a dying woman.
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