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Everything posted by novhappy

  1. I've watched a lot of them randomly on PBS. I'd like to hear opinions on wackiest motives for murder. My pick is from Season 13. A husband, whose wife died, murders a man because the man blocked the husband from burying his wife in the local, historical cemetery. So he had to bury his wife in Causton "halfway across the county". Any othercontenders for wackiest motive?
  2. Count me in on the KAC going away party. I will represent KAC's home county by bringing in some deli!
  3. Joe looks so much better in that clip with normal hair and no puffiness. This is about 5 gallons of hair product and 100 gallons of booze ago!
  4. What are these people even babbling about? Joe: I remember when bad things happened we would just freeze on the Floor of the House or whisper in the coat room.What is happening to our country? The older woman on the panel: I remember when drugs were getting big you could see it like a wave across the Floor as one person told another like a wave. And you passed a law and now it's better I just woke up but none of any of that makes any sense.
  5. this is the first episode I've seen where there was no fast food shown.
  6. Yeah I hear ya Eliot. Not judging the woman at all. Just so not a reaction I can even conceive of it amazes me. And you know those parents that are trying to crawl in a hole are getting relentless calls from reporters!
  7. Sorry couldn't figure out how to post from one thread to another. But YES YES YES it never fails to amaze that people who are experiencing the deepest trauma and grief play it out on tv. And yes I would kill the reporter
  8. I would like to see a legit calm conversation wherein Joe discusses what his gun views were, specifically and why. Then how they changed. Yes this would probably put him on the spot about NRA money during his time in congress but if he wants to fix things he can explain How that shaped his voting then and how he evolved to his new position. Not a rant. Because obvi many congresspeople are in the same boat he was in so he could provide a template to get something done. That said, it won't happen because the answer is he took NRA money/imprimatur during his time in Congress, didn't think about the issue at all. Now out of Congress in his new role of sanctimonious knowitall he evolved to a position of regulating guns. Sounds better on tv.
  9. The sanctimonious dial is set to 11 today. They both come from gun-owning families and have never shot anyone! Also, as millennium said, Mika's sad tragedy voice is absurd. Mika, you are clearly reading and not that well - adding the crisis tone is not that helpful but that tone seems to be her entire value add to headlines. She must know that-she Knows Her Value.
  10. His mom does everything for him? What? His laundry? He drives, walks, buys his own fast food. What is this everything? also he can't learn the flooring business? He could learn it and run it.
  11. Hi I'm Lola What a pleasure.... Come on in, so glad you could make it...... LOL
  12. I don't know if I believe his eating is emotional or deeply psychological. I think he just likes the taste of food and likes to eat fast food by the bucket. Period
  13. As far as the free seat in the plane....maybe the show purchased it. They must have had to buy seats for the camera crew. On the other hand the show would perhaps preferred someone sit next to him for the drama.
  14. That's a wicked manspreading sitting posture he's got
  15. I had it on and my 21 year old son watched a few minutes and said "what is going on on this show"? Why are these people sitting around being filmed licking this woman's shoes about her average appetizers and why is she dressed like that to have guests over?" Then he googled her Questions answered
  16. Disappointing. I wanted a shot of her sister and mother eating a pizza while she's having a salad. " I don't expect them to eat healthy like me but at least they should do it away from me"
  17. Oh she's gonna cheat the hell out of the diet! A girl needs her hugs!
  18. This period was when I started watching the show. I was so inspired by Mika's lectures about soda and fatty foods that I stopped drinking soda and started eating healthily!! JK!!I remember thinking why a sanctimonious blowhole this woman is! And she talked about drinking vodka all the time which is NOT part of a healthy diet. Guess Joe had to get her drunk to get her to take him as her side piece. I had to laugh at Willie this morning. Joe went on a almost 4 minute rant in a split screen w Willie, as if Joe was talking to him. Over 3 minutes Willie sat there ramrod straight, no facial expressions, no facial movement at all as if he were riveted. A true professional, our Willie.
  19. I didn't understand what she intended with that burger at all. Could not be served as you all have said. I gues when she said that it was for a picture for social media that is all it was for. Then she insults her TV viewers by showing off her clever way to waste food, money and time to take a funny picture.
  20. I turned on the tv, heard this exact moment, turned it off and put on some music.
  21. If the dietician was visiting her at the house in Houston it wasn't even her fridge. The family would certainly have their food on the fridge. And a sustainable diet could include a teaspoon of mayo. It's not about 0 fat or 0 carbs or 0 whatever. It's about learning nutrional balance and healthy choices and portions.
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