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Everything posted by novhappy

  1. I find it interesting that a celebrity engaged couple, that gets their share of gossip column press, who co host a high profile morning show that gets plenty of press, whose engagement got plenty of press, now don’t appear on the show together for over a month with one co-host taking over 2 weeks gets no mention of this no speculation from the gossip columns and media watching sites. I smell a cover up! Any other morning show if the not even engaged hosts didn’t appear on show together for a month the rags would be all over it!
  2. I agree with this. She is awake this morning but besides not interrupting she adds nothing, asks no good questions and makes no clever comments insights weren’t today’s guests mostly the usual suspects, none of the better guests that were working it last night and CNN today ( Avenatti, Lanny Davis, former SDNY staff etc). EVERY other show I watched last night, and I saw a lot of CNN and MSNBC (insomnia), did such a better job of taking this news apart in depth. This show has really became on a. professionalism level akin to a local cable access show. Joe is absolutely awful as an interview show host, as we know. Mika is pointless and somewhat of a sad joke as a host/ co host and I won’t praise her for speaking in complete sentences when he’s not there just because she’s a woman/hostage and we try to support. The show is an absolute joke and seems to be a vanity project on one of the 3 major news networks and that’s never more evident and annoying on a day like today when they should be in their wheelhouse. If they can’t get current politicians on and top level sources on then what is their point? On that point when’s the last time Joe has mentioned “my friends from the top levels of “whatever industry is relevant” are calling me...? Has he stopped this?
  3. They can do an NBC crossover with a Dateline episode! Or, in honor of the Brit fans and show guests maybe Inspector Lewis will take it on!
  4. Wow they have managed to rally up Heilemann, a Vanity Fair reporter, and an older man on set! This show is so bizarre. And they gave the VF reporter like 3 minutes to say essentially nothing about Cohen. They’re doing that thing where the have a commercial break, come back for Joe to read who is coming up in the next hour (gonna be packed!) and then back to more commercials. It’s funny flipping to CNN and flipping back. The contrast seems so stark.
  5. No one on set. Show is lifeless. You know it’s bad when the weatherman has the most on screen presence!
  6. alright you people have broken me down. I’m following these two douchebags on instagram. It seems where they’ve moved their entertaining side show.
  7. I truly believe CNN could win the ratings by going back to being a news channel. Nationwide and global headlines and stories, on the scene reporting etc. no more hour long panels talking Trump. Stop trying to make news, just report on everything going on. Balance it between white House shenanigans and EVERYTHING else. People will watch and you’ll be on in every business like you used to be. Many businesses have resorted to HGTV, Law and Order marathons, etc so not to spark politics in their business. Help us CNN, help us!
  8. This show is flat lining today. The fact that Joe does zero prep is beyond obvious. It seems like lots of commercials. As for the discussions I’ve stepped in deeper puddles.
  9. I just saw parts of an episode where she heard about people who meet for happy hour and she invited herself and just showed up. She said a couple of times thanks for letting me crash. With an attitude of them being so lucky her royalness favored them. Ummm they seemed like it wasn’t a favor. She is batshit. Was this a new episode? why can’t she just cook her crap in her kitchen? Why must she have some tortured reason to impose on other people
  10. The opening monologue is so low energy. Joe seems like he underwater. Everyone, except Willie, seems out of it
  11. I feel like they used to have breaks where the rest of the news was covered. But I could be wrong. Always a political show. When they took over from Imus it was a relief to me cuz of the disgusting frat atmosphere of that show. This is still better than that!
  12. I bet Joe spends more of his prep time for the show picking and approving the music for when they go to commercial than he spends on anything else.
  13. Good god. Willie! What year was that? What a terrible show that must have been!
  14. I don’t know what filter they use in the camera on her show but her appearance on FNS was not good! She looked much worse than in her show!
  15. Mika’s soliloquy on the children separated from their parents was painful. Starting out with her “crying” voice to tell everyone watching that the Trump admin has separated families (Breaking news). She must have really practiced reading this speech off the TelePrompTer cuz she did ok, squirming in her seat, adding anger or sadness to her words along the way. What boggles my mind is who is she talking to? Everyone who watches this show follows the news closely. Is she lecturing congresss at the gym( “truth to power”) to find these kids? I guess Last night I saw an interesting discussion, I’m not sure which show maybe 11th hour, of why Manafort didn’t flip. Some one brought up that among all the reasons mentioned there is a real possibility that Manafort is scared shit for himself and his family from the Russians. They’ve been known to poison people. Of course on Morning snore we get the most facile possible discussion of that no mention of Russians Then they have on somebody who wrote an article entitled Why Guiliana Media Blitz May Be Bad for Trump (more breaking news). Who says what everyone’s been saying for weeks about Giuliani’s doubletalk. Willie says well if he’s just trying to distract , put fog in the conversation isn’t that working? Well, yeah says the guy. Is the booker for this show dead? Jesus Christ get a good guest!
  16. The elephant is the straws. Plastic Straws are now environmental enemy number one and are being banned and frowned upon. Yet Mika continues to blithely use them as if she doesn’t care about marine life or our future generations! She must start using paper straws! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/plastic-straw-ban-why-are-there-so-many-2018-7
  17. Is Mika going to address the elephant in the room?? She is a heavy user of straws and is using one now!! Straws are killers! They’re being banned everywhere!
  18. If it was the same ep I saw today I thought Hys car was a Lexus
  19. He looks like he got some filler around the mouth maybe (tough to differentiate from the alcohol bloat) And a weekly facial at least. And a filter on the bunker camera. When will he get an eyelid lift? He’ll look like Kathy Kay!
  20. Maybe they are going to surprise us with a sudden wedding soon. Mika takes 2 weeks off with no explanation to prep it up and they tie the knot this weekend on Nantucket?
  21. When will the media watchers and/or gossip columns comment on Mika’s continued unexplained absence?
  22. I wondered about this too. Joe let him speak uninterrupted for so long, while Warner was saying something substantive and interesting. I was surprised but then when Joe was like ok thx bye I wondered who was talking in Joe’s earpiece the whole time. Did Mika call in and talk dirty to him while Warner was talking? Seriously though the producers of this show aren’t great. Obviously something was happening in Joe’s earpiece, they know this. They could have instructed someone on the panel to follow up. John Heilemann here Senator, what do you think about.... But no, this show is such an amateur hour across the board!
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