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Everything posted by novhappy

  1. I think that is what we are watching This show is pretty much sitting around the fire pit w average neighbors, a case of Bud Light and some nachos.
  2. I feel like Dr. now is being so tough. I only see episodes occasionally but I feel like he has given surgery to people that have only lost barely any weight.
  3. I wonder if they’re instructed to call it “weight loss surgery”. It makes it sound like they will actually lose weight from the surgery. As opposed to changing their behavior to lose weight. The surgery just enables them to change their behavior. But, as we all know , most of them act like the surgery is going to magically change their life.
  4. Mika just asked (paraphrase) is it possible that delays in test kits downplaying blah blah blah was done for political reasons? joe “we are going to look into it” hahahaaaaaaa
  5. They should take these two jackasses off the air when there is an actual news event that is not political.
  6. So he carries scissor, needles a ruler etc in a holster jammed up under his armpits?
  7. I thought season 10 was good, definitely Vera, but I enjoyed it. Especially ep 3.
  8. So I like Geoff, sensitive soul he is. But! It’s been commented on but that YMCA outfit on the runway was hard to look it. Why the costume? Why a 70s costume? And this.... The whole thing looks like a mistake. The collar is not even on the 2 sides. The seaming in the sleeves don’t match each othe. What in the world is going on in the front waist are I have no idea. Even the draping on the 2 sides isn’t even. It looks absolutely amateur ugly and ridiculous. The sleeves are even 2 different lengths.
  9. Did they invent today’s phrase “forever war”. Cuz it sounds stupid and cringe every time they say it.
  10. I get so tense when Christian comes into his mentoring sessions. I feel like his critiques are so helpful and specific I want to shout at the tv. “ Don’t tell Victoria how to fix it! Don’t tell Brittany exactly where she’s gone wrong! Shhhhhh!” But when he’s talking to the designers I like I relax and think good! Fix it for them!
  11. Could you imagine if annoying Hester Sunshine was on this season? She would deserve the win over these non-creative, solid, cheap fabric users!
  12. I must say tho I wouldn’t mind one episode where the killer is a villain instead of some heartbreaking mistake or tragic accident.
  13. Yep. I’m enjoying season 10. Steady on.
  14. I would love to know how many of the flash sale garments are actually sold. Those prices aren’t really friendly to people buying a knock off of a garment they saw on tv. I don’t know anything about nineteenth amendment is it fast fashion? Anyway I seriously wonder if they sell any?
  15. Here’s what I notice. The voiceovers always sound so whiny. It’s how they’re written. She said...since I’ve been home I’ve been doing really good and losing weight “but it’s been really hard for me” Ive been doing good and losing weight but it’s been hard. Or it’s been hard work. Both sound much less whiny then the it’s been really hard for me turns it into self pity. the writers are not doing these folks any favors.
  16. I actually got excited when Devkin picked the blue fabric. I thought his idea would be to reinvent the iconic-in-a-bad-way powder blue tux. With contrasting black or something and a super modern design. Like Marquise say but with the powder blue top. but alas it appears he didn’t even have that idea.
  17. I think what Victoria didn’t understand about the challenge was to design a different dress than her usual that used sheer fabric in a clever way that kept it sheer but tasteful. When Christian explained the challenge BEYOND the word sheer she couldn’t do it.
  18. Mika just referred to a momentous huge day marking an event in history... the HoloCAST... god she’s terrible
  19. I feel like he is just A happier person with his food
  20. His feet in those red hospital socks are hilarious!
  21. “I feel like just watching some tv and passing out? You good with that?” what the actual fuck else were you two gonna do? Go sightseeing? Maybe a museum or a national park!?
  22. Seems self-aware and doesn’t speak his voice over in that oh do common flat dead tone!
  23. His dickishness is so pronounced and his statement on the runway so ridiculous I believe the producers have promised him a top 3 or 4 if he’ll exaggerate his natural smugness into villain
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