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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. Hopefully Travis will convince Katie that a smaller family is better. I know all of the kids have had the whole “children are blessings” drilled into them from childhood but I still hope a few will say “ no thanks”. I am the oldest of five. Back when I was a kid larger families were the norm. Still, when my mother had her last baby I was nine and I remember hoping that would be it. No one prompted me at all, it was just how I felt. The only positive I can see is that in general the grandkids seem to be spaced out more than KJ and Gil’s kids were. With the exception of Tori’s kids and a couple of Alyssa’s and Erin’s there seems to be a spacing of at least 2 years between babies. KJ had one every year.
  2. The dirty couch was the downstairs leather one. The 10k Love Sac is upstairs. It has washable covers but I doubt they have (or will) ever bothered to wash them. Have not seen a close up photo of that couch lately but my guess is it is also kind of nasty. Of course it is newer and given the actual amount of time they have spent in that house since they moved in it may have escaped the fate of the downstairs couch.
  3. I had forgotten about Carlin changing Zade’s diaper on the couch. 🤢 Never did that with my kids. Now that I’m taking care of my grandson I still don’t do it. Despite having some impressively stain proof upholstery on my couch I still put a towel under him when he sits with us because he still has the occasional spit up episode. You would think that after growing up with nothing and wanting all the “best things” now Carlin would be more careful with her purchases. But no worries, if the couch gets too gross they will just get another one. I have not seen the money tree in their yard. I do wonder where they keep it?
  4. Yes that couch was icky. It seems to be a soft leather that scuffs easily. The dog gets up on it all the time. I wondered how it would age when they bought it but I assumed they would care for it given that it looks pretty pricey. Silly me. Josie and Alyssa have similar couches. I’m guessing Alyssa’s is the most pristine .
  5. Carlin put up a reel and talked about Evan walking Layla down the ISLE some day. Josie posted about the girls chasino FIREFLY’S. Alyssa has a YouTube video up showing off her school room organization.She had drawers for PUZZELS and POPCICLE STICKS. Isn’t it nice that these young women are continuing the tradition of stellar homeschooling with their own children? 🙄
  6. Until she gets pregnant again and the cycle starts once more. I seem to remember one of the doctors they saw said the seizures could have been pregnancy/ childbirth related. I think she had the first seizure / fainting spell while she was in labor. Once she had the baby she did not rest and give herself a chance to recover, plus I bet she didn’t eat enough so she could lose the baby weight quickly. Zade is over a year old now so she has recovered and surprise, surprise, no more episodes. 🙄 Just speculation on my part of course. Interesting how the episodes were good for sympathy and vlog content. Maybe there was more going on but it’s funny how she has had a miraculous recovery after the novelty wore off.
  7. I was just going to post about that. Any sympathy I had for them is long gone at this point.
  8. Add me to the list of those who said ping pong.
  9. I always try to give the contestants the benefit of the doubt because you never know how people will react once the cameras start rolling. It’s easy to shout out answers from the comfort of your own couch but being up there on the stage- I can totally see blanking on clues you actually know. That said, these games with so many TS clues are not the most enjoyable to watch. I did get FJ. I know Dolly does a lot of charitable work. I was not aware that Bezos has subsidized some of it though.
  10. I have security latches on all of my exterior doors so my grandchildren can not wander out to the pool. I did this as soon as soon as the oldest was mobile. They only visit a couple of times a year, but it was a no brainer. Alyssa’s set up is a tragedy waiting to happen.
  11. There was a birthday party for Hazel today. Both Zack and Whitney and their kids and Carlin an Evan and their kids were there. I know there is a lot of speculation about Josie and Carlin having some sort of feud but while they may not be particularly close they seem to get along. There is a photo of Willow, Layla and Khloe together in Carlin's stories. Layla is so tiny! She is 6 months younger than Willow and only 3 months younger than Khloe but the difference is pretty substantial.
  12. Is it any wonder she is all over the place? Married at 19, pregnant immediately, 5 kids by 28. The only time I ever saw her legitimately excited was when they bought their house and renovated it. I know none of this comes as a surprise given her upbringing, but it is quite sad. Sadder still is the fact that she is repeating the cycle with her daughters. I keep hoping one of them will break the cycle but it isn’t looking good. As sad as it is I am a very happy camper today. Vegas baby! 😉🏒🥅
  13. Oh FFS. I broke ( and dislocated) my big toe a few years back. Guess what? I followed all instructions and yes, my toe now points up slightly. Admittedly Carlin did not follow her doctor’s orders to the letter, but you know she’s going to milk this all she can.
  14. You can rent a car if you are under 25 but you have to pay a young driver fee of $ 65 per day. ETA: I guess @AstridM and I posted at the same time. 😉
  15. What if they leased it and the boutique covers the monthly payments?
  16. That “merch” has to be paid for before they sell it. If they buy 500 t-shirts and sell a dozen they will be taking a loss. The only person I see buying anything is that girl who drove 13 hours to attend the cash and carry on Saturday. ( She was on Carlin’s stories)🙄
  17. I can’t understand how they can continue dropping $$$ on cars, vacations, etc. There’s no way the boutique, influencing and the occasional shifts working for a small town police department can give them that kind of income. It just doesn’t add up. There is speculation over on Reddit that the car is being written off as a business expense. Also someone suggested that her dad’s business was sold and Whitney got money from that, or that he had multiple life insurance policies so she and her mom could benefit. It just all seems very shady to me. My son has a very good job. He and his wife have 3 kids. She is a SAHM mostly because he travels quite a bit and if she did work her whole salary would go to pay for daycare. They were very lucky that mortgage rates were low when they bought their house in 2021. But they certainly don’t buy 100K vehicles, 10K ranges, etc, and they are done having kids.
  18. My husband had kidney stones. He needed two procedures to break them up so he could finally pass them. He has a high tolerance for pain and he said it was the worst pain he has ever felt. I do feel for Katie. Katie and Travis are really good about keeping Hailey on a routine even while travelling. I do wonder if there was a bit of pressure on them to go on the trip- it does seem to be a big deal for the family and possibly some members had not met Hailey yet. If she is feeling ok for the moment and it's only 45 minutes away it doesn't seem too bad-plus she can rest when the baby is napping. The funny thing about kidney stones is that they do move around and the pain can just disappear. My son was driving my husband to the doctor in a bouncy pickup truck- they hit a bump and his pain went away. Obviously she will have to pass them but she can have periods of time where she feels ok.
  19. They will be back. It’s just virtue signaling. Social media and certain news channels are skewing the whole Target situation to manufacture outrage. Apparently the guy with the viral video of himself stomping on the Pride display has a Grindr account, and the Karen who lost her mind when she found “tuck friendly” swimwear in the children’s section actually moved it from the adult section. Interesting that Walmart has not been called out for their Pride display.
  20. How old is Rhett? I do think she is still nursing so she had to bring him. However as he gets older I would not be surprised if he gets Daddy-son outings and trips.
  21. I think they go back to church for evening services on Sunday. Growing up Catholic skipping Mass was not an option but as soon as they started having Saturday evening Mass my brothers and I would go so we could have Sunday free. I can’t imagine 2 services every Sunday plus Wednesday nights. My dad was Anglican (Episcopalian in the US) and he did not go at all, so I grew up thinking that being Protestant meant not having to go to church. 😂 And though my mother was a devout Catholic she did not make us go to church until we were in first grade. When I moved to the US I was shocked that toddlers were expected to go to Mass.
  22. Meanwhile Carlin is silently cursing Jackson because she doesn’t WANT to have to shop at Walmart. Target has cuter stuff plus they have Starbucks inside. BTW Walmart sells Pride merchandise too.
  23. Josie was going on about getting her hair cut. Looks like she cut off about 4 inches. With hair that long it really isn’t a huge difference. 🙄 That’s called a trim in my book
  24. Mattea has a thread on Twitter talking about their dad. Evidently they were in LA taping when they got the news. It sounds like the show may have rescheduled shooting to accommodate them.They will be talking about him in one of their interview segments tonight. I have to wonder if it affected their play. I know I would not have been able to concentrate if I had been in their shoes.
  25. I knew Anne of Green Gables was published in 1908. My first thought was The Secret Garden. Nothing against Ben- he is a great player, but all these runaway games are getting old. With the other long run champs there were occasional close games. I think Mayim even mentioned he has the longest streak of runaway games.
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