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Everything posted by Lola16

  1. I haven't tried Simple Sugar but because of the episode I got Hempz Sugar Scrub and I swear by it.
  2. I've heard varying amounts. If the show (production company) doesn't compensate, then how could the participants be doing this for money? I'd think if there was no compensation, there'd be a lot more staying in their own places and a lot more arguing during the house search. I didn't watch the prior seasons so perhaps there were fame-whores/self-promoters on those seasons but I don't see any obvious modes/actors/etc on this season.
  3. I was watching Super Password with my mom during school break and Tournament of Champions was on. Either they didn't air it or her DVR didn't pick it up but never found out who won. Hoping it wasn't Danna.
  4. I stopped all reality tv watching last year --- just fell out of it. I keep waiting though on So Charm - hoping it'll be back soon. Ah. Saw a post on FB that said it was closed but didn't go into it. Hope the resident is OK.
  5. David signed up for the show. I doubt there's a guarantee of sex and/or affection. If he can't handle 6 weeks without it, then matching him with someone who claims to take months... fail. Who pays for the honeymoon? I think the rent discussions are valid even if the show pays for it. Allegedly, they are choosing a home to live in together past the 6 weeks. They should choose something they can afford. Perhaps the show gives them a budget based on their income or current rent? I doubt these people are expected to pay their own rents/mortgages on their premarital home and also pay for a joint home. That would create extreme financial stress for some of the participants.
  6. I don't know why anyone would sign up for this show with these so-called experts matching people who either responded to a casting call or were recruited off a dating app that is 100% looks based. Since this show is in its 3rd year, the participants should know what they are getting into. Yet, 6 of them signed up and only 1 appears to really want to find love and marriage. 1 participant is abusive. 1 is completely withdrawn and checked out. 1 is just going with the flow. 2 are needy balls of suck looking to polish their image on camera. If any were serious, they should have worked on themselves prior to the show. The amount of baggage is more than can be dealt with in 6 weeks. Did they ever say why Ashley's & David's honeymoon was in AZ versus a more exotic location? What is David paying for? The show picks up housing. Could even be a per diem like other shows. I don't see any evidence of gold-digging but then I missed the first show. I haven't seen any incivility from anyone except Sam. Equating eunuch with no sex for 6 weeks... one is a permanent condition. This is a 6 week show. The participants should go into it knowing that a love or lust connection might not happen and they just might have to go without for 6 weeks. So what's your 'solution'? Ashley should pretend to be into David and start fooling around with him because David wants it and after all they are married?
  7. Was there a reason given for why Ashley's and David's honeymoon was in AZ?
  8. If David is so invested in being married, then he should act like he's married all the way through. It seems like it's OK to some posters that he gave 110% for 3 weeks but since Ashley is giving 10% (in their eyes), it's OK for David to step out. I never think it's OK to step out. If you want out, get out. In this case, it's a 6 week gig. He's got an out coming up. Who is saying David needs to be an eunuch? Suggesting that he read Ashley correctly (she ain't into him, probably never will be) and go willingly into friend-zone -- I guess that's cruel to David? That's reality. She ain't into him. Ain't gonna be. So he can keep trying for the cameras or he can face reality. I'm not a fan of Ashley (or anyone on this show). The nastiness and personal attacks against her (her looks, her withdrawn personality on camera), feels unwarranted. Maybe the posters attacking her are the ones with baggage? Nah, can't be. Suggesting he ghost her - well that's mature. But that's OK though, David can step out, ghost her etc because it's Ashley, a mustachioed 5 robot who deserves it because she doesn't return his feelings after 3 weeks of an arranged marriage for TV. Umkay.
  9. Maybe David and Neil should be gentlemen because. Not just in spurts for the camera but because that's who they are and want to be. I don't subscribe to the notion that because someone else is acting poorly that the other people should as well. If I were in David's shoes, it'd be obvious that Ashley wasn't interested and most likely wouldn't be in the 6 weeks time frame. So I'd give her her space, show up for the cameras and hang in to cash the check.
  10. I'd classify David as "looking for someone to love him". Same for most of the participants really.
  11. I binge watched the show so I started posting recently. Maybe what's bringing out the support is the relentless bashing of Ashley's looks while praising dough boy for his 'great' personality and character. Blurgh. It's 6 weeks. If David is such a nice guy, such a gentleman, so in love with Ashley, such husband material, he can hang in another week or 2 before flirting, secting, sucking face whatever it is he does with a rando. Versus who? David? Because he's ready to have a pretty wife? Neil? Sam? None of those people seem sincere.
  12. David didn't lob her. He picked her up, held her and dunked her on the bed with himself. I didn't see anyone compare it to rape or a sexual assault. I myself called him a clumsy oaf. Of course the same posters who criticize Ashley for not finding David her type are the very same ones calling her fat and ugly ("a 5 at best") and mustachioed. I doubt David would be trying this hard if he were matched up with Sam. Bolding mine. So David sucks face at bars with random women. That screams marriage material and commitment ready! It's a 6 week commitment. The best thing ever would be for David to get some tail with someone who is not his wife because she is repulsed by him? Can't agree. The best thing would be to wait 3 more weeks until it's over and then date. But sure, ok, I guess adultery is the best thing ever. If he really is committed to making it work, and is really into being married, then he can wait 3 more weeks.
  13. Do the producers create a short list of eligibles and then the parents pick from that? Or do they scout all on their own?
  14. Doubt it. David would be happy with that for about 30 seconds. Then he'd go in for a sloppy St Bernard kiss. The man is anything but smooth. During the wedding, Ashley seemed to warm up to David when he didn't kiss her as the guests were clanking on the glasses. You could see the relief and then appreciation in her eyes and manner. As another posted mentioned, as soon as she starts to thaw, David literally pounces. He's a clumsy oaf. He makes quick aggressive moves. She is not attracted to him. To me, it seems like she's wary of him. Like they discuss things, agree to no contact, let her go at her pace and then he pounces. Picking her up and throwing her down on the bed and he tries to get on top of her? Fans of his will say that's playful. At best, it's misguided. Does Ashley seem like she wants any intimacy initiated on camera? No. David doesn't care. Ashley met his friends at the wedding. 2 come over, both talk to her, both hug her and she responds with upper arm contact only (no full body hugs). She wears short shorts. Well, that's what was in the stores last year and she wears them around everyone, not just his thinner more in shape more attractive friends. What do his friends say about her? That she's attractive and good for David for getting a good looking wife. Shows you what they value. David talks about her looks. Yet Ashley is the shallow one because doughy David doesn't rock her boat. This is a 6 week show. David should start sleeping around because Ashley hasn't put out at 3 weeks? Then he's not ready for marriage either. I get that they all signed up for this. Why? Money? Fame? Boredom? Dunno. But they all did and some aren't putting much effort into it. 2 seem like huge fakes to me. I do think they could suck it up for the 6 weeks and all be polite with each other. The fact that Sam can't manage that -- means she ain't ready for anything. Neil can't handle rejection or someone who acts like she's still in JR High. He needs to work on that and use this time to learn to communicate and not snark back. David isn't good at dating? No shit. He wants to sit in bed with a wife that his friends find pretty, eat Dominos (ugh), drink beer with his friends, have some one to fight his fights with him and be ready to get down when he is. He ain't ready either.
  15. I haven't seen Ashley's twitter. It was obvious to me (and everyone else with eyes) that she had zero interest in David. David though says he's not sure how she feels. He knows. He knows. Both him and Neil seem like they are acting for the talking heads, working on positioning themselves. Ashley and Sam have a DGAF attitude. They all signed up for this. No sympathies. When David was talking to his friends about lack of affection from Ashley and he said, he just wants to eat Dominos in bed.... yea... he says he's not good at dating but good at being married, he says he wants a friend who has his back and is on his side etc etc. He should get a dog. I see nothing that says he's good at relationships. Just chatter.
  16. Attractiveness is subjective. I think Vanessa is beautiful, Ashley is attractive, and Sam is average. Of the men, Tres has moments where he is attractive but then other times, he looks pudgy. David is pudgy, doesn't have good teeth, and I'm not into the beard thing. Neil, just no. But then there are posters on here calling out Ashley and Sam for being fat (no way are either fat) and going on about the men as if they are sainted six pack ab gods, which um, no. David's outburst to me was a huge insight as to what it's like to be around him. Not good. He's great at letting everyone know how sensitive and what a good guy he is and how patient he is etc. Talks a lot about it. The outburst? Yea, manipulation. The scared act on the ferris wheel? Manipulation. The poster who wrote that Ashley is the type of woman who would cause David to snap and kill her? Okkkkkkkkk. Not funny. Women don't cause men to hit or kill them. Men who do that, the fault and flaw is all them. Are we to believe that the show isn't paying for the temp housing? Of course they are. The participants aren't expected to pay their own rent/mortgages and then a new place on top of that. Plus it's short term rentals. I can't see calling the women out for being such losers for signing up for this show unless the men are losers too. No wonder Ashley and Sam are still single? How are princes like David and Neil still single then? Double standard.
  17. This is the first MAFS season I have watched. While both Ashley and Sam are pills, neither guy is a prince. David gives me the creeps - he seems so fake, so insincere, such a manipulator. Even though Ashley is super cold and comes off as a bitch, I scream "RUN" every time David pulls one of his super sensitive nice guy routines. Neal/Neil seems like he's playing to the camera but I don't get creep vibe from him. Sam though, needs to grow up. Tres and Vanessa seem like a good match and I hope her insecurities and hang-ups don't torpedo the relationship.
  18. I wish they'd add Sale of the Century to the rotation instead of an occasional run. I'm loving Tattletales though like others am wondering why we are only seeing Season 1 when there were 8 seasons. Also loving Super Password and Blockbusters.
  19. She was a local reporter iirc. Maybe she got a new job out of town? Howard became too dumb for me as the series wore on.
  20. There were some truly awful outfits - a denim ensemble when she was doing that make-over comes to mind. Overall, I like her style and agree that her hair improved as the series went on.
  21. Maybe draw a cat for you should hook up with this person: http://consciouscat.net/2015/12/15/art-inspired-by-cats-meet-cathi-marro-musician-artist-and-consummate-cat-lover/
  22. I don't remember ever seeing the car but it gets mentioned in various episodes. Howard I believe dents or scratches it. When the couple from France come, there's talk of picking them up in the car. Emily and Bob share the car. I think she might drive it to work but I'm not sure.
  23. Diane saying Cat was her favorite --- well she didn't have to spend as much time with Cat as the others did and I'm sure Cat didn't sass her. The CEO of Netflix is often quoted as saying: "Do not tolerate brilliant jerks. The cost to teamwork is too high." Cat is not brilliant but whatever positive she does bring, is certainly outweighed by all the negative. This show isn't about find a brand ambassador (which is a cross between spokesmodel and salesperson); it's about expanding DVF's reach into the younger generation. Diane saw what a boost Michael Kors got for himself and his brand via his association with Project Runway; his stuff was middle America middle aged housewives before PR and now teens and college girls are sporting his accessories.
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