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  1. Watching last night's episode once again drove home how I would have never been able to do this job. The woman who wrecked her car with her child in the back seat. Neither she or her child was wearing a seatbelt, the officer had to tell her twice to get off her phone and then comfort her child when he asked if mommy crashed. Her blood alcohol was .24. The restraint shown by the officers was so commendable. That poor kid. I hope he has someone in his life that's a responsible human being to look out for him.
  2. They had the assault on video, Thundercunt. There wasn't a reason to interview you or the other swamp creature. They also know both of you and are aware of the fact that every word out of both you and your sack of shit huzzbin's mouth are lies. A question for any of our folks here that may know the law in NC. Isn't child abuse considered a form of domestic violence? If so and he's convicted, could it mean he has to get rid of his arsenal? Barb and Jenelle go back to court today for a check in with the judge and CPS. I wonder if Kaiser and Ensley have been interviewed yet? Did anyone else see this? UBT has been texting his ex (Maryssa's mom) and whining about how much he misses her and dreams about her. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9406162/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-david-eason-ex-texts/#:~:text=At one point%2C he texted,%2C" he told his ex. ETA: Now there is a warrant out for UBT's arrest on the child abuse charges. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9413145/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-david-eason-arrest-warrant-child-abuse/
  3. I'm okay with Bishme winning, but I really wanted it to be Laurence. I wish they would auf Elaine and have Zac take her place?
  4. This is exactly what I thought. A gradation of color would have been stunning. I give Rami a lot of credit because the fabrics he chooses are really hard to work with. I've not sewn a whole lot of silk, but the bit I have makes me appreciate folks that make it look easy. Sewing silk chiffon is like sewing air that frays.
  5. I remember Korto being pretty sour on her season, too. Every now and then she'd say something nice to another designer or be funny. But, most of the time she acted like she was either pissed off or didn't want to be there. So happy Hester is gone! Her runway outfit looked like a gag gift you'd give someone at a bridal shower.
  6. Thank you! It's nice to know I'm not the only one that saw poodle. I was surprised Christian didn't try to steer them away from that mess.
  7. It really was a modest little house, it's referred to as a bungalow. The price of CA real estate and the Marilyn connection was the reason for the price, I'm sure. I was never what you'd call a fan of Anna Nicole Smith. When she started modeling for Guess, I thought it was cool that they chose a woman with curves to represent their brand because, at that time, models were all stick thin and having actual feminine curves was never seen in advertising. I paid attention to the trial when she was trying to get a chunk of Marshall's fortune and I'd watched a couple episodes of the reality show because of the trainwreck factor and was completely creeped out by Howard. I hadn't thought of her in years, then Daniel died and Howard did an interview on Larry King claiming to be the baby's father. The whole thing was so weird, I started paying attention to it and then she died. I fell into a very deep rabbit hole and followed the bizarre story until Howard and all of the others were finished with the court cases that were related to illegally procuring the mountains of drugs that were sent to the Bahamas and were found in the hotel room when she died. Howard carried around a fucking duffle bag full of drugs wherever they went! There were so many twists and turns and once I fell in, I couldn't stop until it was over😂
  8. Anna was obsessed with Marilyn Monroe, had been since she was a kid. When she was in CA working for Guess, she actually lived in the house that Marilyn died in. She found out it was available and begged J Howard Marshall to pay the $10k a month rent so she could live there and the old fool did. After he died, she stopped paying the rent was wound up getting evicted. She was partying a lot and I guess would wake the neighbors up in the middle of the night ranting and raving that she saw Marilyn's ghost wandering around the house. The neighbors were really happy when she finally got the boot because of the constant partying.
  9. She'd been taking methadone for years and was on a really high dose. Her original doctor retired and Dr Kapoor inherited her as a patient, so he just went along with what the first doctor had been prescribing, which included high doses of valium and soma. When she got pregnant, he wanted her to gradually taper down her dose of methadone and stop with all the other stuff, but she refused. She finally agreed to be admitted to the hospital for a medically supervised detox and Larry stayed with her. She only stayed for a few days and called Howard to bring her her dope. He showed up, Larry tried to intervene and she checked out of the hospital against medical advice. That's when she ran away to the Bahamas and her old neighbor who was a psychiatrist started prescribing her meds and sending them to her. The prescriptions were mostly filled at Ralph's pharmacy in LA and were in several different names, including Howard and Bonnie. When she died, the most glaring thing was that there was no methadone in her system. Larry's lawyer had been after her to take a drug test and make the baby available for a DNA test and she'd been dodging the lawyer's demands. It had finally reached a point of her being court ordered and she couldn't dodge it anymore without being held in contempt of court. It can never be proven, but the 'flu' she was being treated for when she was in Florida was most likely methadone withdrawal so she could pass a drug test while she was in the US. She left her infant daughter in the Bahamas with her housekeeper because she knew there was a possibility of Larry being granted partial custody if the baby was in the US and DNA proved Larry was the father. Rita Cosby wrote a book called Blonde Ambition that really goes into detail of what was going on during the period leading up to her death and what happened afterward. It's definitely worth a read if anyone is interested.
  10. Larry was a photographer from Louisville and met her at the Kentucky Derby. They saw each other off and on and he wound up moving in with her in CA. He had a problem with her addiction and Howard K Stern being there 24/7 and doing everything possible to facilitate her addiction. In interviews, Larry said Howard would lurk outside their bedroom and listen to them, totally creepy. Larry saw that Howard was a leech that was completely obsessed with Anna and knew that if Anna could get sober, she'd realize what a piece of shit he was and kick him to the curb. After she got pregnant, Larry did everything he could to help her get clean, but Howard did everything he could to keep her high. She was in the hospital for a medically supervised detox and after a couple days, decided she couldn't take it, so Howard brought her dope to the hospital and she checked out against medical advice. That's when she ran away to the Bahamas. She believed Larry would leave her alone and she believed the Bahamian law of whoever signs the birth certificate is the legal father would keep him from having any legal claim to his kid. Larry wouldn't let it go and was able to score excellent legal representation and he kept fighting. Ultimately, DNA proved he was the father and he was able to get his daughter away from Howard.
  11. Wow! I'm not quite finished watching this, but I have to say whoever put it together didn't put much research into it. It's like they interviewed some of Anna's sycophants and took their word as gospel. None of them mentioned why she ran away from Larry Birkhead when she was pregnant. It wasn't because she hated him, he was living with her and they were making plans for their life with the baby. Larry wanted her to get clean. He stayed with her when she was in the hospital detoxing from the enormous amount of methadone she'd been taking for years. When she decided she'd had enough, Howard Stern brought her dope to the hospital, she checked out against medical advice and ran away to the Bahamas. She believed Larry would leave her alone and the Bahamian law that whoever signed the birth certificate was the legal father would be enough to keep him away. But, Larry wouldn't let it go and a really good attorney represented him pro bono to help him fight for his kid. He knew how bad her addiction was and how Howard did everything he could to keep her high and he didn't want his baby stuck with them. The people saying how horrible Anna's mother was and how much she hated her are also not based on facts. All of the years Anna was working at the strip club, her son lived with her mother. When she went to California to work for Playboy and Guess, Daniel lived with her mother. Daniel didn't live with her until she moved to California after J Howard Marshall died and she got the show with MTV. If her mother was such a monster, why did she leave her son with her for years? No one in their family backed up her claims of her mother abusing her and her friend has said that the stories she would tell people were actually what the friend confided in Anna of what happened to her as a child. Daniel was not a drug addict. When the guy said Daniel was high on his mother's methadone and wanted to do some cocaine, I really got pissed. There is absolutely no evidence that Daniel was a drug user and he hated what drugs did to his mother. He was known to be very anti drug. No one will ever know for sure what happened to Daniel, but what makes sense and what has been theorized is that he accidentally drank his mother's soda at the hospital. It was well known that Anna took liquid methadone and mixed it in whatever she was drinking. She had an extremely high tolerance and her normal dose would have been enough to kill anyone with no tolerance. Daniel had a huge amount of methadone in his system and methadone intoxication was his cause of death. J Howard Marshall gave her millions of dollars while they were together and believed with the homes and jewelry that she'd be able to be financially fine when he died. He specifically said she wasn't to get anything more than he'd given her. But, she squandered it on drugs and a lavish lifestyle and that's when she sued his son. None of the lawyers that worked on that case for years and years ever got paid. Howard Stern was not the main attorney on the case, it was a large firm that started it long before he was ever in the picture. Howard is now working as a public defender in California. On a totally snarky note, Bonnie Stern has had some major cosmetic work done. If you can find pictures of her during the time around Anna and Daniel's deaths, she looks like Howard's twin, only with big hair. If they hadn't said she was Bonnie in this show, I would have never known who she was. She has a completely different face!
  12. I agree they were way to nice the first time they went in. But, they did as much as they could from a legal standpoint as far as taking his word that there was no gun in the house. On my second watch, I noticed one officer did say as they were leaving the first time that DCF would be contacted about the kid being outside while the parent slept. Once they had the video, I suspect they acted the way they did because they were hoping he'd incriminate himself (and he did) and they were also waiting to hear back from the prosecutor's office to determine how to handle it. I'm also sure they didn't want to escalate the situation because they didn't know if he had other weapons stashed in the apartment.
  13. I'm watching it again, this time with the captions on. The first time they went into the apartment, the female officer tells him he needs to do a better job locking his door as they're leaving. I made sure to look at the desk and the top was rolled up. After the neighbor shows them the video and they go back, the top was rolled down on the desk and the lying shitstain of a father doubled down on saying that there was no gun in the house five minutes after he'd put it in the desk and closed the top. When the officers tell him they have video of the child waving the gun around, he first says his cousin stays there sometimes and he has a gun, then his story changes to its his brother that stays there sometimes and has a handgun, but he's not comfortable going through someone else's things. The officers tell him they don't care about that and that they'll stay until they find it. When two officers are outside the apartment talking, they both say they believe its his gun and he's lying to them. I really hope having all of this on video can be used to nail him to the wall. ETA - Captions were so helpful here! When the officer is talking to his mother in the parking lot, she says that this is the best he's been doing since his felonies and he finally had a job and got his first apartment all by himself. As a rule, felons can't be in possession of firearms, so there's another charge to add on!
  14. I didn't see the mom, just saw the grandma (the asshole father's mom) making excuses for him. That baby was totally unsupervised while his piece of shit father slept, the guy didn't even wake up until there were two officers in his apartment. Then, claimed he didn't have a gun, there was no gun in the apartment and said some 'friend' of his had a gun that he brought over before. Amazingly, the gun was neatly put in the desk and the desktop was pulled down when they came back after watching the video. If that woman didn't share her ring doorbell footage, they would have never gone back in there and found the gun. The video footage chilled me to my core. I hope they update as the weeks progress and that he's never allowed to be responsible for that baby's safety again.
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