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Good Queen Jane

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  1. 2/5, no *: @SoMuchTV, I followed the same line of thinking except I decided at the last minute that Helen Keller was probably more notable than Anne Sullivan and went with her. But your line of thinking for Ft. McHenry was exactly the same as mine. The best I could come up with was Ft. Sumter, which I knew was the wrong state and the wrong war.
  2. 2/6, no *. Friday was an archive game for me as I went to a MLB game, so FJ was very appropriate. I’ll bring peanuts and Crackerjacks straight from the ballpark.
  3. Adriana sure knows how to keep a poker face. I never can tell if she got FJ until her answer is revealed.
  4. So glad NBC is showing Olympic Trials in prime time. Cannot believe that the swimming trials are being held in an NFL stadium. Great crowds. Good for you, Indianapolis!
  5. I was disappointed that so many of the winners were reading their acceptance speech. The Tonys winners, used to being live on stage, usually give the best speeches. When they read off paper or phone, you can’t see the emotions on their face. I know they don’t want to forget names, but it is so much better to just talk from the heart.
  6. 3/5. Started out strong but petered out the end of the week.
  7. 4/5, no *. I’ll bring scones as it is one “exchange the letter” from Scopes for Thursday’s FJ.
  8. 1/5, no *. I can’t even think of something clever to say.
  9. Have none of the doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial ever heard of birth control? They have more unplanned pregnancies than a high school prom after party!
  10. 3/5. I didn’t believe two of my correct FJ answers were right but I went with them anyway because I couldn’t think of anything else. It’s good to know that my subconscious is smarter than I thought.
  11. 2/5, no *. I’ll bring pizza because I always think of Mystic Pizza first before I go on to Mystic River.
  12. Well, at least the pilots still have their sense of humor.
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