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  1. Yes, it sounds like I would. I googled it and it looks interesting. I am going to see if Amazon Prime has it to watch. I'm in need of something new to watch.
  2. I guess my name was a popular one back in the "old days" (I'm 75). Last time I was at the dr the nurse came out and called my name and another woman approximately my age got up to go, just as I did. The nurse then said the last name, no me. This happened about a year ago too another older woman in my age group. The only time I didn't like my name that much was when I was a kid and that long legged, oddly proportioned, blond doll came out with her pink car. Boy did I get a new unwanted nick name! I always went by my full name and still do! As far as remembering people's names, I am sort of hit and miss. In a small group I do fairy well remembering them but in a big gathering they seem to just go in one ear and out the other. Especially if it is a group I am unlikely to ever be among again. Name recall is not a talent I was blessed with!
  3. Congrats @GHScorpiosRule!! From a 13 year breast cancer survivor! 10 years is a huge marker!! It is amazing to look back and realize just how long ago that all really was! Going through it, it seems it will never end! My journey was very different from yours so much easier, if it can be "easy"at all. I got my dx, small growth right breast, cancer, and was suggested to have a lumpectomy. My mom died of breast cancer and though I was negative for the BRCA gene, I decided on a double mastectomy with no recon. I was not going to wait for the other shoe to drop with another dx in the years to come. I opted out of recon after joining a Breast Cancer Survivors forum and hearing too many horror stories of botched/problem recons. Since my cancer was small and it was detected so early, given the mastectomies, I didn't have to go through radiation or chemo. So very much easier than many others. I have never regretted what I did one minute. I healed quickly and was followed regularly for two years by my Oncologist and have had no signs of any reoccurrences. Both my kids came from CA to help me out the first week or so as I healed and then I was back to regular life. The chemo was what took my mom. She had a very weak heart on top of the cancer and it was just too much for her body to handle. Not trying to steal your thunder, just sharing one survivor to another. And a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you!! 🎉 (((HUGS)))
  4. I've never watched that one. I'll have to look into it! Thanks for the recommendation!
  5. Gramto6


    Or Mykelti was just keeping her bread buttered on both sides in hopes of staying relevant when the split happened. She could claim either side, depending on which served her best financially.
  6. Meri pleeeze stop with the filters!! We all know what you really look like, and it is OK to be the real you!!
  7. 6,452 steps yesterday. Doing laundry always adds steps, plus I worked cleaning out kitty house while my friend and her hubby were putting in the window. In the afternoon I helped with the flashing around the window and clean up in the yard. It was a nice day to be outside doing most of my steps there! Apparently my pump guy came by Monday when I was at the dr instead of Tues as planned. My friend forgot to tell me when I got home Monday. She does have some short term memory issues related to her occluded artery, so I'm not mad at her at all. Pump guy is working up plan/quote. I feel better that it is in motion.
  8. I had forgotten about that! But honestly, I think ending the show was really best for the children in the long run.
  9. Actually the other show is My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Another show that started with a good premise, and once the true personality of Whitney started coming out it became more and more unwatchable. I used to also watch The Little Couple but as the kids got older and so spoiled it too became unwatchable and I felt bad for the kids. I wasn't sad to see that one go off the air. The kids need to live in the real world not in some tv-land "magic" world.
  10. 4,477 steps yesterday. Nothing that was originally planned happened...sigh Not making any plans today except for doing some laundry. There are days like that....
  11. Sure looks like it! It's grown a lot!
  12. 6,174 steps yesterday. I expected the higher count with all the running around yesterday. I shopped in a new to me grocery store in the town where my dr is so that meant a lot more looking for things and walking most of the aisles. Picked up my diabetic shoes yesterday, I like them but they are going to take a bit to get used too. Very comfy insides and lightweight. They told me to just walk around in the house in them for a couple of weeks to be sure the fit is just right. If II wear them outside they won't be covered for replacement if the need any adjustments that can't be done in dr's office. I'm not used to full shoes, I wear mostly clog type shoes, so it is an adjustment for me. But I think I'm going to like them! Today is going to be busy too, but homebound busy... My pump guy is coming this morning to figure out what I need to do to fix the insulation in my pump house for this Winter. Then my friend and her husband are coming over to finish installing the window in the kitty house. So another hectic day!
  13. So true! I too am down to just two reality shows. SW, I agree will implode before the other, but the other is limping along too, so who knows which will go first?
  14. Yeah, that is why I just settled with my phone app. I was driving myself crazy between the fitbit # counting various arm swings not walking, physically walking and counting steps, and then what the app came up with. I just picked the one and that is what I pay attention to!
  15. 4,188 steps yesterday. I didn't do too much yesterday as I knew today was going to be busy. I've learned the hard way that I need to pace myself if I don't want to be down for several days recouping from overdoing things one day. I do have to start tidying and winterizing to some extent the kitty house. I took the flap off the kitty door because they were hesitant to go in and out through it, but they need to learn before the snow comes... I think memories of the traps made then shy away from the small opening that is the kitty door. I know they'll adjust in time.... My fitbit was a gift of a used one, and has since died its natural death, old age. I don't know if I will ever get another or an Apple watch for that matter. My friend that gave me the fitbit now uses the Apple watch, if he upgrades, maybe I'll inherit one from him! 😸 Just an observation I made re the fitbit: I could stand still and swing the arm with the watch on it and it counted the swings as steps! @Absolom, no clue why that many steps would not register at all. Maybe try turning off your phone and then back on and it will reset? Did the health app also not measure any steps? Trouble shooting is far beyond my capabilities, sorry. We were also discussing this on the diabetes forum I moderate. A member from India that is quite computer savvy said this about the over/under counts: Those errors are quite possible, in both directions. The phone can over count as well. The phone sort of counts the vibrations every time a step is taken. It can miss a couple of steps. If I ever happen to ride in a (what you call) tuk-tuk, my phone thinks I'm riding a bicycle and starts to measure my outdoor workout. Interesting.....
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