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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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It is really bugging me that there is all that space above Morgan and its empty and then its completely unbalanced with the right side of the picture. The spacing seems odd to me. And for some reason the flashlight bugs me. I don't know why. If it had been Morgan in the middle crouched down like that it wouldn't bug me so much.

Unusual step? This show has had a plethora of female unsubs, particularly in recent years.


Question: Do you have anything on Criminal Minds? —Brandon


Ausiello: The long-running CBS procedural is hiring a woman to do a man’s job (i.e. kill lots of innocent people). In this season’s ninth episode, the show will take the unusual step of introducing a female unsub — and she sounds like Patrick Bateman’s twin sister. The character is described as a successful, extremely attractive thirtysomething career woman who is impulsive, emotional and prone to sudden rages. BONUS SCOOP: In the same episode, we will meet Rossi’s second wife in a circa 1994 flashback. Not sure what that’s about.



  • Love 1

If that's the case, it might be good. If she's crafty and kind of teasing with them a little, like Catwoman does in the DC world. I could get behind a female UnSub that I actually like, who's really skilled and gifted in some way. Her motivation would have to be pure though, even though her actions were not. 


Something like SHE was beaten as a child, so she's killing heinously abusive parents... or something. 

Or they could catch her early, and she'd be in prison but maybe helping the BAU still (contacts, cronies, etc...)... I've always wanted to see an UnSub redemptive arc. 

Another thing that would be dramatically awesome and I've been thinking about is what if Reid... lost his Reidness.


Not permanently mind you, but in a way that changed what informed his character and how he related to his team. Something minor, like he bumps his head in a car accident chasing an UnSub, and he gets checked out and everyone thinks it's fine but... soon he starts forgetting words, names, losing trains of thought, maps start to confuse him... and maybe he sees it happening and tries to hide it from the team, thinking it's an onset of schizophrenia or something...


It would give Reid a LOT more screen time, and give Matthew a challenge to play Spencer using a different set of tools. He of course would recover, his neural pathways would heal and we'd have our boy back. But it would be a helluva arc.  

Forever, I don't see how they could do a recurring character, unsub or not, that didn't have something to do with someone on the team, or the BAU as an entity at least.


I actually think it's pretty easy. The real life BAU normally handles cases that have been open for at least several weeks, and many of them don't get solved right away. It'd be almost like writing your "normal" episode, only that clue gathering happens in scenes scattered over several episodes instead of just one episode. I think that'd be fun to watch, if the writers can pull it off...and that's a BIG "if".

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Do you have any Morgan Scoop for Criminal minds-Emma 

You heard that Mistresses' Rochelle Aytes will be returning as Morgan's love interest Savannah, right? "We want to play the very real relationship of two working adults who both save lives" show runner Erica Messer tells me." She's a doctor and he's a superhero FBI agent". On the professional side of things, Morgan will act as a support system for Garcia as she suffers from guilt over shooting that guy last season.

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Yeah, and Savannah and Reid and JJ and Kate... everyone is getting time, guys. And we're going to be getting them all year, that's the show. 


As much as I wish it were ALL REID ALL THE TIME, I know it won't be, and the show wouldn't work if it was. SO not grokking the begrudging of other team member's screen time. 

For me, it's not the begrudging of other characters' screen time (unless JJ utterly dominates like she did last season), but it's a few wasted opportunities. Once again, Morgan is the support network for Penelope. The show has rammed that friendship down our throats, and written some truly awful dialogue for those two. I personally was hoping that Penelope's ambivalence about shooting a guy would open up her friendship with Reid, but there is no indication of that happening, and I think that is a wasted opportunity to expand two characters who haven't really worked well together in a mature way in years. Plus, even though I like Morgan and Savannah together, part of me definitely is bitter about the fact that pretty much everybody on the show has had a happy, fulfilling love relationship, and Reid got to watch the only woman he's ever loved murdered in front of him while he was helpless to stop it. Now if that changes, my feelings will change, but there is no indication of anything like that happening for Reid anytime soon. 

  • Love 3

I hear you, FA. 


For the first time in I don't know when, if ever, Matthew made public an actual hope for Reid. I don't know if that will be noticed or taken into consideration by the writers, but by all accounts, everyone on staff (especially the writers) likes and cares for Matt... so maybe he'll get some semblance of his wish. Especially if this is his last season, I'd like to think they'd listen to him. Spencer deserves some happy, we've been saying it for years, and now his portrayer is asking too. I think, I hope, odds are good that will happen.


Regarding Morgan and Garcie... well, they are who they are. They've been besties forever and some think much more. I don't know why Morgan helping her through a rough patch should be surprising or 'news' to anyone who's followed the show for any length of time. 


I would like to see more Reid/Morgan bro stuff. I've always loved that and they even addressed the lack of it in 8... but other relationships don't preclude that or cancel it out. True, there might not be room or time for all and every, but I'm looking forward to it all. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, and Savannah and Reid and JJ and Kate... everyone is getting time, guys. And we're going to be getting them all year, that's the show. 


As much as I wish it were ALL REID ALL THE TIME, I know it won't be, and the show wouldn't work if it was. SO not grokking the begrudging of other team member's screen time. 


To echo ForeverAlone a bit, it isn't so much that it should be all Reid all the time, although that would be awesome. But we've covered the fact pretty extensively here that Reid has kinda-sorta become the red-headed step child of the show while the other characters get much more screen time, and perhaps more importantly they get more happiness out of their screen time. Spencer, OTOH, gets drug addictions, gets shot in the neck, and has his girlfriend's brains get blown out by a lunatic.


For my part, I think the idea of Garcia being upset that she shot some guy who was trying to murder Reid is ridiculous. I know she has this whole long history of being the one who says Yucky, Icky, Gross at the BAU's cases, and that's a different gripe considering that she's always known about the kind of thing the team handles. But if she hadn't shot the guy, he might have killed not only Spencer but her as well, so what is she wibbling about, exactly? To quote the noted philosopher, Malcolm Reynolds, "If somebody's trying to kill you, you try to kill them first." :-)

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 6

Re: Penelope...


I'm not thinking that she doesn't feel justified and maybe even proud regarding the part she played in saving Spencer's life. What I think she's having issue with is that she shot to kill, to end a human life, full stop. 


It doesn't matter in what service, and/or that it achieved a greater good. I think her prob is going to be that she had it in herself to actually pull that trigger. 


Now I, or you, or JJ, or any number of other humans may be fine with the justification. I know I fucking would. But she's... Garcia. And I think that's where her difficulty lies. Her pacifism. I've no doubt she will resolve it, but I do think it's worth exploring, and I'm glad they are going there.

Edited by Willowy

Re: Penelope...


I'm not thinking that she doesn't feel justified and maybe even proud regarding the part she played in saving Spencer's life. What I think she's having issue with is that she shot to kill, to end a human life, full stop. 


It doesn't matter in what service, and/or that it achieved a greater good. I think her prob is going to be that she had it in herself to actually pull that trigger. 


Now I, or you, or JJ, or any number of other humans may be fine with the justification. I know I fucking would. But she's... Garcia. And I think that's where her difficulty lies. Her pacifism. I've no doubt she will resolve it, but I do think it's worth exploring, and I'm glad they are going there.

Yes, but why is this more important to the writers than what Reid went through in season 8? Why did they have to invent some implausible story and a miscarriage for JJ?  Other than Route 66, which I thought was silly and just a trumped up Beth love fest, we really haven't gotten to see Hotch deal with losing Haley, being stabbed by Foyet, etc. I'm thinking that the writers (or maybe just Erica) were thinking, "Hmmmm, now what can we do to give some focus to Garcia this season? Well, she shot a guy last season. Let's have her come apart at the seams about that." But other than having Reid sit around his apartment in his robe, they didn't give us much of him dealing with the loss of Maeve. They could have had such a great moment with Reid and Hotch both discussing what it was like to lose someone they loved at the hands of an unsub. Or just have him talk to anyone about it. Instead, we got shared dating conflicts with Morgan and Garcia. We got totally bogus stuff about JJ, even hinting for a few episodes that there might be something romantic going on between her and the new section chief. I just see a lot of what they've given us as crap and missed opportunities. Instead of the team actually relating to one another, we get phony social outings: pasta making at Rossi's, karaoke.... I'm waiting for something with real depth. With the new character, don't tell us everything that she's done before. Show us how she feels about being a part of the BAU, being the new person, dealing with what may be more disturbing types of crimes than she's experienced before. I've been holding back and trying to wait with an open mind for the episodes to air, but when they leak these story lines and they're just so all-fired proud of themselves, the faith that I have lost in the writers over the past few seasons doesn't seem to have much hope of coming back. Trust is earned and so is respect. They're going to have to give us more than 3 or 4 good episodes this season for me to have any faith at all in them, and it's hard to imagine that happening when I hear their ideas leaked through interviews with Erica and random video clips. If they hadn't made Garcia such a ridiculous character over the past 4 years, I would look forward to the kind of story they've outlined here. But her over-reacting is so over the top that it just annoys me. I understand that her character, even in the early seasons, would have a tough time with this situation. Who wouldn't feel some guilt and regret over taking a life? I just don't trust the writers or Kirsten to handle this well. She's no longer a character I love. She's a caricature of a character I once loved and looked forward to seeing every week. We haven't seen a single episode yet, but they have already filmed several. By the time we get a feeling of how things are going, it will once again be too late to do anything about it, not that we could do much with our feedback anyway. After all the complaints about too much JJ last year, they still want to devote time to her dealing with her ridiculous story in 200 again. And, as usual, I end up being even madder at myself than I am at the writers, because why do I always hope CM will be good again?

  • Love 4

A pot pourri of thoughts about the various things brought up of late:


As to the photo----I agree it's crowded, and it's not the most attractive image of most of them.  But at least they got the groupings right! ;)


As to MGG's comments about Reid-----I may have said this on here before, so I'm sorry if it's redundant----but I think MGG is pretty shrewd in how he handles interviews.  He rarely gives anything away, but he is very good at playing to his audience----and he is aware that a vocal part of that audience wants Reid to be happy, so he's going along with them.  Whether that's what he actually believes is the way to go, or whether he would choose to exert influence in that direction, is a different issue. 


As I recall, he did have input on the Maeve storyline, and he did influence the outcome.  I happen to be among those who think it was a good dramatic choice.  It's not something the show could or should do more than once, but I actually think it worked at the time.  And it actually got a bit more screen-time fallout than most issues do on CM---I wonder if he influenced that.  Of course, it wasn't enough for my taste, and I agree with all the various scenarios that could have been written, but weren't.  I would love to have seen something between Reid and Hotch, which might have served as a better vehicle for Hotch to address his residual grief about Hayley than 'Route 66' did.  Two birds with one stone.


Having said all that, it would be lovely to see Reid share some happy relationship time with someone. 


While I share others' doubts about the abilities of the current writing team to handle it, I'm glad they will visit JJ's PTSD.  Part of the criticism last year was that she didn't appear to be fazed by her ordeals----neither the one in the past, nor the one from '200'.  If they are attempting to appease that criticism this year, I think we need to let them---and hope to be pleasantly surprised. 


Kate sounds interesting, and the background issue surrounding her niece's coming into her care is a good twist---lots of potential there.  Sounds like they are mining some of it for one episode already. 


Looking forward to Wednesday!  (Or, really, Thursday---because, no matter how good it is, I can't stay awake past 9 o'clock!)

  • Love 2

Well I sincerely hope that Rick Dunkle isn't going to write the Golden Girl's episode.He just might come up with something almost as ridiculous as "200" was.That episode was suppose to explain why JJ had changed so much,but instead of us saying "okay, now I see why JJ is the way she is", we were left shaking our heads,rolling our eyes and saying "WTF" as well as being totally pissed about the waste of a huge milestone episode.

  • Love 3

SSAH, I think we did get to see Hotch deal, for a few episodes, actually. The team was questioning if he was okay to come back so soon after Haley, and remember him snapping at people, remember him crying? He had a semi breakdown with Rossi, his team members discussed his experience, and his physical problems from the attack were referenced, culminating in Route 66


I didn't care for the Beth propping in that one, but I thought Thomas was effective and handled the material with skill and gravitas. Wish I could say the same for Meredith (Haley), she was far too glib in my estimation. Some of you know that I had the good fortune a while ago to speak with both the writer and the director of that ep, and I have to say I do appreciate it more after hearing their feelings about it. Neither of them were defensive about the fan response, all both of them wanted to talk about was the emotion that permeated the set while they were shooting it. To hear them tell it, it was a love fest of the very best kind, with Meredith and C. Thomas Howell being back and there being such a dreamlike quality to it. Everyone cried daily, were hugely invested in the material, and very proud of the result. Another thing: a different director from CM was in town here shooting another show, and we had opportunity to spend some time and of course CM was a topic and she also brought up Route 66. From a director's standpoint, she didn't like it (she said the theater device didn't work for her), but she respected Doug's and Virgil's take on it and could see why they thought it worked well... so there's another country heard from.


We did get a moment with Reid and Hotch - two actually - in Magnum Opus, and in The Gathering. In the first, Hotch tells a still-broken Spencer that he doesn't have to return yet, that it will take time to heal. Spencer heartbreakingly asks "How much time?", and Hotch says "It depends. But we're all here for you." In the second, Hotch questions Reid after the UnSub suicides in the pool and point-blank says "I can't help but feel this is about Maeve." Reid doesn't engage, shuts down, and leaves. I do think that was a missed opportunity for another, deeper moment... but at least Hotch said it out loud. Something he never did when Spencer was recovering from Hankel. 


Matthew did have a lot of input into the Maeve story and he was fully on-board, but it was originally presented to him as a concept. In my above comment I meant that I'd never heard him express his own wish for something for Reid. I liked that he did that, and I do hope they listen to him, and give him that "something lovely" that he wants for Spencer. He recently made a statement (in that same interview, I believe, when he was talking about being in a comedy) that has stuck with me - something to the effect that "all he's been doing for ten years is making people sad", and it made me sad that he believes that. I really hope, if this is Matthew's last year with the show, that he gets his wish for Spencer. 

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I have to say that I just hope they never go the route that Bones went and do to Reid what that show did to Sweets. That is probably one of the few saving graces. Plus it doesn't get quite as much into the personal drama as that show (which I am totally and completely done with after the season 10 premiere-- the people who decided to go that route to

kill Sweets

can fuck themselves). My brother sent me an IM and was like "I'm done with Bones! Fuck the writers!" LOL.


I remember Matthew saying he wanted Reid to get a girlfriend as far back as season 5. I highly doubt that these writers can see him as mature enough to actually have a relationship so I don't think it will happen.


The cast photo is interesting. They are all quite squished, but it is more symmetrical. I have one minor quibble... If you look at the poses, nobody is truly behind others EXCEPT Reid, who is behind both JJ and Morgan. The others all have maybe one shoulder in front of each other or are facing one another and Reid has Morgan's shoulder and leg in front of him on one side and JJ in front of him on the other. He's literally in the back instead of being in line with them. I think it really speaks volumes about the treatment of his character on the show-- even if it was unintentional.

  • Love 1

I never heard Matthew say "I want Reid to get a girlfriend". Not once. I've heard others suggest and he laugh it off with a "oh that'd be nice, right?" type thing, but I've never heard him express any specific wish for Spencer that I can recall. I think that's why this statement of his resounded with me like it did. 


In the photo I like where JJ's foot is. Between Reid's. I also like where her arm is. Two people messaged me today specifically to talk about their placement against one another. I liked that too. ;) 

Reid is the only one of the group who is entirely behind other people though. Hotch has his shoulders in front of Rossi and Morgan, but only a little. He's certainly front and center- as he should be, but he's not completely blocking them off. Rossi's shoulder is in front of Kate. Kate's arm is in front of Garcia, but Garcia is standing sideways so that she is on the same plane. She's still about even with Kate. Morgan's foot is almost slightly in front of Hotch's in some ways (I wonder if its photoshopped because they seem awfully crammed together). Instead of being turned to the side like Rossi, Morgan is spread out so his shoulder and leg are in front of Reid. And JJ is crammed in front of Reid in a way that makes it look like she's shouldering him out or blocking him or something. The posture is rather odd and awkward looking to me. It just looks unnatural. They could have had her turned to the side as well, but they have her and Morgan showing that they are dominant and clearly more prominent than Reid.


It may be subconscious, but to me it reads as them showing that Reid is less important. But, its just a photo...

Btw, anyone else notice the oddness with the color clarity over JLH? Notice how the upper part is darker and more crisp and then it is lighter... Its just odd.

Really?? REALLY?? Fuck that stupid shit! She didn't promote CM at ALL! All she did was talk about her baby, and dumbass baby gates that you 'can't open with one hand', and Matt Damon and a blow up mattress. She mentioned one, maybe two sentences about Criminal Minds, and called it 'scary'. Oh my god it was so stupid and lame. 


I'm not promoting her shit any more. 

  • Love 3

Ba dum shhh.


Seriously, she didn't do her job. That was boring, superficial, and indescribably dull. She did Criminal Minds NO FAVORS with that awkward, NON-PROMOTIVE appearance. They may as well have had... I don't know, Gwyneth Paltrow, or Amanda Bynes on there promoting our show for all the sense it made. 


That just SUCKED. And I'm SO disappointed. She's a well-known star, she just joined our show, and I thought she was going to bring a little... not a lot, but a little... cachet and attention to it. What a WASTE of ten minutes. UGH.

  • Love 2

Ba dum shhh.


Seriously, she didn't do her job. That was boring, superficial, and indescribably dull. She did Criminal Minds NO FAVORS with that awkward, NON-PROMOTIVE appearance. They may as well have had... I don't know, Gwyneth Paltrow, or Amanda Bynes on there promoting our show for all the sense it made. 


That just SUCKED. And I'm SO disappointed. She's a well-known star, she just joined our show, and I thought she was going to bring a little... not a lot, but a little... cachet and attention to it. What a WASTE of ten minutes. UGH.

It's almost as if she and tptb at the network feel as if her name alone is enough. OMG do they have their heads up there a$$es where they are completely unaware of the huge backlash against her on CM's facebook page. I had really hoped she might be able to sway many of her critics,but I seriously doubt this interview did any such thing.

  • Love 3

It's almost as if she and tptb at the network feel as if her name alone is enough. OMG do they have their heads up there a$$es where they are completely unaware of the huge backlash against her on CM's facebook page. I had really hoped she might be able to sway many of her critics,but I seriously doubt this interview did any such thing.


And this is probably mean, but its four thirty in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep, so I'll just say it. I would bet cash that half of the people who are bitching about Hewitt now are the ones who bitched about Tripplehorn, if not more than half. I don't usually watch late night talk shows, so I don't know if Jeanne even did any interviews during her time on the show, but I have the feeling that if she did, she at least promoted it a bit.

  • Love 1

And this is probably mean, but its four thirty in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep, so I'll just say it. I would bet cash that half of the people who are bitching about Hewitt now are the ones who bitched about Tripplehorn, if not more than half. I don't usually watch late night talk shows, so I don't know if Jeanne even did any interviews during her time on the show, but I have the feeling that if she did, she at least promoted it a bit.

Oh I agree with you 100%. And the fact is there probably isn't a damn thing the actress could ever do that would make them change their mind about her,particularly the rabid Prentiss/Paget crowd who can't seem to grasp the fact that Paget Brewster left on her own and isn't coming back. There is also the blatant hypocrisy of how they bitch and complain and carry on about how JLH is probably going to have her boobies hanging out all over the place.For crying outloud have these people every looked at the way KV has dressed at times.And I would bet any money that so many of them have no qualms whatsoever with these ridiculous scenarios Messer and company have come upwith just so Shemar Morgan can be shirtless and show off his abs.


Still I had hoped after seeing JLH that many people would come away feeling like she just might be ok and deciding to give her a chance.But It's highly doubtful to me that she managed to sway anyone's opinion who's been against her being on the show.Although, in all fairness to the actress some of it could be laid at the feet of JK and the way he chose to direct their conversation.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 2

Oh I agree with you 100%. And the fact is there probably isn't a damn thing the actress could ever do that would make them change their mind about her,particularly the rabid Prentiss/Paget crowd who can't seem to grasp the fact that Paget Brewster left on her own and isn't coming back. There is also the blatant hypocrisy of how they bitch and complain and carry on about how JLH is probably going to have her boobies hanging out all over the place.For crying outloud have these people every looked at the way KV has dressed at times.


Let me expand on what I said, because I want to be clear. I don't blame Paget, and I'm not saying you do either. Given the way Messer and the network screwed her over, she's better off doing whatever it is she's going to do next. And just to dip my toes into the shallow end of the pool for a sec, I would rather see KV's cleavage than wanna-be-a-sexpot AJ's. AJ is attractive, but the glammed-up thing doesn't work for her, IMO.


But I was just talking about this in another section of the forums, that no matter what you do, somebody's gonna be pissed about it, so yes, JLH probably never stood a chance with some people. I admit that I've had my own reservations about her, and I'm feeling a wee bit vindicated in the wake of this talk show debacle, but I'm not happy about it because it bodes ill for the future. With the exception of Joe, Jennifer is the "name" in the cast right now, and with her just having come on board she should have done a lot more to talk up CM, and she failed at that spectacularly. I can't imagine what she or Kimmel or whoever's responsible for this was thinking.

Harry said he and Erica watched it this morning and both of them just kinda shrugged. He said that it's seldom about their day jobs with these talk show appearances. 


I beg to differ. Matthew, Thomas, AJ and Shemar have ALL spoken about CM in their appearances. I doubt JLH would've even been scheduled to appear if not for her new role on CM. She should have promoted the show, her character, and maybe given us a small hint of what's to come... not babbled on about child safety gates. Ugh.


I'm not hating on the actress, because I do usually find her charming, but CM gets so little publicity as it is, that it was a huge letdown to see it virtually ignored by the newest 'big name' star on the show. Bah. 

  • Love 1

Let me expand on what I said, because I want to be clear. I don't blame Paget, and I'm not saying you do either. Given the way Messer and the network screwed her over, she's better off doing whatever it is she's going to do next. And just to dip my toes into the shallow end of the pool for a sec, I would rather see KV's cleavage than wanna-be-a-sexpot AJ's. AJ is attractive, but the glammed-up thing doesn't work for her, IMO.


But I was just talking about this in another section of the forums, that no matter what you do, somebody's gonna be pissed about it, so yes, JLH probably never stood a chance with some people. I admit that I've had my own reservations about her, and I'm feeling a wee bit vindicated in the wake of this talk show debacle, but I'm not happy about it because it bodes ill for the future. With the exception of Joe, Jennifer is the "name" in the cast right now, and with her just having come on board she should have done a lot more to talk up CM, and she failed at that spectacularly. I can't imagine what she or Kimmel or whoever's responsible for this was thinking.

You don't know how much I wish, or maybe you do, that Paget Brewster would've just let bygones be bygones and had opted to stay with the show. That's not to say I don't understand the decision she made not to stay with the show. I understand it perfectly and I don't blame her one bit. As for KV's boob they are not that big of a deal to me. I merely bought them up to point out what I was seeing as blatant hypocrisy on the part of some of these critics.


You're right it doesn't bode well for the future. I too had my reservations about her,but I also wanted to give her a chance, but now after this talk show debacle as you call it, or maybe we should call it a talk show disaster, I am more uncertain than ever about her.Then again maybe CBS should have put the actress on one of their talk shows with explicit instructions that she needed to promote the show.One other thing if indeed JLH was bought on board to help increase the show's longevity I think CBS might have made a serious misjudgment. But then again it's not the first time their judgement has been questionable when it came to CM.

  • Love 1

I didn't watch the Kimmel appearance. Did he even show a clip of CM?


I have to point out that when Matthew was on the Craig Ferguson show, he didn't talk about CM at all. He was supposed to be there to promote it. In his defense, he was incredibly nervous the first time (partially because of his wardrobe malfunction) and the second appearance he didn't have much time because the previous guest went on too long. He was out of his element and just went with where Craig led him. JLH is more of a pro at the talk show circuit though. She could have brought it around to be about the show.


Usually the conversation is guided by the host though-- so if the host wants to talk about the show or the character then he/she will ask. So it might have been partially because of Kimmel's line of questioning rather than any dereliction on JLH's part.

  • Love 1

I agree that the main reason Jennifer was hired, is because she does have a huge fanbase and whoever hired her assumed that she would bring her fanbase with her. Sure, it's possible, but Jennifer really hasn't done anything to put the word out to her fanbase about her new job. It's not like she is actively trying to rally them to watch Criminal Minds. She hasn't tweeted about it. She hasn't really talked about in interviews all that much (except ones that are specifically about Criminal Minds). It's frankly kind of bizarre. Yeah, we see the show trying to play up how great Jennifer and Joe get along, but we frankly don't have that impression objectively. Yeah, she may not tweet all THAT much these days, but she also hasn't chosen to follow any of the cast on Twitter, and most of the cast doesn't follow her. She seems rather separate from the rest of the cast. I am curious as to what is really going on behind the scenes. I may very well end up liking Kate (she certainly seems fine in promos), but I can't get a handle on Jennifer's decidedly hands off approach to her new job, particularly since she is probably being paid at least as well as Shemar, if not more so.

  • Love 3

I'm trying to figure out if his tie is oddly colored or if its just the lighting. I'm guessing its the lighting.


Also, I wonder if the excitement of having her baby and also the mothering duties are distracting JLH from really diving in to the show. When was the last time she tweeted? Maybe she forgot her password? LOL. With the hours she might just not feel like tweeting.


Of course, she did mention that in the more recent shows she was in, she was the main star and had supporting cast and this is the first time in years that she hasn't been the show's lead. I'm not sure how that plays in to how she feels about promoting it. I suspect that she hasn't really bonded all that well with the rest of the cast just yet. I don't know if its on her end or their end or a combination of both.

Edited by zannej
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