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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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I don't know whether I want him to leave and do other projects where he is more valued or if I want him to stay and hope yet again that his Reid gets written better!


I guess we can only wish for whichever we think is more likely to happen in real life - I'll say "I want him to leave and do other projects where he is more valued IF Reid is not going to be written better." I trust Matthew. If it's more important to him to stay and keep taking the money and having lousy character dev on the show for however long than it is to push to preserve a great character to the extent he has the power, I just hope he gets some say in that whole thing.

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I just don't like to waste energy getting excited (in either direction, up or down) about things that aren't real.  And I've seen too many things on social media that start out as opinion or conjecture, and end up being regarded as fact, simply based on the number of people repeating them.  Wish there was a 'snopes' for CM!


Here's the thing, and I hope it's appropriate to bring this post over here;


All we, as viewers, have is speculation. Maybe I'm just old and cynical, or maybe I've just watched enough television during my life that I have a pretty good idea of how 'the business' works, but unless something really radical happens we aren't ever going to know what's really going on. They're not going to do what quite a few of us (at least here) seem to wish they'd do. They aren't going to concede that 200 was an embarrassment, that they and the network screwed Paget over, that they at best treated JT shabbily, that something seems to be going on with Gubler and/or Reid, etc. Erica's job is to promote the show, and promoting it involves a lot of stuff about how well things are going and how good a job she and her crew are doing. That we the viewers have complaints and can see that there are some issues doesn't affect that. Hell, Erica's "No problems here" is doubly annoying to me precisely because I can see the aforementioned issues. Butt when all I have is guesswork, I can at least make guesses as to what, if anything, might be going on.

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unless something really radical happens we aren't ever going to know what's really going on. They're not going to do what quite a few of us (at least here) seem to wish they'd do. They aren't going to concede that 200 was an embarrassment, that they and the network screwed Paget over, that they at best treated JT shabbily, that something seems to be going on with Gubler and/or Reid, etc. Erica's job is to promote the show, and promoting it involves a lot of stuff about how well things are going and how good a job she and her crew are doing. That we the viewers have complaints and can see that there are some issues doesn't affect that.


With your comment, I think i can leave this topic here for a while. You all have said it definitively for me.

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I am extremely cynical that the writing for Reid will get any better unless there is a radical overhaul to the writers. Since that would honestly surprise me as long as Erica is the showrunner, I doubt there will be much improvement in Reid. So for me, at best I can hope for scraps and hints of Reid, with me supplementing what is canon on screen with stuff that is in my imagination. 


As for Matthew, I honestly would have no issue if he left Criminal Minds at this point, because it would give him the opportunities to do better creative projects worthy of his talents, and I would stop holding on to Criminal Minds (again, unless there is a radical overhaul in the showrunner and writers). 

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My opinion has always been that shows should run for 5 seasons at the most. After that they usually go downhill. 

But the reality is that it is big money for some, day job for others. Agree, it is all speculation, and I am going to speculate this:

The fandom loves CM as is. The majority of us here, do see how bad the writing has become. The producers, writers and powers to be don't really care. As long as there are people swooning over super ninja JJ and being in awe of everything Garcia says and her computer does, the writers are going to write shit. And they will say they are great. And EM and company are going to keep pleasing the loud ones who don't care about the quality of the show (that's my opinion, that the fandom does not care about quality, but certainly cares about silliness).

The show apparently makes money for the network, so they will not mess with it, not even if they have a chance to improve it.

The other reality is that the actors will stay on and do whatever because it is their bread and butter. If they leave it will be because they have something in mind that they really want to explore and they feel secure enough to leave the job and adventure themselves into something new, or - that's it. Here I come with my theory about why AJ Cook accept to return even after the shameful way TPTB treated her: outside this established character, she does not have much cachet to keep up and make whatever money she wants to make in a job to leave. Or she does not care enough about the craft part acting, and does it for the money. It seems to serve her well.

I really liked that Paget left (or I should say admire her). She did not like what they did to her, she finished her contract and then good bye. She is off to other projects and it seems she is investing in actually acting, small parts in independent productions for the art, gust parts to make some money and pay the bills.

If Matthew is thinking about leaving, it is probably because he has something in the wings. I don't know much about him but the little I know tells me that he would not simply go for a heartthrob part, and despite his looks and (imo) ok acting, I don't think he is billable for a big part in a big production. I think he is more of an independent production type. After CM it would be hard for him to do a very commercial thing. 

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I can appreciate what you've said here, but I have to say (qualified by the fact that I am an unrepentant MGG fan), that I think Matthew can shine in any role he is given. I've loved Reid since the beginning, and not just because he is eye candy. To be honest, in the first season, when I started watching, while I realized how pretty he was under the dorky exterior, it was the character of Reid that stole my heart. I am happy married and 49 years old and don't think of him romantically -- but I think he is crazy talented. I think he gravitates toward indie roles and offbeat characters, but I think he could do anything he wanted.

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So, to move along in speculation/spoilers about the season (not that I'm trying to change the subject-- I just had this thought)

Next episode is called "Fate" and written by JSB. After that is "Amelia Porter" by SLW. Breen penned "The Forever People". Bruce Zimmerman and Danny Ramm co-wrote "Anonymous" which will be directed by Joe. Kirsten and Erica wrote "Nelson's Sparrow" which has Reid's car. Next up is Rick Dunkle's "Hero Worship". Skipping ahead, the finale is being written by JSB and Jim Clemente. While not confirmed, I'm guessing Glenn Kershaw will direct the finale and include another one of his daughter's songs.


Any thoughts or ideas on the titles and/or other info?

Edited by zannej
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Well...Fate is apparently when Rossi meets his long lost daughter he never knew existed. I hope she is not a product of his second marriage, because I find it rather hard to believe that his ex wife would never mention having a child with him.


The Forever People is supposed to be JJ's big PTSD episode. Granted Breen is writing it, and I tend to like his episodes (though more of his episodes have disappointed in the past couple years), but I am still very leery about how this whole JJ PTSD thing will be approached, so I am reserving judgement. 


We have heard nothing of the plot of Anonymous, aside from the fact that Rossi's Marine buddy is going to die, so I have nothing to compare it to.


Nelson's Sparrow is supposed to be a "love letter to the fans" (which in and of itself makes me a bit leery). I do HOPE it is a good episode and deeply curious how young Gideon is going to be incorporated into this episode.


And well, who knows what is going on with Rick's episode. The title could be a variety of things. It could be a variation of "The Apprencticeship" or some other unsub emulating his serial killer hero. Or maybe the team rescues a victim and s/he latches on to his/her rescuer (of course that sounds like a reprise of the Ellie Spicer arc in season six). Hmmmm...I wonder if I am ANYWHERE in the ballpark. 


And yeah, I'd  bet that Lily Kershaw's music will be in a fourth season finale in a row. It's practically required at this point. :)

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I can appreciate what you've said here, but I have to say (qualified by the fact that I am an unrepentant MGG fan), that I think Matthew can shine in any role he is given

I am not oing to dispute that. What I think is that he does not seem the type to go for anything that is purely commercial (just a wild guess, based on my wild guess), or he is not the type to be cast on a very good show that would attract him (again, a wild guess based only on my guesses) to "start over". That's why I said that he would leave CM because of conviction in the art of acting, doing things of his own interest, if he feels he can sustain himself with whatever he has going on.

He strikes me as an alternative type, and this does not mean not talented. Just my perception from the little I know about him

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While I think Matthew has the looks and talent to do something commercial and mainstream, I don't think that is where his true career interests lie. He sort of fell ass backward into Criminal Minds, and the money has been good every since. Now granted, once he is not on Criminal Minds anymore, he might have a change of heart, but maybe not if he doesn't need the money.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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He strikes me as an alternative type, and this does not mean not talented. Just my perception from the little I know about him


I agree with this. MGG seems a bit like James Franco, who is also kind of a Hollywood hybrid in that he'll take a project just because he thinks its fun or interesting. Given my issues with Mandy Patinkin's precious approach to acting, I prefer to think that Matthew is not an artiste, but that he acts because he finds enjoyment in it. I don't know if that even parses, but there you go. It does rather beg the question of what enjoyment he gets in Reid being (IMO) severely marginalized, but since the show is now running both on ION and A & E, he's probably getting some recompense out of that in addition to his salary on Current!CM.

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I admit that I'm not really looking forward to the one where Rossi's buddy dies. Not that I think it will be poorly written or that I'm not interested, its just that it is so sad. Especially with the knowledge that Meshach is actually dead. :-(


I'll wait and see about the PTSD episode. I've found that Breen isn't exactly great at writing the female characters, but he's not terrible. (Was Breen the one who wrote the shoe discussion JJ, Prentiss, and Garcia were having in an episode?-- if not then I'm confusing him with someone else). He does seem to be one of the better writers when he isn't trying to make something humorous at the expense of characterization.


I'm going to wait and see on the others. I've heard that Kirsten's writing is good, but stage and tv don't always mix well so we'll have to see. I've decided that I'm not going to let myself just dread upcoming episodes now. Its better for my health if I just give it a chance and see how it goes. 

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Nothing we really didn't already know, but still a TINY hint about episode 11.



My response: Who cares? You would think they'd realize all the backlash from 200 means that they should never refer to those events again. I would think they'd be too embarrassed to bring this up.

I'm fine with learning more about Rossi's past, but, again, I have no confidence in these writers to give us anything worth more than a mention, much less having the character appear in more than one episode. I fear again that this past is going to mess with the timeline that was already established for Rossi. If he was one of the original agents in the BAU, he wouldn't have been living in Paris during the BAU years. So how old is this daughter?

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Here is a picture Ben Savage posted on Instagram today with him, young Rossi and Matthew on set at Griffith Park. Interestingly enough, young Gideon and young Rossi and Reid are all in costume, and we know that they are obviously not in a scene together. So fascinating. Hmmm....



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So, did anyone see http://www.christiantoday.com/article/criminal.minds.season.10.episode.11.spoilers.team.utah.jj.relives.past/43639.htm#ixzz3Ka73qV1M ?


It's about the upcoming JJ PTSD episode. I won't post the entire article, but the quote that caught my attention:



But Carter Matt does note that hearing this news is actually good news for JJ, a character who hasn't been in the spotlight for a while now. Given different factors as well as the hype over Jennifer Love Hewitt joining the team, it's good to know that the show is still developing JJ's character. Last episode, it was time for Rossi's character, so this might be a new pattern for the current season.


I wonder when this person last watched the show.... or how they define "awhile".

Edited by zannej
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I'm just hoping the PTSD episode will be somewhat redeeming for her.



I admire the sentiment but don't see how it could possible redeem her, considering that the writers and showrunner don't think there's anything to redeem. 

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I admire the sentiment but don't see how it could possible redeem her, considering that the writers and showrunner don't think there's anything to redeem. 

For that matter neither does the actress herself.

Let's not forget AJ Cook admitted that at least half the fans were having problems with the changes in her character.

But to her we were the ones with the problem simply because we couldn't(wouldn't) except those changes.

Edited by missmycat
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At the moment there is no redemption possible for her for me. I find my hackles rise at the sight of her. In any event I find that lately they are dealing with PTSD in a very lightweight almost trivial manner. If she is truly suffering from PTSD she would be removed from active duty for treatment. Instead Messer says glibly that it doesn't affect her performance of the job??? Remember Distress - that was how you portray PTSD. I am especially annoyed because they have only done it to appease the squealing mob of underage fans on social media. Grrr!

Edited by Old Dog
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If she is truly suffering from PTSD she would be removed from active duty for treatment. Instead Messer says glibly that it doesn't affect her performance of the job??? Remember Distress - that was how you portray PTSD.


And more than that, wasn't Elle suffering from PTSD when she shot William Lee? If JJ is going to snap and kill someone, who might or might not deserve it depending on how bloody-minded you are, we've been here and done this with the team already. If she isn't going to snap and kill someone, are they going to give her some kind of addiction as a coping mechanism? I would feel better about this (maybe) if I thought AJ Cook was a better actress, but I don't think she's capable of doing the heavy emotional lifting the material would require.

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I would feel better about this (maybe) if I thought AJ Cook was a better actress, but I don't think she's capable of doing the heavy emotional lifting the material would require.

I agree with you 100%. There are some scenes that are supposed to show distress and instead are cartoonish (when Will is a hostage in the last Emily episode and she tries to run through the blockage, Morgan holds her. He kinds of lift her up and to me that was like watching a cartoon character trying to run while another character holds their head, the legs kicking without moving)

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If she isn't going to snap and kill someone, are they going to give her some kind of addiction as a coping mechanism? I would feel better about this (maybe) if I thought AJ Cook was a better actress, but I don't think she's capable of doing the heavy emotional lifting the material would require.


Good God, CoStar, do not give them any ideas! Because if they aren't headed there, when they hear this they will be!!!


Thinking about this a minute, it could be that they originally had thought Reid could help her cope by guiding her to the proper help for her budding addiction, but once Matthew nixed that story revisit, they switched her champion to Hotch, to punish MGG and feature JJ. Damn. I'm paranoid again.

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He kinds of lift her up and to me that was like watching a cartoon character trying to run while another character holds their head, the legs kicking without moving)


[mean]I'm picturing this right now, with the Three Stooges music accompanying it, and its making me laugh.[/mean]


Good God, CoStar, do not give them any ideas! Because if they aren't headed there, when they hear this they will be!!!


Thinking about this a minute, it could be that they originally had thought Reid could help her cope by guiding her to the proper help for her budding addiction, but once Matthew nixed that story revisit, they switched her champion to Hotch, to punish MGG and feature JJ. Damn. I'm paranoid again.


Oh, trust me, I thought about that even as I was posting it, since EM seems determined to take the worst possible suggestions and run with them. And I will take all bad karma that results if it comes to pass, because I'll deserve it for being so perverse as to posit the scenario.

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JJ is definitely not going to snap and go vigilante on some unsub's ass. That plot was only cooked up to find a reason for Elle to leave the team, and Hotch knew that Elle murdered a man; he just couldn't prove it. No way would he allow JJ get away with something like that. I have serious doubts about any sort of addiction plot for JJ as the show has been there, done that, and has the T shirt. 


Since JJ's work performance apparently doesn't suffer from whatever is going on with her (of course it doesn't), I can only imagine how her trauma is going to manifest. She has displayed no signs of any sort of trauma in the past year, even when they have had cases that touched on issues that should have caused some sort of reaction from her. 

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Since JJ's work performance apparently doesn't suffer from whatever is going on with her (of course it doesn't), I can only imagine how her trauma is going to manifest. She has displayed no signs of any sort of trauma in the past year, even when they have had cases that touched on issues that should have caused some sort of reaction from her. 

But then the question becomes, What is the point of giving JJ an episode like this? Because you're right, she has shown zero sign of being affected by what happened to her, and in the season premiere she was even cracking jokes about it with Morgan and Kate. Which, okay, fine, maybe she's covering, but that would require AJ to be a better actress since she seemed awfully chirpy for someone talking about how she'd been tortured.


The one they should give a PTSD episode to is Reid, who almost Goddamn died last season, not that you'd know it. I don't think he and Garcia have had a single conversation about anything, much less her saving his life, although she wibbled her way down to Texas for his would-be murderer's execution. They made sure to have him tell Morgan to be more understanding, but as for giving him some actual face-time with Penelope? Apparently that's too much to ask. Grump. Grump, grump, grump.

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The one they should give a PTSD episode to is Reid, who almost Goddamn died last season, not that you'd know it. I don't think he and Garcia have had a single conversation about anything, much less her saving his life, although she wibbled her way down to Texas for his would-be murderer's execution. They made sure to have him tell Morgan to be more understanding, but as for giving him some actual face-time with Penelope? Apparently that's too much to ask. Grump. Grump, grump, grump.


Repeat, ditto, reinforce, quote and proclaim, girl!!! I wish they could hear us.

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Oh yeah. That was my major gripe about "Burn", that it was a complete waste of time focusing on execution when they could have created some very rich character development for Reid and Penelope. It was definitely a wasted opportunity, and I don't think we are going to get another one for those two this season. I think when Matthew nixed the addiction story, they basically decided to have Reid be perfectly okay. I mean, we got those early summer spoilers about problems for Reid, and then Erica changed her tune and said that he would be perfectly okay. I would be very surprised to see any sort of story for Reid and his shooting. at this point. Outside of the addiction story, the only thing I have heard for Reid is a HOPE that Jane Lynch would be willing to come back. So outside of addiction and his mother, I don't think the writers have any sort of idea of what to do with Reid. And frankly, I don't expect Jane to come back. 

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We can only hope that JJ's PTSD episode will finally put that ridiculous story line they gave her in 200 to rest.I believe CBS is more than aware that this episode didn't go over well with much of the fandom. Because I saw two of these so called "Ulitimate Look backs" In one of them '200' was barely a factor. And in the other one it wasn't even mentioned at all.

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Outside of the addiction story, the only thing I have heard for Reid is a HOPE that Jane Lynch would be willing to come back. So outside of addiction and his mother, I don't think the writers have any sort of idea of what to do with Reid. And frankly, I don't expect Jane to come back. 


If his only hope of a story must be halved with Diane, and possibly a "cured" Diane, I'll pass thank you.



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Since JJ's work performance apparently doesn't suffer from whatever is going on with her (of course it doesn't), I can only imagine how her trauma is going to manifest


I'm afraid that JJ will have marital issues, turn to Reid and possibly hook up with him. I really

hope that I'm wrong. Please, writers don't go there!

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moxiepip, there's another possibility, since Hotch is newly single, that she would glom onto him. *Urrrp*


I would no longer be surprised, as Rossi has already got his soap opera plot.


Rossi: I have a daughter I never knew about!

JJ: My PTSD is ruining my marriage!

Hotch: JJ, I've always loved you, I just never realized it until now!

Morgan: I have 2 months to live!

Garcia: I'm really a man!

Callahan: I can't remember why i'm here, I must have amnesia!

Reid: I'm gonna go have a coma now, wake me up when it's a wrap…...

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I'm afraid that JJ will have marital issues, turn to Reid and possibly hook up with him. I really

hope that I'm wrong. Please, writers don't go there!


Can't agree with you, Moxiepip.  I would be fine with this, but only if Reid had to bail her out of jail because she did in her husband.

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I'm afraid that JJ will have marital issues, turn to Reid and possibly hook up with him. I really

hope that I'm wrong. Please, writers don't go there!

I doubt the show would ever go there, because I think JJ has the same view of Reid as a man as Penelope. BUT if they were drunk in the writers room and decided to go there, I definitely would stop watching the show. :) :) :)

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I doubt the show would ever go there, because I think JJ has the same view of Reid as a man as Penelope.

They're all clearly blind as bats. And not reading all the comments about his attractiveness on FB.

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