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Donald "Donny" Ressler: Tougher Than He Looks

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Among Donny's list of unforgivable crimes:

- Doesn't appreciate how awesome Red is

- Constantly gets beaten up by suspects

- Fails to follow even basic procedures when approaching suspects, such as bringing more than just one other cop to cover all the potential exits out of large buildings, or calling in backup prior to initiating a chase

- Got his fool self shot, making me look at his gross leg wound for 2 whole episodes

- Didn't have the decency to die, sparing me from future plotlines about his stupid fiancee.

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I disagree on "the worst agent ever" title, that's totally Lizzie's M.O.

- He just lost his fiancee/girlfriend and it's taking it nicely, not super depressed

- He's strong, I mean his leg was almost destroyed and he's now walking and running normally

- Better acting chops than some others in the cast

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I'm hoping they off Lizzie and make Ressler Red's go to guy. They seem to have made a connection with his girlfriend's death. I mean, a head in a box must be a real bonding gift.

Right???  I would agree that a Ressler/Red pairing could make for some good stuff.  The fact that Ressler used to hunt him and now they're working together... the history is much better than Liz's "I didn't even know who he was until they pulled me out of Quantico" or whatever.

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Ressler rocked the ending of Milton whatever his last name was episode.  I love his attitude and how he just walked up to the bomb guy without giving a crap and let's him blow himself up while he drags away the doctor.  Good stuff that!

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I actually like the fact that he gets beat up every once in a while, the ninja FBI agent thing is a bit over done.  These guys work long hours, get paid poorly and eat garbage food because of all of the above...hitting the gym and/or local BJJ/KM class is a luxury.

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I don't know, blbubba.  I used to date an FBI agent in Chicago and those guys (and women) had a gym in their office building.  Physical fitness was considered part of the job.  That said, and speaking as a married woman, I think Ressler is hot.  I wish the writers would give him more one-on-one time with Red.

Edited by VeritasHurts
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The way he dives into danger is not heroic, but rather reckless. He reminds me a lot of Aiden from Revenge. Maybe the two trained in the same ninja camp.

Edited by fabaa
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Right???  I would agree that a Ressler/Red pairing could make for some good stuff.  The fact that Ressler used to hunt him and now they're working together... the history is much better than Liz's "I didn't even know who he was until they pulled me out of Quantico" or whatever.

I like him now, didn't used to. When the show first started my son and I called him "Brad", because he reminded us of the Himbo on Boston Legal that Alan Shore made so much short work of. 

He's getting an edge now, and I like it. He sees shades of gray, which is always great from the storytelling aspect. 

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I wish this thread title could be changed, it just seems not in character.  He's not the best, he's certainly rash (which is not good), but worst agent ever?  It trips me up for some reason when I post because I feel I need to address it.  Weird how a title can have that impact.

I agree with the Red/Ressler dynamic recently.  I think it is a respect thing that Red now has for Ressler - if not as an agent, then as a person perhaps?  There's no background link there, whatever their "relationship" is now it has been earned. 

I am one of those horrible tv watchers that likes to see relationships between main characters, and so of course, following my MO, I want to see one between Ressler and Lizzie.  My first episode of The Blacklist was the one where Red and Ressler are in the glass box and not knowing anything else about the characters, seeing Ressler give the code to Red when he points out that Lizzie might die, made me think there was a connection there.  Then that ex girlfriend had to come back.  So now, I am fanwanking in my head that with the fiancée out of the picture Red is gently nudging Ressler in Lizzie's direction.   

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I like the new title! It also seems to pay a tongue-in-cheek homage to the original title in a way, which brought up these discussions in the first place, and in turn will be a reminder to me of how he has grown throughout the season.  I hope mad_typist likes it too!

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I disagree.  I love me some Ressler.  He's calm and cool under pressure and kicks ass when necessary.  Hope he'll hook up with Lizzie and get her over Tom.

I can support this but only because this actor is only slightly better then wig girl and putting them together 90% percent of the time will give my ff finger more breaks in between use. With the exception of Spader, Lennox and the CIA lady his show has horrible primary character casting.

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My alternate theory (also called wishing); Donny is actually Red's son!

This is my hope as well.  They do have the same blood type afterall...  But, if he is Lizzie's Dad or surrogate father figure, I'd like to see Ressler get the same treatment.  Ressler was initially closed off to Red and is slowly coming around.  Perhaps Red sees that Ressler is already a protector of sorts for Lizzie and would be fine with them slowly getting together.  They both have sufferred so much and need to heal, but, I could totally see them growing together.  I also wouldn't mind if both of them dump the FBI all together and just work with/for Red kind of like Dembe does.  

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I figured this thread needs some bumping, especially after the events that unfolded in the Longievity Initiative.  Ressler has come so far and has fought off his demons with the pain pill addiction, coming to grips with the death of Audrey getting comfortable and in tune with Liz.  


When he brought in the birthday dinner for her in the Longievity Initiative, my heart melted even more.  We got to see him laugh and smile and be relaxed in a non work setting (even if they were eating in their office.)  He has this enourmous sweet and tender side that we rarely get to see but is balanced with his no nonsense, ass kicking side.  The look of pure joy and emotion that she gave him spoke volumes of where these two are headed.  


It's my hope that we'll see him get closer to Red as well, as anytime they work together and things go down, it's just made of win.  Ressler has been relegated to back burner since all of the Tom drama has transpired.  I get it that Tom and his issues need to be resolved, but I hope Ressler makes his move and shows Liz that she can have a career, be in a loving relationship, have a family and work on the task force (with him at her side.)  I also hope Red is on board with Lizzie having a smart, confident, loyal partner as the love of her life as well.  The three of them can run the freaking world if they want.  And, if he were to dump the FBI and work for Red at a later point that would be so much fun.


So, just wanted to bump this thread and show my appreciation for all things Ressler.

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I love Ressler but don't want a romance between he and Liz, even though i know the show will head in that direction. I mean, why be original at this point, of course they have to hook up. Still, I love their friendship, at least however long that will be allowed, and love any interaction with Red.

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I'm for all Ressler, all the time. And I'm all for Donald working with Red as much as possible, hopefully after Lizzie is killed off. Then the show would be near perfect IMO. Can't have too much Ressler Eye Candy, and Ressler, Red and Dembe are the best things in this show. Lord knows why Lizzie was even cast.


That would be the BEST.EPISODE.EVER! if Donald turned out to be Red's son. Please, writers ... GO THERE!

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@Saber, I am a huge fan of Liz and Ressler and really want them to hook up, but, I too would be thrilled if Ressler turned out to be Red's son and Lizzie fit into Red's life in a different way but he still felt paternal towards her as well.  This would be so awesome and would be such a major twist/surprise.  


Lets see, they share the same blood type, are both huge alphas, are smart and witty.  It could work.


Also, didn't you see the joy on Lizzie's face when she saw what Ress had done for her with the whole chinese dinner thing?  not trying to be argumentative, but that was pretty clear.  She never smiles, she's unhappy, she wears bland colors to show the lack of joy in her life, then, she has dinner with him, gives him a megawatt smile with her eyes shining and she's wearing that red scarf.  To me, it all symbolizes kind of rebirth for her.  She's seeing him in a different light and me thinks he's going to rock her world.

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Reading your post, NorCal, made me think this: Ressler has red hair. Red Reddington USED to have red hair. They have the same blood type. Maybe Red got his son ... I mean Donald his job at the FBI too. Plus you say Lizzie was wearing a red scarf in that scene (which I did not notice). Okay, Lizzie and Ressler can hook up ... then she's killed dead and Ressler and Red go on the road together to find her killer.


That way we both get our wishes!

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I don't what happened but am finding Ressler so hot!!! I am flabbergasted. When I watched the first season, he barely registered but now am straight up crushing on him. The man is hot and he knows how to hold a gun. I now plan to watch the last two seasons to find out if I missed his hotness or  this is a recent development.

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I'm surprised Klattenhoff is still in the show because he was so hideously ignored in Season 2 so that Red and Liz could rant endlessly. The writing of this show is so hit and miss that if Ressler seems brillianti it is because Diego Klattenhoff is an excellent actor.

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I'm surprised Klattenhoff is still in the show because he was so hideously ignored in Season 2 so that Red and Liz could rant endlessly. The writing of this show is so hit and miss that if Ressler seems brillianti it is because Diego Klattenhoff is an excellent actor.


He has been underused at times but I do get the impression that the writers like the character a lot because he gets these little moments of awesomeness when he hasn't been on screen a lot. Diego is great though, and the frustration, anger and inner conflict are on show with every decision he makes. He's a smart guy but his emotions bubble up and get the best of him at times. It bothers me that people think Ressler is somehow stupid because Red is always one step ahead. Being one step behind a master criminal who has been a ghost (and has 1000 contingency plans) isn't a slight on Ressler's intelligence. Yet some people act like he's got an IQ of 1 because he has a hard time predicting the behaviour of an unpredictable career criminal. And Red's comment to Liz about him being an FBI robot made no sense because Red knows he's not like that. So unless it was just about trying to make Liz forget about him, it was a bad bit of writing



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He has been underused at times but I do get the impression that the writers like the character a lot because he gets these little moments of awesomeness when he hasn't been on screen a lot. Diego is great though, and the frustration, anger and inner conflict are on show with every decision he makes. He's a smart guy but his emotions bubble up and get the best of him at times. It bothers me that people think Ressler is somehow stupid because Red is always one step ahead. Being one step behind a master criminal who has been a ghost (and has 1000 contingency plans) isn't a slight on Ressler's intelligence. Yet some people act like he's got an IQ of 1 because he has a hard time predicting the behaviour of an unpredictable career criminal. And Red's comment to Liz about him being an FBI robot made no sense because Red knows he's not like that. So unless it was just about trying to make Liz forget about him, it was a bad bit of writing



Donald, like Liz, is the victim of bad writing. Neither one of them have, so far, been allowed to develop their character in two very long seasons. Also, no one in the FBI would decry the work of profilers. Ressler would be working with profilers to help anticipate Red's behavior. Perhaps in season 3, finally, Ressler will be allowed to evolve but I wouldn't hold my breath. The creators of the Blacklist got lucky with their cast. Another thing, Ressler needs to stop referring to Red as 'the elusive'. He had him by his side for 2 whole seasons, nothing elusive about him at all.

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 It bothers me that people think Ressler is somehow stupid because Red is always one step ahead. Being one step behind a master criminal who has been a ghost (and has 1000 contingency plans) isn't a slight on Ressler's intelligence..


I don't think the character is stupid, I think he's inexperienced and doesn't yet realize just how stuck in black/white thinking he is.  Which is why it's generally pretty easy for Red to manipulate him.  Right now, Ressler is very predictable and too by-the-book.  The way he'll get better at this is when he realizes just how much he still has to learn, and lets himself be open to being taught.  That might even be the arc they're setting up for him, but he's not ready yet (as evidenced by the scene with Harold), but I expect we'll see a turning point with that at some point during the season. 

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    Firstly, yay for movement on this thread.


I'm surprised Klattenhoff is still in the show because he was so hideously ignored in Season 2 so that Red and Liz could rant endlessly. The writing of this show is so hit and miss that if Ressler seems brillianti it is because Diego Klattenhoff is an excellent actor.

Klattenhoff is really great in an underwritten role and he does all he can to maintain the characteristics of Ressler, when the writing is all over the place. I know that some people think he is bland but to me , he is a great character because he is so closed off and guarded at times but there were those rare flashes of intense and deeply felt emotions that clearly indicates there's so much more going under his boyscout surface . Introverted characters are more interesting to me that than the extroverted ones - one has to looked more closely to figure them out. I especially love the micro-expressions on his face, the ones he usually makes in the background of a scene.


But yes, he is so underused. The writers just bring him out when there is an action sequence to film which is great for an audience member like me. There can never be enough action sequences with Donald Ressler. But at other times, it looks like the writers have no idea what to do with him.


He has been underused at times but I do get the impression that the writers like the character a lot because he gets these little moments of awesomeness when he hasn't been on screen a lot. Diego is great though, and the frustration, anger and inner conflict are on show with every decision he makes. He's a smart guy but his emotions bubble up and get the best of him at times. It bothers me that people think Ressler is somehow stupid because Red is always one step ahead. Being one step behind a master criminal who has been a ghost (and has 1000 contingency plans) isn't a slight on Ressler's intelligence. Yet some people act like he's got an IQ of 1 because he has a hard time predicting the behaviour of an unpredictable career criminal. And Red's comment to Liz about him being an FBI robot made no sense because Red knows he's not like that. So unless it was just about trying to make Liz forget about him, it was a bad bit of writing



       Those said flashes of awesomeness is keeping me around. He has turned out to be my favorite character on the show, now that I finally finished watching the whole series to date. After everything the writers put him through, I want to hold out hope that they plan on doing something decent with his arc. Season two was a mess in so many ways - there's a reason the ratings dropped so much.


As for him being stupid, I am totally with you there. When the story needs him to, then his IQ drops 100 points and then he is allowed to regain it if the story again calls for it. No consistency anywhere. For example, when Red himself called in the tip on the diner in 3x02, nobody bothered to check out the sender of the said tip. I understand that they must have gotten hundreds of tips but this one had actually panned out! Ressler or even Aram, who has been shown to be diligent and meticulous totally fail to do so - because the story needed them to miss. Otherwise, Red's brilliant plan wouldn't have worked.


It looks to me as if Red is a superhero who exists in a comic-book world filled with super-villains(his blacklisters and the cabal) and all the crazy, utterly ridiculous things they can do while Ressler and the task force exist in a relatively normal world where they are bound by the rulebook. I mean how is Ressler supposed to figure out in advance which of Red's dozen's of blacklisters is going to be zeroed in on any given episode? It's just not possible. On any other show like Criminal Minds, Ressler and his team would have been the heroes but here, they are forced to always finish second.


The writers need to take notes from shows like Game of Thrones where they manage to create sympathetic, intelligent and three dimensional characters who are in direct conflict with each other without diminishing either.


Donald, like Liz, is the victim of bad writing. Neither one of them have, so far, been allowed to develop their character in two very long seasons. Also, no one in the FBI would decry the work of profilers. Ressler would be working with profilers to help anticipate Red's behavior. Perhaps in season 3, finally, Ressler will be allowed to evolve but I wouldn't hold my breath. The creators of the Blacklist got lucky with their cast. Another thing, Ressler needs to stop referring to Red as 'the elusive'. He had him by his side for 2 whole seasons, nothing elusive about him at all.


Oh yes, the writing! I don't think I'll ever stop being frustrated with the writing. Sometimes I feel the show that exists in the minds of the writers is far from the show that actually exist. Ressler and Liz needed to have conflict at the beginning of the series and so he hates profilers, even though he is a senior agent with lots of experience. National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) is a major branch of the FBI’s Crisis Incident Response Group. Liz couldn't have been the first profiler he had had to work with. Yet there he was spouting tripe about how he hates profilers and then Liz got to fire back by commenting on his preference for asian porn. I mean, what was that?


I don't think the character is stupid, I think he's inexperienced and doesn't yet realize just how stuck in black/white thinking he is.  Which is why it's generally pretty easy for Red to manipulate him.  Right now, Ressler is very predictable and too by-the-book.  The way he'll get better at this is when he realizes just how much he still has to learn, and lets himself be open to being taught.  That might even be the arc they're setting up for him, but he's not ready yet (as evidenced by the scene with Harold), but I expect we'll see a turning point with that at some point during the season. 

Ressler has been an agent for about 7-8 years at least. He shouldn't be this inexperienced. And because of the rules he has to follow, he can't help be predictable. This is one of the things I like about him. Everybody in this show goes off the reservation when it suits them - he is the only one who has successfully resisted the temptation. I don't want him to become a rogue agent. Yes, it would be great for him to be on the same side as Liz and the others, later in the season but hopefully he can do that while remaining on the right side of the law.

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I really like that Ressler does follow the rules.  I would like for once one of these shows to show that these real life departments can actually work the way they are meant to.  I know that it is more dramatic to go against the rules, but I would like to see Ressler be a character where the rules can work - even if not as simply if he were to just break them.  Hope they keep him like that.


Regarding not liking Profilers - I find that very believable that he might not like a particular group even though he has frequent experience with them.  It's like the conflict between production and sales - they have different goals and different criteria and different experiences and frequently the groups get frustrated with each other because of it.  I see that all the time.  It comes down, I think partially, to no one liking being told how to do their jobs by people who don't end up having to do the nitty-gritty. 


Glad this season is letting him shine a little more! 

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I really like that Ressler does follow the rules.  I would like for once one of these shows to show that these real life departments can actually work the way they are meant to.  I know that it is more dramatic to go against the rules, but I would like to see Ressler be a character where the rules can work - even if not as simply if he were to just break them.  Hope they keep him like that.


Regarding not liking Profilers - I find that very believable that he might not like a particular group even though he has frequent experience with them.  It's like the conflict between production and sales - they have different goals and different criteria and different experiences and frequently the groups get frustrated with each other because of it.  I see that all the time.  It comes down, I think partially, to no one liking being told how to do their jobs by people who don't end up having to do the nitty-gritty. 


Glad this season is letting him shine a little more! 






Except though, it's not believable. The FBI has one goal, it has nothing to do with conflicts such as btwn sales and production or whatever non-FBI workers have to contend with. None at all. You should read some books by FBI agents. Profilers do not tell anyone how to do their jobs and profilers cannot become profilers without being brick agents in the first instance. They are involved in the nitty gritty. It's ok that not everyone understands the realities of the FBI, but please don't announce it's believable and compare them to a shop floor.

Edited by Miss Scarlet Says
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After two whole seasons, the writers finally give the reason behind why he is the way he is. He's the man who turned to the system and change it from the inside after the system has failed him. The cops didn't stand up for his father but he still went to work for the bureau, because he believes in the justice system. Red wants to burn down the system and Ressler wants to uphold it, whatever the cost.


He's trying so hard to get through this situation the best way he knows how - without going corrupt or compromising his principles or betraying the memories of his beloved father but still desperately trying to save Liz. He genuinely believes he can keep her safe and exonerate her. Diego was really great in that little scene with Reven Wright. I'm gonna miss these two having more scenes. 


And Tommy Markin is his Rollo Tomasi.

Edited by norask
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Ressler is naive but I think that comes in large part from being "honest" and believing in the system he upholds. He is not the guy you put in to see every angle. He is the guy you put in when you want dogged determination. He is exactly the guy you want to chase a woman whose no one really wants to catch because their feeling are completed. He ignores the complicated and chases.

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