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One Night Ultimate Werewolf (ONUW) Mafia Games

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Doppelganger -- Claimed by Oinky  (Now DoppelDrunk)

Mystic Evil Person (Wolf)  

Evil Person (Wolf) (has no action)


Seer - Claimed by Caprice

Apprentice Seer

Robber Hinted by Lisin?

Witch/Warlock* Caprice says this was unused originally. (Card B or C).  Possibly taken by Drunk/DoppelDrunk. 

Troublemaker --Claimed by Jesse

Drunk -- Claimed by Drogo

Insomniac --Claimed by MMCS

Prince(ss)* (no action) - Claimed by Spruce. 

Hunter (no action) -  Caprice says this was unused originally. (Card B or C) Possibly taken by Drunk/DoppelDrunk. 

Vanilla Villager A (no action)

Vanilla Villager B (no action) - Claimed by HM

Mark and egavasc are claiming to have slept all night - Vanilla A or Baddies? 

So IF everyone who has overtly claimed is telling the truth, our best candidates for Wolf/Minion are:  Mark, egavasc, LadyC, HM.

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Sorry, family emergency has caused me to be pretty absent. So, in case I disappear for a longer than normal time 1) Claiming robber and 2)

1 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin) to get it grizzle in here! 

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Ok, well now I can reveal my information. Now, I saw the last unclaimed role before I was switched (I don't see as much as caprice, but I see enough), in a complete coincidence in choosing A instead of B or C, and the robber was the last unclaimed role at the time when I spied.. I'd like to think that my job wasn't too insignificant and that I hopefully provided useful information here. 

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I saw the last unclaimed role before I was switched (I don't see as much as caprice, but I see enough), in a complete coincidence in choosing A instead of B or C, and the robber was the last unclaimed role at the time when I spied.. I'd like to think that my job wasn't too insignificant and that I hopefully provided useful information here. 

Extremely useful.  I blindly swapped for role A (for Andy!) so now I know I'm the Robber.  The other two unclaimed roles were Witch and Hunter. 

Which means that all of the Wolves and Minion are in play, so we have an okay shot at hitting one even with no IDs last night. 


1 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin)

1 to "unlist" Lisin (Drogo)

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I know for a fact you were the Troublemaker, I just wanted to make sure we believe I was switched.  So yes, I'll out myself as being a Wolf so I'll join MMCS DL of LC.

1 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin)

2 to "unlist" Lisin (Drogo, LadyC)

2 to "glare menacingly at" LadyC (MMCS, a1)

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I'ma cross my fingers (I mean, handy-toesies) and get on board:


1 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin)

2 to "unlist" Lisin (Drogo, LadyC)

3 to "glare menacingly at" LadyC (MMCS, a1, Jesse)

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3 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Seems likely enough....

2 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin,Oinky Boinky)

2 to "unlist" Lisin (Drogo, LadyC)

4 to "glare menacingly at" LadyC (MMCS, a1, Jesse, TCS)

Lets slow things down a bit until we hear from more people. I think just claim villager is too easy. 

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I am too busy at work so coin flip says I'll trust Drogo.

2 to "fire" egavasc (Lisin,Oinky Boinky)

3 to "unlist" Lisin (Drogo, LadyC, MarkHB)

4 to "glare menacingly at" LadyC (MMCS, a1, Jesse, TCS)

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Yeah, I don't know what to do either and I'm not quite finished packing for a long weekend trip.

5 to "glare menacingly at" Lady C (MMCS, a1, Jesse, TCS, caprice) I'm good at glaring menacingly.

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Well no vote can surpass that one, so the Day is closed. What will happen?


04e4e4e2f726615efeb5d508f646bd07.gif ?  Ortumblr_nxqkbj2XIY1ukdz82o1_1280.jpg(Like I'd tell you yet!)

Reveal The Best of You

It wasn’t long after the Parks employees started drawing letters from the pile that Leslie got frustrated. “This is ridiculous! I’m not losing my job over this!” All the non-Parks employees had already drawn and not been fired, so they had left. Leslie stomped over to the conference room were Jamm and Tammy were huddled, speaking in hushed voices. “Jamm! Open up!” Leslie pounded on the door until the dentist came to open it. “Uh, did you forget I super-hate you?” Jamm sneered. “I’m not-”

“I want to make a deal” Leslie interjected. The rest of the assembled Parks employees all gasped. “Leslie!” April protested. Refusing to look back at her, Leslie said “Think of what we could accomplish together, two city councilmen allied…” Jamm laughed for a while but definitely had the look of a man considering the offer. Just as Ann started with a “Leslie, wait-”, Jamm pulled her into the conference room. “Let’s talk terms!” He quickly shut the door as everyone outside stood dumbfounded.

Everybody, that is, except Jerry. He quietly got up to follow them. “JERRY!” April yelled even louder than she had for Leslie. The older man just shook his head sadly. “I’m with Leslie. I’m technically her file clerk, after all.” He shuffled to the door and softly knocked. It opened and accepted him inside.

Everyone outside was in absolute shock. With Leslie and Jerry in there, and the evil side doubling in size, one of them was surely done for…


Some time later, the employees were all sitting around dejected when the door flew open. Jamm raced out, shutting the door, and sprinting over to Ron. “Swanson! You gotta help me!” He had put his hand on Ron’s shoulder, but the mustached man simply stared at it until Jamm removed it. Then Ron said “And why would I help you, you slimy, no-good-” “Yes, I’m all those things,” Jamm admitted, “but Jerry’s WORSE!” Andy barked out a laugh. “Yeah he is!” Glares from the crowd.

“How is he worse?” Donna asked. “There was something about figuring out bookmarks tumblr_mg8vud1kfY1r0e42eo6_r2_250.gif, and Comic Sans jerry-comicsans2.gif, but OH MY GOD is he lame!” Jamm looked terrified. Ann just folded her arms and said “Why don’t you tell him that yourself?”

Jamm shrieked as he turned to see Jerry approaching. His face expressionless, he said “The ladies sent me out to give you this note.” He looked like he was handing it to Jamm, but Jerry actually kept going past him to give it to Ann. The brunette bit her lip, worried this meant she was the one chosen to be fired. Chris put his hand on her shoulder and read over it as Ann opened the note. Then she furrowed her eyebrows and read it again. “What’s it say??” demanded Craig. Tom also craned to look as Ann’s mouth actually twisted into a smile. “‘To my dearest Lily and James, don’t worry, you will not be chosen, for I know you need jobs for your new little one on the way. Leslie.’” Ben looked confused. “But those aren’t your names….?”


exclaimed Tom. “You can’t even write notes right!” Jerry probably didn’t hear him, as he had locked eyes with Ann. The brunette nodded slightly. “Well,” Jerry said, turning suddenly, “guess I better get back to it.” He returned to the office as the Parks employees for the most part looked confused. Jamm turned and said “So, he’s clearly an idiot, fire Jerry?” The Parks employees mulled this over, looking for that one envelope…

...as in the conference room, Jerry returned and set out some papers. They all waited for Jamm to come back in. After a few minutes, Jamm approached. He was saying “Hey, I think we all agreed-” “Ah ah ah! Gotta sign in, councilman,” Jerry said, pointing at the paper. Jamm rolled his eyes. “Won’t matter anyway,” he muttered, signing his name quickly. “Cause we all agreed that YOU are fired.” He rounded on Jerry with a wide grin on his face. “We’re giving you the letter.”

“Oh…” the older man said. He looked down sadly, but then turned to look at Leslie. The blonde subtly nodded. Only then did Jerry break into a grin. “I can finally get that retirement! Full benefits!” He went to the door and opened it up. “Hey guys, I’m fired!” The Parks department let out a cheer as they came into the conference room. Ann only looked at Leslie, who was doing a bad job of looking disappointed. Eventually she had to break into peals of laughter. “You just Jammed YOURSELF!” she exclaimed, getting up and snatching the paper off the table. “You just agreed that all of us in here would get fired if one of us did!”

Jamm looked floored as he read over the paper that Leslie had gotten them all to sign. “What!?” protested Tammy, before hiccuping. Ron looked gleeful behind his mustache. “You remembered she’d be too drunk to notice…” he said, impressed. Jamm just said “But this means YOU’RE fired too!” Leslie simply shrugged. “I’m about to be recalled, it was coming anyway, knowing this town. Now it’s on my terms.” She sat there smugly as Jamm’s face crumbled.

Ann just shook her head, bemused, as she said “Well played, Severus.” Ben said “Oh!” with a look of understanding as everyone else still hadn’t quite caught up. Leslie just smiled at her best friend. “I remembered Jerry had been wanting to retire, and he gave me a subtle look when he took that law from me. And I figured he’d be easiest to convince everyone to fire. After all, you remember what I once told you…” She had gone into a filing cabinet, and after some rummaging pulled out an old poster. Displaying it, she said:


“All that was left to do was to trick the rest of them into getting all of us fired together.” She grinned like the cat that ate the canary as Jamm and Tammy just sat in shock. Leslie sighed in relief as she concluded:



Congratulations to Team Parks Department, which consists of caprice, Jesse, Drogo, MuuMuu, Spruce, egavasc, HM, and the newest addition A1! And, to show some things are meant to be:


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It is conflicting to be a wolf and then know you were switched to hero/villager.  Once I believed the claims, I did fess up, but decided not to do anything beyond that.  I wasn't going to post in response to any other claims, or out anyone, etc.

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1 minute ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

Yeah, @aquarian1, I've had that experience too.  It just feels weird to switch your mind set mid game.  Glad you did though.  :) 

This aspect of the game is fascinating to me. To not know if you've switched teams is very weird. Especially if like happened in this game, until the Troublemaker went, people had ONLY changed over to the Wolves' side, not away from it. And @Lisin did all she could as the Minion.

I want to hold off on the play-by-play in case @SVNBob/any of you want to try to speculate what happened. I tried to reflect it in the story.

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I never watched the show, which doesn't mean a lot in terms of playing ONUW, but it does mean that I am never going to be able to figure anything out from the story (as in, I have no idea why the particular P&R characters who were identified as Team Wolf would be evil).  But I do note that my name is absent from the list of winners, so I can only assume there's been some horrible mistake.

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@aquarian1 was Jamm, and was doppelganged by @Oinky Boinky (right? Though it could have been you @MarkHB... all I know for sure was OB was a baddie), then @Jesse swapped @Lady Calypso and A1 making LC Jamm. I was the minion so I couldn't do much other than try to get myself DLd at that point because A1 obviously knew once Jesse had swapped her she'd vote to DL LC. I was hoping everyone would vote me out before that could happen but sadly I failed you all. ;)

Here's you Mark. Tammy 2 is pure evil. As are all librarians. Yuck. Libraries. (this is a Parks and Rec thing. The parks department hates libraries.)


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If y'all wanted to see my notes and PM's and such...

Drogo - 8
Lisin - 3
Spruce - 11
A1 - 1
Caprice - 5
Jesse - 7
MarkHB - 2
egavasc - 14
OB - 4
LC - 13
MuuMuu - 9
HM - 15


Mystic Wolf - Jamm (A1)
Wolf - Tammy 2  (MARK)
Minion - Jessica Wicks of Sweetums (LISIN)
Doppelganger - Leslie Knope (OB)
Seer - Ben Wyatt  (CAPRICE)
Robber - Craig Middlebrooks (UNUSED_A)
Troublemaker - Tom Haverford (JESSE)
Drunk - Andy Dwyer (DROGO)
Insomniac - April Ludgate (MUUMUU)
Warlock - Chris Traeger (UNUSED_C)
Princess - Donna Meagle (SPRUCE)
Hunter - Ron Swanson (UNUSED_B)
Apprentice Seer - Jerry Girgich (LC)
Vanilla Villager A - Jean-Ralphio Saperstein (EGAVASC)
Vanilla Villager B - Ann Perkins (HM)
* Mona Lisa Saperstein
* Shauna Malwae-Tweep
* Diane Lewis


You are Jeremy Jamm, the Mystic Evil Person. Somehow, despite only being a dentist, you are on the city council and have...skills? Surprising! You can use them to determine one person’s role. Hopefully you can get a Parks employee fired so you can say your catchphrase:


You are Tammy 2, an Evil Person. You are a librarian who is just here to make Ron’s life miserable. You’ll settle for hurting his friends instead if need be. This is your strategy:


You are Jessica Wicks, the Minion of the Evil People. You’re the president of Sweetums. These Parks employees have foiled you for the last time! You’re going to make sure no Evil Person gets fired. Even if you lost your job in their place, that’d still be a win! Then you could get back to work on those “child-sized sodas”:



You are Leslie Knope, the Doppleganger Parks Employee. You are so skilled, you can do just about anything! Just pick another player and you will duplicate their role, taking the action immediately if applicable. You’re ready, right?


You are Ben Wyatt, the Seer Parks Employee. You’re a very smart guy, in fact, you’ve almost become an accountant several times. But you can use your smarts to determine one other player’s role, or two of the unused roles (amongst choices A, B, and C). Just let me know what you want to do! Hopefully you don’t get betrayed again:


You are Craig Middlebrooks, the Robber Parks Employee. You were the only worker from Eagleton to survive the merger. So suffice to say you know how to take over for someone. In fact, you can take someone’s role (making them the Robber) and view your new role. This is you:


You are Tom Haverford, the Troublemaker Parks Employee. You can swap two other players’ roles, because you kind of life your life by your own rules. You don’t mind a minor inconvenience for others to benefit yourself. After all:


You are Andy Dwyer, the Drunk Parks Employee. You tend to do things without thinking. So you’ll be able to swap your role (blindly) with one of the unused roles (amongst choices A, B, and C). Please try to do better than this:


You are April Ludgate, the Insomniac Parks Employee. Despite not caring about many things, you’re really good at keeping your job. You will check your role later to see if you’ve changed, and to what. Hey April, how do you feel about One Night?


You are Chris Traeger, the Witch Parks Employee. Your skills at the state government level mean you will be able to look at one of the unclaimed roles (amongst choices A, B, and C) and, if you do, assign it to a player. Hopefully you don’t end up like this again:


You are Donna Meagle, the Princess Parks Employee. Somehow you’ve stuck around the Parks Department for a heck of a long time! Votes against you will not count. So don’t worry and satisfy all of your social media followers:


You are Ron Swanson, the Hunter Parks Employee (uh duh). Since you are in fact “Ron F*cking Swanson”, if you get fired, whoever you vote for will also get fired. Dance it out!


You are Jerry Girgich, the Apprentice Seer Parks Employee. Despite everyone running you down all the time, you’re actually quite competent. Not as much as others, but still! You can use that skill to determine one person’s role. At least you’re better at this than other things:


You are Jean-Ralphio Saperstein, the Vanilla Villager A (Parks Employee). You don’t have any particular skills (we know it’s not rapping, or running a business, or...many other things.) But at least you’re not evil. And you are not:


You are Ann Perkins, the Vanilla Villager B (Parks Employee). You have been a nurse and a Parks Department employee, but you don’t have any special skills in this game. Don’t stress!


And the rundown:

Doppelganger LESLIE - doppled A1 (JAMM) and became a second Mystic Evil Person
The Evil People all meet, and there are actually 3 people in attendance - A1 (JAMM), OB (LESLIE), and Mark (TAMMY)
Mystic Evil Person (Wolf) - A1 (JAMM) looks at Jesse (TOM) and sees the Troublemaker, OB (LESLIE) looks at Drogo (ANDY) and sees the Drunk
Minion Lisin (JESSICA) sees the meeting of 3 Evil People as described above
Seer Caprice (BEN) sees Unused B (Hunter RON) and Unused C (Warlock CHRIS)
Apprentice Seer Lady Calypso (JERRY) sees Unused A (Robber CRAIG)
Robber Craig was unused
Warlock Chris was unused
Troublemaker Jesse (TOM) switches A1 (JAMM) and LC (JERRY), making A1 now an Apprentice Seer and LC now a Mystic Evil Person
Drunk Drogo (ANDY) swapped to Unused A, the Robber
Insomniac MuuMuu (APRIL) checked her role to find it unchanged

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