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Supernatural & Vampire Diaries Mash Up Mafia

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Day 3: Reunited


Mystic Falls, Virginia


Jo had the phone up to her ear, talking with the angel on the other line quietly as Ellen stood next to Stefan and Elena, waiting patiently for some answers. She was anxious to figure out what was going on and why they were all alive. She couldn't help but glance at the younger couple, who seemed just as anxious as she did. Stefan had told them about his brother who had recently died and how he had hope that he could be alive too. Although, hearing about Elena's role in both of their lives, she couldn't help but wonder if it would just be less complicated and easier if he remained dead. Nonetheless, she kept her mouth shut as she waited for any answers from the other end of the phone call that Jo was on. Jeremy was sitting in one of the chairs, as they waited. Finally, Jo hung up the phone and turned to the small group of people. "Sam's dead and Dean's a demon," she stated bluntly. Ellen's eyes widened in surprise at this revelation, while the other three just looked confused. "Damnit," she muttered to herself. She actually liked both boys a lot and both constantly had pain thrown at them at every opportunity; this just seemed to be the icing on the death cake. "Cas is in Kansas with Bobby and John..." "John? He's back from Hell too?" she asked. At Jo's nod, Ellen just let out a bitter laugh. Of course the one Winchester that probably should stay dead was back. 


"So, what's the plan? You guys are going to head to Kansas? And then what?" Elena spoke up from her spot, stepping forward. Ellen nodded, also moving as she walked toward Jo. "Exactly. We can't stay here when people we know are in Kansas. They might have answers for us," she said. Stefan pursed his lips, deep in thought, before speaking up. "Well then, you guys should head out now. If you want a ride down, I could drive you. Elena, Jeremy, you should stay back," he said before his ex could jump in. Ellen smiled a bit before shaking her head, but Jo stepped in. "Actually, I think you guys should come along. Cas did tell me something before he hung up, something that might be useful for you two," she said. She paused before continuing. "They have two other dead people along for the ride. Damon and Bonnie."






"So this Mystic Falls place is filled with the supernatural?" John asked as Damon nodded. Bonnie was sitting on one of the chairs as Bobby and Kevin were packing up for the trip. "Yes, none of which you're allowed to kill. Except for maybe a certain Blonde Barbie vampire," he said. At Bonnie's intense glare, however, Damon retracted his statement. "Ok, no killing allowed of the supernaturals, or at least none of the people that are our...friends."  John wrinkled his nose a bit, clearly unhappy with that part. Bobby zipped up the bag that he had and hoisted it over his shoulder. "Well, we'd better take off now, if we want to get to Virginia by tomorrow," he said. Kevin nodded as he offered a water bottle to Bonnie, who took it graciously. "Bobby's right. We have a long drive ahead of us. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get answers." 


Bonnie stood up as she joined the others at the bottom of the stairs. Taking a glance around the bunker, she did like how cozy it was; somehow they managed to make it feel comfortable and she doubted anyone would be returning here. She trailed behind the others as they walked out into the fresh air, the sun beating down on them. Cas glanced around before pausing, seeming to be listening to something. Suddenly, a whizzing noise was heard as something flew through the air. Cas clearly heard it before anyone else and he moved to shove Bobby out of the way, barely missing the tomahawk that penetrated the rocks behind them. "Let's go!" John roared as they got into the two cars that they had; Damon, Bonnie and Bobby in one, and Cas, Kevin and John in the other. They all took off as quickly as they could. 


Lucifer appeared from behind a tree, one of his minions and Dean standing behind him. "Damn, and I thought trying something different would end up being a good thing," he murmured. He was hoping that the annoying angel would bite it, but his stupid minion had horrible aim. "Well, there goes a surprise attack and a cold welcome," he said as he turned to Dean, who looked as empty as any of his other minions. "Well, let's get going, gang! We have a long ride ahead of us!" Dean just stayed silent as he followed behind Lucifer and the other demon but a sudden chill caused him to stop. He turned, feeling the wind rush past him. There was something stirring in him, some feeling that had been shoved down for so long, but he ignored it, the demon inside of him too powerful to overtake.


The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.


The Living:
photo fox


So, there's the story. But here's the twist: there is no clue in this story. Nope, none at all. But it is also a very crucial day for you heroes. Although, aren't all days crucial? I'm not really sure how long I want to give you guys. I'd love to say 48 hours. I think that'll be the default timing. So 48 hours to get in some lynching.

  • Love 3

No clue in the story? "A crucial day" on Day 3? WHAT IS GOING ON???


So, probably stating the obvious, but Cas protected Bobby, so that's good.


I see 3 villains - Lucifer, Dean, and the other demon. Though something is up with Dean. I wonder if there's something else besides Mark's power that could help us.


Also probably stating the obvious, but the two people who did not vote for Spruce were Spruce himself and egavasc. Since Spruce did not have an ability, I'm inclined to think he wouldn't try to throw a teammate with an ability under the bus. (Unless that's what he'd want me to think, which means Bob is suspicious again, and then we start going in circles on who anticipated what.) Which means egavasc is indeed suspicious to me. If those "reversing" clues were indeed clues, that's who I'd think they point to.

  • Love 5

Thinking the same thing, @TJtrack99 . Although we did have a host of folks who were conspicuously missing during the voting... @Lisin, @RebelliousAngel, @Dougal, and you didn't vote. Although you were around and originally cast a vote for cooking Spruce's goose, before withdrawing it and asking for further evidence...


And of course, it's likely that one or two villains cast a vote for Spruce's demise simply to divert attention...


But still, my favorite potential villain at the moment is @egavasc ...

Edited by stacey
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HMMMmmmMM... I agree with and @TJtrack99 on egavasc still being suspicious. And I'm still going with the same picks from yesterday:

1. @Athena: Night 1 clue - Jo called Jeremy a "wise boy" and Athena is the Goddess of wisdom. Still need another clue from Night 1...

2. @egavasc: Day 2 clue - Sam wished that "time could reverse" as he was murdered. Using the word reverse specifically instead of something like "go back in time" or "replay the years" has me on red alert.

3. @The Crazed Spruce: Day 1 clue - The Frost stuff you guys just brought up.

In addition to this from last night:

Slitted eyes glared at the Original vampire as the man in question seemed to sense a whole lot of anger coming from him. Very angry, he decided as he saw Lucifer's eyes practically glow red.

Athena has a new (and very cool looking btw) icon of an ornate eye. The Crazed Spruce turned out to be a villain and there was some funny business going on with egavasc during the nominations. It's noteworthy that @SVNBob also has eyes in his icon. He was also nominated by egavasc and TCS, so I don't know what that means. I wonder if Lucifer having a minion means that one of the Heroes got recruited last night while another tried to kill Bobby. Scary stuff.

  • Love 1

I mostly buy into the @egavasc suspicion, with the "oh no!"s after Spruce turned into a villain being misdirection.

I'm not 100% convinced that @SVNBob is off the hook just because Spruce was guilty - it could have been an attempt to split the vote and get nothing done - but it is evidence in his favor for sure.

I don't know if the eye in @Athena's profile really qualifies as glowing....

ETA: oh! I didn't recognize that was Death! Cool. :)

  • Love 1

Thanks for the comment, but not the accusation! My icon is from the Sandman comics/graphic novels. It's the character of Death and her signature Eye of Horus. 

Ah! Since you and her are so nice, I'm not going to interpret that as a threat XD. And yeah, @Dougal, the only one I'd feel alright with nominating today is egavasc. The stuff for Athena and Bob is more circumstantial. Maybe if there's clue for Night 3 it will become more clear. If any Heroes survive it, that is.


Did anybody see a clue in Night 2? Can't hurt to throw some stuff at the wall. I could be reaching with the eye thing.

  • Love 1
Although you were around and originally cast a vote for cooking Spruce's goose, before withdrawing it and asking for further evidence...


I did this to get more participation from everyone else. I know I'm a Hero, and you can feel free to investigate me if you guys are suspicious. Plus I like getting people to say exactly why they're doing what they're doing. (You'll notice I asked both  and @egavasc to do this.) That way we have a trail to refer to later.


I'm also not sure how likely it is that a clue would refer to an icon. Back in the day we didn't have icons, so clues had to be for your username. But maybe now that we have icons it's possible. We should keep in mind that some people don't have icons. Or their icons refer to their real name. Just saying :)

Edited by TJtrack99
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I'm just an innocent bystander with a big heart who wanted to believe Spruce was good. I swear! But I stand by my earlier statement that I understand that that might bring my doom. But I am a hero.

I will be moving between states tomorrow so I may not be able to be on much so when you don't see me defending myself that is why.

WOW!  That night was LONG!  What is up with long nights in the world of PTV Mafia?  I want those kinds of nights when I can't sleep!!!


Right at night fall, I was on a roll with @egavasc - see this post. 


But then I got to thinking.  has been gunning for a bunch of people since the start of this story, and emitting the most contentious of behavior, almost villainous. 


I mentioned previously that @Athena was suspect, based on her connection with The Trojan Horse, master of deception much Athena?  I know the wood thing was probably meant to be put to rest with the murder of @The Crazed Spruce , but could there be two?  Hmmmm

^how the heck did I end up the first post of the page ... again???

That must be some sort of hero power I don't know about ...



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I did this to get more participation from everyone else. I know I'm a Hero, and you can feel free to investigate me if you guys are suspicious. Plus I like getting people to say exactly why they're doing what they're doing. (You'll notice I asked both  and @egavasc to do this.) That way we have a trail to refer to later.


I'm also not sure how likely it is that a clue would refer to an icon. Back in the day we didn't have icons, so clues had to be for your username. But maybe now that we have icons it's possible. We should keep in mind that some people don't have icons. Or their icons refer to their real name. Just saying :)

Humm..@Tjtrack99..I'm not buying it. This isn't your typical mafia behavior. You go for the jugglar usually. Me thinks he dost protesteth too much my dear...

Edited by RebelliousAngel
  • Love 2

Humm..@Tjtrack99..I'm not buying it. This isn't your typical mafia behavior. You go for the jugglar usually. Me thinks he dost protesteth too much my dear...

I must respectfully disagree, Reb. I don't think I've ever thought of myself as aggressive in any sense. 


@egavasc, if you've got anything to share that could help us Heroes, now would be the time.


@BizBuzz, the person stacey was gunning for turned out to be a Villain. I suppose it could be a really long con, but I'm inclined to think she's a Hero for now.

@BizBuzz, the person stacey was gunning for turned out to be a Villain. I suppose it could be a really long con, but I'm inclined to think she's a Hero for now.


Please take a look at this:


Of course, we'll probably find your bloody corpse in the alley behind the bar, facedown with a knife between your shoulder blades....


That was pretty mean spirited for night time behavior ... at least I thought so. 


I think I am with @RebelliousAngel , guilty party always speaks up first, or loudest.  Or too much.  ::giggle::

He was a villain, but a villain with no powers.  Perhaps a sacrificial lamb to distract us?


Right. So it could be that, but I haven't really seen any clues pointing to stacey either.

That was pretty mean spirited for night time behavior ... at least I thought so. 

Ah. I thought she was just joking about the violent nature of Mafia.


But believe me, you Heroes want to keep me around. 


@Lisin, we take the number of living players and divide by 2, rounding up. Since there are 13 of us, we need 7 for a lynch. Like so:


1 egavasc (TJtrack99) 6 to poison (it saves on postage)

that video was fricken hilarious!

One of the most underrated Disney movies ever, in my opinion. I can quote so much of it. Hysterical.


Now, just because we have a vote going doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss clues. Unfortunately there wasn't one in Day 3. But I think we haven't talked much about Night 2. Can anyone who watches Supernatural tell me, is this:

because he knew what the man was capable of and after a particularly rough encounter with Elijah once,


referring to something from the show? If not, it seems very clue-like.


I suppose there was also Kevin shoving books off a table and Cas not knowing how to answer voicemail as possibilities.

  • Love 1

But I think we haven't talked much about Night 2. Can anyone who watches Supernatural tell me, is this:

because he knew what the man was capable of and after a particularly rough encounter with Elijah once,

referring to something from the show? If not, it seems very clue-like.


Klaus and Elijah were actually on TVD, and I'm guessing that's a reference to that show.


What grabbed me about Night 2 was the title:


Oh What a Night


Immediately I went to ... late December back in 63


Any thoughts on this?


Ha, @BizBuzz, I did that too! But I can't say I was able to come up with anything...

  • Love 1

The only other thing I can come up with from Night 2 would be that Klaus died because he didn't listen to Lucifer. Listen = Lisin, but I'm just not feeling it at all. I do think there's something substantial to work with in there, though. Until then:


6 egavasc (TJtrack99, BizBuzz, stacey, Lisin, Athena, JayKay) 1 to buckle my shoe


How was this a critical day? No one was even killed?

I'm paranoid that it means Heroes are being secretly recruited each night. That's not a thing, right? Can that happen?


I'm paranoid that it means Heroes are being secretly recruited each night. That's not a thing, right? Can that happen?

We've played games before where there is a recruitable Hero. Though it's almost always only one person.


I'm thinking it could have something to do with Dean. But I don't know what. I need another story, .

Edited by TJtrack99
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