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DC TVU Mafia

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First, the story went to the editor last night, so we're on track for it to appear here this evening.


Second, I just discovered this.  Link I found it at is here, and the whole series is here.



(looks for remaining wine and cookies)

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Day 5:

Oswald had gotten word that Don Falcone was dead, and he immediately went into mental overdrive. He had been biding his time, knowing he would eventually move to take control of the Falcone family business, but he wasn't one to miss an opportunity when it dropped into his lap. First, though, he needed to firm up his position; taking out one of the out-of-towners should do, he thought to himself.


The morning after they had surprised Merlyn, Oliver knocked on the door of Digg's room, and was worried when there was no answer. After Felicity's death, they had exchanged room keys for emergencies, and he let himself in only to find Digg sitting on the bed in his boxers, eating store-bought cookies out of the package and totally engrossed in women's professional wrestling. When Oliver started to say something, Digg just said, "don't judge me," and, reassured that his friend was moderately okay, Ollie left to let him get dressed.

Not long after, the two of them met Barry for breakfast. "Have either of you seen Caitlin," Barry asked. "She wasn't in her room, and she wasn't in the gym either." They hadn't seen her, which prompted Barry to start looking. A minute later, Oliver's phone rang. It was Barry. "Can you guys come out to the alley?" He could barely voice the words.

When they arrived, they found Barry holding back tears as he fought to maintain his professionalism. "When we all left.... looking for Merlyn... she must have gone out for a walk, alone. It looks like she put up a fight... look at her nails! I bet the ME's will find something under some of them. And the bruises..... And she was all alone...." He broke down, sobbing; Digg supported him as Oliver looked....

Lying on the wet, dirty ground of the alley was Caitlin Snow, whose face had been augmented by a small, perfectly round bullet hole in the middle of her forehead.


Oswald was back in his car, cleaning the deep scratches near his eye with the first aid kit he kept in the vehicle. "Wow... she fought like I was Jason Momoa or something" he thought as he wiped his face with alcohol and looked at his new black eye. In the end, he had backed off, only to surprise her with his latest invention, the umbrella gun. He hoped this latest death would send the interlopers home in tears, but if not....

Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.
  • HalcyonDays: Leonard Snart, better known as Captain Cold, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to PROTECT per night; that person will be unable to be killed by night action or by the lynch the following day. You may not protect yourself and you may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protective ability is not 100% foolproof, however, as there's someone better than you in the game.
  • SilverStormm: Felicity Smoak, a computer genius and a HERO. You are allowed to communicate with Barry Allen because I'm Team Barricity and I said so!
  • JayKay: Laurel Lance, a drug-abusing, blackmailing ADA, wannabe superheroine, and VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. Beyond that, you're pretty useless and have no other powers.
  • Dougal: Victor Zsasz, a particularly nasty piece of work and a SERIAL KILLER. Each night, you may PM me the name of your next victim. You work alone, and you win if you are the last person standing. Also, you keep track of the number of people you have killed by slicing tally marks into your flesh. Method acting is not required to play this character.
  • TJtrack99: the honored Don Carmine Falcone, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. (One other reserve power was not triggered.)
  • egavasc: Dr. Caitlin Snow, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person to INVESTIGATE per night. Rumors that your sister can read minds are unsubstantiated.


Soliciting for Next Month:

  • writingdreamer
  • jessied112
  • stacey
  • Athena
  • Tabbyclaw
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz


There is one clue in this story.  You will have until at least 11 Pm EST Sunday night (21 December) to complete a lynch.  Day is now open.

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The only thing that stood out to me in the story was Jason Momoa, and a quick Googling shows that he's the actor who played Khal Drogo in Game in Thrones, as well as a character on Baywatch Hawaii and Stargate.  As far as who we should go after, either scenario is good, but first I'm going to reread the past few pages, see if anything interesting pops up.

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The only thing that stood out to me in the story was Jason Momoa, and a quick Googling shows that he's the actor who played Khal Drogo in Game in Thrones, as well as a character on Baywatch Hawaii and Stargate.  As far as who we should go after, either scenario is good, but first I'm going to reread the past few pages, see if anything interesting pops up.

The producers of DC's new slate of movies also took a chance and targeted him to play Aquaman. Just for the record. :)
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While Momoa stood out to me too, I'm not too sure it's a clue.  With the info Spruce just gave us, I think it's another Easter egg that Mark dropped in, like Adam West in the first story.


The other thing that stood out to me was this passage:

eating store-bought cookies out of the package and totally engrossed in women's professional wrestling.


And going over the list of names, there's only one link I can see.  And it's someone on my short list of primary Villain suspects.  ('Tis the season and all.  Make your lists and check them twice.)  When dealing with pro wrestling, if you eat the Keebler, all you have left is the Stacey.


I'm not 100% sure about this, so I'd probably be more comfortable with a revote for the known.  But either way works for me.

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I'm ALIVE!!!


RIP Snow ... your death will be avenged.


I think a revote is in order, however, Bob brings up a rather nice direction.  A revote would be a sure thing (we all know that, right?).  I am more apt to go in a new direction and then take care of the revote next time.


Funny ... for awhile now I have been trying to find a link to Stacey, because in the pit of my gut, I too have had my suspicions about her. 


We have a couple of days though, so I am willing to wait if anyone else wants to hazard a guess.

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I think a revote is in order, however, Bob brings up a rather nice direction.  A revote would be a sure thing (we all know that, right?).  I am more apt to go in a new direction and then take care of the revote next time.

My main concern about going after a new target is "what if we're wrong?".  We're currently standing at 8 Heroes to 2 Villains (we think).  If we're not right about who we target, we'll be down 2 people before we get control again with 6 vs. 2.  (We're going to lose one no matter which direction we go.)  So if we go after someone new, we need to be really sure.  I'd prefer a 7 vs 1 scenario, (with me being on the majority side this time; it sucks being the 1 in that scenario, even if you manage to bluff your way through somehow...).  I'll go with the majority on this decision, but I just wanted to make my feelings on this question known.


Again, for the sake of thoroughness, I went back and checked on stacey's history this game.  She tried to put some suspicion on SilverStormm on Day 1 but participated in my No Lynch vote.  Day 2, she tried again to paint Silver suspiciously along with Biz while simultaneously defending Halcyon.  Day 3 (aka the Cluster), she voted with TJ and JayKay against me, which is what finally brought her onto my radar after finally getting past the foxtrot.  She claimed to be thinking about switching sides on that Day, but in the end never did, stating that the further talk after overtime was called solidified her position.  Day 4 she was silent, but we did finish that Day up rather quickly, compared to the previous Day.


A lot of it's circumstantial and basic game paranoia at best, but it could also add up to a villainous dossier.  Moreso if the "clue" I found is the actual clue and the correct interpretation thereof.

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The Stacey Kiebler thing seems about a clueish as anything I've seen in this game, and like you said, her game play does seem a tad suspicious. I, for one, am willing to take a chance and target her. And since Tabbyclaw was apparently a two-kill who used her other life last round, and is now pretty much harmless except for the villain vote tonight, it makes sense to take out Stacey now, before she can use whatever extra ability she might have.

Or we can take out Tabbyclaw now, and investigate Stacey overnight, just to be sure. I'm fine either way.

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I'm in favor of taking out the villain we know - Tabbyclaw - rather than taking a chance on stacey or somone else. Basically for the reason SNVBob states above - if we're wrong, or if we're right but that person is a two-kill, we're going to lose our numbers. I think we go for the power play and David Lynch Tabbyclaw, protecting the advantage we have now.


That said, I see no reason to rush to a David Lynch. Let's take our time and hash out the clues. I think the Stacey Kiebler one is really strong, and stacey isn't one of the half-dozen or so people that I'm convinced are heroes.

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SVNBob, I like the way you showed what Stacey's actions have been, and I agree that they seem very suspicious.  On the other hand, TCS has a point and we should go after Tabbyclaw, especially since the way the story was written seems to imply that the Dark Archer is a two kill and is not being protected by another player.  I'm not 100% sure what to do yet, but as long as we have more time, I say we wait to hear what the other players think.

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Game Mod Note:


Since you already have an extended timeframe (through Sunday), and there's been discussion already, I'm going to be a stickler for that Sunday night deadline regardless of lynch status.


Carry on.

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So far it's just been 5 of us talking, and we all seem to be agreed on who the subjects of the next (and hopefully final) two DLs are.  The question is the order.


I'm not 100% sure what to do yet, but as long as we have more time, I say we wait to hear what the other players think.

Agreed on both counts.  We need one more person for this first lynch anyway (10 people means a majority of 6), so more thoughts from a new source are definitely welcome.


But we need to at least get a vote started by noon on Sunday.  Otherwise, we could miss this opportunity.

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Since my weekend is going to be kind of busy ... I would like to go ahead and contribute to a lynch ...


I have started one too many lynches in this game ... so would be happier if someone else started it ... if something doesn't happen by noon Saturday, I might not be able to contribute.


Am I allowed a proxy vote if I am gone?

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Ok, so I'm gonna jump in here after reading everyone's ideas and I'll have to agree. We will have another chance to get Tabby on another day and hopefully this stacey theory works out, because then we'd have another villain down.


3 Stacey (Spruce, dreamer, jessied112), 3 to go Penguin hunting

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Can I ask what the advantage is in David Lynching stacey instead of Tabbyclaw, even assuming we're right and both of them are villains? I don't understand the argument for going after the two birds in the bush instead of the one in our hand.

Not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand the game...

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Can I ask what the advantage is in David Lynching stacey instead of Tabbyclaw, even assuming we're right and both of them are villains? I don't understand the argument for going after the two birds in the bush instead of the one in our hand.

Not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand the game...


I can't really answer this, sorry photo fox ... however, I am willing to go with the flow this time ... and I like TCS's reasoning.


5 to David Lynch Stacey (Spruce, dreamer, jessied112, SVNBob, BizBuzz), 1 to go Penguin hunting.

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Can I ask what the advantage is in David Lynching stacey instead of Tabbyclaw, even assuming we're right and both of them are villains? I don't understand the argument for going after the two birds in the bush instead of the one in our hand.

Not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand the game...

We are operating under a couple assumptions with this vote:

  1. Tabby and stacey are indeed the only villains left.
  2. Tabby's survival yesterDay was because they were a 2-kill (it takes 2 attempts (either DLs or kills via powers) to remove them from the game) and not because of a protection power.


The key point of the last assumption is that we've probably already exhausted Tabby's power, making them a basic villain with nothing other than the shared Villain Night kill.  The question is about stacey's power. 


This vote is a measure to try to avoid her power coming back on us during the Night.  That's where the advantage lies.

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Time for my grandma's Christmas tradition of breaking out the homemade wine. It's at least a 30-year-old vintage, and really closer to brandy at this point. She serves it in juice glasses, and just one is enough to light you on fire. Lol

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Night 5:

In the public exhibit room at the conference, Montoya and Allen were watching over things, hoping that no further deaths would occur. They noticed a young teacher, who probably would have been leading a student group if it were not for the hazardous reputation the conference had gotten, examining the displays while accompanied by a teenage boy with long hair and an older, bearded man. They, and everyone else at the conference, seemed perfectly fine, and the two officers were slightly relaxed when Allen's earpiece crackled with a call from the dispatcher. After briefly conferring, they found Bullock and told him to take over; they had a lead they needed to follow up on. Seeing them rush out of the room, the teacher instinctively reached for the amulet that hung around her neck, but decided against taking action. Similarly, the young boy started to bolt for a nearby hallway, but the older man grabbed his arm. "Let it go, Billy," he said in a deep, mellifluous voice. "I think these people are lost beyond our ability to teach them anything."


A short distance from the conference, a crew running a sobriety checkpoint (which in Gotham meant that $50 then and there got you out of a ticket whether you had been drinking or not) had stopped a known suspicious character with deep facial scratches consistent with Caitlin's murderer. Montoya and Allen got there to find a thin, ruffled-looking man wearing a suit and carrying an umbrella, handcuffed and standing against his car. It was Oswald Cobblepot.

"So, Oswald, we meet again. I see you're still alive. Such a shame."

Oswald went into his "pitiful me" act. "Detectives! I assure you, this has all been a misunderstanding. I was just on my way to work at the restaurant when these uniformed highwaymen stopped me for no reason!" "I'm sure, Cobblepot," replied Montoya. "How did you get those scratches? They certainly don't go with the rest of your ensemble." "These? Well, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it, but there was this lady of the evening, and things got kind of rough." He decided to add a bluff to his presentation. "Besides, you know I'm friends with Don Falcone... and we all know he's good to those who are kind to his friends...."

"Nice try, 'Penguin'," said Allen. "Falcone's dead, and I'm willing to bet you already knew that. You're coming in for questioning for the murder of Doctor Caitlin Snow."

The use of the nickname had enraged Cobblepot. "It'll be a cold day before that happens," he exclaimed, and he swung up the umbrella to point at them. "Try this instead!" He pulled the trigger on the umbrella gun all the way into fully-automatic mode, but his handcuffs made it impossible to control the aim and the bullets sprayed wildly into the sidewalks and nearby buildings. That, however, was all the excuse the detectives needed, and they quickly sent several .45 caliber slugs into his chest.

As they came closer, they barely heard him squawk his last word, "Mother....."

Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.
  • HalcyonDays: Leonard Snart, better known as Captain Cold, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to PROTECT per night; that person will be unable to be killed by night action or by the lynch the following day. You may not protect yourself and you may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protective ability is not 100% foolproof, however, as there's someone better than you in the game.
  • SilverStormm: Felicity Smoak, a computer genius and a HERO. You are allowed to communicate with Barry Allen because I'm Team Barricity and I said so!
  • JayKay: Laurel Lance, a drug-abusing, blackmailing ADA, wannabe superheroine, and VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. Beyond that, you're pretty useless and have no other powers.
  • Dougal: Victor Zsasz, a particularly nasty piece of work and a SERIAL KILLER. Each night, you may PM me the name of your next victim. You work alone, and you win if you are the last person standing. Also, you keep track of the number of people you have killed by slicing tally marks into your flesh. Method acting is not required to play this character.
  • TJtrack99: the honored Don Carmine Falcone, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. (One other reserve power was not triggered.)
  • egavasc: Dr. Caitlin Snow, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person to INVESTIGATE per night. Rumors that your sister can read minds are unsubstantiated.
  • stacey: Oswald Cobblepot, better known as Penguin, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to INVESTIGATE per night; if you discover Harvey Bullock, you may recruit him as a villain.
Soliciting for Next Month:
  • writingdreamer
  • jessied112
  • Athena
  • Tabbyclaw
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz
It is now Night. You officially have until 11 Am EST Tuesday to get your night actions in, but if you can get them in by 11 Pm tonight it'll be that much better. There were no clues in this story.
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Chance, target, chance, chance, target, blah blah blah.


stacey: Oswald Cobblepot, better known as Penguin, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to INVESTIGATE per night; if you discover Harvey Bullock, you may recruit him as a villain.

And that, my friends, is why we had to take her out first. :)

Rum-laced egg nogs all around!

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