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Game of Thrones Mafia

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That. Was. Awesome! If I had to go out, at least it was on the same night as a passel of Lannisters!

Incredible story, egavasc!

Hey, this means I've been reunited with my Red Lady. Even better! *wanders off*


Amen... And you took out the Twincesters in one fell swoop!  On the same night the fruit-of-their-union became a dragonfruit salad. 


I must say, though, BizBuzz was right about you, caprice.  Not that I'd trust Petyr Baelish (an extension of Lannister evil) for any my information... 

He was probably named Warden of the North and Lord of Candyland in exchange for that tidbit.  :) 


I also find it verrrry interesting that immediately after Littlefinger was out of the picture the Lannisters were so vulnerable that we lost all 3 Golden Ones in a single night. 


photo fox and Spruce, have you two recovered yet? 


For those who don't watch the show, this is Drogon (Daenerys' largest dragon, he was named after yours truly): 





And before you get all judgy about how scary and bad he is, here's his baby picture with his Mommy:




Totes adorbs!

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3

There were 4 Lannisters and 3 Baratheons so far, although 2 of the Lannisters were paired as the Lovers; does that seem like a full complement or might there be another Baratheon to even it out?  Varys is also out there and we don't know his alignment for sure.  And, as was stated, Dany and her dragons.


I don't have my data handy to go over, unfortunately, re: the possibility of another Baratheon.


And truly, this shall go down in the annals as the Red Night.

  • Love 4


Stannis had taken to eating alone. With Melisandre and Davos gone, the king preferred to eat with only his thoughts for company rather than be distracted by the poor counsel of others. Melisandre had shown him the way forward, but doing so alone gave him pause.


Our most recent story tells us Stannis was the last remaining Baratheon.  As a side note, there are no characters in the Baratheon camp in GoT aside from Stannis, Melisandre, and Ser Davos.  Unless we're counting the story's poison-happy chef (who's clearly not winning the James Beard award anytime soon.)


Lannisters started with one additional person, but could have potentially lost one to the heroes and Brienne (though they didn't) - and the twins were a package deal so losing one meant losing both.  I believe the extremely risky Jaime/Cersei pairing and the Jaime/Brienne possible "steal" equalize the 4:3 House Villains ratio. 


Re:  Varys' alignment- we learned from Littlefinger's bio that the spymasters can use their information as they see fit and lie to their "allies" if they so choose, therefore their alignment means nothing.  I can confidently say as a show-watcher that unlike Baelish, Varys wouldn't do anything to put Westeros into harm's way.


IMO, at this point, it's Dany versus the heroes.  I like those odds. 



And truly, this shall go down in the annals as the Red Night.


How about the Golden Night?  For the fair-of-hair Lannisters?

  • Love 1

I am stoked, but I have one question...Lannisters kill on odd or even nights. Baratheons on the other night. Dragon whenever. How did we get a Lannister kill, a Baratheon kill, and a dragon kill on the same night? Do we have another killing segment? Greyjoys? Some Stark unaccounted for?


I don't think the Lannisters killed anyone.  If you're referring to Stannis' death by poison, I'd say we have a Lady Olenna Tyrell or Oberyn Martell in our midst. 


In GoT, both are very familiar with poisons and both have killed with it in the past (Oberyn killed The Mountain with a poisoned spear, Lady Olenna dropped poison into Joffrey's wedding goblet.)

  • Love 1

So, would we consider a Tyrell or Martell heroes or villians?

Who do we think are left in the game? We have seen both Stark girls, The Hound, the aforementioned Tyrell and Martell, Varys, the dragon...did I miss anyone? Oh yeah, the Ser who is the Khaleesi's advisor whose name I am blanking on. That would be 8 people who spoke in the stories if you count the dragon and Khaleesi as one. Does that match how many are left? I will go back and look and edit.

OK we have 9 players left. Did I miss anyone?

Edited by Machiabelly
  • Love 2

When I left work this board was hopping. What happened?


Well, for one, you left!


I have to say, 'terminal' jumped out at me as well, although I wonder if it was a clue concocted before  TJTrack99's 'demise'? It seemed like an odd word to use.


From the previous Night story, these two phrases jumped out at me as well; "love could sour without care" and "to hear the splat of his vitals spreading over the ground". Not sure what or who they could be directed at, but they're strange phrases to me.

  • Love 2

So, I may have found something. The "zoning" thing stuck out to me, so I googled it with all the remaining players and got nothing. But when I looked for "city planning", I found this:

The Athens Charter (French: Charte d'Athènes) was a document about urban planning published by the Swiss architect, Le Corbusier in 1943. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens_Charter

So, Athena? What do y'all think? Does it have teeth? Or is it just a coincidence?

  • Love 2
From the previous Night story, these two phrases jumped out at me as well; "love could sour without care" and "to hear the splat of his vitals spreading over the ground". Not sure what or who they could be directed at, but they're strange phrases to me.


So I googled the two phrases above, and will present the top three answers for each response. I will note, none of these phrases matched exactly, but I found at least one of the responses to be intriguing.


"love could sour without care"

Slipknots song, "Snuff"

Quotes from the movie, Vanilla Sky on IMDB

Google book result for Virtuous Liaisons: Care, Love, Sex, and Virtue Ethics


"to hear the splat of his vitals spreading over the ground"

script to Hollow Man

script for something called The Ten Script

link to Halo fan fic


But when I shortened this search to just "splat of his vitals," the top three results were

Paintball Splat

Google book result for Rys Rising

Google book result for The Goddess Queen


I do know that it's not been unheard of in past games for players to hint that they're someone they are not; in fact, I distinctly remember two times as a Villain, having the vet I was playing with encourage me to hint at being someone else. And that's where I will leave this...

  • Love 2

Well, for one, you left!

I have to say, 'terminal' jumped out at me as well, although I wonder if it was a clue concocted before TJTrack99's 'demise'? It seemed like an odd word to use.

I like the terminal and zoning clues, but I am zeroed in on someone else for them. Check my afternoon photo post for more info.

Personally I don't like Athena for the SK.

  • Love 1

WD and Athena did vouch for each other... but in the scene that introduced Dany, we met Ser Jorah as well.


There are 9 people left in the game; by my spreadsheet, I have 11 possible live characters:


  • Varys (we know this is real)
  • Podrick Payne (Brienne's squire)
  • Olenna Tyrell (Only seen once?)
  • Sansa Stark (High probability she's a real player)
  • Arya Stark (Also high probability)
  • The Hound (with Arya)
  • Oberyn Martell (claimed by photo fox)
  • Ellaria Sand (with Oberyn)
  • Samwell Tarly (was with Jon Snow on the wall)
  • Daenerys (if she's an NPC, why are we here?)
  • Ser Jorah (with Dany)


I am interpreting Athena's recent comment about wandering around Westeros, together with her and wd vouching for each other, as indicating that they are claiming to be Arya and The Hound.  If we accept that for the nonce, then my guess would be that 2 of Podrick, Ellaria Sand, Samwell Tarly and Ser Jorah are NPC's who are there to give the real player character someone to talk to, as they are only seen in the company of specific others.

  • Love 3

NPC = "Non-Player Character".  In other words, someone in the stories who isn't matched up with an actual player and is there for storytelling purposes.  Bruce Wayne and Alfred were two such in my game.


If someone with show/book knowledge wants to interpret what Athena and WD appear to be claiming about themselves, I'd love to hear it.  (Although now I'm wondering if they're saying they're the Starks, Arya and Sansa, which would add The Hound to the collection of potential NPC's.)

  • Love 4


If someone with show/book knowledge wants to interpret what Athena and WD appear to be claiming about themselves, I'd love to hear it.  (Although now I'm wondering if they're saying they're the Starks, Arya and Sansa, which would add The Hound to the collection of potential NPC's.)


WD and Athena claim to be masons (heroes that can communicate with each other) and their post info reflects Sansa Stark and Arya Stark, respectively.  Arya had a bedtime list of people she wanted to revenge-kill, and WD has said that family is everything and that while they aren't together now, they're hoping to reunite.  If this is true, then WD is most certainly not The Hound, as The Hound is with Arya at this very moment in the stories.  Sansa is the only remaining sibling who has appeared in the stories (aside from half-brother Jon Snow, who's already sleeping with the fishies.)  Also, WD posted after Joffrey's death she's happy she doesn't have to "walk by that" anymore and that she's suffered at the hands of "that miserable little tyrant." 


I do believe The Hound is an active character (not an NPC) and WD did say there might be a third person who would vouch for them and I believe The Hound/Sandor Clegane would be the only other character that relates to both girls, aside from Bran Stark who has never appeared in any of the stories. 


*If GoT is any indication I believe The Hound would have Protector powers over Arya and/or Sansa, similar to the Protector powers Davos had over Stannis.  The Hound was quite willing to die to protect either of the Stark girls on the show.  (He's a tough cookie, but he's easily my favorite GoT character.) 


I understand your disdain for the disfigured Clegane brother, WD, but sometimes on GoT someone who is painted as a villain can actually be quite heroic.  I would go so far as to call The Hound the most heroic on the show, risking his own life to save Sansa from an bloodthirsty, rapey Kings Landing mob (with no orders to do so) and save Arya's life on countless occasions in mucho-outnumbered circumstances.  

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 2

Thanks for the background, Drogo.
It has also occurred to me that Dany herself might be an NPC (which solves the "who takes the throne if the heroes win" question), and the actual serial killer Drogon, but we lynch real names, not character names, and so that's just stage dressing.  (But it also puts us back to the place where someone is playing a freaking dragon!)

Updated character list, those I think are possible NPC's are italicized (only 2 are actual NPC's):


  • Varys (we know this is real)
  • Podrick Payne (Brienne's squire)
  • Olenna Tyrell (Only seen once?)
  • Sansa Stark (Claimed by writing dreamer)
  • Arya Stark (Claimed by Athena)
  • The Hound (with Arya)
  • Oberyn Martell (claimed by photo fox)
  • Ellaria Sand (with Oberyn)
  • Samwell Tarly (was with Jon Snow on the wall)
  • Serial killer (Daenerys or Drogon)
  • Ser Jorah (with Dany)
  • Love 3

Dany can't be an NPC.  We've been told in Tywin and Stannis' bios that she is actively seeking the throne.


Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne.


*The mods are not cruel enough to make Drogon his own character when one of the players is Drogo


Dany's dragon is her weapon, in lieu of the swords and poison used by the other villains.   



    Varys (we know this is real)
    Podrick Payne (Brienne's squire)
    Olenna Tyrell (Only seen once?)
    Sansa Stark (Claimed by writing dreamer)
    Arya Stark (Claimed by Athena)
    The Hound (with Arya)
    Oberyn Martell (claimed by photo fox)
    Ellaria Sand (with Oberyn)
    Samwell Tarly (was with Jon Snow on the wall)
    Serial killer (Daenerys or Drogon)
    Ser Jorah (with Dany)


Of this group, I'd say Ellaria Sand and Podrick Payne are the most likely to be NPCs. 


Mafia veterans, didn't you say the SK works alone?  That would eliminate Ser Jorah as well.  Perhaps Margaery Tyrell is our final character? 

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 2

Do we know that Dany and her dragon are the serial killer, and not another team of villains? If it's another team, there could be two of them, versus one SK and a NPC.

Perhaps Margaery Tyrell is our final character?

Have we actually seen her in the stories? Sorry, since I don't watch GoT, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the characters.

Edited by photo fox
added a second thought
  • Love 3


Do we know that Dany and her dragon are the serial killer, and not another team of villains? If it's another team, there could be two of them, versus one SK and a NPC.


We have no idea.  We may not know until we kill that player (or one of those players) and see the bio.



Have we actually seen her in the stories? Sorry, since I don't watch GoT, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the characters.


Actually, no we haven't.  Maybe Ser Jorah is our last character.

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 3

Future Mafia Mods Announcement:


Sadly the Doctor Who Mafia Game will be postponed for the moment … however, SilverStormm & BizBuzz would like to announce A MYSTERY MAFIA GAME in it’s place.  Both SS and I have been more than inspired over the last couple of days to go in a completely different direction, and we can assure you with no doubt, it will be worth the change.


We are still anxious to mod a DW game at a later date.

  • Love 6

I wonder about two mentions in the Cersei/Jamie scene; "her terminal act" and "zoning" refering to Joffery, sounds like terms associated with an airport.



I have to say, 'terminal' jumped out at me as well, although I wonder if it was a clue concocted before  TJTrack99's 'demise'? It seemed like an odd word to use.



I like these two words as clues, too.  Both maritime terms. ex:  a ferry terminal and dock zoning.  And while they both worked in the story, neither one of them seemed like the authors' first choice. 


Immediately got me thinking of a certain player with a captain's hat as his avatar... who's been very quiet, but immediately jumped in when those clues were mentioned to point them in the direction of government (and machiabelly) ... which I thought was a real stretch for clues which seem extremely transportation-related. 


1 to DL TMunz (Drogo), 4 to share a bucket of chicken with The Hound

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