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Girls Next Door - General Discussion

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1 minute ago, LemonSoda said:

This is unfortunately a subject I’ve thought about way too much over the years. How many of the girls were actually “mean”? Because they all have not very nice things to say about each other but as we’ve discussed on here before each woman (opportunist or not) who lived there had a shared existence that no one else can relate to. How many are genuinely cruel? Everyone says Crystal is a sweet person.  How much was it her own behavior? How much was plotted by Hef? 

I think so. I also think Kendra bought too much in to her own hype, self importance and there’s also Um what do I do now? She had no skills. All of her various opportunities over the years she dropped out of boredom or bad partnerships. 

I do think Crystal seems sweet too, but Stacey got me thinking of Cristal Camden, another one of the friends who appeared on GND. Sorry, I should have been more clear! My mind would have gone to Crystal Hefner too. 

As you know, Holly said that she used to think the problem was the other women and that Hef was the good guy but later realized a lot of it was Hef pitting the girlfriends against one another. 

It's so sad. Kendra has gone through a lot but was also incredibly lucky to make some really good money as a young person without skills or much education. I can't blame her for getting used to the lifestyle, but it might take her more work than she realized to to get anything close to what she experienced in her 20s.

One thing I always really loved about Bridget is the fact she worked so hard for stuff and didn't expect easy money or shortcuts, even if she had the looks to snag a rich man or opportunity to sell drama on TV. (Not knocking anyone who goes either route , more power to you sister!) We've discussed it before, but it really ticks me off on her behalf that she never got as much out of her degrees as she should have. She's got the looks, personality and the knowledge to be an awesome  on TV. Some network should really snatch her up. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I do think Crystal seems sweet too, but Stacey got me thinking of Cristal Camden, another one of the friends who appeared on GND. Sorry, I should have been more clear! My mind would have gone to Crystal Hefner too. 

As you know, Holly said that she used to think the problem was the other women and that Hef was the good guy but later realized a lot of it was Hef pitting the girlfriends against one another. 

It's so sad. Kendra has gone through a lot but was also incredibly lucky to make some really good money as a young person without skills or much education. I can't blame her for getting used to the lifestyle, but it might take her more work than she realized to to get anything close to what she experienced in her 20s.

One thing I always really loved about Bridget is the fact she worked so hard for stuff and didn't expect easy money or shortcuts, even if she had the looks to snag a rich man or opportunity to sell drama on TV. (Not knocking anyone who goes either route , more power to you sister!) We've discussed it before, but it really ticks me off on her behalf that she never got as much out of her degrees as she should have. She's got the looks, personality and the knowledge to be an awesome  on TV. Some network should really snatch her up. 

Oh! I don’t know where my brain is tonight! Sorry! Cristal Camden was around for a very long time. Unlike the Stacey drama, there has never been a real reason why she was never a girlfriend despite being around for years and “participating”.
Stacey was an official gf who was asked to leave after the others went to Hef about her porn past. They didn’t like her so used it to throw her out despite some of them being involved in the same stuff. She owns who she is. I admire that confidence so much. Putting that bit there for anyone who hasn’t read the books. 

I can’t imagine it either but even with the stripping before the mansion she was making much more than her teenage peers. I’ve heard that money management can be hard when you hit fame even short term because much like when you quit stripping, where else can you make hundreds to thousands a day? I once met a woman who was on The Real World. She told me how hard it was going back to “real life” not only because she wasn’t taken seriously in interviews but that it was “hard going back to $12 an hour when 8 months ago I was making $25k a night for a nightclub appearance in Vegas where all I had to do was get on a microphone and thank everyone for coming out tonight”. 
So I think Kendra had multiple reasons for wanting to stay on tv. In many ways it was all she knew because it was all she allowed herself to know. 

Random - I forgot who mentioned it earlier but Kendra’s later seasons GND look? I thought she was gorgeous with the darker hair. It was that and the photos in Elle I think it was (can’t remember!) where I finally understood what Hef meant when he said she had a 1920s Hollywood silent film star face. 

I’ll always be with you on that! Why Bridget hasn’t had the success she should will always make me angry. I hope she returns to YouTube! 

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

Oh! I don’t know where my brain is tonight! Sorry! Cristal Camden was around for a very long time. Unlike the Stacey drama, there has never been a real reason why she was never a girlfriend despite being around for years and “participating”.
Stacey was an official gf who was asked to leave after the others went to Hef about her porn past. They didn’t like her so used it to throw her out despite some of them being involved in the same stuff. She owns who she is. I admire that confidence so much. Putting that bit there for anyone who hasn’t read the books. 

I can’t imagine it either but even with the stripping before the mansion she was making much more than her teenage peers. I’ve heard that money management can be hard when you hit fame even short term because much like when you quit stripping, where else can you make hundreds to thousands a day? I once met a woman who was on The Real World. She told me how hard it was going back to “real life” not only because she wasn’t taken seriously in interviews but that it was “hard going back to $12 an hour when 8 months ago I was making $25k a night for a nightclub appearance in Vegas where all I had to do was get on a microphone and thank everyone for coming out tonight”. 
So I think Kendra had multiple reasons for wanting to stay on tv. In many ways it was all she knew because it was all she allowed herself to know. 

Random - I forgot who mentioned it earlier but Kendra’s later seasons GND look? I thought she was gorgeous with the darker hair. It was that and the photos in Elle I think it was (can’t remember!) where I finally understood what Hef meant when he said she had a 1920s Hollywood silent film star face. 

I’ll always be with you on that! Why Bridget hasn’t had the success she should will always make me angry. I hope she returns to YouTube! 

You're totally fine! I wasn't sure if everyone remembered Cristal, but I figured you'd remember her! 

I totally forgot about Stacey doing porn. You're so good at remembering the books! I think porn is a very dark industry, but it still seems rather mean to throw her under the bus for her past. You'd think girls who didn't like being judged for being Hef's girlfriend or associated with Playboy in any way would be more understanding. But I guess maybe some don't want Playboy associated with porn? That's why Hef was super against porn, right? I think he wanted his magazine to be considered beautiful and tasteful and not pornographic. 

I don't like to shame anyone who's stripped. I know a lot of them are young girls paying for school or single moms trying to feed their kids and whatnot. But if I'm being honest, I've known of quite a few strippers like Kendra-drug issues, wanting lots of money and easy work, etc. Surely these girls know you won't necessarily be able to make good money like that forever? But I guess some don't. 

For sure. There are SO many opportunities for all kinds of work out there, especially when you have some fame and live in California. But they don't all have to be TV related. 

I actually thought Kendra was SO cute early GND. She was a naturally pretty girl, but when she was all dolled up, I thought wow! At times I actually thought she was the prettiest. She had these beautiful blue eyes and reminded me of Jenna Jameson. Porn star or not, I remember thinking Jenna was so beautiful! Even though I'm conservative, my beauty idols were always the sexy-pretty girls. I bet if I grew up with Playboy magazines in the house, I would have idolized Playmates as a kid like Bridget. 

The picture doesn't technically contain nudity, but putting it in a spoiler in case anyone is at work because it looks like it would have been a nudie pic from Playboy. 




  • Love 3
2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

You're totally fine! I wasn't sure if everyone remembered Cristal, but I figured you'd remember her! 

I totally forgot about Stacey doing porn. You're so good at remembering the books! I think porn is a very dark industry, but it still seems rather mean to throw her under the bus for her past. You'd think girls who didn't like being judged for being Hef's girlfriend or associated with Playboy in any way would be more understanding. But I guess maybe some don't want Playboy associated with porn? That's why Hef was super against porn, right? I think he wanted his magazine to be considered beautiful and tasteful and not pornographic. 

I don't like to shame anyone who's stripped. I know a lot of them are young girls paying for school or single moms trying to feed their kids and whatnot. But if I'm being honest, I've known of quite a few strippers like Kendra-drug issues, wanting lots of money and easy work, etc. Surely these girls know you won't necessarily be able to make good money like that forever? But I guess some don't. 

For sure. There are SO many opportunities for all kinds of work out there, especially when you have some fame and live in California. But they don't all have to be TV related. 

I actually thought Kendra was SO cute early GND. She was a naturally pretty girl, but when she was all dolled up, I thought wow! At times I actually thought she was the prettiest. She had these beautiful blue eyes and reminded me of Jenna Jameson. Porn star or not, I remember thinking Jenna was so beautiful! Even though I'm conservative, my beauty idols were always the sexy-pretty girls. I bet if I grew up with Playboy magazines in the house, I would have idolized Playmates as a kid like Bridget. 

The picture doesn't technically contain nudity, but putting it in a spoiler in case anyone is at work because it looks like it would have been a nudie pic from Playboy. 

  Reveal spoiler



The first time I saw Cristal Camden I thought she was related to the (Non-Playboy) Daniels twins from Sweet Valley High. From certain angles there’s a similarity. 

It was less of a porn thing and more of a we don’t like her or want her living here type of thing so let’s use this against her. 
Porn has always seemed like a dark industry to me too but that era (90s to early 2000’s) the women had more control and made more money before the internet took over. 

Hef felt his magazine wasn’t porn. It was art. 

I’m with you on that just talking about all the strippers I’ve known. It’s very hard to get out of unless you have a clear plan and even then so many tend to go back for short periods of time if they need a car die payment, etc. 
Years ago HBO had a great documentary that I wish was more well known. Basically it chronicled 2 girls entering the industry, a feature dancer who went in to porn and then a woman who had been stripping for 20 years, it was all she knew and she was aging out as managers didn’t want to hire her. I’m curious what they’re all doing now. Same with the G String Divas cast. 

Jenna was gorgeous to me too! 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, dariafan said:

I don’t see Kendra being able to work for someone.  She’s going to have to answer to bosses and clients    Later season of gnd were my favorite Kendra looks. The darker hair.  That not straightened 

Yes, Hef worked out for her because his controlling ways actually brought discipline in her life and the rest of it was parties. However, she was wise to get out when she probably will always be able to make money off Playboy and some side hustles.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

The first time I saw Cristal Camden I thought she was related to the (Non-Playboy) Daniels twins from Sweet Valley High. From certain angles there’s a similarity. 

It was less of a porn thing and more of a we don’t like her or want her living here type of thing so let’s use this against her. 
Porn has always seemed like a dark industry to me too but that era (90s to early 2000’s) the women had more control and made more money before the internet took over. 

Hef felt his magazine wasn’t porn. It was art. 

I’m with you on that just talking about all the strippers I’ve known. It’s very hard to get out of unless you have a clear plan and even then so many tend to go back for short periods of time if they need a car die payment, etc. 
Years ago HBO had a great documentary that I wish was more well known. Basically it chronicled 2 girls entering the industry, a feature dancer who went in to porn and then a woman who had been stripping for 20 years, it was all she knew and she was aging out as managers didn’t want to hire her. I’m curious what they’re all doing now. Same with the G String Divas cast. 

Jenna was gorgeous to me too! 

I loved that show as a kid! I thought those girls were so pretty, and I see the resemblance.

I see. Yeah, Jenna Jameson actually became very rich. 

Yes. You know what sucks? GND made me infatuated with Playboy, and I love looking at beautiful women but hate that when you search Playmates you get porn results. It's like, I just want to these gorgeous women and get inspiration from looking at their hair and makeup and am not offended if I see boobs/nudity. It's true that a lot of Playboy photography is quite pretty. But I don't want to see sex tape images and stuff. Bleh. 

I'd be curious too. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, qtpye said:

Yes, Hef worked out for her because his controlling ways actually brought discipline in her life and the rest of it was parties. However, she was wise to get out when she probably will always be able to make money off Playboy and some side hustles.

I think because of the environment she came from (not shaming!) she saw and had genuine gratitude for it all in a way the others didn’t. I just call the kitchen and they’ll bring whatever I want? A free full gym? Cool! Parties and fun! Hef will pay if I want to go to school for something? Cool! (Did she ever complete the massage therapy school?) 

Then there was the issue where the view changes depending on where you stand. Kendra was more upfront about asking for things she wanted while the other ladies had to either wait or grovel. 

9 hours ago, dariafan said:

I don’t see Kendra being able to work for someone.  She’s going to have to answer to bosses and clients    Later season of gnd were my favorite Kendra looks. The darker hair.  That not straightened 

I can’t either. It’s not nice to say but 🤐 

6 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I loved that show as a kid! I thought those girls were so pretty, and I see the resemblance.

I see. Yeah, Jenna Jameson actually became very rich. 

Yes. You know what sucks? GND made me infatuated with Playboy, and I love looking at beautiful women but hate that when you search Playmates you get porn results. It's like, I just want to these gorgeous women and get inspiration from looking at their hair and makeup and am not offended if I see boobs/nudity. It's true that a lot of Playboy photography is quite pretty. But I don't want to see sex tape images and stuff. Bleh. 

I'd be curious too. 

Me too! 

Yes, she had a lot of power back then. It breaks my heart she lost her fortune to men and poor choices. 

Isn’t that awful? Ugh. So much of the photography is gorgeous.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I think because of the environment she came from (not shaming!) she saw and had genuine gratitude for it all in a way the others didn’t. I just call the kitchen and they’ll bring whatever I want? A free full gym? Cool! Parties and fun! Hef will pay if I want to go to school for something? Cool! (Did she ever complete the massage therapy school?) 

Then there was the issue where the view changes depending on where you stand. Kendra was more upfront about asking for things she wanted while the other ladies had to either wait or grovel. 

I can’t either. It’s not nice to say but 🤐 

Me too! 

Yes, she had a lot of power back then. It breaks my heart she lost her fortune to men and poor choices. 

Isn’t that awful? Ugh. So much of the photography is gorgeous.  

Yes! I know Holly and Bridget didn't come from money either, but they didn't have the same enthusiasm for things like Olive Garden and whatnot. I don't know if it's because they had been there awhile and were a little older or what. I found Kendra's regular girl amazement at living in a mansion with a millionaire boyfriend very endearing. 

Yes, Kendra would just ask. 

It is. They have such pretty models, talented photographers, the best makeup artists, just everything excellent to produce some really beautiful pictures. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Yes! I know Holly and Bridget didn't come from money either, but they didn't have the same enthusiasm for things like Olive Garden and whatnot. I don't know if it's because they had been there awhile and were a little older or what. I found Kendra's regular girl amazement at living in a mansion with a millionaire boyfriend very endearing. 

Yes, Kendra would just ask. 

It is. They have such pretty models, talented photographers, the best makeup artists, just everything excellent to produce some really beautiful pictures. 

I think they had been there so long that all novelty of the situation was gone. Add in the us versus anyone new drama along with oh we’re older and more sophisticated and that’s what you get. That’s why there is so much, always will be to discuss about this show because of the different angles of approaching it all. 

I thought all the online drama about that episode was kind of sad. I think the other girls were embarrassed by her behavior in front of Cavalli. The sad fact is she didn’t know any better. She was being herself. As for loving the Olive Garden, it’s fancy to many. Kendra grew up in a single parent home where eating out at chain restaurants were a luxury. 

So much went in to every shoot. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I think they had been there so long that all novelty of the situation was gone. Add in the us versus anyone new drama along with oh we’re older and more sophisticated and that’s what you get. That’s why there is so much, always will be to discuss about this show because of the different angles of approaching it all. 

I thought all the online drama about that episode was kind of sad. I think the other girls were embarrassed by her behavior in front of Cavalli. The sad fact is she didn’t know any better. She was being herself. As for loving the Olive Garden, it’s fancy to many. Kendra grew up in a single parent home where eating out at chain restaurants were a luxury. 

So much went in to every shoot. 

Definitely. It's kind of like mall shops being bargains to celebs, but for many people, shopping at Nordstrom is a splurge. Honestly, Italian food is my favorite, and I've been to many Italian restaurants in my life. I still enjoy OG. 

Holly recently made a video where she mentions that she felt they were often set up to look dumb, Kendra in particular. She hates that they did that. 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Definitely. It's kind of like mall shops being bargains to celebs, but for many people, shopping at Nordstrom is a splurge. Honestly, Italian food is my favorite, and I've been to many Italian restaurants in my life. I still enjoy OG. 

Holly recently made a video where she mentions that she felt they were often set up to look dumb, Kendra in particular. She hates that they did that. 

Yes. Holly was decked out in Dior, Bridget in various brands then Kendra was wearing mall brands and to her the Baby Phat bag she carried was fancy. 
Even when the show was running, I felt many of the edits were cruel. 

I love that she’s making the videos. I knew it would take time for her to embrace it all enough to discuss it. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

Yes. Holly was decked out in Dior, Bridget in various brands then Kendra was wearing mall brands and to her the Baby Phat bag she carried was fancy. 
Even when the show was running, I felt many of the edits were cruel. 

I love that she’s making the videos. I knew it would take time for her to embrace it all enough to discuss it. 

Holly was? That surprises me, although I admittedly don't know much about designers. I liked Holly's style the best. Kendra's was generally so trashy, although every once in awhile she wore a nice dress. Bridget's was just too over the top. Kendra and Bridget also wore clothes that were way too tight, especially Kendra.


I just watched the Half Baked Alaska episode on Prime, and I loooved all Holly's sweaters and matching mittens/hats. In fact, I am currently trying to find a sweater like the one she wore.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Holly was? That surprises me, although I admittedly don't know much about designers. I liked Holly's style the best. Kendra's was generally so trashy, although every once in awhile she wore a nice dress. Bridget's was just too over the top. Kendra and Bridget also wore clothes that were way too tight, especially Kendra.


I just watched the Half Baked Alaska episode on Prime, and I loooved all Holly's sweaters and matching mittens/hats. In fact, I am currently trying to find a sweater like the one she wore.

Holly was actually the most into designer clothing. She was considered the glamorous one, Bridget the girly one, and Kendra the tomboy. That's why Holly modeled the Cavalli bunny costume. I remember Bridget said she really liked Mandaly and Wheels & Dollbaby at the time. She did get a little more into higher end stuff later on, like Louboutins. 

Holly has such a nice sense of style. She pulled off being sexy and girly and glamorous all at once. I thought she had such cute sweaters too. Bridget's style was also fun and feminine, but definitely more campy. Kinda like her bedroom! lol She does wear a lot of pretty dresses. 



  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Holly was actually the most into designer clothing. She was considered the glamorous one, Bridget the girly one, and Kendra the tomboy. That's why Holly modeled the Cavalli bunny costume. I remember Bridget said she really liked Mandaly and Wheels & Dollbaby at the time. She did get a little more into higher end stuff later on, like Louboutins. 

Holly has such a nice sense of style. She pulled off being sexy and girly and glamorous all at once. I thought she had such cute sweaters too. Bridget's style was also fun and feminine, but definitely more campy. Kinda like her bedroom! lol She does wear a lot of pretty dresses. 



Yeah once she got over the tube socks and shorts combo she did develop a really cute style. Mostly I liked how she accessorized. Her jewelry and scarves and whatnot always complemented her main outfit without being too ridiculous or trendy.

  • Love 5
On 11/26/2021 at 9:41 AM, dariafan said:

This is probably not a popular opinion, but in episode 1, I don’t find Destiny that attractive 

I didn’t either. Of course I didn’t find a lot of the girls to be that attractive. Many were just too carbon copies of the same model. Many of the girls removed the features that made them unique. 
Or Umm I feel so so so bad even saying this but quite a few I thought were far too thin. When I can see every rib then overly large implants I don’t think it’s attractive. And I fully acknowledge that what I’m saying is because of my own discomfort - not to be cruel or tear someone else down. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I didn’t either. Of course I didn’t find a lot of the girls to be that attractive. Many were just too carbon copies of the same model. Many of the girls removed the features that made them unique. 
Or Umm I feel so so so bad even saying this but quite a few I thought were far too thin. When I can see every rib then overly large implants I don’t think it’s attractive. And I fully acknowledge that what I’m saying is because of my own discomfort - not to be cruel or tear someone else down. 

I think Destiny is really pretty but not the most photogenic and not always made up well. Her eyes bug out in some of her old photos. Mine can do the same if I'm not careful. I work a desk job and get eye strain. It's something that can be worked on. Some girls aren't exceptionally pretty but always take cute pictures. I saw some recent pictures of Destiny, and she looked beautiful.

The Playmate standard of beauty was basically to be young, pretty, thin and busty. A lot of them were objectively beautiful women, just not very unique. The looks really varied from blondes you'd find at any bar to some breathtakingly gorgeous women. 

The boobs varied just like the faces. lol Some of the women did have implants that were too big/fake looking for my tastes, but some Playmates had huge natural breasts. I look at some of them and think man, that is so not fair! 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I think Destiny is really pretty but not the most photogenic and not always made up well. Her eyes bug out in some of her old photos. Mine can do the same if I'm not careful. I work a desk job and get eye strain. It's something that can be worked on. Some girls aren't exceptionally pretty but always take cute pictures. I saw some recent pictures of Destiny, and she looked beautiful.

The Playmate standard of beauty was basically to be young, pretty, thin and busty. A lot of them were objectively beautiful women, just not very unique. The looks really varied from blondes you'd find at any bar to some breathtakingly gorgeous women. 

The boobs varied just like the faces. lol Some of the women did have implants that were too big/fake looking for my tastes, but some Playmates had huge natural breasts. I look at some of them and think man, that is so not fair! 

All the testing was important because the most gorgeous girl in the bar might not be photogenic and then the most photogenic girls might not be telegenic (for the playmate videos) 

I remember not caring much for Kayla Collins but now think she’s adorable. Then you have Darlene Kurtis types who are gorgeous girls but look like their chest hurts. 

What I remember finding amusing when the GND did their first pictorial was Holly and Kendra looked of the moment, of the 2000’s. Bridget’s gorgeous natural body looked like they plucked her from a 50s or 60s issue and photoshopped her in. 
Not shaming the other two, I think they’re beautiful too but it was weird to see tiny women, huge high implants then Bridget lol 

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

All the testing was important because the most gorgeous girl in the bar might not be photogenic and then the most photogenic girls might not be telegenic (for the playmate videos) 

I remember not caring much for Kayla Collins but now think she’s adorable. Then you have Darlene Kurtis types who are gorgeous girls but look like their chest hurts. 

What I remember finding amusing when the GND did their first pictorial was Holly and Kendra looked of the moment, of the 2000’s. Bridget’s gorgeous natural body looked like they plucked her from a 50s or 60s issue and photoshopped her in. 
Not shaming the other two, I think they’re beautiful too but it was weird to see tiny women, huge high implants then Bridget lol 

100! There are beautiful women whose pictures don't do them justice. I know I've raved about different guys and girls and how good-looking they are, and then people will see a random picture and be like what? Then I explain that they're so much better looking in the flesh. lol Then there are girls who are more everyday pretty IRL but manage to look like models in pics. Hef said the girlfriends weren't photogenic enough. I've never seen any of them IRL, but they all look really pretty in pictures to me.

It's interesting how your perspective of beauty changes, isn't it? I always thought Bridget was a pretty girl with a good body, but to be honest I did prefer Holly's and Kendra's bodies more back in the day. That era was all about skinnier, the better, and as long as the boobs were big, who cared if they were obvious fakes. Many of us prefer a more natural look these days. I think all three gals had rockin' bods, but especially being a lot older now, I have a newfound respect for Bridget having the body she had (and does) at her age. How many completely natural women in their 30s could hold their own next to women in their early to mid/late 20s who've had implants? Even when you're blessed with a gorgeous figure, a lot of the time in your 30s you start to get cellulite, larger natural breasts get more of a hang, etc. Bridget's body had a softness but was crazy fit and beautiful. 

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

100! There are beautiful women whose pictures don't do them justice. I know I've raved about different guys and girls and how good-looking they are, and then people will see a random picture and be like what? Then I explain that they're so much better looking in the flesh. lol Then there are girls who are more everyday pretty IRL but manage to look like models in pics. Hef said the girlfriends weren't photogenic enough. I've never seen any of them IRL, but they all look really pretty in pictures to me.

It's interesting how your perspective of beauty changes, isn't it? I always thought Bridget was a pretty girl with a good body, but to be honest I did prefer Holly's and Kendra's bodies more back in the day. That era was all about skinnier, the better, and as long as the boobs were big, who cared if they were obvious fakes. Many of us prefer a more natural look these days. I think all three gals had rockin' bods, but especially being a lot older now, I have a newfound respect for Bridget having the body she had (and does) at her age. How many completely natural women in their 30s could hold their own next to women in their early to mid/late 20s who've had implants? Even when you're blessed with a gorgeous figure, a lot of the time in your 30s you start to get cellulite, larger natural breasts get more of a hang, etc. Bridget's body had a softness but was crazy fit and beautiful. 

I think Hef said that to keep them down plus he stopped putting girlfriends in the magazine except for the Hanging with Hef feature because after getting in the magazine many would leave. 

I always think of the fitness video episode where Bridget said something along the lines of What about a workout to show how we look the way we look now? It’s a very brief moment but I liked the way she refused to accept body criticism from the fitness experts. 
I really admire her confidence and always have. I’d feel insecure in that environment. Bridget? She’d put on a costume and jump right in to the party 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

I think Hef said that to keep them down plus he stopped putting girlfriends in the magazine except for the Hanging with Hef feature because after getting in the magazine many would leave. 

I always think of the fitness video episode where Bridget said something along the lines of What about a workout to show how we look the way we look now? It’s a very brief moment but I liked the way she refused to accept body criticism from the fitness experts. 
I really admire her confidence and always have. I’d feel insecure in that environment. Bridget? She’d put on a costume and jump right in to the party 

Yes, I thought it was mean of him to act like the girls’ looks didn’t cut it. None of them would have been a disgrace to the magazine. 

Me too! I’ve wondered if one reason Bridget looks so good is because she has a healthy attitude toward fitness and hasn’t had a ton of weight fluctuation. Going up and down a lot can lead to stretch marks and such. Bridget always said she ate whatever she wanted. She just watches portions and works out. Yes, there’s no way I would have been comfortable at the mansion. I’d feel more like Holly, comparing myself to all the younger, prettier women coming through each day. It’s one thing knowing your boyfriend looks at pictures of those women. It’s an entirely different thing living in the Playboy Mansion.  

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

100! There are beautiful women whose pictures don't do them justice. I know I've raved about different guys and girls and how good-looking they are, and then people will see a random picture and be like what? Then I explain that they're so much better looking in the flesh. lol Then there are girls who are more everyday pretty IRL but manage to look like models in pics. Hef said the girlfriends weren't photogenic enough. I've never seen any of them IRL, but they all look really pretty in pictures to me.

It's interesting how your perspective of beauty changes, isn't it? I always thought Bridget was a pretty girl with a good body, but to be honest I did prefer Holly's and Kendra's bodies more back in the day. That era was all about skinnier, the better, and as long as the boobs were big, who cared if they were obvious fakes. Many of us prefer a more natural look these days. I think all three gals had rockin' bods, but especially being a lot older now, I have a newfound respect for Bridget having the body she had (and does) at her age. How many completely natural women in their 30s could hold their own next to women in their early to mid/late 20s who've had implants? Even when you're blessed with a gorgeous figure, a lot of the time in your 30s you start to get cellulite, larger natural breasts get more of a hang, etc. Bridget's body had a softness but was crazy fit and beautiful. 

Lord, the beauty standard was very messed up. They wanted you to be Kate Miss thin but with giant boobs. Pamela Anderson was kind of the ideal.

I thought Holly was the prettiest and had one of the best nose jobs I had ever seen. It looks like it belongs on her face.

B was the most naturally pretty and sweet.

I always thought Kendra looked hard in her early years. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Lord, the beauty standard was very messed up. They wanted you to be Kate Miss thin but with giant boobs. Pamela Anderson was kind of the ideal.

I thought Holly was the prettiest and had one of the best nose jobs I had ever seen. It looks like it belongs on her face.

B was the most naturally pretty and sweet.

I always thought Kendra looked hard in her early years. 

Exactly, and I love me some Pam, but not everyone needs to look like Pam. Some women look more beautiful with more meat on their bones or less blonde or whatever. Hell, I didn't even think Pamela's styling did her justice. She was most beautiful with the more natural shade of blonde and her natural brows. 

Yes, enhanced or not, Holly looked incredible. I love her nose job. The man who did it is a true artist. 

True, Bridget never needed anything done to look like a Playmate. I also love her personality. She has the most adorable personality, so positive and sweet. 

Imo Kendra is a pretty girl whose personality takes away from it. I'm by no means saying women have to be all prim and proper all the time, but a filter and manners go a long way. I do think she's grown even from several years ago. I remember the stuff she said about Holly was very foul, and I can't picture her going there today. 

I came across this. I wish Kendra the best! I know she really has come a long way. 


  • Love 3
4 hours ago, qtpye said:

Lord, the beauty standard was very messed up. They wanted you to be Kate Miss thin but with giant boobs. Pamela Anderson was kind of the ideal.

I thought Holly was the prettiest and had one of the best nose jobs I had ever seen. It looks like it belongs on her face.

B was the most naturally pretty and sweet.

I always thought Kendra looked hard in her early years. 

Pam was the standard but even she eventually became sort of a caricature of herself. 

I agree! Holly’s work was so beautifully done that it looks like her own. I remember on one of the DVD commentaries she mentioned her only regret being veneers. 

Season 1 Kendra looked hard. Her body was incredible in the gym scene but the super tan and over bleached dry hair wasn’t a great look. That’s why I said upthread it took Elle magazine I think it was and then later the darker hair, later series Kendra to see how pretty she really is. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

Pam was the standard but even she eventually became sort of a caricature of herself. 

I agree! Holly’s work was so beautifully done that it looks like her own. I remember on one of the DVD commentaries she mentioned her only regret being veneers. 

Season 1 Kendra looked hard. Her body was incredible in the gym scene but the super tan and over bleached dry hair wasn’t a great look. That’s why I said upthread it took Elle magazine I think it was and then later the darker hair, later series Kendra to see how pretty she really is. 

I have seen recent pictures of Kendra with brown hair and toned down makeup and she already looks much softer and prettier than she when she was with Hef.

  • Useful 3
  • Love 2

Does anyone remember when Holly wore that black wig as "Jackie Ho"? lol I thought she looked SO pretty. I do like the brown and red hair I've seen her with, but for some reason I prefer Holly with some shade of blonde or jet black. I always wished Holly would dye her hair black. With her big brown eyes and porcelain skin, the black hair gave her a very unique beauty. 


  • Love 3
4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Does anyone remember when Holly wore that black wig as "Jackie Ho"? lol I thought she looked SO pretty. I do like the brown and red hair I've seen her with, but for some reason I prefer Holly with some shade of blonde or jet black. I always wished Holly would dye her hair black. With her big brown eyes and porcelain skin, the black hair gave her a very unique beauty. 


Yes! LOL! I loved how she took a creative spin on ho-ing up certain things in a playful way. Jackie Ho, Holly Antoinette. I loved the red hair when her daughter was a baby. She has that face where all hair colors look great on her. 
I loved her natural strawberry hair too 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

Pam was the standard but even she eventually became sort of a caricature of herself. 

I agree! Holly’s work was so beautifully done that it looks like her own. I remember on one of the DVD commentaries she mentioned her only regret being veneers. 

Season 1 Kendra looked hard. Her body was incredible in the gym scene but the super tan and over bleached dry hair wasn’t a great look. That’s why I said upthread it took Elle magazine I think it was and then later the darker hair, later series Kendra to see how pretty she really is. 

Her hair was over bleached and she didn’t know how to take care of it 

  • Useful 3
38 minutes ago, dariafan said:

Pam was the standard but even she eventually became sort of a caricature of herself. 


38 minutes ago, dariafan said:

Her hair was over bleached and she didn’t know how to take care of it 

I actually thought Holly was prettier than Pam. By the time GND came out, Pam was looking so artificial that it was ridiculous.

  • Useful 2
11 hours ago, dariafan said:

Her hair was over bleached and she didn’t know how to take care of it 

What’s amusing is all of Hef’s girlfriends had that overly bleached white straw hair in the beginning. Even Holly for a while her first year or so there. I haven’t seen any pictures of Bridget with super bleached hair but the rest I have. Even the original group of 7. 


  • Love 3
13 hours ago, qtpye said:


I actually thought Holly was prettier than Pam. By the time GND came out, Pam was looking so artificial that it was ridiculous.

Pamela circa late 80s through mid 90s was pretty hard to beat imo. Her face was gorgeous and naturally so. I agree the artificial stuff did Pam no favors, but one thing to keep in mind is that Holly was a childfree gal in her mid to late 20s during GND. Pam was in her late 30s to early 40s then, a mom of two and has had some health issues. 

2 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

What’s amusing is all of Hef’s girlfriends had that overly bleached white straw hair in the beginning. Even Holly for a while her first year or so there. I haven’t seen any pictures of Bridget with super bleached hair but the rest I have. Even the original group of 7. 

I feel like this was discussed even way back in the day! The fact Bridget's hair was a darker blonde and healthy looking. What I love about Bridget's look is that while it was sexy, it was natural and tasteful. She never looked like a Pam wannabe or went for a porn star vibe. I was always a big fan of Holly's makeup, and I loved how she curled her hair. I would most want to soften Kendra's look out of the three. Honestly though, considering her age, it could have been much worse. I cringe looking at younger pictures of myself. Even if I were in better shape and younger, my hair and makeup were atrocious! lol

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Pamela circa late 80s through mid 90s was pretty hard to beat imo. Her face was gorgeous and naturally so. I agree the artificial stuff did Pam no favors, but one thing to keep in mind is that Holly was a childfree gal in her mid to late 20s during GND. Pam was in her late 30s to early 40s then, a mom of two and has had some health issues. 

I feel like this was discussed even way back in the day! The fact Bridget's hair was a darker blonde and healthy looking. What I love about Bridget's look is that while it was sexy, it was natural and tasteful. She never looked like a Pam wannabe or went for a porn star vibe. I was always a big fan of Holly's makeup, and I loved how she curled her hair. I would most want to soften Kendra's look out of the three. Honestly though, considering her age, it could have been much worse. I cringe looking at younger pictures of myself. Even if I were in better shape and younger, my hair and makeup were atrocious! lol

I’m curious how Bridget managed to keep her own look over the years while everyone else conformed. Did Hef like her uniqueness? Even her personal style has stayed consistent throughout the years while the others sort of float around a bit. 
It’s almost like Holly totaled regressed but at the same time I disagree with the criticism of her clinging to youth. We should be able to wear carebear hoodies in our 40s if we want to. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LemonSoda said:

I’m curious how Bridget managed to keep her own look over the years while everyone else conformed. Did Hef like her uniqueness? Even her personal style has stayed consistent throughout the years while the others sort of float around a bit. 
It’s almost like Holly totaled regressed but at the same time I disagree with the criticism of her clinging to youth. We should be able to wear carebear hoodies in our 40s if we want to. 

I wonder if perhaps Bridget is more confident because she was never an ugly duckling? Maybe she was always a cute kid and as an adult, she was still pretty, never had anything done to her face, had natural big boobs, etc. She also seems to come from a very loving family. Holly's said she never felt pretty growing up, and it sounds like her family might be nice but that they're not super close. Kendra was a tomboy and didn't have her dad around to tell her she was beautiful. There's a quote attributed to Marilyn Monroe "all little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they're not." I have to agree with that. I could be way off base with my little ramble here, but I also noticed Bridget's confidence. She's beautiful with a killer figure, but even the most gorgeous girls might be like am I thin enough, blonde enough, young enough in that environment. Bridget was just having a good time. I do wonder if Hef was ever rude to Bridget the way he was to the others or not. If she has a lot of confidence maybe little remarks wouldn't hurt her. Perhaps even someone like Hef saw Bridget like a sweet little puppy he didn't have the heart to pick apart?

I've said this before, but one reason I loved GND, in particular Bridget and Holly, is I love seeing grown women who aren't ashamed to love pink, Disney, be girly, dress up, etc. Life's too short. If a Care Bear hoodie is cute and fun to Holly, why not? 

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I wonder if perhaps Bridget is more confident because she was never an ugly duckling? Maybe she was always a cute kid and as an adult, she was still pretty, never had anything done to her face, had natural big boobs, etc. She also seems to come from a very loving family. Holly's said she never felt pretty growing up, and it sounds like her family might be nice but that they're super close. Kendra was a tomboy and didn't have her dad around to tell her she was beautiful. There's a quote attributed to Marilyn Monroe "all little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they're not." I have to agree with that. I could be way off base with my little ramble here, but I also noticed Bridget's confidence. She's beautiful with a killer figure, but even the most gorgeous girls might be like am I thin enough, blonde enough, young enough in that environment. Bridget was just having a good time. I do wonder if Hef was ever rude to Bridget the way he was to the others or not. If she has a lot of confidence maybe little remarks wouldn't hurt her. Perhaps even someone like Hef saw Bridget like a sweet little puppy he didn't have the heart to pick apart?

I've said this before, but one reason I loved GND, in particular Bridget and Holly, is I love seeing grown women who aren't ashamed to love pink, Disney, be girly, dress up, etc. Life's too short. If a Care Bear hoodie is cute and fun to Holly, why not? 

Absolutely! I believe even the most confident people still have those ugly duckling thoughts or not feeling enough, In that environment it’s impossible. But I do believe Bridget didn’t come from the same place of lack, low self esteem, childhood damage the others did. She even views nudity differently. Remember the flack she got for doing her burlesque routine at Hef’s party in front of her stepdad? 

Holly has been very protective of her family over the years, wrote very little about them. Trauma of some type exists there because you do not make the life choices she has without it. That low self worth comes tomorrow somewhere. 

Kendra, we know her story

Me too! It’s been a struggle for me lately because I’ll like something then wonder if I’m too old for it. I don’t like that feeling. 

Edited by LemonSoda
  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, LemonSoda said:

Absolutely! I believe even the most confident people still have those ugly duckling thoughts or not feeling enough, In that environment it’s impossible. But I do believe Bridget didn’t come from the same place of lack, low self esteem, childhood damage the others did. She even views nudity differently. Remember the flack she got for doing her burlesque routine at Hef’s party in front of her stepdad? 

Holly has been very protective of her family over the years, wrote very little about them. Trauma of some type exists there because you do not make the life choices she has without it. That low self worth comes tomorrow somewhere. 

Kendra, we know her story

Me too! It’s been a struggle for me lately because I’ll like something then wonder if I’m too old for it. I don’t like that feeling. 

For sure. If Holly worked a regular office job, she'd be the one all the men drool over and all the women envy. Being that pretty and having a body like hers is pretty rare outside things like Playboy and IG models. But living at the mansion, other hot blondes were residents and beautiful models and celebs were constantly around. I can see why even a smoking hot girl might feel insecure. 

lol oh gosh, I get that nudity is no big deal to a lot of people, and I can even understand something like that at the Playboy mansion being no big deal. But I can't imagine stripping in front of a dad or stepdad. I'd die! lol 

I wonder if they were good people but not emotionally there for her? Maybe they didn't build up her self-esteem? Who knows. I feel for Holly though. I also respect her for being protective of her family. 

Same! I try to go by the motto that if it's not hurting anyone, who cares. But I still don't like to look silly. I always thought those poofy Betsey Johnson dresses were so cute. I don't think I ever wore one when I was younger, and sometimes I wish I would just put on a fun dress like that for an event. I didn't fully embrace my girlieness when I should have, and now I don't wanna look goofy! 

There are some things where I really don't get why age even matters. Like, if someone has a really nice figure, why not still rock a miniskirt even if you're much older? Or the rule some people believe in about women of a particular age needing to cut their hair. Why? Some older women have really beautiful hair and look great with it. 

When I think of stuff not being age appropriate, I guess it's more bad behavior, not interests, clothes, things like that. For example, 20-year-old Kendra having a foul mouth and dirty room may not look great, but not at all usual for a girl her age. Kendra as a mid30s mom of two, I would judge some of her behavior more now if it continued! 

Edited by RealHousewife
  • Love 3
On 12/3/2021 at 2:38 AM, RealHousewife said:

Pamela circa late 80s through mid 90s was pretty hard to beat imo. Her face was gorgeous and naturally so. I agree the artificial stuff did Pam no favors, but one thing to keep in mind is that Holly was a childfree gal in her mid to late 20s during GND. Pam was in her late 30s to early 40s then, a mom of two and has had some health issues. 

I feel like this was discussed even way back in the day! The fact Bridget's hair was a darker blonde and healthy looking. What I love about Bridget's look is that while it was sexy, it was natural and tasteful. She never looked like a Pam wannabe or went for a porn star vibe. I was always a big fan of Holly's makeup, and I loved how she curled her hair. I would most want to soften Kendra's look out of the three. Honestly though, considering her age, it could have been much worse. I cringe looking at younger pictures of myself. Even if I were in better shape and younger, my hair and makeup were atrocious! lol

Yes, I agree…there was a reason Pam was THE blonde of the era.


On 12/3/2021 at 5:03 AM, RealHousewife said:

For sure. If Holly worked a regular office job, she'd be the one all the men drool over and all the women envy. Being that pretty and having a body like hers is pretty rare outside things like Playboy and IG models. But living at the mansion, other hot blondes were residents and beautiful models and celebs were constantly around. I can see why even a smoking hot girl might feel insecure. 

lol oh gosh, I get that nudity is no big deal to a lot of people, and I can even understand something like that at the Playboy mansion being no big deal. But I can't imagine stripping in front of a dad or stepdad. I'd die! lol 

I wonder if they were good people but not emotionally there for her? Maybe they didn't build up her self-esteem? Who knows. I feel for Holly though. I also respect her for being protective of her family. 

Same! I try to go by the motto that if it's not hurting anyone, who cares. But I still don't like to look silly. I always thought those poofy Betsey Johnson dresses were so cute. I don't think I ever wore one when I was younger, and sometimes I wish I would just put on a fun dress like that for an event. I didn't fully embrace my girlieness when I should have, and now I don't wanna look goofy! 

There are some things where I really don't get why age even matters. Like, if someone has a really nice figure, why not still rock a miniskirt even if you're much older? Or the rule some people believe in about women of a particular age needing to cut their hair. Why? Some older women have really beautiful hair and look great with it. 

When I think of stuff not being age appropriate, I guess it's more bad behavior, not interests, clothes, things like that. For example, 20-year-old Kendra having a foul mouth and dirty room may not look great, but not at all usual for a girl her age. Kendra as a mid30s mom of two, I would judge some of her behavior more now if it continued! 

It was crazy that Holly was so pretty and seemed to have such low self-esteem. As I get older, I realize that true confidence actually has very little to do with looks. I think Holly is in a much better place emotionally now than when she was with Hef.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, qtpye said:

Holly doing commentary.

She has the prettiest eyes.

I always thought Holly's eyes were so pretty too. Because she's a fair skinned blonde, the big brown eyes pop out even more.

Emily Maynard reminds me a little of Holly. She's one of the prettiest girls to ever be Bachelorette. She's a really pretty brown-eyed blonde with a similar body type. 

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I always thought Holly's eyes were so pretty too. Because she's a fair skinned blonde, the big brown eyes pop out even more.

Emily Maynard reminds me a little of Holly. She's one of the prettiest girls to ever be Bachelorette. She's a really pretty brown-eyed blonde with a similar body type. 

I love her big eyes. 
Agree about Emily. She’s another one I feel the public treated unfairly. 

  • Love 3

Holly's videos have persuaded me to purchase her book.

I am only on chapter 2 and found this interesting.

Hef actually did not go to nightclubs in the '70s, '80s, and '90s.  He had created his perfect oasis in the Playboy mansion and usually never left.

Then in the early 2000's he started going to the LA Clubs with his girlfriends. The people went wild because they thought they had this classy icon of a bygone era and Holly said they became like unofficial mascots of the LA club scene.

I found this interesting because when Hef was shrouded in mystery, he seemed so cool living a dream life.

When he started to lift that veil we could see that he was kind of a pathetic insecure old man who and most of his girlfriends were paid employees that cared little about him (with maybe the exception of Holly and Brigette).

I think in the early 2000's was when the Playboy brand started to kind of suffer in this country, though it is still big in China.

  • Useful 3
On 12/3/2021 at 10:45 AM, qtpye said:


It was crazy that Holly was so pretty and seemed to have such low self-esteem. As I get older, I realize that true confidence actually has very little to do with looks. I think Holly is in a much better place emotionally now than when she was with Hef.

Oh most definitely. I would say really attractive people are actually more often insecure than average looking people. A lot of times, it's their currency, and no one stays young and hot forever. Even for beautiful celebrities in their 40s, the media has to add the quantifier of how great they look "for their age".


Not saying a beautiful woman can't also be smart, talented, or whatever, just that most of the breaks they are going to get in life (ie things they were just given, not earned) and most of the attention is going to be focused on her looks. Even when she achieves something significant, her looks are going to be the first (and sometimes only) thing people notice about her.



  • Love 6

Former Playmate Holly Madison Recalls Hugh Hefner’s Furious Reaction to Her Haircut: ‘He Was Screaming At Me’



The A&E special “Secrets of Playboy” is slated to premiere on January 24. In the new trailer, Madison recounts some of the worst aspects of being Hefner’s romantic partner.

“I got to a point where I kind of broke under that pressure and being made to feel like I needed to look exactly like everybody else,” Madison explained. She described having naturally long hair but wanting to set herself apart from the other blonde, big-chested women who also frequented the Playboy Mansion. So she boldly chopped her hair to her shoulders.

“I came back with short hair and [Hefner] flipped out on me,” the former Playmate revealed. “He was screaming at me and said it made me look old, hard and cheap.”


I remember reading about what was going on behind-the-scenes during the days TV Without Pity was around. 🤢

  • Useful 2
4 hours ago, Gharlane said:

“I came back with short hair and [Hefner] flipped out on me,” the former Playmate revealed. “He was screaming at me and said it made me look old, hard and cheap.”

I think I said this a few pages back, but very ironic that Hef is calling something cheap looking, considering what his standard of beauty was. Kendra was always a very pretty woman, but she looked like a $5 hooker throughout much of Season 1.


I highly doubt Holly's shoulder length hair made her look cheap.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Tatum said:

I think I said this a few pages back, but very ironic that Hef is calling something cheap looking, considering what his standard of beauty was. Kendra was always a very pretty woman, but she looked like a $5 hooker throughout much of Season 1.


I highly doubt Holly's shoulder length hair made her look cheap.

I’m always surprised that Hef gave in to the modern beauty tastes with all the PamBots because with his preference history it does all seem like a downgrade. 

So awful to say that to Holly! He seemed really repulsed by red lipstick on women. 


  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Tatum said:

Oh most definitely. I would say really attractive people are actually more often insecure than average looking people. A lot of times, it's their currency, and no one stays young and hot forever. Even for beautiful celebrities in their 40s, the media has to add the quantifier of how great they look "for their age".


Not saying a beautiful woman can't also be smart, talented, or whatever, just that most of the breaks they are going to get in life (ie things they were just given, not earned) and most of the attention is going to be focused on her looks. Even when she achieves something significant, her looks are going to be the first (and sometimes only) thing people notice about her.

I'm no flawless beauty or Playmate, but as a "regular" attractive person, I even feel more insecure. I'm sure many of you here know what I mean. When guys like you because of your looks, your flaws bother you that much more. You worry about all these crazy gorgeous girls out there that much more. You get used to being the pretty one in a group, and then suddenly you get competition. When you're not the hot girl, none of that matters. You know guys don't just want you as arm candy or for sex. 

Getting older sucks because who doesn't love getting attention from the opposite sex? So long as it's respectful? When it stops, I'll really miss it. I guess we all want what we don't have? Cause I know I look at Holly and think my gosh her skin is flawless! Or someday I'm going to finally get a boob job and get a body like hers. But even a Barbie like her feels insecure. So sad. Everyone, whatever you look like, size or shape, enjoy it! Life's too short, and there's something beautiful about all of us. 

13 hours ago, Tatum said:

I think I said this a few pages back, but very ironic that Hef is calling something cheap looking, considering what his standard of beauty was. Kendra was always a very pretty woman, but she looked like a $5 hooker throughout much of Season 1.


I highly doubt Holly's shoulder length hair made her look cheap.

I know, Hef was so inconsistent. He loved even the obviously fake boobs and porn star looking women in general, but zomg red lips or shoulder length hair?! And he thought Marilyn Monroe was the greatest looking woman? So confusing. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, LemonSoda said:

I’ve always found the Marilyn admiration from Hef really disturbing. I’d cringe every time a woman (even Holly!) use Marilyn’s name to validate Playboy. 
Hef built an empire on her back without ever so much as a Thank You. 

She took those pictures when she was young and desperate. The woman was almost orphan and somehow made it to the top of Hollywood. This pornographer buying the pictures and publishing them could have destroyed everything but she handled it smartly.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, qtpye said:

She took those pictures when she was young and desperate. The woman was almost orphan and somehow made it to the top of Hollywood. This pornographer buying the pictures and publishing them could have destroyed everything but she handled it smartly.

I remember from one of the episodes that Hef wanted to be buried next to Marilyn Monroe. Or am I dreaming this? 

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