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S02.E04: Unfiltered

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Poor Davia- her mother is a peace of work. I’m not surprised with a maternal influence like that she was okay being a guy’s side chick for so long. I do want them to keep her and Dennis’ relationship completely platonic, I think they are a good support system for each other. You need friends that will support you but still call you in your bullshit. Stay away from Jeff Davia- He’s not worth it.

I love Raj and Marianna together- but he shouldn’t be in her team if they are dating    .

Malika and her boyfriend seem to be getting along well, I think he cares about her a lot. Callie continues to do dumb ass shit. 

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I usually watch this on HULU but I did watch it yesterday in a hotel TV and now I am wondering if I cannot follow the time jumps when there are commercials involved. Either that or I was tired/bored because I found Davia's story confusing. Was there a timeline when the mother visited, when David and Dennis were not friends, then another one? And they seem to be going into the Davia-Dennis romantic relationship which I think is bad. Why can't they be really good friends? 

I thought that Malika's boyfriend offering her father money that was Malika's money story was unnecessary. Way of starting a relationship, with lies and doubts.

I can't stand Callie. Never liked her very much but he scenes are close to unwatchable to me. Does she still believe she is the super teenager that can save the world whenever she sees injustice? 

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6 minutes ago, alexvillage said:

I usually watch this on HULU but I did watch it yesterday in a hotel TV and now I am wondering if I cannot follow the time jumps when there are commercials involved. Either that or I was tired/bored because I found Davia's story confusing. Was there a timeline when the mother visited, when David and Dennis were not friends, then another one? And they seem to be going into the Davia-Dennis romantic relationship which I think is bad. Why can't they be really good friends? 

I thought that Malika's boyfriend offering her father money that was Malika's money story was unnecessary. Way of starting a relationship, with lies and doubts.

I can't stand Callie. Never liked her very much but he scenes are close to unwatchable to me. Does she still believe she is the super teenager that can save the world whenever she sees injustice? 

The first time Davia’s Mother visited, Davia and Dennis weren’t friends yet, and Dennis & davia’s Mom had sex. The second visit was in the “present” after Davia found out about his son, wife, and depression. 

Malika’s boyfriend didn’t lie to her- they agreed TOGETHER to tell the Dad the money was from him. Malika wanted to settle things because she felt guilt about the apartment situation but the Dad wouldn’t take her money. There was a scene of them discussing this at Malika’s job (she tends bar). Unless you mean this is a bad way for Malika to start a relationship with her Dad? I’m not concerned about that, I think he’s a user and a scammer- if he were 100% upstanding he wouldn’t have taken the boyfriend’s money either. I don’t think he’s an evil person, but I think he’s going to let Malika down. 

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Malika's boyfriend had really good advice for her about her father and he said it in a way that didn't sound condescending or like he was telling her what to do. They haven't really developed his character, I don't even know his name, but that was a step in the right direction to making me like him. 

Callie.... I can't even with her. 

I'm a shipper at heart so as soon as a show starts chem testing characters I'm like, yes I like them! So I have to admit I sorta like Davia and Dennis together. Him sleeping with her mom in the past is pretty icky though. Also, I'm not a loyal shipper so while I like Marianna and Raj, I'm also interested in Marianna and Evan.  

I don't normally have an issue following the back and forth time line and had no problem with Davia's story line but Malika's was a complete mess. I couldn't figure out what happened before the eviction or after the eviction, if Malika has actually visited her dad more than once and what their relationship had evolved to.  Plus Callie started a whole new job - in flashback. I was confused. 

If I was Davia I'd be cutting my mom out of my life. She is awful.  

ETA: in Davia's flashback, she asks Malika to make sure her mom and Dennis get home ok. Do you think Malika knows they hooked up?

Edited by Samwise979
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

If I was Davia I'd be cutting my mom out of my life. She is awful.  

ETA: in Davia's flashback, she asks Malika to make sure her mom and Dennis get home ok. Do you think Malika knows they hooked up?

I think Davia’s Mom is very complex and realistic. Fortunately I don’t have a mother like that (I have the best mother in the entire world), but I know several women who have similar relationships with their Moms. The saddest thing is that Davia’s Mom DOES want what she thinks is best for her. She wants her to be happy and “land a man”, because heteronormativity is a marker of a successful life. (Never mind this man already left his wife so he’s not really a sure thing)  

She 100% suffers from what I call the “beautiful woman syndrome” aka “The Halle Berry Syndrome”- think of Halle and her pattern of douchey men. When a woman is incredibly beautiful 1. She’s often not encouraged to be anything else, 2. She is fed and buys into the propaganda that because of her looks most of the things she wants will be hers (beauty as a currency for women in a heteronormative frame work).

 DM (Davia’s Mom) spent her life getting attention and praise for being a very pretty, thin, blonde white woman- but now that she’s older, and there’s nothing “behind that” she’s sad, lonely etc. if she were more intelligent and introspective she would realize that if she doesn’t fix herself on the “inside” it doesn’t matter what she looks like. Instead she takes the easy way out and blames “aging” for her poor life choices. She’s the type that wonders how anyone fat (or unconventionally unattractive in some other way) could actually be happy or in a fulfilled relationship (she said as much), because she’s skinny & conventionally gorgeous and not happy! You’d expect such a narrow view point from a teen but not a grown ass woman in her late 40s. No wonder Davia has low self esteem poor girl!! 

Davia need to set some strong boundaries with her Mom for her own mental health. If her Mom cannot respect that then she shouldn’t be in her life.

Malika totally knows they (DM and Dennis) hooked up. 

  • Love 2

Callie is the worst, but the one upside was that she actually overheard people talking about what an arrogant childish person she is.

Now, will it change anything about her behavior? All signs point to NO.

I really like this show but one thing that bugs me is how Callie and Mariana are in every single episode but all the rest of the cast shows up on some sort of rotation.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

The first time Davia’s Mother visited, Davia and Dennis weren’t friends yet, and Dennis & davia’s Mom had sex. The second visit was in the “present” after Davia found out about his son, wife, and depression. 

Malika’s boyfriend didn’t lie to her- they agreed TOGETHER to tell the Dad the money was from him. Malika wanted to settle things because she felt guilt about the apartment situation but the Dad wouldn’t take her money. There was a scene of them discussing this at Malika’s job (she tends bar). Unless you mean this is a bad way for Malika to start a relationship with her Dad? I’m not concerned about that, I think he’s a user and a scammer- if he were 100% upstanding he wouldn’t have taken the boyfriend’s money either. I don’t think he’s an evil person, but I think he’s going to let Malika down. 


Yes, I know that the boyfriend isn't lie. I don't think that it is a good idea for Malika to lie to her father. I would think that she is the type of person that would simply go to him and say what she thinks. I understood that she is concerned he is a scammer, and that's good. But if she has doubts, she should go directly to him - that to me would be more consistent with the character.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, gesundheit said:

Callie is the worst, but the one upside was that she actually overheard people talking about what an arrogant childish person she is.

Now, will it change anything about her behavior? All signs point to NO.

I really like this show but one thing that bugs me is how Callie and Mariana are in every single episode but all the rest of the cast shows up on some sort of rotation.

Couldn't agree more with points one and two  - Callie.

Also agree with point three. Maybe it is a matter of budget. Keep the "stars" who are also exec. producers at the center and rotate the other characters. I am guessing last season for this show if the reason is budget.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, alexvillage said:


Yes, I know that the boyfriend isn't lie. I don't think that it is a good idea for Malika to lie to her father. I would think that she is the type of person that would simply go to him and say what she thinks. I understood that she is concerned he is a scammer, and that's good. But if she has doubts, she should go directly to him - that to me would be more consistent with the character.

Ah I see what you’re saying now thank you. 

I think Malika didn’t go directly to him because she absolutely wants to believe he has the best intentions, her heart wants to be open to him but she’s been burned so bad by her mom and LIFE she can’t be vulnerable with him at this moment. If she confronted him directly and he didn’t respond the way she wanted she would be heart broken, but she doesn’t want to admit that to herself. 

I think the show is going to make the Dad a complex human being- not out to hurt Malika (physically or emotionally), but very self centered. Wanting the emotional depth that comes with family but debating whether it’s worth the work. I think the writers could do a good job with it. 

52 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think Malika didn’t go directly to him because she absolutely wants to believe he has the best intentions, her heart wants to be open to him but she’s been burned so bad by her mom and LIFE she can’t be vulnerable with him at this moment. If she confronted him directly and he didn’t respond the way she wanted she would be heart broken, but she doesn’t want to admit that to herself. 

I agree. I just think it is out of character. She has been very direct on everything she does and says. I do think that's completely understandable, for a person to change how to react to things when there is a high emotional issue in the balance. I just don't see this in shows. 

I would welcome her father's complexities if they include his Black Panthers life. There are several cases of extra harsh punishment for some members that the "justice" system refuses to address. People change, and the BP did a lot of good stuff, and they did some controversial stuff too. It would be interesting to see some of this played out. And hopefully including their allyship and commitment to the fight of disabled people that eventually led to the ADA. That is important to me.

  • Love 3

Maybe I'm alone in this, but that episode was excruciatingly boring. I didn't watch the first block, and I'm clearly behind because I had no idea who Davia was and spent the majority of the episode not only mistaking Dennis for her current boyfriend, but being profoundly disturbed that he likely fucked her mom before they got together. I feel like her mom's take on the body positive movement was actually a pretty common one, not that her opinion was right, but the show was really laying it on thick In making her some sort of mustache twirling evil caricature. And of course she doesn't just fat shame, she is also slutty. Because of course she is.

Callie just sucks. The writers must really be pandering to high school/college viewers because there's no way someone who attended law school and graduated would be foolish enough to still be running around like a 16-year-old social justice warrior. There is being true to character and then there's outright naivete. Not to sound old because I'm only 27, but the mindset that your own moral superiority trumps everything in any given situation just doesn't work in real world environments. You have to learn to pick your battles. It was hilarious that she accidentally walked in on her superiors shit talking her.

Mariana is in the world's least riveting love triangle.  I don't get what she sees in her boss. And immediately after getting out of an awkward inappropriate workplace dynamic after being outed dating her subordinate, she thinks it's a good idea to flirt with her boss? So all the men in her office either root for her failure because they hate her or help her succeed because they're attracted to her? Uhhhh, the writers are definitely missing their own point with the whole "woman takes on a male dominated industry" thing.

Now that you mention it, having the rest of the characters outside of Callie and Mariana only appear on a rotating C-plot basis is kind of annoying.

On 7/10/2019 at 5:56 AM, Samwise979 said:

I'm a shipper at heart so as soon as a show starts chem testing characters I'm like, yes I like them! So I have to admit I sorta like Davia and Dennis together. Him sleeping with her mom in the past is pretty icky though. Also, I'm not a loyal shipper so while I like Marianna and Raj, I'm also interested in Marianna and Evan.

I am with you here - the writers can play me like a fiddle.  I get that in real life there are plenty of healthy platonic relationships, but from a story standpoint I think Davia and Dennis would be interesting, and any alternative couples to ship beyond Callie/Gael, Callie/Jamie, Callie/Whoever is fine with me (Callie is the worst.  I never watched The Fosters but was the character just as annoying and entitled there?). 

  • Love 2
On 7/10/2019 at 4:12 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Maybe I'm alone in this, but that episode was excruciatingly boring. I didn't watch the first block, and I'm clearly behind because I had no idea who Davia was and spent the majority of the episode not only mistaking Dennis for her current boyfriend, but being profoundly disturbed that he likely fucked her mom before they got together. I feel like her mom's take on the body positive movement was actually a pretty common one, not that her opinion was right, but the show was really laying it on thick In making her some sort of mustache twirling evil caricature. And of course she doesn't just fat shame, she is also slutty. Because of course she is.

Callie just sucks. The writers must really be pandering to high school/college viewers because there's no way someone who attended law school and graduated would be foolish enough to still be running around like a 16-year-old social justice warrior. There is being true to character and then there's outright naivete. Not to sound old because I'm only 27, but the mindset that your own moral superiority trumps everything in any given situation just doesn't work in real world environments. You have to learn to pick your battles. It was hilarious that she accidentally walked in on her superiors shit talking her.

Mariana is in the world's least riveting love triangle.  I don't get what she sees in her boss. And immediately after getting out of an awkward inappropriate workplace dynamic after being outed dating her subordinate, she thinks it's a good idea to flirt with her boss? So all the men in her office either root for her failure because they hate her or help her succeed because they're attracted to her? Uhhhh, the writers are definitely missing their own point with the whole "woman takes on a male dominated industry" thing.

Now that you mention it, having the rest of the characters outside of Callie and Mariana only appear on a rotating C-plot basis is kind of annoying.

I don't think Mariana is actually into Evan, or was trying to flirt with him. I think she just doesn't want to turn him down meanly, because he is a nice guy and she is worried about the impact on her career.  She only said yes to drinks when he said it was to talk about the app, but seemed to be worried he meant more.

I am not sure she knows Evan has been watching her kind of creepy-like.

2 hours ago, Regalbegal said:

I never watched The Fosters but was the character just as annoying and entitled there?). 

Oh, she was much, much worse.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
On 7/11/2019 at 7:23 PM, Regalbegal said:

 (Callie is the worst.  I never watched The Fosters but was the character just as annoying and entitled there?). 

I actually didn't watch the last half of the last season of The Fosters because I just could not stomach Callie another minute! I almost didn't come for this show because Callie was the protagonist. I'm so glad I resisted, because I really like the show, but even then, it's primarily because of all the other characters.

The best part of this episode for me was Callie finally hearing someone talk about her in a less than flattering light, and call her on her crap. I thought we were going to get this with the judge, but even he seemed to be admiring of her "moxie" even while he was scolding her. Despite his ample justification in firing her, it was Callie who quit in the end, sparing her the indignity of being fired for cause (!) I'm hoping that maybe this is the beginning of some long overdue growing up. We'll see.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, TVForever said:

The best part of this episode for me was Callie finally hearing someone talk about her in a less than flattering light, and call her on her crap. I thought we were going to get this with the judge, but even he seemed to be admiring of her "moxie" even while he was scolding her. Despite his ample justification in firing her, it was Callie who quit in the end, sparing her the indignity of being fired for cause (!) I'm hoping that maybe this is the beginning of some long overdue growing up. We'll see.

Yes, I agree that this was long overdue. Still, there is a possibility that the writers will just make something happen that will get her new boss to apologize to her for not believing her 100% from the start. 

I admit that my view of Callie is somewhat biased because I can't stand the actress. She is also an executive producer, so she might have some say on what happens to the character. 

  • Useful 1

I love that Callie finally heard some people talking shit about her entitled savior complex and how she never bothers to think things through, even when other people suffer the consequences. It was annoying enough when she was a teenager, but now that she is an actual adult, its just embarrassing. 

I admit, I resisted it at first, but I am kind of on the Dennis/Davia train. They do have great chemistry together, and they are more open with each other than with anyone else. I think that Dennis should tell her if they do start to become a thing, but it shouldn't end the possible relationship or anything. Dennis and Davia weren't friends at the time, and there hasn't exactly been a great time to bring it up and not just cause more drama. Maybe if they want to do a full disclosure thing, he should tell her, but I dont think he did anything wrong in sleeping with her. If anything, its sketchy that she slept with Dennis while he was blackout drunk. 

Where do the rest of the roommates think that Dennis has been this whole time? I assume they just assume he went off somewhere and is doing...Dennis stuff, but I wonder if what he almost did will come up?

I'm surprised with how on board I was with Dennis/Davia this episode. I do still like their friendship a lot but I do think the frustration with Davia's mother (my god, the way she talks to Davia sickens me) makes me want to see Dennis spite her by going out with Davia. But also because Dennis and Davia clearly care about each other deeply and they could theoretically work out.

Of course, it all depends when Davia eventually finds out about her mother sleeping with Dennis....but she shouldn't be too upset because they weren't friends back then and Dennis even told Davia's mother this episode that he had been wasted and doesn't really remember that night. 

So, Callie gets to overhear someone NOT on the Callie train. Seriously, Callie continues to be THE WORST. In what reality does Callie think that she can make a promise to help someone she doesn't know by calling in a favour with her bosses at a job she JUST started out? What made Callie think that was even remotely appropriate? She has not established herself in any way, so I'm glad she got to hear someone call her out for what she is. 

Everyone Callie interacts with seems to coddle her a lot. Judge Wilson did it when he decided to not even fire her and she had to quit, and I understand that Callie had a tough life pre-The Fosters, but she also needs to learn that she can't just go save the world when she wants to. There are some sacrifices she will have to make, and her failing the bar is probably the most realistic thing that's happened to her. I want to like Callie, but she thinks she can make a difference NOW when she may very well need to wait a few years. Her success can't happen overnight.

At least Mariana figured out that she couldn't have her boyfriend still work on her team. That was realistic for her to choose to let him go, rather than break up with him. But yeah, what are they REALLY doing with Evan? I have to think that it's heading somewhere less obvious than him being into Mariana, right? I just assume he REALLY needs a friend and, unfortunately, a girl at least ten years younger than him who works for him is the only one who he's connected with. Which...is still really weird. I like Evan, but his relationship with Mariana is weird.

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