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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yes, Bella, keep digging yourself into that hole to be the replacement nominee. Yessss.

Seriously, if Christie hears about this, she'll make sure Bella is up on the block if she has to use DPOV this week.

Wow, she really can't shut up for the life of her, can she? What is even the purpose of her telling Kat that?

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Jack is throwing away the cereal boxes Cliff was saving. He was saving them for something to do with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.  What a creep!

On the other hand, I went out to get my mail and beautiful Monarch butterfly was flitting around the milkweed and looped around me. I thought of Paulie and almost cried.

Edited by Lamb18
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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm not saying this isn't awesome, as clearly, it is and apologies for doubting you, Cliff (although, again, he needed to be literally blindsided and evicted before he turned on them), but I dunno, Jack/Analyse noms are less likely to see Grodner intercede. Both sides of the bromance, though? That's tough. 

According to Kaitlyn during a RHAP thingie (I didn't listen myself so this is secondhand), she says that Production isn't that happy with Jack. 

Maybe because the editors are getting hella overtime trying to make him look so good? 

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Nick seems to still be holding out hope that he can work with Christie still.  He was just telling her that she and Tommy were the only ones who didn't tell Cliff to put him and Bella on the block.

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Holly looking at her legs:  "I don't know where all these bruises came from."

Jackson:  "I know where I'd like to put a few."  What in the actual fuck?

Christie is saying in front of Jack and Nick that she'll use the power if the veto ends up in the right hands.

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Jack is telling Christie that if he survives this week and wins HOH, he's not going after Cliff.  He says he's going to shoot his shot, which I take to mean go after Nick and Bella.

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Nick told Analyse that if he wins Veto, he's "almost scared" to use it. But he will because he told Jack/Jackson that he would.

But he's always had a good feeling about Analyse. The "in my pants" was unsaid but you know he meant it. 

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Jackson is claiming that the bowl of slop Kat just ate was probably 1500 calories and Jessica in the background was all, "What?!" Is this Jackson's master plan to ration the HN slop so that he gets more of it? 

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Jackson's going on again about how he's not upset that he's on the block because he doesn't play this game with any emotion.

Jackson says if he could do it all over again, he would still volunteer to go up as a pawn.

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Analyse and Nick in the boat room. 

Analyse realizes that her rolling around is almost causing her to flash Nick. She starts giggling about a boob almost falling out. Nick: "Oh, you're not wearing a bra?" (Bullshit, I saw where he had been looking.) Analyse laughs that no because she doesn't have boobs but it's okay, "she's getting a boob job when this is over!". It's probably the most animated I've ever seen her be so far in the house.

Bella: "Do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
Nick: "YES!" *pause* "Isn't that stereotypical, though?"

And then as Bella is leaving the room: 

Bella: "She isn't good for your game."
Nick to Sam: "She's right but..." (She's so fucking hot, though?)

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Analyse and Nick in the boat room. 

Analyse realizes that her rolling around is almost causing her to flash Nick. She starts giggling about a boob almost falling out. Nick: "Oh, you're not wearing a bra?" (Bullshit, I saw where he had been looking.) Analyse laughs that no because she doesn't have boobs but it's okay, "she's getting a boob job when this is over!". It's probably the most animated I've ever seen her be so far in the house.

Bella: "Do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
Nick: "YES!" *pause* "Isn't that stereotypical, though?"

And then as Bella is leaving the room: 

Bella: "She isn't good for your game."
Nick to Sam: "She's right but..." (She's so fucking hot, though?)

What’s with Bella’s comment lmao? 

- did a new SIX just form??? 

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2 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

I wish nick and Bella would have been out BEFORE jack and Jackson 😟😕🙁

Nick and Bella are kinda toothless, though. Sure, they were vile to Nicole last week but they have no power, they have no allies. All the powers and numbers are on Jack and Jackson's side. Nick and Bella can wait... although I still want Bella out pre-jury because I can't wait for her to spew the usual "But you guys don't see everything that happens in the house!" all over social media when she sees what social media thinks of her.  

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Nick told Bella that he lied to Analyse for the first time.  Analyse said that she worried that Bella would put her up and Nick told her that Bella has never wanted to put her up.

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Nick to Bella, now: "I don't talk game to Sis!"
Nick, fifteen minutes ago: *talks game to Sis*

Jack: "Shoutout ASPI, I'm comin' home!"
Christie: "Well, yeah. If you manifest it."


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

Sam says he looked stupid on tv in his Santa Claus shirt saying “ho ho ho, Nicole’s gotta go.” 🤣

FTFY, Sam. You didn't have to go that far to get it right. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Nick to Sam:  "Christie's dangerous in this game.  She's so good at it."

Gotta admit I’m annoyed that she’s not freaking out. I NEED her and tommy on the block.

Being Friday night, I’m thinking we should all do a shot every time jack takes down his ridiculous mother fucking man bun and immediately re-does it. 🥴

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Just now, CringeWatcher said:

Sweet jebus, nick eats like an assanti brother.

Aaaand that mental image is never going away. I may take you up on that drinking game after all. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Camp Minorities: got broken mattresses that looked like they'd gone through ten summers of campers without being changed out
Have Nots: get real, normal, new mattresses

You gotta be kidding me with this shit, BB. 

ETA: I dunno, they could be uncomfortable mattresses but still. I don't remember those yellow mattresses or there being so many of them.

ETA2: Never mind, looked up a screenshot and they did have that stack of nicer mattresses before, I think Ovi just always had them covered with a sheet. I take it back, BB. 

Edited by Callaphera
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37 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Analyse and Nick in the boat room. 

Analyse realizes that her rolling around is almost causing her to flash Nick. She starts giggling about a boob almost falling out. Nick: "Oh, you're not wearing a bra?" (Bullshit, I saw where he had been looking.) Analyse laughs that no because she doesn't have boobs but it's okay, "she's getting a boob job when this is over!".

An end table with boobs?  That hardly sounds functional...

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Nick: "We need to put all our chips in the basket with Kat, Cliff, and Jess."
Sam: "Eggs."
Nick: "Eggs."

Do you think Sam sits there sometimes, wondering why he's stuck with these two brain trusts?

Edited by Callaphera
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I'd like to thank the BB Gods for somehow making my dreams come true and having a Jessica/Tommy/Christie feed so I don't have to listen to any of them.

If the BB Gods could do something about this dedicated Nick/Bella/Sam cam, though.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Jessica: uses 10k words, says nothing

It's almost like she's used to selling stuff that she knows is worthless.

6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

And Tommy is crying again. Tommy is going to surpass Amber (BB8) and Ragan (BB12) in terms of most tears shed.

Holy shit, Tommy, it's week FIVE and the FIRST THING happened that didn't go your way and you're fucking CRYING? Get a fucking grip, you dipshit!

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Tommy says that the people who work with Nick and Bella go down.  He says they don't take the heat.  Tommy says this says a lot about their character and then in the next breath says that if he ever gets married, he wants Nick to be one of his groomsmen.  

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Mostly because they are both douchebags, but Jackson is not-aquaman and the other jack is sponge bob square head? 

I wish they could both go home but I am having a hard time keeping them separate because they both suck so much. 

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Jackson: "I came in here with no emotions. I will leave with no emotions. No feelings."

...Nick, I think maybe you diagnosed the wrong person as a sociopath. 

Just now, JD5166 said:

Mostly because they are both douchebags, but Jackson is not-aquaman and the other jack is sponge bob square head? 

I wish they could both go home but I am having a hard time keeping them separate because they both suck so much. 

Jack = Aqua-Douche
Jackson = Lego Head

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