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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Christie says that Jack and Jackson aren't mad at him.  She says his decision is not biting him.  Bullshit!  When she told Jack earlier that she wanted to talk to Cliff, Jack basically said that Cliff was dead to them because he had the chance to not put them up and he did it anyway.

"We can vote you out, but you can't nominate us."

The level of hypocritical entitlement is stomach turning.

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I hope Cliff realizes that she has not answered the question yet.  I hope he asks her again.

I just want Cliff to say after listening to Christie ramble on, "That's all very interesting, but who is the target after Bella, if she goes?"

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Just now, zorak said:

I hope Cliff realizes that she has not answered the question yet.  I hope he asks her again.

I cannot believe I have been listening to this entire thing...  Cliff rambles too.  They are both looking for therapy from each other.

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Now Cliff is bringing up the fact that after the veto comp, Jack and Jackson were whispering to each other, "We're good."

Christie says that it's because Jackson thinks she's using the power.

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Christie:  "What's said in here stays between us."  Lies!  

Dear Cliff, I don't think Christie gives a shit about the fact that Jackson hooked up with Kat and then told all of the guys.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Man, imagine if you weren't used to BB always ending up with the underdogs losing!  This POV would probably crush your spirits. Luckily, we all 100% expected this. 

My heart goes out to the newbie feed watchers who were like, "Wow, this seems like a fun way to spend my summer," and are now experiencing the crushing feeling that we all became immune to years ago. 

We've been there, newbies. Also: get used to it. 

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Now Cliff is telling Christie how Jackson and Holly pulled him in the storage room after he came back in the house and said they wanted to still work with Cliff.

Christie told Cliff that Jackson told her last night that Jackson was the rogue vote in the Kemi eviction.

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

My heart goes out to the newbie feed watchers who were like, "Wow, this seems like a fun way to spend my summer," and are now experiencing the crushing feeling that we all became immune to years ago. 

We've been there, newbies. Also: get used to it. 

Thank you!

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Christie, STOP. You're just manifesting a Jackson HoH next week.

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

She also told Cliff that Jackson confessed to throwing out the cookie dough and says that he's been throwing mouthwash down the drain.

The pettiness of Jack and Son is astounding.

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Christie:  "If I don't use it, who do you think you'd put up in his place?"  First he said he didn't know, then he said maybe Holly or Analyse.  I wish Cliff would again ask, "Who is the target after Bella?" because she never did say.

Edited by zorak
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Any time I hear one of the "bottom feeders" talk about being open to a different path, I feel like a path leading to the front door needs to light up.

Christie claims that if she wins the next HOH, she wants to put Jackson up.  Yet she didn't say that Jackson was the next target after Bella.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Christie: I will not repeat anything you say to me.

Narrator: she will repeat everything

She will repeat everything five times. To the same five people. But each re-telling will be slightly different and no one will call her out on it. 

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Christie:  "Maybe this will be the most vanilla season of Big Brother."  I know she didn't mean it from a racial standpoint but given everything that's happened, she probably could've chosen better words.

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Just now, Tuxcat said:

Bella was recruited? What's that about?

Recruited meaning she didn't apply to be on the show randomly.  She was found somewhere and asked to be on the show potentially.  Like so many of them.

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Just now, zorak said:

Recruited meaning she didn't apply to be on the show randomly.  She was found somewhere and asked to be on the show potentially.  Like so many of them.

Ahh ok. I didn't know they did that.

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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Ahh ok. I didn't know they did that.

They do it too much. They have the usual super fans and then the beach bum or wanna be model in California in a bar or now basically Instagram.

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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Ahh ok. I didn't know they did that.

Most of them are recruits. Most of them are like Bella, where they barely watch any of the show beforehand (she's quite proud of only watching the first two episodes of BB20 and then going online to see who won something like three days before they went into sequester). Kat is the rare recruit who actually did her homework and basically memorized the entire BBUS wiki. The fans are usually few and far between, feed watching fans are even rarer, and they almost always go early because they're so obvious about being such a big super fan. 

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Cliff is offering to put up Bella as a backdoor.  If Bella going up is going to be the end result no matter what, at least make Christie use her power to get rid of it in the game!

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Just now, zorak said:

Cliff is offering to put up Bella as a backdoor.  If Bella going up is going to be the end result no matter what, at least make Christie use her power to get rid of it in the game!

Nah. Tell Christie that Bella is going up, make sure she doesn't use the power... and then put up Christie instead. 

Cliff Gheesling with the mist? 

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Cliff wasn't even using this offer as leverage against being put on the block by any of them for the next 2 weeks.  He only said that he would ask that Christie or Tommy don't put him up.  

Just now, Callaphera said:

Nah. Tell Christie that Bella is going up, make sure she doesn't use the power... and then put up Christie instead. 

Cliff Gheesling with the mist? 

Is Cliff ballsy enough to do that though?

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Just now, zorak said:

Is Cliff ballsy enough to do that though?

I mean, he put Jack/Jackson on the block. It's possible. It would also be the best fucking week ever. Jack/Christie final noms? Amazeballs.

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8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Ahh ok. I didn't know they did that.

It’s usually about a 50/50 ratio of fans and recruits.  

Is cliff telling Christie that he might nom Bella so she can keep her power?? 

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Cliff keeps saying that he won't break his word to Christie about not putting up her or Tommy.  I believe him.  I'll be shocked if Christie doesn't use it and then Cliff screws her over.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff wasn't even using this offer as leverage against being put on the block by any of them for the next 2 weeks.  He only said that he would ask that Christie or Tommy don't put him up.  

Is Cliff ballsy enough to do that though?

We can hope.  He says he doesn’t break his word but I hope he comes up with some Vanessa excuse to do so. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff keeps saying that he won't break his word to Christie about not putting up her or Tommy.  I believe him.  I'll be shocked if Christie doesn't use it and then Cliff screws her over.

Well, Cliff could easily keep his word if he keeps saying that he promises not to put up her or Tommy...and then puts up Analyse instead.

That could work. I hope this is Cliff's plan. He can't be stupid enough to put Bella up for the Six Shooters. I refuse to believe that he made this big move with Jack and Son, only to get rid of Bella, which helps them.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff keeps saying that he won't break his word to Christie about not putting up her or Tommy.  I believe him.  I'll be shocked if Christie doesn't use it and then Cliff screws her over.

Not necessarily a bad move. He's removing the target from his back by going this route.

If she was going to use her power anyway...

Edited by Tuxcat
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Cliff could easily keep his word if he keeps saying that he promises not to put up her or Tommy...and then puts up Analyse instead.

That could work. I hope this is Cliff's plan. He can't be stupid enough to put Bella up for the Six Shooters. I refuse to believe that he made this big move with Jack and Son, only to get rid of Bella, which helps them.

I hope this was him conning Christie but then again, this is Cliff who broadcast his game plan to the live feeders and didn't think to whisper and then got burned.

Tommy:  "Do you feel better?"

Christie:  "Yeah.  I just like talking."  We noticed.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

I hope this was him conning Christie but then again, this is Cliff who broadcast his game plan to the live feeders and didn't think to whisper and then got burned.

Well, we know Cliff has already stated that he needs to work with Nick/Bella for numbers and that he put up Jack and his Son for a reason. He likely knows that he's going to be a target now that he's been winning comps. He knows he has to follow through with getting out one of the Six.

I don't want to believe that he's falling for Christie's delusions. Christie, of all people! I choose to believe that Cliff knew his original strategy with her was going nowhere so he switched tactics and now he's making them believe that he's all in with working with the Six. 

I think Cliff knows that he has to make sure he goes through with his Big Move, so that means making sure that Christie doesn't use her power this week.

It's easier to live in this world than the alternate, where Cliff actually backdoors Bella.

If he wanted Bella gone, he'd say "Sure, you use your power, I don't care." He wouldn't have diverted to "I'd love to backdoor Bella myself." So....I gotta believe that it's for a reason.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

It's easier to live in this world than the alternate, where Cliff actually backdoors Bella.

I know I talk about how dumb typical BB HGs are, but backdooring Bella would be dumb even by typical BB HG standards,  so I just can't bring myself to believe it, either. 

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