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An Afternoon at the Brady Pub/Days Drinking Game

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If we were all gathered at the Brady Pub watching the show, what reoccurring phrases or instances (things specific to Salem and the Salemites but not necessarily the real world) could be grounds for a drink? Add to the list as you think of things or watch the show and feel free to post if you think a particular episode would have us all drunk by the end of the hour. 


I'll start off the list with two items/examples:


Take a drink every time Theresa tells Brady they just need "to take the edge off." (It happened in yesterday's show but I've noticed she says that a lot)


Take a drink every time someone has a private conversation rather loudly in public.

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Fun game!


Take a drink every time Jennifer looks like she's about to crumble under the weight of her own relentless, infectious misery. (So, like, every single time she comes on screen)


Take a drink every time you find yourself thinking that Daniel's hair looks like as if it hasn't been washed since Carter was president. 


Take a drink every time some random character props Dannifer for no discernible reason other than that the writers can't ever give more than 5% of the show's characters their OWN storylines. 


Take a drink every time any character says something to the effect of: "I want to trust you, BUT...."

Take a drink every time Marlena dispenses psychiatric advice that should have her stripped of her license and sued for malpractice. 

Edited by mstaken
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Take a drink every time someone carries around something that should be a secret: murder weapon/important letter/incriminating photographs/etc.


Double up if he/she perpetually looks at said object in public.


Chug if he/she talks to themselves about said object and the repercussions if it/they were discovered.

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Ha!  What an awesome game! Too bad Chloe's gone - with her ominous "I know what I must do now...." and faraway stare.  We'd all be shitfaced halfway through the show!


But for present day Salem folks...take a drink every time Nicole gets an extreme closeup while making her "poor me!" expression.

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Take a drink every time John arches his head back, narrows his eyes and lets one loose.  Oh, and hold your nose immediately.


Take a drink every time it looks like Eric might be remembering he has that icky thing he thought he gave up called a penis.


Take a drink every time Hope uses her cop voice.

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Take a drink every time EJ tries to, threatens to, or actually strangles/kills someone. Take a drink every time Nicole or EJ end up grovelling for someone to come back to them/ forgive them/ give them another chance. Take a drink every time a Horton looks on sanctimoniously. Take a drink every time Abigail has fantasies/flashbacks about EJ. Take a drink every time Sami has fantasies/flashbacks of killing or trying to kill EJ (I'm sure this is coming). Take a drink every time Sami proves she's a shitty mother. Take a drink every time you wish Kate Dimera had your back. Take a drink every time a Devereaux tries to act sexy and fails miserably. Take a drink every time someone props Dan. (Okay scratch that last one, I want to live) Finally, take a drink every time Marlena puts John ahead of a family member. Aaaand we're all in hospital, hope you didn't need that liver.

Edited by slayer2
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Yup! We can use the reserve liquor in the DiMera basement. Rafe had to have something to get him through imprisonment.

Oh and speaking of, take a drink every time EJ calls someone sweetheart or darling condescendingly...

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Oh and speaking of, take a drink every time EJ calls someone sweetheart or darling condescendingly...

Or tells Abigail the sex was just lovely. Has she figured out yet that isn't exactly a compliment? 

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Or tells Abigail the sex was just lovely. Has she figured out yet that isn't exactly a compliment? 


Abigail is about as clueless as anyone can get. Telling someone that the sex was lovely is about as insulting as saying someone you want to set up with a friend is a good dancer.  That girl's bun is too tight - and I mean the one on her head.

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Have a slug every time Adrienne says something stupid - thank God she's recurring.  


Take a drink every time Will looks like he just drank a gallon of dill pickle juice.


Take a drink every time you wish Maggie drank a gallon of dill pickle juice.


And have a brandy snifter full of Victor's finest, a drink to savor, every time he says "My Idiot grandson".  (I have a feeling we'll  be drinking because of that one quite a lot in the near future).

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Take a drink every time Sami makes fun of or imitates (horribly) EJ's accent. Take a drink every time Johnny or Sydney throw a tantrum or can't stop crying offscreen.

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Take a drink everytime that damn "Eve" music plays.

Take a drink everytime Grimace Sue grimaces.

Oh damn, Eve has music? Shit.

Take a drink every time Jennifer says something g judgemental inadvertantly.

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