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S06.E07: General Shiro

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This show has had its fair share of gross moments but this episode really went above and beyond! And Reddington did say that the doctor sold some of his "bug juice" to someone else so it's quite possible we haven't seen the last of it.

Edited by dwmarch
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If only Red had access to a qualified Trial Advisory Corporation. 

I think this is the first Blacklist name that was actually a dead guy.

For a moment, it looked like we were going to get a clue about Reddington's death.  But no, just another story.

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I think this is the first Blacklist name that was actually a dead guy.

Yeah, so it wasn't the real General Shiro, but a General Shiro wannabe, so does that really count as a Blacklister? 
And it turned out to be an evil Larry from Perfect Strangers.

It was great to see Glen again, and his massive meatball sandwich, but wouldn't the courts already have weeded out anyone with a felony conviction for jury duty -- which makes his appearance in court kind of ridiculous.

On the bright side, we did get a lot more Dembe this episode.

David Berman was back playing a coroner again -- when Ressler asked if he could recommend a bug guy, I was kind of hoping he would name drop Gil Grissom.

No mention of Samar's memory issues, so I wonder if they are going to just drop that plot thread, and there's barely any indication that Aram and Samar are engaged.

I wonder if we are ever going to find out what Dembe found in Dr. Nikkila's lab.

And it looks like Pug lady is on the jury.

Lizzie's "sister" was MIA ....... again.

Still no sign or mention of Agnes or the dogs.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

It was great to see Glen again, and his massive meatball sandwich, but wouldn't the courts already have weeded out anyone with a felony conviction for jury duty -- which makes his appearance in court kind of ridiculous.

It seems that from his position at the DMV, Glen can place anyone on a jury. He just wasn't able to find a person suitable so volunteered himself. 

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It was fun to see Glen again, and his scene with Dembe was perhaps the best of this series so far. Glen in the jury seat however, was a little too OTT and I was disappointed Glen didn't just STFU and get on the jury.

Meanwhile, every part of this show that wasn't Red/Dembe/in the court room was SO BORING I couldn't have cared less about any of it. The bugs didn't creep or gross me out. I mean, just get a can of Raid you guys and spray for pete's sake. Or freaking just step on them and get it over with. But I guess the show was going for major creep-show freak out, which seems to have worked for some, reading above.

Whatever. I would have missed nothing of interest if I had skipped all of the Blacklister Of The Week scenes. *yawn* Boring.

The scene with Cooper and Red smoking cigars was so Boston Legal. They need to call William Shatner (Denny Crane!) in for an episode or two. That would be golden.

Edited by saber5055
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I thought that now that the gun was not suppressed in last week's hearing,  Red would be on trial for the federal crime of possessing a gun with the registration numbers effaced.  Being found guilty of that crime would provide the basis for the judge to vacate his immunity agreement, and then he could be tried for treason. They seemed to have skipped a big step. (It doesn't matter how much Red admitted that he had the gun during the hearing; unless he withdrew his not guilty plea, he's still entitled to a trial, and although the trial itself would be quick, the jury selection would take time, as we've seen, and time is what he wants.)

To be honest, they could have skipped the whole gun hearing and trial. Didn't Red just rob a bank? That's a federal crime, too, and is likely on videotape. Plus, he admitted he had done it when he returned the painting. Once he was convicted of bank robbery, the immunity agreement would become void, and the prosecution could proceed with the treason charges. 

Finally, neither side would be expected to attempt to excuse a juror either for cause or using a peremptory challenge in front of said juror, for the obvious reason that if his challenge was denied,  the juror would now likely be hostile toward the party that had tried to excuse the juror. 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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The bug music was so damn annoying!

When Red is eventually freed, I wonder if Dembe (out of loyalty) will tell him: Glen wanted to steal his money and let him rot in jail. Dembe looked liked he wanted to slap the meatball out of him.

If the little girl didn't speak up, Rosa was going to frost the cake with with bugs around and not say a word. She must hate that family.

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Spent half of this episode with my hand covering the TV screen in front of my eyes. Good Lord.

 Red's courtroom scenes are gold. Love Judge Wilkins. Glen was a hoot, except for when he tried to turn Dembe. If Dembe ever betrayed Red I would lose my shit.

Is anyone here on Lizzie 's side? We all want Red to win, right?

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