shapeshifter June 13, 2014 Share June 13, 2014 From Something's hidden deep in the Freelancer facility. Kiera and John Doe work to retrieve it, but the price of knowledge may be betrayal. Carlos resolves to wrest control of the VPD from Piron and Dillon. Help arrives courtesy of an unlikely – and deadly – ally. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 16, 2014 Author Share June 16, 2014 Something's hidden deep in the Freelancer facility.Tell me that wasn't Darth Vader.And I'm not sure whose side Curtis is on now, but if I was going to be on his bad side, I might have to get some extra life insurance against trained assassins with swords. His reanimation was very reminiscent of the revival of Coulson in Tahiti in Agents of SHIELD. If it was inspired from that scene, I agree with the Freelancer henchman, I wouldn't want to see it either. That cabin so reminds me of the one where the SG1 team reconvened after their time travel adventure. So if Dead Kira wasn't supposed to die, is the wrong Kira alive? I guess Brad doesn't mind, so long as there's one. Interesting that Kellogg said Kira was a heartbreaker. I hope his motivations aren't going to be like Gabe's in the currently airing Beauty and the Beast. This show should be more cerebral than that. I guess there's no reanimating a vaporized Sonya. Link to comment
Aliasscape June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 Noooo, I don't want Sonya to be gone. But she always was the most extremely committed like Kagame. I don't get why that was her plan exactly though. Would't it have been better to go blow up Piron? And yeah, while the right thing to do was to get good!Alec back out. If he rides off into the sunset with Emily that doesn't solve anything, thus the ad for next week. 1 Link to comment
XtremeOne1 June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 That was a terrible episode. I have no clue what was going on, who's motivation was what, and why things were happening. The only good scene was between Keira and Alec on their way out but everything bad. It's sad Sonya died because she's one of two character's who stll has any sort of motivation. Keira is doing...uh...I don't know anymore. What's her purpose? And all of a sudden she's cool with the guy who killed her? And they're all touchy feely and she's all "I'm so glad you killed me or I would never have found you"....So no more trying to get home? She's just a cop? Or is she? Is she just hiding out in the woods? I don't know...I'm not sure I'm sticking around for next season. Everything is such a mess. And we've even got Darther Vadar healer guy who suddenly became important. Just terrible writing. Link to comment
Ariah June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I must be strange, bacause I liked the episode. And I also like Brad - which means he will die, because that's the way the world is run. But I admit, there was a lot of intimacy in the way he and Kiera behaved in the final minutes of the episode. More on his part than hers, but Kiera has always been a cold fish when it comes to men. As for Sonya - I think her initial plan was to blow up Piron, but somehow she thought otherwise. Eventually, she went out like her mentor, only on a smaller scale. The Alec/Emily think cannot last, i guess. But they did get a moment of happiness. I don't know if it's possible at all (I lost track of all timelines a long time ago), but maybe the dark Jedi in the basement is Kiera's son from the future?... 3 Link to comment
Locutus June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I just know they're going to drag Keira's son in at some point. Link to comment
shapeshifter June 16, 2014 Author Share June 16, 2014 As for Sonya - I think her initial plan was to blow up Piron, but somehow she thought otherwise. Eventually, she went out like her mentor, only on a smaller scale.I think she foresaw Dillon as Piron--or at least a controlling partner. Travis' grief was palpable. One way it might manifest is for him to go back in time to kill Kagame so Sonya won't follow him. That could mean that Travis and Sonya never meet, but if he just wants her to live (selfless love) or if he wants revenge, he might do that. Would there be enough of her left for the Darth Vader of Resurrection to work with? The Alec/Emily think cannot last, i guess. But they did get a moment of happiness.And, no doubt, a little Jason. I don't know if it's possible at all (I lost track of all timelines a long time ago), but maybe the dark Jedi in the basement is Kiera's son from the future?...You mean instead of, "I am your father"? Heh. Link to comment
Ariah June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 And, no doubt, a little Jason. Ah, I forgot about that little detail. Do we know for sure Emily is Jason's mother?... Travis' grief was palpable. One way it might manifest is for him to go back in time to kill Kagame so Sonya won't follow him. I like that theory a lot. You mean instead of, "I am your father"? Heh. Actually, we are not in the safe zone yet... They can still make Brad be somehow related to Kiera... Didn't he say he left a little daughter at home? Or am i confusing things? Btw, the scene with the gang "not from now" in the car, when they sort of all reacted like a family on vacation... Brad lashing out on Alec when he was rude to Kiera? (Almost like "Be nice to your mother, son!") I'm not saying they are a family - because they are not. But it had this awkward vibe to it. Keira is doing...uh...I don't know anymore. What's her purpose? And all of a sudden she's cool with the guy who killed her? I kind of understand her there. She's a soldier and she recognizes other soldiers. She killed quite a lot of people back in the day (or, forward in the day) and I bet some were just collateral. So she kind of sees herself in Brad. I think she wants to forgive him because she herself wants to be forgiven. And she's kind of in the low right now, with her hopes of going back to her son almost gone. I'm wondering also if Kellog is going to become the big bad for the next season. I just hope he's not doing this because he had his heart broken... 1 Link to comment
greenbean June 16, 2014 Share June 16, 2014 I don't think the show has had a big bad. All the sides are in the grey imo, including Kiera. I'm glad the final scene with Kellog was there to wash away the awfulness at the cabin. It was like my least favourite aspect of the show x2. Could they be any more blatant with the romance between Kiera and Brad? Well I guess there's always the possibility that they're related, I certainly hope so. I don't think they have any chemistry, and all the jokes about them being married was eye-roll inducing. I'm not fond of this Brad guy, and I don't trust him. I get the feeling he's the lead the writers really wanted to write. Plus it looks like he's also going to be the creator of the Freelancers. So he could turn into quite the Marty Sue. There were a few hints, like when Chen said, "I trusted you!" or whatever. The person did look like Brad to me, though the dreads were a bit much. Okay they have to make him mysterious, but I'm not sure the dreadlocks are going to look right on this guy. I think it would make sense for Chen to be creator, but the way things are happening is reminiscent of Escher. So much build up to a mysterious character, that only turns into a let down that hampers the rest of the show. Why oh why did Sonya have to die!!?! Did the actress want out or something? She had the clearest characterisation out of all the Liber8 members. Maybe it'll bring Julian into play some more idk. It's interesting that she told him everything. I wanted Alec to stay mad at Kiera. It's ridiculous that we see Carlos turn to drink, but then Alec just gets over what Kiera did to him, and Kiera is buddy buddy with the guy who killed her. Yet she's mad at suit!Alec for taking the chip? It was a mixed bag of an episode. The fight scenes were good as always. They were clearly riffing off a number of films; Matrix, Old Boy etc.. Last week was so good, things were set up so well. I'm not sure where the show is going now. Link to comment
XtremeOne1 June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I don't think the show has had a big bad. All the sides are in the grey imo, including Kiera. I'm glad the final scene with Kellog was there to wash away the awfulness at the cabin. It was like my least favourite aspect of the show x2. Could they be any more blatant with the romance between Kiera and Brad? Well I guess there's always the possibility that they're related, I certainly hope so. I don't think they have any chemistry, and all the jokes about them being married was eye-roll inducing. I'm not fond of this Brad guy, and I don't trust him. I get the feeling he's the lead the writers really wanted to write. Plus it looks like he's also going to be the creator of the Freelancers. So he could turn into quite the Marty Sue. There were a few hints, like when Chen said, "I trusted you!" or whatever. The person did look like Brad to me, though the dreads were a bit much. Okay they have to make him mysterious, but I'm not sure the dreadlocks are going to look right on this guy. I loved how he's like "You and Alex are my family.." Umm...why? How long have you been together? You've known Alex for all of a day. And if they're trying to prevent the future from where this guy came from, why kill did he have to kill Alex? Brad has such terrible characterization, probably the worst in the show which says a lot. Link to comment
greenbean June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 I know, what was that!? Alec and Kiera have gone through so much together. They get to shout at each other, be mad and feel betrayed. At this point, they get to claim family if they want. Who is this guy? He barely knows Kiera, he doesn't know Alec, yet there he was pushing his way into their lives like a creeper. I thought it cheapened the relationship and issues between Kiera and Alec. He is not on that level. I don't even see how Kiera can fully trust him. He killed her, he's from the future, he's likely holding stuff back. He needs to keep his hands to himself. I was rooting for Chen to beat him down, but of course Brad would win that fight. He even now has the super special gun from the future. And you know what? I thought when he killed the Freelancers, it was too much. I don't think they're bad guys. Like everyone on the show, there is a validity to their position. They've probably stopped a lot of really bad people from messing up the time line. The situation with Alec is obviously something, but you know, that doesn't mean military grade weapons need to be used to blast them away. It felt excessive. I'm not sure the Freelancers can come back from that. Interestingly, it was in complete contrast to Carlos. Link to comment
Grammaeryn June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 That was a terrible episode. I have no clue what was going on, who's motivation was what, and why things were happening. The only good scene was between Keira and Alec on their way out but everything bad. It's sad Sonya died because she's one of two character's who stll has any sort of motivation. Keira is doing...uh...I don't know anymore. What's her purpose? And all of a sudden she's cool with the guy who killed her? And they're all touchy feely and she's all "I'm so glad you killed me or I would never have found you"....So no more trying to get home? She's just a cop? Or is she? Is she just hiding out in the woods? I don't know...I'm not sure I'm sticking around for next season. Everything is such a mess. And we've even got Darther Vadar healer guy who suddenly became important. Just terrible writing. It felt like we missed an episode with the sudden jumps in character and plot. There should have been a scene where Kiera works through how the timeline got so effed with Brad (which could pass as a shorthand resolution of the whole killing her issue). It felt like out of nowhere she wanted to spring Alec and had this big plan with Brad. And why was her response to Dillon getting blowed up "I have to go to Alec."?? Yeah, something crucial was left on the editing floor or a writer was out sick. I have a guess that Darth Reanimator is Julian. Since present day Julian asked how many people he murdered as Theseus. So, maybe he's the time traveler and healer as a way to right his wrongs? Also, I would like to say CALLED IT that Curtis was brought back by Freelancer tech/magic. I think he is purely working on Darth's side who no longer wants to be caged up. Link to comment
greenbean June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 (edited) I have a guess that Darth Reanimator is Julian. Since present day Julian asked how many people he murdered as Theseus. So, maybe he's the time traveler and healer as a way to right his wrongs? Julian is a good guess! It would mean Alec and Julian are the chess players. Edited June 18, 2014 by greenbean Link to comment
Bort June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 My DVR guide said the name of this episode is The Dying Minutes. Loved the fight scene. The cramped quarters of a hallway was a perspective I don't think I've seen much in a fight scene, it was well done. Link to comment
sjohnson June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 For me Brad/Kiera works because they're both future hard asses and in one way this is the first guy she's had anything in common with. Fast, yes, but so is lust. It's been a long time since she had anyone. As for Brad being proprietary about Alec, the big shootup meant he had a big investment in Alec coming out, and talking it up was a way of sweet talking Kiera. Sonia took out Second Alec's primary supporter on the Piron board (leaving him with Kellogg, a mixed blessing,) as well as his main fixer. Since she was tired of running and didn't believe in just quitting, Kagame's example carried a lot of weight I think. I don't see anything good coming from Neon Sternum. Julian being clued in explicitly and set up to oppose Alec has potential. What happened to Jaworski's body, which if I recall was being preserved? 2 Link to comment
AlliMo June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Julian finally being clued in was long overdue. Considering all that's happened, it's not surprising that he was so immediately accepting of it. I did love that fight scene - brutal and in such close quarters that they literally broke the walls. The time travelers have had everything that they fought for and believed in turned completely upside down. It's not that surprising that they're forming unexpected alliances at this point. They're basically starting from scratch. Maybe it's my particular affection for Victor Webster, but I feel that Carlos has been woefully underutilized this season. He really has been Kiera's one constant in all of this, even if she doesn't always see it. 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter June 21, 2014 Author Share June 21, 2014 (edited) For me Brad/Kiera works because they're both future hard asses and in one way this is the first guy she's had anything in common with. Fast, yes, but so is lust. It's been a long time since she had anyone. As for Brad being proprietary about Alec, the big shootup meant he had a big investment in Alec coming out, and talking it up was a way of sweet talking Kiera. Yes, that's how I see it too--maybe because I came of age in the late 60s/early 70s when in lust and in love were pretty much interchangeable, heh.What happened to Jaworski's body, which if I recall was being preserved?Good question. The Continuum wikia ( says he's likely being brought back to life, but looking at Michael Dopud's IMDb page ( it looks like he's a busy guy, so they might have to keep his character on ice indefinitely, heh. I'm wondering if the character of Brad was split off from the character of Stefan Jaworski because of Michael Dopud's unavailability. In addition to the similar looks, and they both tried to kill Kiera, although Brad's was accidental... Sonia took out Second Alec's primary supporter on the Piron board (leaving him with Kellogg, a mixed blessing,) as well as his main fixer. Since she was tired of running and didn't believe in just quitting, Kagame's example carried a lot of weight I think.Good point. Sonia's taking out Dillon may have the greatest effect on the timeline. It would be sort of like taking out the person who enabled Mao Tse-tung to rise to power rather than taking out Mao--of course, Alec is more of a Bill Gates than a Mao or a Stalin--and Bill Gates is now primarily a philanthropist. And yes, Sonia seemed to follow Kagame with the same devotion as the Manson family followers. His other devotees are now doubting everything. Maybe it's my particular affection for Victor Webster, but I feel that Carlos has been woefully underutilized this season. He really has been Kiera's one constant in all of this, even if she doesn't always see it.Yes, and he also looks (to me) less hot. Kind of like the difference between Don Johnson in the pilot of Miami Vice and the later seasons. It's a really old reference, but uncannily similar to me.ETA: Not that they look anything alike, but the change is alike. Edited June 21, 2014 by shapeshifter 1 Link to comment
xaxat June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Goodness, and I thought a lot happened last week! That was Game of Thrones level carnage on the cast. I enjoy the show, and appreciate how ambitious the writers have been, but they have aggressively added so much in the last 4 plus episodes that I've lost track of all the balls they are juggling. (Especially when it comes to Curtis.) Like Grammaeryn, I initially wondered if I had missed an episode last night. No more Lexa Doig makes xaxat sad :( 1 Link to comment
greenbean June 21, 2014 Share June 21, 2014 Maybe it's my particular affection for Victor Webster, but I feel that Carlos has been woefully underutilized this season. He really has been Kiera's one constant in all of this, even if she doesn't always see it. Hopefully he'll come into to things now that Julian knows more. I really like the idea of them working together. Link to comment
wanderingstar June 22, 2014 Share June 22, 2014 (edited) I liked the episode. And I also like Brad - I did as well. For some reason - perhaps the ones sjohnson mentions above - I like the team-up of Keira/Brad. I think of them as kindred spirits - displaced and away from their families (seemingly permanently). I get why they'd be drawn to one another. Lots to take in from this episode. And since I watched this and the previous week's episode back-to-back, I'm still kind of reeling from all the info. As someone else said upthread, all of the characters are starting from scratch, and I'm now intrigued to see where everyone lands after next week's finale. Edited June 22, 2014 by Gillian Rosh Link to comment
dr pepper June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 This episode really raised the "can never be sure who's really dead" factor. And that includes our favorite battleship. Link to comment
iMonrey June 24, 2014 Share June 24, 2014 It sort of feels like the show is getting too far away from its original premise, which is disappointing because the story really seemed to gel at the beginning of this season and now it feels like it's starting to fall apart again. If the Freelancers are there to protect the Continuum they've been doing a crap job if ever since Alec traveled back a week in time. The relationship between Alec and Kiera has always been the glue that held the story together for me and seeing them at odds and no longer working together is tearing at the fabric of the show. Link to comment
catray June 28, 2014 Share June 28, 2014 I finally caught up on all these episodes ahead of the finale but man, I feel like I have whiplash-- and that I've missed an episode as well. I guess I'll need to do a rewatch at some point. I like Kiera/Brad-- in part because I'm a fan of the actor who plays him-- but I think they share a lot, despite the fact that he killed the other Kiera. I wish we had seen a bit more of their relationship develop, but with the finale looming I am just hoping he survives. I think Kiera finally having her ideological breakthrough that I was anticipating in season 1. 1 Link to comment
Dovega December 26, 2015 Share December 26, 2015 I liked this episode, of course Kellow is going to ensure the future Brad comes from stays the same though, he is the only one who seems to benefit from it. I'd keep an eye on him if I were Keira. I liked Keira and Brad teaming up and I even understand the romance, it's like Kellog explained in the first season, they understand each other in ways that the rest of the world can't. And now Carlos has been distant all season and gone behind her back all creepy with her lifeless body and her ties with both Alec's have been severed, so he must feel like the only person she can connect with. I was sad go see Sonya go, she was the only Liber8 member that was willing to change the future from non violent tactics and I appreciated that. I wish Dillon had seen the error of his ways before dying though, I wanted to see him repent. I really don't care about the Alec and Emily romance, and I doubt she is Jason's mother. I still wonder what is Curtis' purpose. Link to comment
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