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Laurel Lance: Black Canary, Black Siren.

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Unfortunately for BC/LL, the only EP that was truly a BC fan was Andrew Kreisberg, who doesn't have anything to do with Arrow anymore. So I don't expect the writing to change for her in future seasons, as in, I don't think she's going to get any more or less time/focus/effort than she already has in previous seasons.


We might spend a lot of time here talking about what to do about LL/BC and trying to figure out how to make her fit better on the show, but from what I can tell, the EPs think they've already "fixed" her on the show by giving her the mask, the name, and the Canary Cry. I'm pretty sure they're going into season 4 thinking that BC fans are satisfied that she's got all the superficial stuff that makes her BC (judging by the reaction at the news of

her getting a motorcycle?

), and fans of the show are satisfied that she's a masked fighter integrated into GA's team (rather than isolated with her own unrelated storyline, which was a common complaint in seasons 1&2). So they're just going to continue on their merry way, with LL vigilante-ing as competently as everyone else on the team, occasionally throwing her a big juicy storyline like Sara's resurrection. 

So maybe FLASH is the place for her to go... that is AKs baby afterall. CC needs some lawyer/vigilantes.


But I think your lower paragraph is more likely what will happen. Sadly, not all wishes come true nor all problems get fixed. A gloss of paint, a mask & a motorcycle might be all the corrections they make. Which is kinda sad when you think about it.

  • Love 1

I actually think they will have issues writing for the extended team arrow.

When Sara was on the team Digg and Felicity were sidelined since she was with Oliver and connected to the Slade plot.

Roy was always in the background and when Thea put on a mask they got rid of him.

They had to kill off Oliver for LL to fit and when he came back she was at the arrow cave less.

So I think someone is bound to be sidelined again.Felicity is with Oliver and has a unique role on the team and she might get connected to HIVE through her father,Digg is connected to HIVE and there was huge backlash in season 3 when he was sidelined for LL.Thea might but she's Oliver's sister as well his new sidekick so I think she'll get more focus then Roy.That leaves LL who has no real connection to Oliver other then she's his ex girlfriend.I'm kinda curious to see what they do with her even though I probably won't like it lol.

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I say she's going to resurrect Sara which is her big role of the season and then she'll just be treated like an afterthought. I think the only thing other than the Sara storyline I heart re:LL was her balancing work and being a vigilante. And tbh that's boring as hell and won't require much screentime. 


But yeah, I'm done talking about this character for now :p It makes me needlessly annoyed. 

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They also had to send OQ out of town in the finale to make LL work. It was sold as OQ wanting to find himself & spend quality time with FS, which it des. But it also in many ways was done to make LL believable as a no learning curve vigilante when he returns to SC in the fall. After a summer of fighting by herself & defending SC, we are just supposed to accept her as no learning curve hero.

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Her learning curve was horrible so I'm kinda happy I won't have to see anymore of it.But it's crazy how they want people to buy that since all the other learning curves lasted years.They skipped so many steps on her hero journey and rushed the other.

No matter how much she trains the real problem is having no chemistry with the team and especially Oliver.He gives off please go away vibes whenever she's in a scene.She's yet to have a scene with Digg or Felicity where they're actually in character.As long as that's the case she'll just feel like an intruder.

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Where is Felicity in that equation? She's been part of Oliver's team before Laurel and Barry.

Where she has always been. Watching everybody's back & leading them on missions. The only reason I didn't include Felicity is because I was talking about the ones that wear suits that's going to make up the mini JL (I forgot about Thea too). It's obvious she will be in charge of them all. Who else would all of these Heros trust with their life. she's the common thread between them. Don't know why you made it about who was apart of Oliver's team first but ok lol.

  • Love 3

This is probably going to sound like a slight against KC and I don't mean it as one, but I really can't picture Laurel smiley and happy. We saw glimpses of it with Cisco and Nyssa, but I can't see it with the regular Arrow cast. The chemistry is off or the lack of history just taints it, I'm not sure. I don't see it.


I did buy Laurel's smiles with Nyssa.  She was amused.  BUT I did not buy Laurel's smiles around Cisco.  He was enamored but she hadn't earned it and yes, she smiled but I kept wondering and waiting for the other shoe to drop. In the end, she was just milking Cisco's fan boy status to get a new toy.  So I was cringing every time she smiled.  Very uncomfortable for me to watch. 



Honestly, what Laurel really needs is her own team, and she's not going to get that on any of the existing shows, including LoT because that's not her team, it's Sara's. On LoT she would always always be playing second fiddle to her sister.

As much as I don't like the character, I do think giving her her own team (the BoP) and sending her off with them is the only realistic redemption for this version of the character. Now do I think that's likely to happen? Probably not.

I think that Laurel has gotten her own team on Arrow.  It's her, Thea and DIggle. 


I expect to see her being somewhat involved or at least aware of Thea's issues from the LP and it wouldn't surprise me if they write it as she and DIggle having become close enough for him to keep her in the loop on his HIVE issues. I'm hopping that means she'd play support for DIggle and maybe just take some inspiration from Thea to use in regard Sara. 


So first half of the season:  show off BC skills (lol, I first wrote BS skills), interactions with "her team", be supportive of Thea, get ideas about Sara, some Daddy stuff, bring back Sara, hang in the background while they set up LoT.  Second half of the season...will we have the dreaded Laurel Winter Weeks?  I hope not but I am bracing for them.  She might get used as back up for a Diggle mission.  Beyond that, I've got nothing.  I do worry about them killing off Quentin and then making Laurel police commissioner or something equally nuts. 

Edited by BkWurm1

Yeah... They're not promoting it as being Laurel's team... On the other hand Flash is promoting Iris as the new team leader.... I don't know how I feel about that. But the fact that I don't know says something. But that's just another story for another time lol

At least I could see Iris being the leader of the team and running a tight ship. Plus its a good way to incorporate her, since they are currently leaderless. Also in FLASH, BA never really felt like the leader. He's the MVP but not the leader. But that's a story for another time.


Laurel on the other hand does not have leadership material over the current Arrow team, if anyone should be the leader in OQ's absence it should be Dig. Also they never really seem to need a new leader since OQ has always been the leader. That's one of the major problems with LL is that she neither feels like a team player or a team leader in the Arrow world.

  • Love 3

At least I could see Iris being the leader of the team and running a tight ship. Plus its a good way to incorporate her, since they are currently leaderless. Also in FLASH, BA never really felt like the leader. He's the MVP but not the leader. But that's a story for another time.


Laurel on the other hand does not have leadership material over the current Arrow team, if anyone should be the leader in OQ's absence it should be Dig. Also they never really seem to need a new leader since OQ has always been the leader. That's one of the major problems with LL is that she neither feels like a team player or a team leader in the Arrow world.


Maybe it's because the Flash team isn't as tight knit as the Arrow team. They're all the same age, all have relatively similar experience. I think Iris can be integrated into the team well. But IDK about her being a leader? I think that I'd be interested in seeing her take on the role and see if the writers give her justice. I don't want her to just enter into the Flash HQ and just start ordering people around. Because... who is she to do that? In order to be a leader I hope she shows that she's good w/ strategy, making tough decisions, etc. I want the show to make Iris grow as a character. But I also want them to do it organically. 


As for Laurel, I don't think she can ever be leader material simply because there's always going to be a person who will have more experience than her, who is more level headed, who's better at strategy, who can make tough calls, and those people are Diggle and Felicity and Oliver. I think that's the issue here. Laurel has been portrayed as unstable for 2 seasons in a row now. I think that's just a part of her character now. 

  • Love 4

I'm hoping she's just the one that brings Sara back to life. I don't want to see Because Comics more than I have to on Arrow.

I suspect that may be as far as her role goes. I can't think of any other way for her to be involved. Maybe they overhyped it like always when it comes to her.

I guess I'm looking at this from a Black Canary perspective. The Laurel Lance character is useless to all 3 shows, that is pretty much a given. But the Black Canary has the potential to show another kickass female superhero, which is something that TV could use. Its something I think the DCTV universe is interested in. So I wonder where the best place to show those talents would be.

I do not think they will be properly shown on ARROW, because there is too much bad chemistry among the team where BC is concerned. She will forever be a sidekick, which probably isn't how DCTV wants her.

Truly, I just don't want to see a female superhero be lost because of some bad writing or possibly casting decisions in 2012. I want to give her one more shot before BC goes the way of so many female superheroes into the oblivion. Do I regret that they opted to make LL instead of SL, absolutely. That was one of the dumbest decisions they made. Also bringing SL back as a Canary another misstep. So yeah, I think the teams have their work cut out for them to fix this mess that they made all on their own choices/doings.

I'm also looking at it from a BC perspective. Black Canary is suppose to be a kickass female superhero which is why I'm shocked that the arrow writers are treating her as a joke. They should have kept Sara as BC if they had no intention of doing justice to who they consider the real BC. Sara was the perfect BC with a perfect backstory to match. She just didn't have the name.

I agree BC would never work on Arrow b/c BC is not a sidekick. She's too big of a character & she will never get the proper storyline her fans want b/c it isn't her show it's a show about the origin of Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. So when they try to let her lead it ends up feeling forced & undermines Oliver's journey.

BC was meant to lead & the only way she will is if she has her own show, with her own team. You're right that she's useless to all three shows. I'm hoping they realize this. I think KC/LL would benefit from her own show about BC under better writers that actually care. I think a BC show would be successful with someone like Gail Simone behind it. That way they could explore the BC character more. She has a rich comic book history. Everything would be about her as the main character & her storylines would feel more organic. Add Birds of Prey into it & it would be a hit. Wishful thinking I know.

The arrow writers just don't seem to be invested enough in LL as BC. They screwed her from the start with that awful backstory & making her a love interest first. The comparisons between her and Sara will never stop. Especially if Sara in the LoT trailer & WM's no learning curve comment is anything to go by.

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There is NO WAY the CW would give KC/LL her own show. If they actually thought she was a viable lead, they could have shipped her off to LoT and left Sara dead. Instead they're jumping through hoops to ressurect Sara after and entire year and made her the female lead (for all apparent purposes) on a team spinoff show.

This keeps coming up and it's just not practical. Yeah it would save those of us who dislike Laurel from having to suffer through her scenes on Arrow or LoT but, it takes more than that for a Network/Studio to throw millions of dollars behind a show.

  • Love 17

If they announced that KC was headlining LoT I don't think it would've gotten as much attention as it did for CL or at least positive attention. Laurel is a little more accepted from last season but she's still not winning any popularity contests. Didn't she just win the Least Liked Character award again on one of those polls? Case in point with us playing "you take her", "no, you keep her". 


LoT is Sara's show, Because Comics has no place on it. The only past I want to see of Sara's is her past with Nyssa and the LOA. I don't need to see any more family flashbacks. I've seen all I need to, to know what kind of relationship the Lance's had. I don't even care if Sara never sees her family again, I'd rather watch her be a bad ass through history with Hawkgirl. 

  • Love 4

I meant it as Sara's the female lead of the show. She's the one that got the most press and they have proved they like showcasing her from Arrow. So I'm not worried. 

I actually hope that the writers actually stick to their word and make this show into an actual ensemble with no lead. I think one of the few reasons why Sara is being showcased is because we already know her. Sara is already an established character. I hope they take the time to establish other characters on the show too. And I don't htink they could achieve that by treating Sara and/or Ray as the lead(s). 


But now we're getting off topic. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 2

Nobody is promoting it as her team.

And I didn't mean to imply that Laurel was leading it, just that they set Laurel up with a subset of people to play with out in the field, people that she would  over the five months had time to more closely bond with.  DR called them a well oiled machine.  She certainly doesn't have that with Oliver or Felicity.  She's essentially been put on a different team and lol, Diggle is the floater between them.  We'll see how they use Thea with Oliver.


  I think this sub team with in the team is how they are going to deal with Laurel not being Oliver's sidekick. 

Edited by BkWurm1

Yea...but really that's by default. 

There's also Hawkgirl. I guess we'll find out who the lead female is when the show actually airs.


But whether it's Sara or Hawkgirl, I don't see a role for Laurel on LoT,


I get the feeling from her interviews that WM isn't as interested in Laurel as AK was, and that MG is about homage to the comics rather than writing for the character herself.  I hope they find a way to fit her into the team because I don't want to see Oliver and Laurel running Team Arrow and out in the field together, and Diggle left behind in the truck or on the fringes as back-up with Thea.

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Yeah they seem to be going out of their way to assure fans that Diggle won't be sidelined so I'm cautiously optimistic they deliver.I noticed that MG and especially WM seem to talk about Laurel and Thea on the team and as vigilantes as though they're on the same level so I think they'll pair them up most of the time.Poor Thea but someone has to do it and for me she would be the least annoying option.

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Independent of how much we know or don't know about Hawkgirl (and I know nothing about any Jay Jackson?), that's not the deciding factor as to who is the female lead.  Going into Arrow, we knew a lot more about Roy Harper than we did about John Diggle, and yet Diggle was always more important to the show than Roy.


I like the idea of Laurel paired with Thea while Oliver goes out with Diggle.  That seems to fit better than Oliver/Laurel and Diggle/Thea, no matter what the comics say.

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The problem is that whenever I think of a Laurel/Thea matchup, I'm reminded of that scene where Laurel tells Thea about how Sara was dead, and it just left me cold. Just that scene, the chemistry was terrible, there was no warmth, it was just so... bad. That's why I'm worried about pairing Thea/Laurel. They have negative chemistry. I was surprised because they had relatively good scenes in S1, but maybe something happened off screen to change that? IDK I just think that KC needs to be paired off with stronger actresses like KL in order to be likable. 


Then again, maybe it's because the scene was so dour, maybe they'll work better with lighter scenes... 

I always thought when LL fans were complaining about Laurel and Thea not having scenes together in season 3 that it made sense because Thea did kill her sister.She didn't know she was doing it and Laurel might not blame her but still whenever they see each other Laurel would be reminded of Sara dying and Thea would be reminded that she killed someone.

So that makes it hard for me to believe that they could have any kind of friendship where they bond and train together after season 3.I don't think her and Thea have interesting scenes together or anything but I would take it over LL having bonding scenes with Diggle,Felicity or Oliver.

Her scenes with Nyssa made me cringe a little since they seemed to have unintended romantic undertones and KC was especially melodramatic with her in 3.21.But she can have Nyssa if it keeps her away from OTA.

  • Love 10

The problem is that whenever I think of a Laurel/Thea matchup, I'm reminded of that scene where Laurel tells Thea about how Sara was dead, and it just left me cold. Just that scene, the chemistry was terrible, there was no warmth, it was just so... bad. That's why I'm worried about pairing Thea/Laurel. They have negative chemistry. I was surprised because they had relatively good scenes in S1, but maybe something happened off screen to change that? IDK I just think that KC needs to be paired off with stronger actresses like KL in order to be likable. 


Then again, maybe it's because the scene was so dour, maybe they'll work better with lighter scenes... 

I don't think LL & TQ have negative chemistry. They did work in S1. I think the writers put them in really awkward situations in s3. Hanging out with the person who killed your sister (even if it was under MM's influence) is a little awkward. That being said, I never got why they had that scene between LL & TQ, because then they never addressed their relationship for the rest of the season. LL was kept out of TQ's hospital, LP, recovery & return to NP scenes. To accommodate Nyssa they isolated LL from TA for most of the end of s3. Again, its just par for the course when it comes to LL and their continued desire to keep her apart from the main story for reasons.


If they do put LL & TQ together again as fighting partners, I think they could recapture some of their s1 energy. It will also be different after SL is back & that is not lingering over their heads. It's not the greatest chemistry ever between LL/TQ, but there is something there. At least they appear to want to share the screen together. OQ & LL on the other hand I don't think can overcome their negative chemistry. Its so bad, its almost comedic at this point. Part of me wonders (don't hate me)... but since it seems that EBR & KC are friends IRL, I wonder if they will try to capitalize on that energy & have FS/LL work together more closely in s4. Their characters on the show do not have a relationship history one way or the other, there have been a few awkward seasons, but those can be written away in the writers' minds. But with a few authentic bonding scenes (which Ill admit will be hard to write/watch) - but it might be how they get LL more integrated into the Arrowcave once OQ returns.

Independent of how much we know or don't know about Hawkgirl (and I know nothing about any Jay Jackson?), that's not the deciding factor as to who is the female lead.  Going into Arrow, we knew a lot more about Roy Harper than we did about John Diggle, and yet Diggle was always more important to the show than Roy.


I like the idea of Laurel paired with Thea while Oliver goes out with Diggle.  That seems to fit better than Oliver/Laurel and Diggle/Thea, no matter what the comics say.

I think it's going to be Laurel/Diggle and Oliver/Thea, at least for awhile. Oliver will want to stay close to Thea, Diggle will want to be far away from Oliver, and that takes care of the O/L anti-chem.

  • Love 4

I have a hard time imagining authentic scenes between Felicity and Laurel. Most of their scenes last season were so awkward and forced. I liked Laurel with Nyssa - that felt real. (although I do wish that the only person I've ever really felt she had chemistry with wasn't her dead sister's girlfriend.) But everything with Felicity and Laurel was just painful, and while I'm all for female friendship, that one just isn't working for me. That scene at the end of The Fallen, where Felicity goes to tell her what happened and breaks down crying, and Laurel hugs her? Most awkward hug ever. KC seriously looked like she didn't know what to do with her arms.

  • Love 13

The scene where Felicity basically threw Sara under the bus for Laurel's benefit was the WORST and I detest it. (Was it in Canaries? I can't remember exactly.) I think it's in character for Felicity to comfort people but there was something OOC about that moment as a whole. The hug felt awkward and unearned. I think we're supposed to believe that the two had bonded off screen but I'm so sick of all this tell don't show.


But strangely enough, I thought their hug at the end of 320 was the only moment it didn't seem forced. Laurel just looked like someone who had been there, done that, worn the tee shirt as far as Oliver leaving was concerned. She'd been through what Felicity was going through at that moment. I understood that. I agree the hug was a little awkward but eh, it didn't bother me too much. I guess I would have preferred if Felicity had fallen apart on Diggle but at the same time, Laurel needed to be told somehow so I do understand why they did that scene. 

The scene where Felicity basically threw Sara under the bus for Laurel's benefit was the WORST and I detest it. (Was it in Canaries? I can't remember exactly.) I think it's in character for Felicity to comfort people but there was something OOC about that moment as a whole. The hug felt awkward and unearned. I think we're supposed to believe that the two had bonded off screen but I'm so sick of all this tell don't show.

That was in Canaries, but...I don't even remember that hug. :( I must have been blind with rage from the "you have a light inside you that Sara never had" line.

  • Love 6

The show is going to push insta-team and insta-friendships because Greg Berlanti is the only EP who was thoughtful about things like that. WM seems like a good check for MG's lack of care in that area, but still, most of this was in place before she took her position. F/L and D/L were already Hug Friends out of nowhere in S3, and Laurel's known Thea since birth, so we're not going to see relationship development. The best I can hope for is that this won't feel so awkward this season. I think that's possible, IF, as I said last week, the directors/writers will encourage KC to play Laurel a little lighter and more open and friendly. Katie and Emily seem to have become really good friends in the intervening months, so hopefully some of that will translate to screen.

  • Love 2

I have a hard time imagining authentic scenes between Felicity and Laurel. Most of their scenes last season were so awkward and forced. I liked Laurel with Nyssa - that felt real. (although I do wish that the only person I've ever really felt she had chemistry with wasn't her dead sister's girlfriend.) But everything with Felicity and Laurel was just painful, and while I'm all for female friendship, that one just isn't working for me. That scene at the end of The Fallen, where Felicity goes to tell her what happened and breaks down crying, and Laurel hugs her? Most awkward hug ever. KC seriously looked like she didn't know what to do with her arms.

I gotta agree to an extent, I too have a hard time imagining the scenes feeling authentic. But I don't put it past the writers to try it. Awkward & forced is their cup of tea when it comes to LL, with the exception of QL. Part of me also hopes that whatever friendship KC & EBR have developed off-screen does translate to the screen. Their hug in 320 did seem a little more real than their interactions before. IDK, if we can't get LL to move out of town, I just hope that they find a way to make her work this season. I am so over trying to figure out how to make her work, when it seems the writers don't care as much.

Edited by kismet

I don't want them to lighten her up too much to the point where she's unrecognizable though. Like her appearance on the Flash? That wasn't Laurel, that was some sort of pod person. It's hilarious how said pod person was actually better than the character herself. 


But yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing her lighten up in the first half of the season... Not until Sara has been resurrected. I'm sure LL will be crossing boundaries and be bossy in order to get what she wants. Because I know for sure Oliver/Diggle/Felicity won't accept (after possibly seeing the affect it had on Thea). I do hope that the writers tread lightly though. Bossy LL is not very becoming. 

They need to be careful with Oliver not wanting to LP Sara. That's pretty hypocritical. He didn't care a whole lot about repercussions with Thea, so I'd rather he not be too hardcore about the same situation with someone else's sister. Raise concerns, definitely, but full-on object is pretty hypocritical.

I don't think LL/KC can be anything other than bossy, demanding, and stubborn.

  • Love 4

That was in Canaries, but...I don't even remember that hug. :( I must have been blind with rage from the "you have a light inside you that Sara never had" line.


The irony is that a quick stroke of the pen and it becomes "You have the same light - the same fire - inside you that Sara did." Homage to the dead and more realistic coming out of Felicity's mouth - whether anyone would find that any more believable is debatable.


I guess they wanted to avoid any comparisons with Sara at all?  Other than that, I got nothing for how terrible that line was.  Pretty sure it led to the most-liked post on this board though.

  • Love 11

Sadly, I can see them echoing the line with Sara. They are probably going to have a scene of Laurel 'giving' the Canary name back to Sara and Sara refusing it at first because Laurel 'burns brighter' in her soul. Then they agree to both have the name but color code themselves so people can tell them apart.

I'm okay with Sara saying/thinking that, because her self-esteem is about as low as Oliver's pre-S4 and will probably be even lower when she returns. It was FELICITY saying it that was awful.

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