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Extreme Love - General Discussion

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A 31 year old man dating 91 year old women. A couple in which the woman has a goal of becoming the heaviest woman in the world. A man with a harem of "real dolls" and the creepily young looking "real" boy, er, man he buys his partner. A man in love with his car who expresses that love physically.  These stories and more are yours to snark on Extreme Love. 

Join us, won't you? You don't have to be a polyamorous vampire to post! 

  • Love 2

The whole show is of course, Attention Whore Central.

Somebody commented on the Love After Lockup forum that it seems that reality show kissing has been heavily influenced by porn movies, with open mouths, tongue action and a lot of er, moisture. The 'old woman lover' story here featured more of that- Marge (the 91 year old) looked like an ancient tortoise messily chewing on the younger guy's face. Ick. 

Funnel-Feeder woman finds out she's pregnant with her creepy enabler; poor, poor baby. There seem to be a lot of these 'models' who are apparently making a living by gorging themselves and then posing with their massive gut hanging over spread stumps/legs; how can this be lucrative?

Sex Doll Family-so repulsive. The husband who is no doubt on some kind of disability, but who has enough strength to haul his harem to the store for new outfits, etc, in his enormous truck. What was up with the elf doll and her red bandanna-was there some mouth thing happening that had to be censored for TV? The sad wife and her 10 dogs, who wants to join the plastic 'fun' with her own man-doll, but who has to settle for an effeminate little twig of a boy replica who was about half her size (although with THREE interchangeable 'tools'). And the extended family who chose to be filmed witnessing this madness, wow.

I felt like I needed to shower after episode one, doubt I'll be returning.

  • Love 1

This episode was especially off putting, for sure. Love Doll guy was such a creep. When he brought one of his play toys to his PT visit and kept making references to his sex life! GAH. I felt so bad for that poor woman. She should not have had to deal with that. And seriously? Sitting one of the dolls at the table for a family dinner? Can you imagine sitting next to it? Just think of the smell.

I had to fast forward through the young guy with the old lady fetish. I'm an old lady myself but holy shit, I do not want to see other old ladies getting down.

Feeder girl just wanted to be on TV, I guess?

I'm recording the next few episodes but if they continue to gross me out I'll bail too. Its not fun in a trainwrecky way, so far its just gross and pathetic.

  • Love 3

Episode 2 featured a blonde paid escort who apparently never sleeps with any of her sugar daddies, but uses them to fund lavish trips across the world. The men pay all her expenses from middle America, treat her to fine wine and dining, shopping sprees and expensive hotel suites, all in the hopes that they will score enough points to get a 2nd date, or some sex. 

A gay couple, who live on a bus parked on a fiends land. The couple is queer, one who hates wearing shoes and shirts for some reason, who has a partner who is pregnant about to give birth (transgendered male). He goes through a 64 hour home birth only to end up at the hospital undergoing a C-section. Male child arrives, and they film an epilogue where they say they will raise the son to be gender less. 

The most interesting to me was the Black polyamorous couple who launched a polyamory consulting business in NC, which seems to be successful. They counsel a young couple who are exploring polyamory with the husband’s best friend. The whole thing was extreme love to me and it was the first that I felt fulfilled the premise of the show. 

  • Love 1

Whenever a feeder or supersized model is shown on any reality TV, I assume they are looking to increase their business.  There is a larger market for this work than people would expect.  

Doll guy was super creepy.  How desperate was his partner to be with him?  The "male" doll is really disgusting.  I take these are marketed to pedophiles.  It looks like a young teen. 

21 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Swinger couple was seriously skeevy. Whats her name (wife) braying like a donkey and getting hammered on margaritas was so not sexy. The very opposite of sexy. The younger couple being put out because of the lack of snacks made me laugh. 

That made me laugh too. They must have come hungry, looking for a full dinner, and were extremely disappointed at the finger foods, snacks, and antipasto spread. I’m sure once they’ve hosted a few of their own parties (and wasted a ton of $$$ throwing out food that doesn’t get eaten), they will quickly realize that swingers come to these parties to socialize, drink, and have sex... not to gorge and stuff their faces with food. It’s not a dinner party folks, it’s a sex party. Get off your high horse. 

  • Love 2

I am catching up on the show.  Swinger Jen was really off putting.  Was she ever not drunk?  I guess they don't focus on consent at their parties given that Jen felt free to maul anyone she was interested in.  Boring young swinger wannabe couple was no prize but they seemed great next to her.  We got a picture of someone's (presumably her) ass getting spanked.  Where were the pictures of the food and younger crowd at their party?

Pastor Bob, yuck.  He wants a young wife and uses the Bible as justification.  Sure dude.  It's God's law, not your dick.

Car sex guy is like the media idea of a pervert.  He kept making these weird noises and getting excited talking about cars and helicopters.  I can't imagine deciding to share with the world that you are having sex with your car.  He had better be a mechanic, because I think he's going to have trouble finding someone to work on his love, Vanilla.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

OK, the polyamorous vampires have finished me. I am dead.

Yeah, that was the craziest of this last episode. The lady who pays a cuddle gigolo didn’t make a blip on my radar as much as these poly vamps. I actually think Wife #1 is anemic, which is why she gets an energy jolt after drinking blood. She may have an undiagnosed medical condition like iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, or sickle cell anemia. The husband is a full on narcissist who believes he is a real life vampire. Methinks...he is certifiably delusional, a masochist (he seemed to revel in the emotional pain he was chasing his wife), and a selfish man-child to boot. 

Wife #1 is definitely NOT happy with the situation, and the husband is so into his new GF that he doesn’t even care. He is the one in control of the relationship, and the power dynamic is not fair to either women. Bringing in a fulltime gf to live with you, your wife, AND your parents —-(guess his vampire teeth modeling business does not make enough to support himself, talk-less of 2 other women🙄🙄). I wish his parents would kick him off the ranch instead of enabling his immature child’s play.  He is not a real adult, he is a man child playing out his childhood fantasies. His parents have overindulged him, and it didn’t seem like he had any real life responsibilities, hence he could sleep all day and vamp all night. 

He wasn’t happy with the lack of attention he was was getting from #1 while she was planning the Vampire Wedding of the Century, so he dove into a full on relationship with #2. He violated all the initial agreements that he had with #1 about their polyamorous relationship. According to all the poly shows I’ve watched, sticking to the agreements is fundamental to a successful relationship. In almost all the scenes,  #1 just looked so unhappy and miserable. Why are the 3 of them constantly in bed together? The gf just kept shifting the established boundaries and the Wife inwardly seethed but it seemed like she could not do anything about it. He forced #1 to have #2 in her bridal party ffs! So glad the end title card showed that Wife #1 ended up re-establishing a relationship with her ex-boyfriend, at least now she is getting some attention from someone instead of constantly being ignored by her vamp husband. 

The fake ceremony he set up to bind #2 to him, and coerced #1 to participate in. Forgot what it was called. I am glad the cameras didn’t show it. I think it was probably very sexual, with lots of blood, playacting, and #1’s silent internal heartbreaking tears. 

  • Love 1

I, too, fell into this by leaving the TV on after L after L.  My reactions were pretty much what everyone else's were, but one thing I did appreciate was the fact that several episodes were about people with disabilities or other body anomalies.  It's good for the rest of us to be reminded that having a disability or atypical body doesn't make us asexual beings.  Plus it was a good way to answer questions many people have but are too embarrassed to ask about whether or not certain people can "do it."

I was genuinely happy for Misty, although there were times when I wanted to slap her mother.  I liked the "asexual" sex performer (how about those abs he decorated himself with?!) and his wife.  Fortunately I have not seen the slobbery old lady one (if drool is a turn-on, I'm one hot chick), and the car guy just urped me.  I am surprised he hasn't been arrested or at least warned.  OTOH I had a 1954 VW convertible that I was kind of unnaturally fond of, so maybe I shouldn't judge too harshly.  I was hoping Mrs. Vampire would kick his selfish, conceited, contact-lensed ass to the curb.  I guess hooking up with an old boyfriend is *something*, but it's still an unlevel playing field.  Can't imagine that her old boyfriend has been allowed to move into her in-laws' ranch house, so she still has hours of the day to watch her jackass husband coming all over *his* girlfriend.

It's an odd little show, isn't it?  I learned about being a "cuddlist," at which I raise an eyebrow, and that there really are sugar daddies who spend lots and lots of money on horribly modified caricatures of women--although he didn't really put her into a mansion, just a nice middle-class house--I missed the feeder guy, which is too bad, but the feeder/polygamist just struck me as kind of stupid.  So many men apparently long for permission to fuck around--why the hell do they get married in the first place?

  • Love 1

I just want to know what kind of weird ass high school these people went to. Wife "discovers" her vampirism by virtue of a sudden, unquenchable thirst. Her friend, without batting an eye, tells her she's emerging as a vampire, she needs blood, and they should go and find her donor. Whom they find in short order. What kind of place is this? Its apparently crawling with vampires.

  • LOL 1

Episode 1: 

Tiny Texie, a lesbian little person who is a stripper. Also won a beauty contest as Ms. Petite USA or something of that ilk. She is trying to get better strip club gigs and on a good night for her shows can make $3,000. Touring across the country. Her significant other Anastasia, is her makeup artist, photographer and manager, who helps with her social media page, deals with jealousy and being called a pervert when they go out. TT is 27 years, 3 foot six inches tall, stopped growing in childhood due to a genetic condition, but is a grown woman. Professional stripper. Often gets mistaken as a child when our in public,  and her gf gets blamed for letting her daughter wear makeup and address slutty. They work together in the night life scene. Lots of tears for this couple as they face regular discrimination, prejudice, and abuse from general public. Anastasia gets jealous when Texas does the 1:1 part of her show or gets physical with other performers. Ana runs her social media. The have a full relationship. 

Michele in Germany, in love with the plane Boeing 737. She is fully hot and in love with the plane. Similar to the tractor guy from season 1. Full Objectiphilia. Hasn’t been in a relationship with a human since 2011, and she has plane models and scrap parts of planes that she kisses and loves up on. She planned a romantic getaway with Stockholm airport to have an overnight with the plane. I think the show set this up...no other way this would be humored otherwise. Thinks the 737 is the love of her life, refers to it as a guy, and has spent $6,000 on plane parts. Wonder if she still loves the 737 planes that crash. The plane guys were so nice to her..even though they didn’t understand her fetish, they indulged it with no judgement, she got a 2 hour visit and one of the mechanics offered to mail her discarded parts for free. She burst into tears. Genuine moment. Even teared me up. 

Final is one I never heard before. DDLG, Daddy Dom Who spanks his Baby Girl wife Michelle.  She spends the whole day dressed as baby girl. Onesie, diaper and all. They are happily married and enjoy their full kink. He has a discipline chart for her and she gets punished on the regular whenever she acts out. She throws tantrums like any toddler or kid...full on tantrums it was disturbing to see. Michelle varies the age she acts out as a little girl but her fav age is 5. The husband “Daddy” Wade takes care of her all day and she enjoys it. They stay in their roles all day pretty much. She wears diapers all day, they live it 24/7, watching cartoons and doing crafts. The show pushed them to go out in public with their kink. It was awkward for the general public, not them. Play date at the end with another Baby brought into the mix but the Baby cancelled last minute. Michelle had a full tantrum. Funny Wade’s sister was there...she seemed open. 

Edited by Spiderella2
Added finale
  • Love 1

Texie and Anastasia were just tiring.  They are clearly trying to expand Texie's career by being on the show.

I was surprised by how kind the plane folks were.  You know they'll be talking about her for a long time, but they were very nice to her when she was waxing poetic about her 737 love.  Maybe she has funerals for the planes that crashed?  

On this week's episode, the threesome couple were so boring. I highly doubt they are having three threesomes a week. 

I’m starting to realize that these people are pretty much just asking for the hate and judgment they receive from others. They complain because They are not accepted to society of friends/family but yet they’re the ones who feel the need to showcase to everyone the freaky weird shit they do in the bedroom. Whatever happened to keeping things to yourself? It’s impossible for some people these days.  

Incest marriages should only become legal if each person agrees to a permanent form of birth control like a vasectomy/tubes tied. Do whatever weird shit you want,but don’t bring innocent babies into your mess. 

On 1/22/2020 at 8:22 AM, Hellohappylife said:

I’m starting to realize that these people are pretty much just asking for the hate and judgment they receive from others. They complain because They are not accepted to society of friends/family but yet they’re the ones who feel the need to showcase to everyone the freaky weird shit they do in the bedroom. Whatever happened to keeping things to yourself? It’s impossible for some people these days.  

Incest marriages should only become legal if each person agrees to a permanent form of birth control like a vasectomy/tubes tied. Do whatever weird shit you want,but don’t bring innocent babies into your mess. 

That's what was gross about the cousins.  I don't give two fucks that you're related (except I give a single fuck when you talk babies) but quit making out on camera and posting tongue pics on FB.  It's gross.  No one wants to see that.

And what was with the single pics of them by themselves hanging above the couch?  Weird. 

  • Love 1
On 1/23/2020 at 6:58 AM, ShaNaeNae said:

That's what was gross about the cousins.  I don't give two fucks that you're related (except I give a single fuck when you talk babies) but quit making out on camera and posting tongue pics on FB.  It's gross.  No one wants to see that.

And what was with the single pics of them by themselves hanging above the couch?  Weird. 

All this I thought exactly the same. And ya supposedly posting the nasty open mouth tongue kiss to their families fb page, just trying to cause even more drama announcing it that way! Attention seekers

  • Love 2

The cousins are exhausting.  They really want to be the center of attention.  They could have handled this with their family without being over the top. I did enjoy how they are at one moment saying their family does not accept them and the next they are saying they need to stay in Utah to be near family. If it wasn't prohibited I'm not sure these two would be together. 

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