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Yeah Scarlett is just a much more enjoyable lead than Vanessa... Who's just kind damn mean and boring.. But damn is she brutal... Hopefully in an episode or two she will level out a bit and not be so extra.. I sure hope  something more substantial cones from Sam and Muhammad than what I got in the premier... Sam cannot be redeemed for me... But Muhammad has been kinda shitted on since the1st season he could use something going his way

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Of course child Vanessa would cause a car accident by being a brat and adult Vanessa would try to go it alone even though she sucks at it. I prefer Scarlet but when she acts like Vanessa it makes it harder to like her. As satisfying as it might have been for her to cut off the evil scientist's head did she take one second to think about everyone in the room who isn't as as unbreakable as she is. Scarlet and Vanessa are both impulsive, stubborn and careless of other people and it makes it difficult to root for them at times.

The vampires are still the biggest problem with this show. I could happily skip past all the their scenes. 

Did Flesh go with Doc and Julius? He didn't have a goodbye scene. Who flew the helicopter? Did one of the scientists soldiers stay with the helicopter? Did he just agree to be their pilot now? 

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I enjoyed the simplified, more classic horror feel of the episode. Having an episode that focused on Vanessa, Scarlet and Axel without the distractions of the rest of the crew worked for me.

I was glad that Scarlet called out Vanessa’s bad attitude and Vanessa acknowledged that something was wrong. Given they both realised something was wrong and Scarlet and Axel saw the red eye thing it seems unwise that they left Vanessa alone with the elder and the totem thing.

 It was also frustrating to see the sisters arguing about Axel. Scarlet and Axel wanting to keep their relationship secret was annoying. Why can’t they be grownups about it. Why do we need this fake drama?

The first three episodes of season 3:

1 - Vanessa is running almost entirely on rage. I think the dream trip might help her center a bit more. Fingers crossed.

1a - I do question if Vanessa is really even human anymore. She seems to be turning into .... Something else entirely. 

1b - Scarlett is one step behind Vanessa, Her powers are still growing. But we haven't seen Scarlett "die" yet, so she hasn't gone all Sayian and reached a new power level.

2 - I think Lily is still alive. Or in that Vanessa shrodingers death state. She looked way too good for being 'dead' for over 100 years.

3 - For being an elder, the Elder was really dumb. I hate stupid bad guys. I mean seriously, blurt out that you hoped Vanessa wouldnt make it back from the dream? That's just putting a big ole "kill me now" sign on your chest.

However, I loved the actress who played him. She did an amazing job with the mannerisms and inhuman tics.

3 - The show does suffer from having too many groupings. When the show is focused, it comes across much better IMO.


Musings and Hypothesis/want to see

1 - Lucky isn't dead. She is just taking longer to regenerate her body.

2 - Lily isn't actually dead, she's in the Van Helping 'Shrodingers cat' Dead/Not Dead state.

3 - don't they need all the totems to get to the first vampire? If so, can't they destroy the one they do have and then no one could find it. Unless they want to find the first vampire, which strikes me as a spectacularly *Bad Idea* 

4 - I hope Susan comes back alive too, I really like the actress. And talk about messing with Vanessa:

Susan: "you left me in the ground!"

Vanessa: "But I thought you were dead!",

S: "And you let a vampire gnaw on my arm! And it was the same psycho who killed me! Even though I'm not dead!"

V: "Yeah, sorry about the who not figuring out who the psycho was sooner, and how could I know you might not like being vampiric noms? You should have tasted like crap to him, and you were dead!"

5 - Vanessa might be forming her own undying army. But man, I hope they can die from old age, otherwise things could get really horrible for them decades from now.

Fun show, I don't like giving them views after their shoddy treatment of Dark Matter and The Expanse. I just totally expect them to cancel the Van Helping on a cliff hanger as a big ole screw you while giving absolute crap shows 10 seasons.

Ugh, an entire episode of Sam complete with childhood flashbacks showing the origin of his finger and tooth fetish. The only part of this episode i liked was when one of the teenagers was telling the other kids the story of when Buffy killed Angel and sent him to hell. 

I don't know why I still watch this show. I'm not a show completist anymore, life is too short to watch bad shows. There are some episodes that I find watchable but mostly i think I watch this waiting for it to get good and it just doesn't. 

Edited by snowwhyte
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6 hours ago, TimetoShine said:

Sam specific episodes are a 100% miss

It really is a shame, too, because I've always liked the actor but I hate this character and don't care anything about him. I almost stop watching this show but then they introduced the sister and that part started getting interesting, but I have no interest in any of the characters that were in this episode.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, AngelKitty said:

It really is a shame, too, because I've always liked the actor but I hate this character and don't care anything about him. I almost stop watching this show but then they introduced the sister and that part started getting interesting, but I have no interest in any of the characters that were in this episode.

I just want Mohammed to run into Vanessa and the rest again so they csn see how horrible his life has been... I get why Vanessa was so mad at him.. But he's still a kid and she did some pretty heinous stuff to keep her daughter alive which was only possible because she let a guilty child sacrifice himself for her.. So for some growth and reconciling I'd like that... Sam well it just looks like they ate on some kind of collision course.. Hes someone who she started out with.. They went on divergent but kinda parallel paths and I figure at some point they'll meet up for a final battle

Episode 5 felt much better than the first few (I skipped #4); however, everything about this season feels slow. Halfway through, I just wanted to snap my fingers and ask them to speed it up a bit. 

Glad to see Axel has a purpose again but could have used a bit more of him and he better remain ok.  

Could have used a little less Jolene. 

Edited by TimetoShine
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I've finally caught up with this show. I thought this was a pretty good episode. I liked Axel and Vanessa's "Hand signal" exchange at the beginning. Speaking of Axel, it was great to see him back in his element. Also, has he always had such good trigger discipline? It's such a rare thing in tv and movies. I really like The Burier and the Troops. I hope they survive. Of course that means they'll all die in the next episode or so. I'm interested to learn more about what is really going on in Denver.  I'm going to go ahead and say that vampire vaccine isn't what they say it is. Also if there is a nefarious reason why the group's living quarters were split by gender. Speaking of living quarters, what the hell was that? The Guys get a nice two bedroom and the women get a studio? It could have just been luck, I've gotten the corner room in a hotel before, and the guys may get more roommates, but still. Finally, the last thing this show needs is relationship drama.

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One thing I just learned from this interview with the showrunner, Jared, the nurse who hits on Jolene and who didn't swab the injection site with alcohol BTW, was also in the second episode of the show. He was a phlebotomist who drew blood from and also hit on Vanessa. Says pretty much the same thing in both appearances too. Also, whatever those injections are, they aren't vampire repellent.

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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Question: did seasons 1 and 2 have cursing that’s edited out the way it is in season 3 (I canceled Netflix so I can’t check)? What’s the point in having it if they have to edit it out?


This episode was good. Still a little slow.


I missed what happened to Phil after he jumped. I wish he would stop committing suicide in front of people because he is only going to draw negative attention to himself. 

I am wondering if Phil might actually be dead this time. I don't think so but you never know.

In news that will surprise no one, the anti-vAmpire serum has a terrible side effect. There have been several shots of people being dragged away with everyone basically just ignoring it so I guess that explains that. Either Doc and her girlfriend will be kicked out for making trouble or the daywalkers will turn up and prove them right just as Axel and his group arrive looking for sanctuary.

The confrontation with the B'ah was a disappointment although I finally realised that the actress who plays the B'ah was in Travellers and Continuum. 

Iknew Vanessa probably had a stupid plan when she didn't destroy the Elder's totem. 

Vanessa: Sure, we could destroy the totems and stop the Dark One from ever rising but how about instead we get the totems, raise him ourselves and kill him? I'm doing this whether you agree or not but you can come if you want.

Scarlet: Well, you were acting weird not too long ago and seemed under the influence of the elder. Now you want to raise the Dark Lord and are assuming that we will be able to kill him and magically mAke everything better. I can foresee no problems with that plan. Let's raise the Dark Lord!

I actually didn't mind this episode but this show is still very flawed. 

7 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

The confrontation with the B'ah was a disappointment although I finally realised that the actress who plays the B'ah was in Travellers and Continuum.

I can't believe that was Jennifer Spence.  

7 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

Vanessa: Sure, we could destroy the totems and stop the Dark One from ever rising but how about instead we get the totems, raise him ourselves and kill him? I'm doing this whether you agree or not but you can come if you want.

Scarlet: Well, you were acting weird not too long ago and seemed under the influence of the elder. Now you want to raise the Dark Lord and are assuming that we will be able to kill him and magically mAke everything better. I can foresee no problems with that plan. Let's raise the Dark Lord!

And of course the totems will never fall into the hands of the vampires in the process.

The whole thing with Axel and the troops was pointless. He leaves the group to help them, they get killed and he gets captured, Vanessa rescues him, and he leaves again. They could have completely removed the Troops, had Axel get captured at the same time Scarlet got poisoned and the plot of these last two episodes would not have changed.

8 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

I am wondering if Phil might actually be dead this time. I don't think so but you never know.

I don't think so either. Why go to the trouble of reintroducing his wife, with flashbacks no less, if you are going to kill him before she confronts him?

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I spent most of this episode trying to decide if I am finally quitting this show. I still have some interest in Axel and his story but the rest of it is annoying and kind of gross. If this was a more popular show i could do what I did with the Walking Dead and quit but occasionally check the forums to see what is happening.

I guessed that Scab was going to have to be castrated to stay with the Sisters. I am pleasantly surprised that they didn't show that more graphically. They made up for it with evicerations, head squishing, mice eating and beating hearts. I do think they go overboard with the gore.

I was a bit surprised that they killed Scar Vamp but they didn't really develop his character so he won't be missed.

I fast forwarded through Sam killing his Mohammed replacement but it was obvious she meant he had to kill Mohammed. It was mildly amusing that he killed the wrong guy but that kid and Mohammed should have killed Sam together for what he did to them.

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please kill sam already, used to like him in Sanctuary, but ever since his stint on hell on wheels hes been playing these psychopaths, enough.   the crooked steps episode was really good it was nice to see Michael Eklund from wynonna Earp show up, he steals most of the scenes.

Edited by meeeechiganman
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On 11/17/2018 at 4:22 PM, snowwhyte said:

I fast forwarded through Sam killing his Mohammed replacement but it was obvious she meant he had to kill Mohammed. It was mildly amusing that he killed the wrong guy but that kid and Mohammed should have killed Sam together for what he did to them.

I've not watched the two most recent episodes yet but my reckon is that they're setting sam up to be an elder, the weird metal work project he makes as a kid is his totem. I suspect Sam knew what the dark one(?) would ask from him so deliberately shut Mohammed in the buried shipping container to save him, but it seems scary shadow lady was one step ahead of him. so we've got a show down between Sam and Mohammed coming, surely Sam has to win if i'm right about him either becoming an elder or being somehow instrumental in the raising of the dark one, as surely vanessa will be the one to end him? (soon, hopefully)

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This really feels like two shows at the moment with the split cast and the alternating focus of the episodes. I prefer the episodes that don't feature Vanessa or Sam by a huge margin. Vanessa is hugely frustrating and unlikable as a character and Sam makes me feel cringy and gross. He's just too much. 

There aren't many episodes left in the series so I assume they will start making moves towards reintegrating the cast. I don't have much faith in the writers though so I am guessing the show will meander along until it's disappointing and underwhelming season finale. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, TimetoShine said:

Or series finale. Unfortunately. It doesn’t look like many people are watching and those who are don’t seem to be enjoying. 

Gotta admit, I've been rapidly losing interest in this show. The first season was pretty good, admittedly with a few flaws. Season two started off fairly strong but ended pretty lamely. Season three has just continued to slide further and further into an incomprehensible mess. It's too bad really. This show had a lot of potential early on. Sad to see it's largely been wasted.

Edited by Philbert
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It actually wasn't that bad. I skipped past about two minutes of Vanessa struggling to get off the hook but I quite liked Vanessa being called out for what a terrible person she is. I half expected for her to acknowledge it and just embrace her dark side and become the villain but unfortunately not.

i didn't like John in season one but seeing him back does make me realise that the show would benefit from having someone who will push back against Vanessa when she acts impulsively. Scarlet and Axel might offer token resistance but they cave in too easily.

It was also nice to see Vanessa forgive Mohammad. I always liked their friendship and Vanessa's relationships with the others help to make her more bearable.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, TimetoShine said:

I did see this part and it was nice but I'm just over Vanessa and it' a shame because she's the lead.

That's why I wanted her to become the bad guy. Scarlet and Axel could team up to kill her but there would be the issue of whether the vampires she has returned to human would be under her control. If the show does continue they could definitely benefit from making some drastic changes.

I'm in the minority because i really like this show, it has its flaws, but overall, i think the good outweighs the bad.

what they did very well in series one was the dynamics of survival, the need to join with others vs self preservation, we had double dealing and betrayal, but we also had people failing just because they were scared, which was quite a brave move really.

The second series was flawed but considering it was drastically re worked to fit round Kelly Overton's pregnancy, including the introduction of a complete new major character, i think it worked well considering.

the vampires are the weakest element, and there are truly ridiculous bits like Scab offering  the stuffed cougar to head sister, or basically everything involving Scab full stop really. sam's not nearly as interesting as the writers think he is but there is a reason he's there, one of the key themes is about the nature of evil. vampirism is a metaphor for the badness that is within everyone.  Sam represents a sort of elemental evil as he has been bad since he was a child, he's had a bad start which has damaged him, but the prison guard offers him a way out, even when he's brutally attacked his tormentors in the young offenders institute, Sam rejects this in favour of murdering people for shits and giggles. an extension of this theme is having characters who return to being human having been vampires, and having to cope with what they've done as vampires.

There's been some criticism of the show having a large extended cast but i actually like this aspect of the show, it helps to make the extended universe the show inhabits more real, i think for a relatively low budget show then do a pretty good job of creating a believable post apocalyptic landscape, particularly compared to the much higher budget shows like The Walking Dead.

from the way this season is going, it looks like they'll be needing at least two more seasons to wrap it up, i'll be disappointed if they don't get them as I'm interested in what will happen and in the continued development of the characters.

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I like Axel and am happy to have an Axel focused episode but that seemed like a bit of a diversion. There wasn't much story advancement. I do wonder if they are setting up Axel to break down soon because he definitely seems quite brittle lately. To be reunited with his lost sister only to find out she had been abused and imprisoned by his boss and then to have her die in his arms is tragic. I did guess early on that creepy boss has been behind the sisters disappearance, the pretty Polly comment made that quite obvious. i thought he killed her though. It took me a little bit longer to get the sister connection because I couldn't believe she would stay around the guy that had kidnapped her. 

  • Love 2
On 12/15/2018 at 11:48 PM, snowwhyte said:

I like Axel and am happy to have an Axel focused episode but that seemed like a bit of a diversion. There wasn't much story advancement. I do wonder if they are setting up Axel to break down soon because he definitely seems quite brittle lately. To be reunited with his lost sister only to find out she had been abused and imprisoned by his boss and then to have her die in his arms is tragic. I did guess early on that creepy boss has been behind the sisters disappearance, the pretty Polly comment made that quite obvious. i thought he killed her though. It took me a little bit longer to get the sister connection because I couldn't believe she would stay around the guy that had kidnapped her. 

Like you i'm fine with an all Axle all the time episode, but it wasn't what i was expecting at this point in the season run, this was more like a filler episode from mid season than one nearing the end of the season with a multitude of loose ends unaccounted for.

I was thinking we'd have one episode of Axle reuniting with Scarlet, another featuring the remains of the scooby gang in Detroit and / or Love Land Prison, followed by the finale being the show down between Vanessa and Sam. I'm assuming there's two episodes left, there's better be another season because they're never going to tie it all up in two more episodes.

I also thought it was flagged up pretty early on that Lorne was a wrong 'un, i also saw the reveal abot the sister coming but i'm not sure there was enough time devoted to the development of this character to make her actions entirely believable. She's an independently minded strong woman in her thirties, it's hard to see why such a person would not have broken free from lorne's control and reported him to the police.

Once again they're returning to the theme of forgiveness and controlling the anger that comes from experiencing geing on the wrong end of of other's. Vanessa steps back from the dark side because she is able to forgive Mohammed, Polly needs to forgive Lorne because if she doesn't what he did to her will define and consume her. there's also the issue of how Lorne could be punished for something he no longer remembers having done.

This in turn has a parallel with the issue of people who were once vampires having to come to terms with the things they did when they were turned. Phil murdered his own children in front of his wife, now he's going to try and rescue his wife from the love land prison camp, how is she supposed to react to him after what he has done?

One niggle was why foster dad guy didn't shoot Sam in the head when he;s so close to him, it's not like he would miss at that range, we get that he has super human healing powers but a shotgun blast to the head from a foot away? that would have to sting a bit.

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An episode focussed on Axel and Scarlet with no Sam or Vanessa, this is the show i want. The religious stuff was annoying but I did enjoy this episode.

I was worried that either they were going to kill Axel or that he and Scarlet would separate again after just being reunited. So Phil can shoot himself in the head and come back fine but Axel needs to be bitten by a vampire to heal some burns? That doesn't seem fair.

I did wonder what the trucker guys deal was. I thought maybe he was a daywalker or that he might have been an elder or something. I do think we will see him again.

On 12/22/2018 at 1:19 PM, snowwhyte said:

I did wonder what the trucker guys deal was. I thought maybe he was a daywalker or that he might have been an elder or something. I do think we will see him again.

I think Discount Kris Kristopherson was there as another aspect of the choosing good over evil theme of the show. also there's the them of determinism / fate; DKK simply accepts what fate has to offer him, in his case it's inordinately good luck avoiding vampires, he tells Scarlet she has to accept the Axel might not make it, but Scarlet doesn't accept this and saves Axel, thus showing that you can change fate (ie her and Vanessa's destiny where only one will survive)

slightly annoying aspect to this is that once again it seems there are no hard and fast rules to how the whole vampire / cure thing works, Phil and Julius have instant regeneration ability and can recover from a point blank shot to the head, but Axel is going to die from an infection caused by second degree burns? how does that work, exactly?

with one episode to go we're clearly going to be left with a heap of unanswered questions and a possible cliff hanger ending. they're clearly opening up a new plot line with the whole Love Land thing, presumably we get that laid out next week plus a big show down for Vanessa and Mohammed with Sam.

So the big question now is will it get a fourth series?

I know I've been threatening this for ages but I am finally done. I wasn't expecting much from the finale but between Sam killing Mohammed to become some ridiculous looking monster and Vanessa passively killing Scarlet because of reasons that made no sense I am rather annoyed. 

I think they introduced Scarlet to work around the Vanessa actress' pregnancy last season and now they don't need her any more so they came up with a convoluted reason why Scarlet has to die. The problem is Scarlet and her relationship with Axel was one of the few things that made this show watchable. I am not sticking around for the Sam and Vanessa show. 

  • Love 4

Part of me wondered if it was just because I wasn't giving it my full attention but it really didn't make sense. I

Vanessa: I must become an elder to stop Sam being an elder but it's ok because I'll be a covert elder who brings the vampire system down from the inside.

Weird crone vamp: you must kill the light inside you.

Scarlet: I've had a few conversations with weird dudes about destiny so I think you have to kill me but that's ok because I'm sure that killing me won't extinguish your light but will make it stronger for some reason.

Vanessa sort of kills Scarlet.

Axel: you killed Scarlet! If I see you again I'll kill you. Anyway I'm going to go now.

Weird crone vamp: you already killed your light when you accidentally killed your daughter. Your sister didn't have to die. Don't you feel like an idiot?

  • Love 1

Oh, and I forgot to mention the appearance of Neal McDonough, who I always think of as The Tin Man ever since that series. Anyway, I see him and think "That's the Tin Man." So I look up on IMDB and don't see him on the Van Helsing page and since I can't remember his real name, I look up The Tin Man to get his name but Van Helsing isn't listed on his page either but I know it's him because he's been in a lot of shows I watch. Then this morning I saw an article on SYFY Wire that confirmed it really was him. I'm sorry I don't know how to link to the article but you can find it pretty easily if anyone wants to. They've got big plans for this show but I'm not sure they've convinced me. We'll see.

Poor old Axel, to be fair they did signpost that a fair bit, but of course, neither Mohammed or Scarlet absolutely have to be dead because: magic healing powers that can bring you back to life, er, sometimes.

Julius and Phil seem to have almost immediate healing ability but Axel nearly dies from a minor infection, and if Phil can grow a new brain after sticking a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger, how come Scab doesn't grow a new dick after the sisters cut his old one off?

Then again if i were in his shoes, i probably wouldn't mention it if that did happen.

But anyway, i'll be watching next year, but i have to admit this show could be greatly improved if it turns out Scarlet and Mohammed have the same top level healing package as Phil, and if Sam and Mr overacting himself Scab don't make it to the end of the first episode.

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The vampires who were returned to human seem to have special healing powers but to varying degrees. Phil is obviously the most extreme example. If he could survive a bullet to the head we can presume that Mohammed might return. I have been thinking of them like zombies, that you need to destroy the brain but maybe they need to destroy the heart and Scarlet and Mohammed are gone permanently for that reason.

It does seem strange that returned to humans have better healing than actual vampires.

On 12/31/2018 at 1:13 PM, snowwhyte said:

The vampires who were returned to human seem to have special healing powers but to varying degrees. Phil is obviously the most extreme example. If he could survive a bullet to the head we can presume that Mohammed might return. I have been thinking of them like zombies, that you need to destroy the brain but maybe they need to destroy the heart and Scarlet and Mohammed are gone permanently for that reason.

It does seem strange that returned to humans have better healing than actual vampires.

They don't. Just to Clarify, the returned humans that have healing abilities were bitten again at some point by daywalkers. That is why they can heal. Julius and flesh got bitten in the last couple episode of last season. That is why they had healing powers and Axel did not. It wasnt until scarlett got a daywalker to bite Axel that he got healing powers. 

Mind you i think the whole daywalker plot is stupid but that is why some can heal and others cant. 

  • Love 1

Yeah, that finale was less than impressive. I never minded Sam (unlike most of the people around here) but him turning into the Devil was just a bridge too far. And don't get me started on the decision to kill Scarlett in the lamest of ways. Vanessa was the one real weak point among the characters in this show and instead of getting rid of her, they knocked off one of the most popular ones for, what now? I'm not done with the show just yet but only because I'll probably watch to see just how far down the rabbit hole they'll go.

Damn, Siffy. You were doing so well for a bit there but now you've lost "The Expanse" (okay not really SyFy's fault but still...) you axe "Z-Nation" and this show has just turned into sludge. All I'm gonna say is that S4 of "The Magicians" better be utterly amazing.

Edited by Philbert

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