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S04.E06: Angel's Night Out


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While Joey watches the boys at home, DJ and the girls don flashy costumes for a '70s-themed cruise. But it's not quite the crowd they expected.

Airdate: Friday, December 14, 2018

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Lindsay Wagner! Lee Majors! Those two are who I recognized but did have to look up their names because I couldn't quite remember. Those are fun cameos, none that the younger kids watching would get (which is why I laughed when they edited in cheering sounds for each guest star and the different references).  The Angels part was super fun. I didn't expect to like it, but I did.

The Joey stuff? Meh. 

There hasn't been a whole lot of Fernando so far this season, so I did actually like his subplot with Ramona here. I could see both sides but did feel for Fernando.

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Joey still lives in Vegas with his kids? Isn't he coming for a day kind of far to babysit? Especially when Fernando is there, Jimmy is there, Steve is there. Danny, Becky and Jesse all live back in San Fran too.

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23 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Joey still lives in Vegas with his kids? Isn't he coming for a day kind of far to babysit? Especially when Fernando is there, Jimmy is there, Steve is there. Danny, Becky and Jesse all live back in San Fran too.

From what I remember, Joey should be living in San Francisco now. I believe they moved the entire original cast back in the season 3 finale (I remember feeling annoyed that Joey was coming back too). 

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Yes, I also remember that. And I also remember being concerned that it would mean that Danny, Jesse, Joey and Becky would be in more episodes at the expense of the regular cast. But so far that hasn't really happened. They were even missing from the Christmas episode which is one time when I would have expected to see them all.

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On 12/16/2018 at 3:53 PM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Loved that the boat was the S. S. Papouli. Nice nod to the original series and the boat they had the episode Papouli died.

My wife and I were just loving all the 70s jokes from the Papouli to seeing Lee Majors and Lindsey Wagner. 

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I just don't understand for the life of me why Jackson doesn't babysit his siblings for an evening. He is in high school, FFS. Surely he can get his toddler brother ready for bed (which is the most challenging task with this group).

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In some situations, I can see sibling dynamics being so complex that the parents would rather have an actual adult or an outsider in the house rather than just letting the oldest kid be in charge... but Joey is far more destructive and immature than Jackson, so that's certainly not the case here.

I didn't get most of the 70s jokes, but I enjoyed that subplot anyway. Even having a vague idea of what Charlie's Angels looked like was enough to make the posing and hair flipping charming.

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25 minutes ago, Panopticon said:

In some situations, I can see sibling dynamics being so complex that the parents would rather have an actual adult or an outsider in the house rather than just letting the oldest kid be in charge... but Joey is far more destructive and immature than Jackson, so that's certainly not the case here.

Ain't that the truth! I might trust Joey to watch an easygoing dog for the night, but that's about it. 

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