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The Great British Sewing Bee - General Discussion

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When someone says they are using fabric they’ve never used before and a pattern they did not practice, they deserve to go home. Add to that, Richy has no idea how to fit a human body. This was not the show for him. 

Esme’s enthusiasm when Leo’s shirts were brought up: “I made those!” Love her. 

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I'm not questioning Gill getting garment of the week, but the judges either not mentioning or the editors editing out any mention of the pattern not aligning in the front really stood out.

Every dress in the made to measure challenge looked better irl than in the sketch. And what a variety of duvet covers! I am not sure I own a set that'd look good as a dress, or are not instantly recognisable as such.

I swear, once you notice Brogan's voice in the background when she is not on camera, you can't stop hearing it.

The quilting challenge was quite nice even though I wasn't keen on most of the girly and twee fabrics.

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1 hour ago, Aulty said:

I'm not questioning Gill getting garment of the week, but the judges either not mentioning or the editors editing out any mention of the pattern not aligning in the front really stood out.

I thought the same thing.  The seams didn't line up at all.

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7 hours ago, Aulty said:

I'm not questioning Gill getting garment of the week, but the judges either not mentioning or the editors editing out any mention of the pattern not aligning in the front really stood out.


6 hours ago, LGraves65 said:

I thought the same thing.  The seams didn't line up at all.

I don't understand how Man Yee's repurposed coat didn't get garment of the week, it was perfect. 

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Am I wrong or have all of the garments of the week come from the made to measure so far this season. 

I can fault the offing. He needed to really bring it after last week and he again stuffed up the first two challenges. 

Brogan's voice has, um, made an impact on me also. : D 

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4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Am I wrong or have all of the garments of the week come from the made to measure so far this season. 

Don't they usually? I feel like 80% or more come from the made to measure. I only remember a couple from the transformation and don't remember any that were from the pattern challenge. This is only my 3rd season though.

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Right, glad we got children's week out of the way. Or costume week. Sure, there really wasn't much difference between the two.
The critiques of the MTM were heavy on the "design" part and not focused on the sewing techniques. I liked the fuzzy spider.

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10 hours ago, Aulty said:

Right, glad we got children's week out of the way. Or costume week. Sure, there really wasn't much difference between the two.

Yeah, I never really enjoy children's week.

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I just bought a Liam Gallagher style parka, so I was happy to learn more about the origin. It was a bit close to the athleisure challenge. Marni would've aced that.

The TC was proudly sponsored by the embelishment lobby. How did Brogan come second? Man-Yee's was the best of the bunch, not every country artist plays guitar.

I loved the Bowie challenge, a chance for Esme to break out her Nottig Hill story again. It steers them more towards a more design-focussed, Project Runway territory.
Man Yee got away with not practising her jacket. Christian's looked great from the front.

Sarah, who I generally like, was quite underwhelming, and a bit annoying, this week.

In a throwback to last week's children's week, wee Prince Louis sporting a sailor suit at Trooping today.

Edited by Aulty
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On 6/2/2022 at 1:15 AM, Aulty said:

In a throwback to last week's children's week, wee Prince Louis sporting a sailor suit at Trooping today.

It was his father's sailor suit from when he was that age, which means they saved it to reruse.

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Man Yee using a hot glue gun three episodes in a row and then having her model do the ironing doesn’t sit right with me. Yes, her pjs were beautiful. But would she have still won if they were wrinkly? And is her model going to be threading elastic and making buttonholes next? 

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There is something about a super cool granny and a posh gentlemen talking and handling lingerie on telly. The gusset inspector and her lacy sidekick.

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I can't say I have warmed to this season's contestants like I have to some groups in the past, but I did shed a tear along with Patrick when Gill talked about this being the first time she's been in public without her prosthetic, and how she was okay with it. That will be life-changing for her. 

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I love Annie's 1930s dress, but the transformation shirts were not good Man Yee was the closest to OK.

Has anyone ever noticed how all the women have perfect manis with never any chips? I wonder if the show gives everyone a mani just because they do so many closeups of their hands. They didn't do any real closeups of Cristian's hands, but I did catch a glimpse of them, & they looked all neat & buffed to me.

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As soon as they pointed out Christian's stretch fabric, I knew he'd be out for not meeting the brief with a fabric that could be cut on the bias. Along with the other issues, I imagine it was a fairly easy decision. Those pants in the pattern challenge are so cute but what a tricky process.

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Wow, that transformation challenge was pretty much "tell me you don't have any ideas for a challenge without telling me you don't have any ideas for a challenge", the transformation challenges this season have not ben great.

They really were expecting Debra to be the one eliminated, so surprise! no one is.

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13 hours ago, GaT said:

Wow, that transformation challenge was pretty much "tell me you don't have any ideas for a challenge without telling me you don't have any ideas for a challenge", the transformation challenges this season have not been great.

The results were a bit underwhelming, but as a challenge I liked it because it was something that viewers can have a go at.

That origami challenge ... haven't we had one of those before? Yes, Season 5, episode 7 - International week.

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The MTMs in the finale did very little for me as red carpet looks. I am very happy with the winner, even though I preferred Man Yee's pieces and her PC was my favourite. It was very tight between the 4.
And Esme, the more we know about her, the cooler she gets.

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I didn't like the way Annie's bow was attached, it looked weird so I wasn't that impressed. I think Debra kind of took herself out of contention with her transformation challenge. While the dress looked well made, nothing about it said "party", it looked more like "PTA meeting". If she had just made it less staid, she might have had a chance.

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I thought Annie's looked great and was sewn well, but how does someone sit down with a big bow on their ass? I thought ManYee's looked like a costume.

I agree about Debra's transformation  - I liked it but I guess they really were pushing the "party" idea and it was pretty staid. I was so disappointed in Debra's fabric choice for the made to measure - it looked so 80s and did not show off her special draping and construction well at all. If she had added that detail in a contrasting or complementary color I think it would have helped a lot.

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This was not my favorite season. But Esme is a hoot. There needs to be a documentary about her life. I laughed when she called Patrick a "sad old man" when he said he most of his parties were "parties for one."

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4 hours ago, jpgr said:

I agree about Debra's transformation  - I liked it but I guess they really were pushing the "party" idea and it was pretty staid.

OK I want to expand on this because I'm more upset about it than I thought. The instructions were to make a garment or outfit "that you would wear to a party" -- so this is what Debra would wear to a garden party!! Sometimes I get upset when they judge more on technicalities like this instead of how well it was sewn and appropriate choice of fabrics for purpose. OK, rant over....

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I haven't watched the final episode yet but tore through the rest of the season in the last couple of days.  I'm really happy with any of Annie, Man Yee or Debra winning out of the final four.  The only one I wouldn't be OK with winning is Brogan because even though it's obvious she's a decent seamstress, I have found some of what she's made to be very questionable taste-wise.  I mean, that maxi dress she made looked like it belonged on a female member of a strict and very backward-thinking religious cult.  I have a feeling I've worked out who wins from the comments but let's see how the episode shakes out.

General season overview comments:

  • The new host is OK but I miss Joe.
  • Esme is still a national treasure.
  • I really loved the Bowie made-to-measure challenge and oddly enough, even though I don't usually like children's week either, I thought the children's Halloween costume made-to-measure produced some brilliant work such as Debra's Miss Havisham ghoulish bride, the dragon costume (Annie,) and even Kristian's clown costume.
  • I just read that Man Yee's occupation is "actuary".  How can someone that creative stand to do something so very left-brained all day!
  • Most eliminations went the way I thought they would with the main exception being Marni, who I thought was nearly a lock for the finals in the early part of the season.
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The crossover I didn't know I needed: Sewing Bee's Esme Young and Pottery Throwdown's Keith Brymer will appear together on an episode of Celebrity Antiques Road Trip!!

I don't have a date for their episode yet, but Celebrity Antiques Road Trip series 11 begins on Sunday 23 October at 6:50pm on BBC Two and iPlayer.

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I'm going to leave this nugget of information here: I always assumed Esme was head-hunted for the Sewing Bee, but she auditioned for the job with 17 others (she mentioned that on the Antiques Roadtrip episode she did with Keith. I wonder what they had to do at auditions and if there was a chemistry test with Patrick) - the producers chose right.
Also, in the UK Aldi sells Patrick Grant sewing kits, which are quite neat.

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For anyone interested Patrick Grant has done an hour long program for the BBC called Coronation Tailors: Fit for a King, where he visits the family run business of Kashket & Partners of London. Even if you've no interest in the event in particular or ceremonial uniforms in general Patrick is his usual lovely, enthusiastic self.

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Patrick gives out hugs now?

Asmaa is already a front runner, the red dress was gorgeous. I am looking forward to see if she brings her lingerie experience to next week's challenge. Did they cast the Camilla look-a-like on purpose?
I liked the challenges and hope they stick with the 'classics with a twist' theme. It leaves them enough room to show personality. There were a few sewers who basically did what they themselves wore for the made to measure.
They seem like a lovely bunch already.

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They do seem a lovely bunch, especially when about half the room came to help Catherine when she was struggling.

I was also amused to hear Esme collects skulls, thankfully not human ones!

Asmaa's dress really was a thing of beauty.




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Asmaa’s dress was stunning.

My sole complaint this episode was Matthew getting rave reviews on literally half the office shirt exactly as it started despite the point of the challenge to remake it into something. He cut it in half and added messy straps while other sewers made whole outfits. But Patrick and Esme will always fawn over a bdsm look. Even if it is merely a ripoff of a known designer. 

Edited by oldCJ
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On 5/28/2023 at 10:59 PM, oldCJ said:

But Patrick and Esme will always fawn over a bdsm look. Even if it is merely a ripoff of a known designer. 

Because they need to remind us that Granny and Grandpops are cool.

Second episode, another good set of challenges. I liked the rucksacks, but would prefer there to be big zip on the top.
Tumbs up for their choice and mix of models (although the longer I think about it, I wish they had taken that even further), the way the judges judge the garment without being rude about the models' bodies, and are careful with their hands during the judging (or at least it's edited that way).

Am I imagining it or does Esme seem less spritely this year, especially in her speech pattern?


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Oh Vicki, never make clothes with an arrow pointed at the crotch 😂

Mia's swimsuit was very pretty but I wouldn't want to actually swim in it though.


Shame Gillie went since her work was so neat but she wasn't taking the hints that she needed to do more. Also a shame that Asmaa burnt her swimsuit, I thought her Marilyn inspired bathers were gorgeous. 



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Has Matthew even actually seen a women? Three of his designs have been utterly ridiculous for a women’s chest. Both upcycling challenges this week and last week as well as his swimsuit this week. I understand it’s more difficult for male sewers who are used to making clothes for themselves to sew for a woman’s body. But his swimsuit was just embarrassing even though he should have practiced beforehand.

It feels like Esme is pickier about Asmaa’s sewing than she is about other designers. For example, Vicki’s rucksack had the exact same off-center problem as Asmaa’s. It was even more noticeable when Patrick unrolled Vicki’s, so I was surprised neither said anything about it.IMG_1334.thumb.jpeg.72ddd3888fbfe314a6da76ef58fbe9f6.jpeg

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I missed last weeks episode so I had two to catch up on. First up episode 3 West Africa Week, I wasn't too familiar with some of the garments but I've loved African waxed fabrics since I discovered them a few years ago.

My biggest take away from this episode is I would love a boubou; they look so comfy and stylish! I'd have Lizzie's for the day and Fauve's for the evening.



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On to episode 4 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Week. There were some really interesting transformations with the tote bags and some not so good.

I was more keen to see what the sewer's would do with the crochet and some of them made things that I would actually wear, much to my surprise. Lauren, Lizzie and Mia really stood out to me in that challenge.




Lizzie's had a good couple of weeks, I wonder if she'll hang in there and give Asmaa some competition.

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Episode 5: Art Week

I don't feel I can comment on the theme this week, since I've never cared for the  surrealism movement which has always left me feeling completely bemused.

I will say it was nice to see Mia and Lizzie continue to do well from last week, Lauren and Fauve are are also doing some very nice work. Those four plus Asmaa are looking the strongest IMO.

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It took me a second to figure out a "dressing gown" was a robe. 🤣 Glad our last remaining gent is still in it, but how can it not come down to Lizzie or Asmaa. 

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Nooooo! Dang it. I really liked Lizzie. I was bummed three of them chose Spice Girls in the tranformation challenge. I guess it is hard to dress like Radiohead, Oasis or U2, but someone should have done grunge!

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It’s such a shame about Lizzie, she really seemed to be on a roll I thought she was a cert for the final.

After a couple of quiet weeks Asmaa came back with a stunning made to measure, it was gorgeous!


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Well, not exactly a thriller of a finale. I prefer a season where there is more suspense, but well done to them all!

Esme seemed lower energy this season, I hope she is feeling well. I mean, she is still a total delight, but I noticed in shots that were not close ups and she was just standing in the frame, she looked a bit weary. She did give me one of my all time favorite Esme moments when she approached one of Asmaa's made to measures that was pretty much perfect and just made a "pooh-pooh" gesture with her hands and deadpanned "it's shit" and then started laughing. 🤣

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Well, not exactly a thriller of a finale. I prefer a season where there is more suspense, but well done to them all!

Mia made a strong start with the pattern challenge, but I agree Asmaa looked like the winner for most of the episode (most of the series really).

I really liked the 3 finalists and enjoyed watching Mia and Tony progress throughout the show. But I must say it was so satisfying watching Asmaa's final dress transform. It was like visual ASMR!


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I just binge-watched Season 9 with my mum during the past couple of days and was thrilled with the result.  Asmaa - what an amazing lady she is, and so talented.  I myself went through breast cancer in 2015 and the thought of having a surgeon who would also make bespoke bras for her patients just blows my mind.  A very worthy winner!  Mia, meanwhile, is very talented and what a trajectory for someone who hasn't been sewing all that long, but was obviously born to do it.  And did anybody show more growth than Tony, who started off his sewing life making his own postal delivery accessories for his bike and ended up making transforming evening wear?  Love this show and can't wait for the next season! 

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